Non-inheritable method in python - python

Suppose I have two classes, one inheriting from the other :
class A():
def __init__(self):
def doSomething(self):
print('It Works !') # Insert actual code here
class B(A):
How do I make the doSomething method impossible to inherit, so that :
( I want to make the error happen )
>>> a = A()
>>> a.doSomething()
'It Works !'
>>> b = B()
>>> b.doSomething()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#132>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'B' object has no attribute 'doSomething'

To the best of my knowledge, there is no builtin way to do this in Python, because it is not really considered part of the Python philosophy. There can define "protected" and "private" methods in Python by prepending a single _ or double __, but you can still call those, it's just discouraged.
One very hacky way to achieve something similar might be to make the method itself "private" and have __getattr__ redirect to that method, but only if the object is really an A.
class A():
def __init__(self):
def __doSomething(self):
print('It Works !')
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr == "doSomething":
if type(self) == A:
return self.__doSomething
raise TypeError("Nope")
return super(A).__getattr__(self, attr)
But this could still be circumvented by calling the "private" method directly as _A__doSomething or overwriting __getattr__ in B.
Alternatively, possibly safer and probably simpler (but still pretty hacky IMHO), you could also add that check to doSomething itself.
def doSomething(self):
if type(self) != A:
raise TypeError("Nope")
print('It Works !')

You should question whether you want to have a non-inheritable part in the first place. It would be more typical to abstract out the common parts of A and B into a common parent, or use a mixin pattern.
class Parent
def doCommonThing1
def doCommonThing2
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
class A class B
def doSomething def doOtherThing
If you insist that B must be a subclass of A, then the only way to "uninherit" a method is to override it to do something else. For example, a property which raises attribute error is for all practical purposes the same as a missing attribute:
>>> class A:
... def doSomething(self):
... print("it works")
>>> class B(A):
... #property
... def doSomething(self):
... msg = "{!r} object has no attribute 'doSomething'"
... raise AttributeError(msg.format(type(self).__name__))
>>> A().doSomething()
it works
>>> hasattr(B(), "doSomething")
>>> B().doSomething()
AttributeError: 'B' object has no attribute 'doSomething'


How do I get the class which the function belongs to? [duplicate]

How can I get the class that defined a method in Python?
I'd want the following example to print "__main__.FooClass":
class FooClass:
def foo_method(self):
print "foo"
class BarClass(FooClass):
bar = BarClass()
print get_class_that_defined_method(bar.foo_method)
import inspect
def get_class_that_defined_method(meth):
for cls in inspect.getmro(meth.im_class):
if meth.__name__ in cls.__dict__:
return cls
return None
I don't know why no one has ever brought this up or why the top answer has 50 upvotes when it is slow as hell, but you can also do the following:
def get_class_that_defined_method(meth):
return meth.im_class.__name__
For python 3 I believe this changed and you'll need to look into .__qualname__.
In Python 3, if you need the actual class object you can do:
import sys
f = Foo.my_function
vars(sys.modules[f.__module__])[f.__qualname__.split('.')[0]] # Gets Foo object
If the function could belong to a nested class you would need to iterate as follows:
f = Foo.Bar.my_function
vals = vars(sys.modules[f.__module__])
for attr in f.__qualname__.split('.')[:-1]:
vals = vals[attr]
# vals is now the class Foo.Bar
Thanks Sr2222 for pointing out I was missing the point...
Here's the corrected approach which is just like Alex's but does not require to import anything. I don't think it's an improvement though, unless there's a huge hierarchy of inherited classes as this approach stops as soon as the defining class is found, instead of returning the whole inheritance as getmro does. As said, this is a very unlikely scenario.
def get_class_that_defined_method(method):
method_name = method.__name__
if method.__self__:
classes = [method.__self__.__class__]
#unbound method
classes = [method.im_class]
while classes:
c = classes.pop()
if method_name in c.__dict__:
return c
classes = list(c.__bases__) + classes
return None
And the Example:
>>> class A(object):
... def test(self): pass
>>> class B(A): pass
>>> class C(B): pass
>>> class D(A):
... def test(self): print 1
>>> class E(D,C): pass
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(A().test)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(A.test)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(B.test)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(C.test)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(D.test)
<class '__main__.D'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(E().test)
<class '__main__.D'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(E.test)
<class '__main__.D'>
>>> E().test()
Alex solution returns the same results. As long as Alex approach can be used, I would use it instead of this one.
Python 3
Solved it in a very simple way:
str(bar.foo_method).split(" ", 3)[-2]
This gives
Split on the dot to get the class and the function name separately
I found __qualname__ is useful in Python3.
I test it like that:
class Cls(object):
def func(self):
c = Cls()
# output is: 'Cls.func'
def single_func():
# output: '__main__'
# output: 'single_func'
After my test, I found another answer here.
I started doing something somewhat similar, basically the idea was checking whenever a method in a base class had been implemented or not in a sub class. Turned out the way I originally did it I could not detect when an intermediate class was actually implementing the method.
My workaround for it was quite simple actually; setting a method attribute and testing its presence later. Here's an simplification of the whole thing:
class A():
def method(self):
method._orig = None # This attribute will be gone once the method is implemented
def run_method(self, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(self.method, '_orig'):
raise Exception('method not implemented')
self.method(*args, **kwargs)
class B(A):
class C(B):
def method(self):
class D(C):
B().run_method() # ==> Raises Exception: method not implemented
C().run_method() # OK
D().run_method() # OK
UPDATE: Actually call method() from run_method() (isn't that the spirit?) and have it pass all arguments unmodified to the method.
P.S.: This answer does not directly answer the question. IMHO there are two reasons one would want to know which class defined a method; first is to point fingers at a class in debug code (such as in exception handling), and the second is to determine if the method has been re-implemented (where method is a stub meant to be implemented by the programmer). This answer solves that second case in a different way.
if you get this error:
'function' object has no attribute 'im_class'
try this:
import inspect
def get_class_that_defined_method(meth):
class_func_defided = meth.__globals__[meth.__qualname__.split('.')[0]]
#full_func_name = "%s.%s.%s"%(class_func_defided.__module__,class_func_defided.__name__,meth.__name__)
if inspect.isfunction(class_func_defided):
print("%s is not part of a class."%meth.__name__)
return None
return class_func_defided
sample test:
class ExampleClass:
def ex_static_method():
print("hello from static method")
def ex_instance_method(self):
print("hello from instance method")
def ex_funct(self):
print("hello from simple function")
if __name__ == "__main__":
static_method_class = get_class_that_defined_method(ExampleClass.ex_static_method)
instance_method_class = get_class_that_defined_method(ExampleClass.ex_instance_method)
function_class = get_class_that_defined_method(ex_funct)

how to get the class name of a statics method belongs to it [duplicate]

How can I get the class that defined a method in Python?
I'd want the following example to print "__main__.FooClass":
class FooClass:
def foo_method(self):
print "foo"
class BarClass(FooClass):
bar = BarClass()
print get_class_that_defined_method(bar.foo_method)
import inspect
def get_class_that_defined_method(meth):
for cls in inspect.getmro(meth.im_class):
if meth.__name__ in cls.__dict__:
return cls
return None
I don't know why no one has ever brought this up or why the top answer has 50 upvotes when it is slow as hell, but you can also do the following:
def get_class_that_defined_method(meth):
return meth.im_class.__name__
For python 3 I believe this changed and you'll need to look into .__qualname__.
In Python 3, if you need the actual class object you can do:
import sys
f = Foo.my_function
vars(sys.modules[f.__module__])[f.__qualname__.split('.')[0]] # Gets Foo object
If the function could belong to a nested class you would need to iterate as follows:
f = Foo.Bar.my_function
vals = vars(sys.modules[f.__module__])
for attr in f.__qualname__.split('.')[:-1]:
vals = vals[attr]
# vals is now the class Foo.Bar
Thanks Sr2222 for pointing out I was missing the point...
Here's the corrected approach which is just like Alex's but does not require to import anything. I don't think it's an improvement though, unless there's a huge hierarchy of inherited classes as this approach stops as soon as the defining class is found, instead of returning the whole inheritance as getmro does. As said, this is a very unlikely scenario.
def get_class_that_defined_method(method):
method_name = method.__name__
if method.__self__:
classes = [method.__self__.__class__]
#unbound method
classes = [method.im_class]
while classes:
c = classes.pop()
if method_name in c.__dict__:
return c
classes = list(c.__bases__) + classes
return None
And the Example:
>>> class A(object):
... def test(self): pass
>>> class B(A): pass
>>> class C(B): pass
>>> class D(A):
... def test(self): print 1
>>> class E(D,C): pass
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(A().test)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(A.test)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(B.test)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(C.test)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(D.test)
<class '__main__.D'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(E().test)
<class '__main__.D'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(E.test)
<class '__main__.D'>
>>> E().test()
Alex solution returns the same results. As long as Alex approach can be used, I would use it instead of this one.
Python 3
Solved it in a very simple way:
str(bar.foo_method).split(" ", 3)[-2]
This gives
Split on the dot to get the class and the function name separately
I found __qualname__ is useful in Python3.
I test it like that:
class Cls(object):
def func(self):
c = Cls()
# output is: 'Cls.func'
def single_func():
# output: '__main__'
# output: 'single_func'
After my test, I found another answer here.
I started doing something somewhat similar, basically the idea was checking whenever a method in a base class had been implemented or not in a sub class. Turned out the way I originally did it I could not detect when an intermediate class was actually implementing the method.
My workaround for it was quite simple actually; setting a method attribute and testing its presence later. Here's an simplification of the whole thing:
class A():
def method(self):
method._orig = None # This attribute will be gone once the method is implemented
def run_method(self, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(self.method, '_orig'):
raise Exception('method not implemented')
self.method(*args, **kwargs)
class B(A):
class C(B):
def method(self):
class D(C):
B().run_method() # ==> Raises Exception: method not implemented
C().run_method() # OK
D().run_method() # OK
UPDATE: Actually call method() from run_method() (isn't that the spirit?) and have it pass all arguments unmodified to the method.
P.S.: This answer does not directly answer the question. IMHO there are two reasons one would want to know which class defined a method; first is to point fingers at a class in debug code (such as in exception handling), and the second is to determine if the method has been re-implemented (where method is a stub meant to be implemented by the programmer). This answer solves that second case in a different way.
if you get this error:
'function' object has no attribute 'im_class'
try this:
import inspect
def get_class_that_defined_method(meth):
class_func_defided = meth.__globals__[meth.__qualname__.split('.')[0]]
#full_func_name = "%s.%s.%s"%(class_func_defided.__module__,class_func_defided.__name__,meth.__name__)
if inspect.isfunction(class_func_defided):
print("%s is not part of a class."%meth.__name__)
return None
return class_func_defided
sample test:
class ExampleClass:
def ex_static_method():
print("hello from static method")
def ex_instance_method(self):
print("hello from instance method")
def ex_funct(self):
print("hello from simple function")
if __name__ == "__main__":
static_method_class = get_class_that_defined_method(ExampleClass.ex_static_method)
instance_method_class = get_class_that_defined_method(ExampleClass.ex_instance_method)
function_class = get_class_that_defined_method(ex_funct)

Python class which instances' atributes can't be edited

What would be the most convenient way to create a class which instances' attributes can't be changed from outside the class (you could still get the value), so it'd be possible to call self.var = v inside the class' methods, but not ClassObject().var = v outside of the class?
I've tried messing with __setattr__() but if I override it, the name attribute cannot be initiated in the __init__() method. Only way would be to override __setattr__() and use object.__setattr__(), which I am doing at the moment:
class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self, name):
object.__setattr__(self, "name", name)
def my_method(self):
object.__setattr__(self, "name", + "+")
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
raise Exception("Usage restricted")
Now this solution works, and it's enough, but I was wondering if there's even a better solution. The problem with this one is: I can still call object.__setattr__(MyClass("foo"), "name", "foo_name") from anywhere outside the class.
Is there any way to totally prevent setting the variable to anything from outside of the class?
EDIT: Stupid me not mentioning I'm not looking for property here, some of you already answered it, however it's not enough for me since it will leave self._name changeable.
No, you cannot do this in pure python.
You can use properties to mark your attributes as read-only though; using underscore-prefixed 'private' attributes instead:
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self._spam = value
def spam(self):
return self._spam
The above code only specifies a getter for the property; Python will not let you set a value for Foo().spam now:
>>> class Foo(object):
... def __init__(self, value):
... self._spam = value
... #property
... def spam(self):
... return self._spam
>>> f = Foo('eggs')
>>> f.spam
>>> f.spam = 'ham'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: can't set attribute
Of course, you can still access the 'private' _spam attribute from outside:
>>> f._spam
>>> f._spam = 'ham'
>>> f.spam
You could use the double underscore convention, where attribute names with __ at the start (but not at the end!) are renamed on compilation. This is not meant for making a attribute inaccessible from the outside, it's intent is to protect an attribute from being overwritten by a subclass instead.
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.__spam = value
def spam(self):
return self.__spam
You can still access those attributes:
>>> f = Foo('eggs')
>>> f.spam
>>> f.__spam
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Foo' object has no attribute '__spam'
>>> f._Foo__spam
>>> f._Foo__spam = 'ham'
>>> f.spam
There is no strict way of doing encapsulation on Python. The best you can do is prepend 2 underscores __ to the intended to be private attributes. This will cause them to be mangled with the class name (_ClassName_AttribName), so if you try to use them on an inherited class, the base member won't be referenced. The names are not mangled if you use getattrib() or setattrib() though.
You can also override __dir()__ in order to hide them.
You can use properties to simulate such a behavior but like Martijn said, it'll be possible to access the variable directly.
Doing this is a signal of you not understanding Python philosophy, check this out.
Why Python is not full object-oriented?
The properties way:
class C(object):
def __init__(self):
self._x = None
def getx(self):
return self._x
def setx(self, value):
raise Exception("Usage restricted")
x = property(getx, setx)

Python: check if method is static

assume following class definition:
class A:
def f(self):
return 'this is f'
def g():
return 'this is g'
a = A()
So f is a normal method and g is a static method.
Now, how can I check if the funcion objects a.f and a.g are static or not? Is there a "isstatic" funcion in Python?
I have to know this because I have lists containing many different function (method) objects, and to call them I have to know if they are expecting "self" as a parameter or not.
Lets experiment a bit:
>>> import types
>>> class A:
... def f(self):
... return 'this is f'
... #staticmethod
... def g():
... return 'this is g'
>>> a = A()
>>> a.f
<bound method A.f of <__main__.A instance at 0x800f21320>>
>>> a.g
<function g at 0x800eb28c0>
>>> isinstance(a.g, types.FunctionType)
>>> isinstance(a.f, types.FunctionType)
So it looks like you can use types.FunctionType to distinguish static methods.
Your approach seems a bit flawed to me, but you can check class attributes:
(in Python 2.7):
>>> type(A.f)
<type 'instancemethod'>
>>> type(A.g)
<type 'function'>
or instance attributes in Python 3.x
>>> a = A()
>>> type(a.f)
<type 'method'>
>>> type(a.g)
<type 'function'>
To supplement the answers here, in Python 3 the best way is like so:
import inspect
class Test:
def test(): pass
isstatic = isinstance(inspect.getattr_static(Test, "test"), staticmethod)
We use getattr_static rather than getattr, since getattr will retrieve the bound method or function, not the staticmethod class object. You can do a similar check for classmethod types and property's (e.g. attributes defined using the #property decorator)
Note that even though it is a staticmethod, don't assume it was defined inside the class. The method source may have originated from another class. To get the true source, you can look at the underlying function's qualified name and module. For example:
class A:
def test(): pass
class B: pass
B.test = inspect.getattr_static(A, "test")
print("true source: ", B.test.__qualname__)
Technically, any method can be used as "static" methods, so long as they are called on the class itself, so just keep that in mind. For example, this will work perfectly fine:
class Test:
def test():
That example will not work with instances of Test, since the method will be bound to the instance and called as Test.test(self) instead.
Instance and class methods can be used as static methods as well in some cases, so long as the first arg is handled properly.
class Test:
def test(self):
Perhaps another rare case is a staticmethod that is also bound to a class or instance. For example:
class Test:
def test(cls): pass
Test.static_test = staticmethod(Test.test)
Though technically it is a staticmethod, it is really behaving like a classmethod. So in your introspection, you may consider checking the __self__ (recursively on __func__) to see if the method is bound to a class or instance.
I happens to have a module to solve this. And it's Python2/3 compatible solution. And it allows to test with method inherit from parent class.
Plus, this module can also test:
regular attribute
property style method
regular method
For example:
class Base(object):
attribute = "attribute"
def property_method(self):
return "property_method"
def regular_method(self):
return "regular_method"
def static_method():
return "static_method"
def class_method(cls):
return "class_method"
class MyClass(Base):
Here's the solution for staticmethod only. But I recommend to use the module posted here.
import inspect
def is_static_method(klass, attr, value=None):
"""Test if a value of a class is static method.
class MyClass(object):
def method():
:param klass: the class
:param attr: attribute name
:param value: attribute value
if value is None:
value = getattr(klass, attr)
assert getattr(klass, attr) == value
for cls in inspect.getmro(klass):
if inspect.isroutine(value):
if attr in cls.__dict__:
bound_value = cls.__dict__[attr]
if isinstance(bound_value, staticmethod):
return True
return False
Why bother? You can just call g like you call f:
a = A()

Get class that defined method

How can I get the class that defined a method in Python?
I'd want the following example to print "__main__.FooClass":
class FooClass:
def foo_method(self):
print "foo"
class BarClass(FooClass):
bar = BarClass()
print get_class_that_defined_method(bar.foo_method)
import inspect
def get_class_that_defined_method(meth):
for cls in inspect.getmro(meth.im_class):
if meth.__name__ in cls.__dict__:
return cls
return None
I don't know why no one has ever brought this up or why the top answer has 50 upvotes when it is slow as hell, but you can also do the following:
def get_class_that_defined_method(meth):
return meth.im_class.__name__
For python 3 I believe this changed and you'll need to look into .__qualname__.
In Python 3, if you need the actual class object you can do:
import sys
f = Foo.my_function
vars(sys.modules[f.__module__])[f.__qualname__.split('.')[0]] # Gets Foo object
If the function could belong to a nested class you would need to iterate as follows:
f = Foo.Bar.my_function
vals = vars(sys.modules[f.__module__])
for attr in f.__qualname__.split('.')[:-1]:
vals = vals[attr]
# vals is now the class Foo.Bar
Thanks Sr2222 for pointing out I was missing the point...
Here's the corrected approach which is just like Alex's but does not require to import anything. I don't think it's an improvement though, unless there's a huge hierarchy of inherited classes as this approach stops as soon as the defining class is found, instead of returning the whole inheritance as getmro does. As said, this is a very unlikely scenario.
def get_class_that_defined_method(method):
method_name = method.__name__
if method.__self__:
classes = [method.__self__.__class__]
#unbound method
classes = [method.im_class]
while classes:
c = classes.pop()
if method_name in c.__dict__:
return c
classes = list(c.__bases__) + classes
return None
And the Example:
>>> class A(object):
... def test(self): pass
>>> class B(A): pass
>>> class C(B): pass
>>> class D(A):
... def test(self): print 1
>>> class E(D,C): pass
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(A().test)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(A.test)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(B.test)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(C.test)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(D.test)
<class '__main__.D'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(E().test)
<class '__main__.D'>
>>> get_class_that_defined_method(E.test)
<class '__main__.D'>
>>> E().test()
Alex solution returns the same results. As long as Alex approach can be used, I would use it instead of this one.
Python 3
Solved it in a very simple way:
str(bar.foo_method).split(" ", 3)[-2]
This gives
Split on the dot to get the class and the function name separately
I found __qualname__ is useful in Python3.
I test it like that:
class Cls(object):
def func(self):
c = Cls()
# output is: 'Cls.func'
def single_func():
# output: '__main__'
# output: 'single_func'
After my test, I found another answer here.
I started doing something somewhat similar, basically the idea was checking whenever a method in a base class had been implemented or not in a sub class. Turned out the way I originally did it I could not detect when an intermediate class was actually implementing the method.
My workaround for it was quite simple actually; setting a method attribute and testing its presence later. Here's an simplification of the whole thing:
class A():
def method(self):
method._orig = None # This attribute will be gone once the method is implemented
def run_method(self, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(self.method, '_orig'):
raise Exception('method not implemented')
self.method(*args, **kwargs)
class B(A):
class C(B):
def method(self):
class D(C):
B().run_method() # ==> Raises Exception: method not implemented
C().run_method() # OK
D().run_method() # OK
UPDATE: Actually call method() from run_method() (isn't that the spirit?) and have it pass all arguments unmodified to the method.
P.S.: This answer does not directly answer the question. IMHO there are two reasons one would want to know which class defined a method; first is to point fingers at a class in debug code (such as in exception handling), and the second is to determine if the method has been re-implemented (where method is a stub meant to be implemented by the programmer). This answer solves that second case in a different way.
if you get this error:
'function' object has no attribute 'im_class'
try this:
import inspect
def get_class_that_defined_method(meth):
class_func_defided = meth.__globals__[meth.__qualname__.split('.')[0]]
#full_func_name = "%s.%s.%s"%(class_func_defided.__module__,class_func_defided.__name__,meth.__name__)
if inspect.isfunction(class_func_defided):
print("%s is not part of a class."%meth.__name__)
return None
return class_func_defided
sample test:
class ExampleClass:
def ex_static_method():
print("hello from static method")
def ex_instance_method(self):
print("hello from instance method")
def ex_funct(self):
print("hello from simple function")
if __name__ == "__main__":
static_method_class = get_class_that_defined_method(ExampleClass.ex_static_method)
instance_method_class = get_class_that_defined_method(ExampleClass.ex_instance_method)
function_class = get_class_that_defined_method(ex_funct)

