Python - Function to check if user input matches a condition - python

I'm writing a script that is asking for user to input a number between 1-10, the script will then call the function Size and will return true if the number is greater or equal to 5 and false if not. However, I seem to have run into a bit of a wall, I get an error asking me to define x, this is my code currently.
def Size(x):
if x >= 5:
x = int(input("Please enter a number greater than 5"))

You declared user input x in the Size function. X should be an outside size function
def Size(x):
if x >= 5:
x = int(input("Please enter a number greater than 5"))
Or if you want to take user input in Size function then initialize x in Size function and pass just Size function then follow the second answer

You were close, you need to correct 3 things in your code.
Ask user for input before doing checks in your function.
Remove variable passed in your user defined function.
You need to change name of your function for safer side to make it more meaningful, so I changed it to funcSize.
def funcSize():
x = int(input("Please enter a number greater than 5: "))
if x >= 5:

Define x outside the function. Rest of the code is correct.

def Size(x):
if x >= 5:
x = int(input("Please enter a number greater than 5"))
The error occured because I didn't fix my indentation after the false statement.


Python How to break loop with 0

I don't understand why is not working on my code
def random_calculation(num):
return((num*77 + (90+2-9+3)))
while random_calculation:
num = int(input("Pleace enter number: "))
if num == "0":
Can you guide me what is wrong here, i really dont understand
You have several errors in your code:
You cannot do while random_calculation like this. You need to call the function, but since inside the loop you are already checking for a break condition, use while True instead.
Also, you are converting the input to int, but then comparing agains the string "0" instead of the int 0
Here's the corrected code:
def random_calculation(num):
# 90+2-9+3 is a bit strange, but not incorrect.
return((num*77 + (90+2-9+3)))
while True:
num = int(input("Please enter number: "))
if num == 0:
# you don't need an else, since the conditional would
# break if triggered, so you can save an indentation level
so,when you start the loop it ask you what number you want to enter and then the code checks if the number is == to 0. IF the number is equal to 0: break the loop. IF the number is equal to any other number it prints the "random_calculation" function

Am I using boolean operations correctly?

For an assignment for class, I am needing to create a program that returns if a number is even or odd, while having the main function get user input and displays the output, while another function checks whether the number is even or odd. My python knowledge so far is very basic.
Here is what I've got so far.
def check(number):
if (number % 2) == 0:
return True
return False
def main():
number = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
if check is True:
print("This is an even number.")
elif check is False:
print("This is an odd number.")
__name__ == "__main__"
When I run the code, I get the input prompt, but nothing in return after.
check is a function, so it should be like
if check(number):
print("This is an even number.")
print("This is an odd number.")
Python is very flexible, you don't even need a function.
I would take advantage of f-strings and a ternary:
number = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
print(f'This is an {"odd" if (number % 2) else "even"} number')
Enter an integer: 2
This is an even number
Enter an integer: 3
This is an odd number
As you are basic this is not the best function for check using bool.
def check(num):
return num % 2 == 0 # return True if even otherwise odd
This code is simple and easily to read rapidly.

Using a While loop in python when asking for something specific

Question is to
Prompt the user for a number from 1 to 100. Using a while loop, if they entered an invalid number, tell them the number entered is invalid and then prompt them again for a number from 1 to 100. If they enter a valid number - thank them for their input.
x = int(input("please enter a number 1-100, inclusive: "))
y = x<0 or x>100
while y is True:
int(input("please enter a number 1-100, inclusive: ")
print("thank you for your input")
my code is incorrect. Help me fix it please?
Aren't you missing a parenthesis in the statement before else: ? Looks like it says else: is invalid due to that.
Besides the syntax error (missing ) before the line of else, your code also have logical error, you need to set the y = False when user give proper input to get out from the while loop, like :
x = int(input("please enter a number 1-100, inclusive: "))
y = x<0 or x>100
while y is True:
value = int(input("please enter a number 1-100, inclusive: "))
if value >= 0 and value <= 100:
y = False
print("thank you for your input")
Simplification and correction of your code
while True:
x = int(input("please enter a number 1-100, inclusive: "))
if 1 <= x <= 100: # range check
print("thank you for your input")
break # terminates while loop
print("invalid.") # print then continue in while loop
#Krish says a really good answer about how you are missing a second bracket during the line that you prompt inside the while loop. I assume you receive a SyntaxError about it (probably listing the immediately following line--unfortunately common in software).
However, you have a much more fundamental issue with your code: you never update y so you have an infinite loop that will always think that the input is invalid.
x = int(input("please enter a number 1-100, inclusive: "))
y = x<0 or x>100
while y: # it is unnecessary to check a boolean against a condition
x = int(input("please enter a number 1-100, inclusive: ")) # missing bracket
y = x<0 or x>100 # necessary to end the loop
print("thank you for your input")
Another option is to use break to exit the loop on the spot. It can make for cleaner code with less duplication because now everything is inside the loop.
while True: # infinite loop...but not because of break
x = int(input("please enter a number 1-100, inclusive: "))
if x<0 or x>100:
print("thank you for your input")
For completeness I will also include a couple more advanced features. You can skip this part since you are starting out, but it may be interesting to come back to once you have become more familiar with the language.
Helps make the code cleaner.
user_input = lambda: int(input("please enter a number 1-100, inclusive: "))
condition = lambda x: x<0 or x>100
while condition(user_input()):
print("thank you for your input")
This one is really advanced and overkill for what you are trying to accomplish. Still, it is good to know about for a later, more advanced problem that it would be appropriate for. Docs found here.
from cmd import Cmd
class ValidNumberPrompter(Cmd):
This is a class for a CLI to prompt users for a valid number.
prompt = "please enter a number 1-100, inclusive: "
def parseline(self, line): # normally would override precmd but this is modifying the way the line is parsed for commands later
command, args, line = super().parseline(line) # superclass behaviour
return (command, args, int(line))
def default(self, line): # don't care about commands
if line<0 or line>100:
return False
print("thank you for your input")
return True
Only start if module is being run at the cmdline.
If it is being imported, let the caller decide
what to do and when to run it.
if __name__ = '__main__':

Boolean return value?

def main():
num = int(input('Please enter an odd number: '))
if False:
print('That was not a odd number, please try again.')
print('Congrats, you know your numbers!')
def number():
if (num / 2) == 0:
return True,num
return False,num
I am trying to make it so that if the number entered is odd, it congratulates the user. If not then it should tell them to try again. I am trying to return the Boolean value to main and then when I try to use the code in the main function to prompt the user, it doesn't work.
Your functions are very odd and I'm not talking about numbers that aren't divisible by 2. Try this:
num = int(input('Please enter an odd number: '))
if num % 2 == 0:
print('Better luck next time??') # no really, you should go back to school (;
Try this:
num_entry = int(input('Please enter an odd number: '))
def number():
return num_entry % 2 == 0
def main():
if number() == True:
print('Sorry, please try again.')
print('Nice! You know your numbers!')
This should work!
Your code does look odd like Malik Brahimi mentioned. This may be because you are trying to write your python code like Java, which requires a main method. There is no such requirement in python.
If you would like to have your check for the "odd-ness" of the number wrapped in a defined function that you can call elsewhere, you should try writing it like this.
def odd_check(number):
if number % 2 == 0:
#This is the check the check formula, which calculates the remainder of dividing number by 2
print('That was not an odd number. Please try again.')
print('Congrats, you know your numbers!')
num = int(input('Please enter an odd number: ')) #where variable is stored.
odd_check(num) #This is where you are calling the previously defined function. You are feeding it the variable that you stored.
If you would like a piece of code that will continue to ask your user to enter a number until they get it right, try something like this:
while True: #This ensures that the code runs until the user picks an odd number
number = int(input('Please enter an odd number: ')) #where variable is stored.
if number % 2 == 0: #the check formula, which calculates the remainder of dividing num by 2
print('That was not an odd number. Please try again.')
print('Congrats, you know your numbers!')
break #This stops the "while" loop when the "else" condition is met.

Run while loop one extra time after condition is met

I am making an area calculator to help me understand the basics of Python, but I want to do some type of validation on it - if a length is less than zero, then ask again.
I've managed to do this with the 'validation' code inside the function for the shape (e.g. inside the 'square' function) but when I put the validation code in a separate function - 'negativeLength,' it doesn't work. This is my code in the separate function:
def negativeLength(whichOne):
while whichOne < 1:
whichOne = int(input('Please enter a valid length!'))
When I run this by calling 'negativeLength(Length)' it will ask me for the length again (as it should) but when I enter the positive length, the condition is met and so the actual loop does not run.
I have also tried (after following Emulate a do-while loop in Python?)
def negativeLength(whichOne):
while True:
whichOne = int(input('Please enter a valid length!'))
if whichOne < 1:
... but that doesn't work either.
I've put the parameter as 'whichOne' because the circle's 'length' is called Radius, so I'd call it as negativeLength(Radius) instead of negativeLength(Length) for a square.
So is there any way to make the while loop finish after the 'whichOne = int(input...)'?
Edit: I'm using Python 3.3.3
The code you've written works, as far as it goes. However, it won't actually do anything useful, because whichOne is never returned to the caller of the function. Note that
def f(x):
x = 2
x = 1
will print 1, not 2. You want to do something like this:
def negative_length(x):
while x < 0:
x = int(input('That was negative. Please input a non-negative length:'))
return x
x = input('Enter a length:')
x = negative_length(x)
I'm going to assume you're using Python 3. If not, you need to use raw_input() rather than input().
The code that I usually use for this would look like:
def negativeLength():
user_input = raw_input('Please enter a length greater than 1: ')
if int(user_input) > 1:
return user_input
input_chk = False
while not input_chk:
user_input = raw_input('Entry not valid. Please enter a valid length: ')
if int(user_input) > 1:
input_chk = True
return user_input
Which should do what you want.

