TypeErr: Object "int" is not callable - python

I tried to make a "typing game" and at first, it worked out pretty nice. But when I translated my code to English (variable names, class names, function names etc.) it gave me the warning "Object int is not callable". How can I solve this?
Here's my code:
import time
import random
import sys
class Player():
def __init__(self, name, health = 5, energy = 10):
self.name = name
self.health = health
self.energy = energy
self.hit = 0
def inf(self):
print("Health: ", self.health, "\nEnergy: ", self.energy, "\nName: ", self.name)
def attack(self, opponent):
for i in range(3):
print(".", end=" ", flush=True)
x = self.randomAttack()
if x == 0:
print("Nobody attacks.")
elif x == 1:
print("{} hits {} !".format(name, opponentName))
opponent.health -= 1
elif x == 2:
print("{} hits {}!".format(opponentName, name))
self.health -= 1
def randomAttack(self):
return random.randint(0, 2)
def hit(self, hit):
hit.hitVariable += 1
hit.energy -= 1
if (hit.hitVariable % 5) == 0:
hit.health -= 1
if hit.health < 1:
hit.energy = 0
print('{} won the game!'.format(self.name))
def exit(cls):
def run(self):
print("Opponent catch you!")
name = input("What's your name?\n>>>")
opponentName = input("What's your opponent's name?\n>>>")
you = Player(name)
opponent = Player(opponentName)
print("Commands: \nAttack: a\nRun: r\nInformation: i\nExit: e")
while True:
x = input(">>>")
if x == "a":
elif x == "r":
elif x == "i":
elif x == "e":
print("Command not found!")
It gives me the error at line 24 (self.hit(opponent)).

Your hit function is the problem. You have member and a function with the same name. Change one of them.
Also rename the hit argument of the hit(). You call it via self.hit(opponent) so I would rename it to def hit(self, opponent):.
def __init__(self, name, health = 5, energy = 10):
self.hit = 0
def hit(self, hit):
hit.hitVariable += 1
hit.energy -= 1
if (hit.hitVariable % 5) == 0:
hit.health -= 1
if hit.health < 1:
hit.energy = 0
print('{} won the game!'.format(self.name))


Why does my movement system randomly break?

Here is the full code:
import random
import numpy as np
world = {}
class Player():
def __init__(self, health, maxHealth, baseDmg, dmg, name, weapons, items, isAlive, previousRoom, roomName):
self.health = health
self.maxHealth = maxHealth
self.baseDmg = baseDmg
self.dmg = dmg
self.name = name
self.weapons = weapons
self.items = items
self.isAlive = isAlive
self.previousRoom = previousRoom
self.room = world[roomName]
def Move(self, direction):
if direction not in self.room.exits:
print("Cannot Move In That Direction!")
newRoomName = self.room.exits[direction]
self.previousRoom = world[self.room.name]
print("Moving to", newRoomName)
self.room = world[newRoomName]
def MoveBack(self):
self.room = world[self.previousRoom.name]
print("Moving to", self.room.name)
class Enemy():
def __init__(self, health, dmg, hasLoot, lootItem, isAlive):
self.health = health
self.dmg = dmg
self.hasLoot = hasLoot
self.lootItem = lootItem
self.isAlive = isAlive
class Weapon():
def __init__(self, name, dmg, description):
self.name = name
self.dmg = dmg
self.description = description
class Item():
def __init__(self, name, amt, description):
self.name = name
self.amt = amt
self.description = description
class Room():
def __init__(self, name, description, exits, hasWeapon, weapon, hasItem, item, hasEnemy, enemy, isFirstVisit, coords):
self.name = name
self.description = description
self.exits = exits
self.hasWeapon = hasWeapon
self.weapon = weapon
self.hasItem = hasItem
self.item = item
self.hasEnemy = hasEnemy
self.enemy = enemy
self.isFirstVisit = isFirstVisit
self.coords = coords
#######################Dungeon Generation###################
rooms = np.zeros((11, 11))
maxRooms = 7
possibleNextRoom = []
def startLevel():
for r in range(len(rooms[0])):
for c in range(len(rooms[1])):
rooms[r][c] = 0
halfHeight = int(len(rooms[1]) / 2)
halfWidth = int(len(rooms[0]) / 2)
rooms[halfWidth][halfHeight] = 1
def resetLevel():
for r in range(len(rooms[0])):
for c in range(len(rooms[1])):
rooms[r][c] = 0
def countRooms():
roomCount = 0
for r in range(len(rooms)):
for c in range(len(rooms)):
if rooms[r][c] == 1:
roomCount += 1
return roomCount
def findPossibleRooms():
for r in range(len(rooms) - 1):
for c in range(len(rooms) - 1):
if rooms[r][c] == 1:
if rooms[r][c+1] != 1:
possibleNextRoom.append((r, c+1))
if rooms[r][c-1] != 1:
possibleNextRoom.append((r, c-1))
if rooms[r-1][c] != 1:
possibleNextRoom.append((r-1, c))
if rooms[r+1][c] != 1:
possibleNextRoom.append((r+1, c))
def addRoom():
x = random.randrange(0, len(possibleNextRoom))
rooms[possibleNextRoom[x][0]][possibleNextRoom[x][1]] = 1
def generateLevel():
global x, possibleNextRoom
while countRooms() < maxRooms:
def makeRoomsForLevel():
counter = 1
for r in range(len(rooms)):
for c in range(len(rooms)):
if rooms[c][r] == 1:
world[f"room{counter}"] = Room(
(r, c)
counter += 1
def findRoom(x, y):
for i in range(len(world)):
if world[f"room{i+1}"].coords == (x, y):
return f"room{i+1}"
return None
def findExits():
for i in range(len(world)):
x, y = world[f"room{i+1}"].coords
exits = dict()
if rooms[x, y+1] == 1:
exits["E"] = findRoom(x, y+1)
if rooms[x+1, y] == 1:
exits["S"] = findRoom(x+1, y)
if rooms[x, y-1] == 1:
exits["W"] = findRoom(x, y-1)
if rooms[x-1, y] == 1:
exits["N"] = findRoom(x-1, y)
world[f"room{i+1}"].exits = exits
WoodenSword = Weapon("Wooden Sword", 5, "A wooden sword. Looks like a kid's toy.")
IronDagger = Weapon("Iron Dagger", 8, "Small, sharp, and pointy. Good for fighting monsters!")
HealthPot = Item("Health Potion", 1, "A Potion of Instant Health. Restores 10 Health.")
goblin1 = Enemy(25, 2, True, [HealthPot, IronDagger], True)
player = Player(10, 10, 5, 5, "", [], [], True, "room1", "room1")
def ShowInv():
print("Name:", player.name)
print("Health:", player.health)
for i in player.weapons:
print(" ===============================")
print(" Weapon:", i.name)
print(" Description:", i.description)
print(" Damage:", i.dmg)
print(" ===============================")
for i in player.items:
print(" ===============================")
print(" Item:", i.name)
print(" Amount:", i.amt)
print(" Description:", i.description)
print(" ===============================")
def testItems(item):
exists = item in player.items
return exists
def fight(enemy):
print("Your Health:", player.health)
print("Enemy Health:", enemy.health)
ans = input("What would you like to do?\n>>")
if ans == "attack":
chance = random.randrange(1, 20)
if chance >= 10:
enemy.health -= player.dmg
print("You did not roll high enough...\nYour turn has been passed...")
if ans == "heal":
chance = random.randrange(1, 20)
if testItems(HealthPot):
if chance >= 10:
x = 0
for item in player.items:
if item == HealthPot:
player.health += 10
if player.health > player.maxHealth:
player.health = player.maxHealth
item.amt -= 1
if item.amt <= 0:
x += 1
print("You did not roll high enough...\nYour turn has been passed...")
if ans == "run":
chance = random.randrange(1, 20)
if chance >= 10:
print("You did not roll high enough...\nYour turn has been passed...")
if enemy.health > 0 and player.health > 0:
chance = random.randrange(1, 20)
if chance >= 10:
player.health -= enemy.dmg
if enemy.health <= 0:
enemy.isAvile = False;
def testRoom():
if player.room.hasWeapon:
if player.room.isFirstVisit:
if player.room.hasItem:
if player.room.isFirstVisit:
if player.room.hasEnemy:
if player.room.isFirstVisit:
while player.room.enemy.health > 0:
player.room.isFirstVisit = False
while True:
command = input(">>")
if command in {"N", "S", "E", "W"}:
elif command == "look":
print("Exits:", *','.join(list(player.room.exits.keys())))
elif command == "inv":
elif command == "heal":
if testItems(HealthPot):
player.health += 10
if player.health > player.maxHealth:
player.health = player.maxHealth
print("You don't have any", HealthPot.name, "\bs")
print("Invalid Command")
And here is the problem:
Everything seems to work fine, until a couple moves in when it breaks and gives me a "KeyError: None" for the room I just walked in. I have no idea what could be causing this, and I am fairly new, so please simplify the explanations for me. I think it has something to do with the findExits() function and findRoom() function, but idk.
Here is the TraceBackError:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 287, in <module>
File "main.py", line 26, in Move
self.room = world[newRoomName]
KeyError: None
I've tried fiddling with the function, but nothing i've tried worked. Here is the repl.it link:
your code is accessing a key before it exists, thus the error. to fix it, you need to assign the newroomname to the world dict as you move, like so:
print("Moving to", newRoomName)
world[newRoomName] = newRoomName
self.room = world[newRoomName]

I cant understand what's wrong with my python code

The part with the goblin works but the part with the elf doesn't.
#importing the random module
import random
#creating the game object class
class GameObject:
class_name = ""
desc = ""
objects = {}
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
GameObject.objects[self.class_name] = self
#defining the description
def get_desc(self):
return self.class_name + "\n" + self.desc
#creating the goblin class
class Goblin(GameObject):
def __init__(self, name):
self.class_name = "goblin"
self.health = 3
self._desc = "A foul creature"
def desc(self):
if self.health >= 3:
return self._desc
elif self.health == 2:
x = random.randint(13, 35)
health_line = "You struck and dealt " + str(x) + " damage!"
elif self.health == 1:
y = 40 - random.randint(13, 35)
health_line = "You rushed and dealt " +str(y) + " damage! \n Goblin activated effect Rage!"
elif self.health <= 0:
health_line = "It is dead."
return self._desc + "\n" + health_line
def desc(self, value):
self._desc = value
#creating the goblin object
goblin = Goblin("Gobbly")
#creating the elf class
class Elf(GameObject):
def __init__(self, name):
self.class_name = "Elf"
self.health = 5
self._desc = "A strong warlock"
def desc(self):
if self.health >= 5:
return self._desc
elif self.health == 4:
x = random.randint(20, 50)
health_line = " You struck and dealt " + str(x) + " damage!"
elif self.health == 3:
x = random.randint(20, 40)
health_line = " You countered and dealt " + str(x) + " damage!"
elif self.health == 2:
y = 40 - random.randint(20, 50)
health_line = "You rushed and dealt " +str(y) + " damage! \n Elf activated effect Sectum Sempra!!"
elif self.health == 1:
y = 40 - random.randint(20, 50)
health_line = " You struck and dealt " + str(x) + " damage!"
elif self.health <= 0:
health_line = "It is dead."
return self._desc + "\n" + health_line
def desc(self, value):
self._desc = value
#creating an elf object
elf = Elf("Elfy")
#defining the hit verb
def hit(noun):
if noun in GameObject.objects:
thing = GameObject.objects[noun]
if type(thing) == Goblin:
thing.health -= 1
if thing.health <= 0:
msg = "You killed the goblin!"
msg = "You hit the {}".format(thing.class_name)
elif type(thing) == Elf:
thing.health -= 1
if thing.health <= 0:
msg = "You killed the elf!"
msg = "You hit the {}".format(thing.class_name)
msg = "There is no {} here.".format(noun)
return msg
#defining the examine verb
def examine(noun):
if noun in GameObject.objects:
return GameObject.objects[noun].get_desc()
return "There is no {} here.".format(noun)
#getting input
def get_input():
command = input(": ").split()
verb_word = command[0]
if verb_word in verb_dict:
verb = verb_dict[verb_word]
print("Unknown verb {}".format(verb_word))
if len(command) >= 2:
noun_word = command[1]
#defining the say verb
def say(noun):
return 'You said "{}"'.format(noun)
#the verbs
verb_dict = {
"say": say,
"examine": examine,
"hit": hit
while True:
It's supposed to say |you hit the elf| when I type |hit elf| like how it says |you hit the goblin| when I type |hit goblin|
I just started learning oop in python and some parts are confusing. If anyone understands, please help me fix the code.
At first elif refers to else if , that simply means that if statement is activated then the elif statement gets skipped . So try replacing elif with if . If problem still continues , reply.
I don't see that you need to check the type of the object here:
def hit(noun):
if noun in GameObject.objects:
thing = GameObject.objects[noun]
thing.health -= 1
if thing.health <= 0:
msg = "You killed the {}!".format(thing.class_name.lower())
msg = "You hit the {}".format(thing.class_name)
msg = "There is no {} here.".format(noun)
return msg

Loops incorrectly then crashes

I've got a piece of code I'm working on for a school project and the basic idea is that there's a battle between two characters where the user can input 2 attributes to each character: Strength and Skill. Now there are also modifiers for skill and strength which is the difference of the player's skill and strength attributes, divided by 5 and then rounded down respectively. Then each player has a dice roll, depending on who got the higher roll, that player gets the skill and strength modifiers added to their given attributes whilst the one that lost gets the modifiers deducted from their score. This then repeats until the strength attribute of one of them reaches 0 where that player then dies and the game ends.
In my code, the dice rolling function runs twice, and then crashes for an unknown reason I cannot identify.
import random
import time
import math
import sys
strength_mod = 0
skill_mod = 0
def delay_print(s):
for c in s:
sys.stdout.write( '%s' % c )
def str_mod(charone_str,chartwo_str):
if charone_str > chartwo_str:
top = charone_str
bottom = chartwo_str
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
elif chartwo_str > charone_str:
top = chartwo_str
bottom = charone_str
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
elif charone_str == chartwo_str:
top = charone_str
bottom = chartwo_str
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
def skl_mod(charone_skl, chartwo_skl):
if charone_skl > chartwo_skl:
top = charone_skl
bottom = chartwo_skl;
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
elif chartwo_skl > charone_skl:
top = chartwo_skl
bottom = charone_skl
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
elif charone_skl == chartwo_skl:
top = charone_skl
bottom = chartwo_skl
calc = top - bottom
calc = calc / 5
calc = math.floor(calc)
return calc
def mods():
global strength_mod
global skill_mod
strength_mod = str_mod(charone_strength, chartwo_strength)
skill_mod = skl_mod(charone_skill, chartwo_skill)
print "\nFor this battle, the strength modifier is:",strength_mod
print "For this battle, the skill modifier is: ",skill_mod
diceroll(charone, chartwo)
print "\n"+str(charone)+"'s","dice roll is:",player1
print "\n"+str(chartwo)+"'s","dice roll is:",player2
def diceroll(charone, chartwo):
print "\n"+str(charone)+" will roll the 6 sided dice first!"
global player1
player1 = random.randint(1,6)
delay_print("\nRolling dice!")
global player2
player2 = random.randint(1,6)
print "\nNow",chartwo,"will roll the 6 sided dice!"
delay_print("\nRolling dice!")
def battle(charone_str, chartwo_str, charone_skl, chartwo_skl, str_mod, skl_mod):
global charone_strength
global charone_skill
global chartwo_strength
global chartwo_skill
if player1 == player2:
print "\nThis round is a draw! No damage done"
elif player1 > player2:
charone_strength = charone_str + str_mod
charone_skill = charone_skl + skl_mod
chartwo_strength = charwo_skl - str_mod
chartwo_skill = chartwo_skl - skl_mod
print "\n"+charone+" won this round"
print "\n"+"Character 1:",charone
print "Strength:",charone_strength
print "Skill:",charone_skill
print "\nCharacter 2:",chartwo
print "Strength:",chartwo_strength
print "Skill:",chartwo_skill
elif player2 > player1:
chartwo_strength = chartwo_str + str_mod
chartwo_skill = chartwo_skl + skl_mod
charone_strength = charone_str - str_mod
charone_skill = charone_skl - skl_mod
print "\n"+chartwo+" won this round"
print "\nCharacter 2:",chartwo
print "Strength:",chartwo_strength
print "Skill:",chartwo_skilll
print "\n"+"Character 1:",charone
print "Strength:",charone_strength
print "Skill:",charone_skill
if charone_skill >= 0:
charone_skill = 0
elif chartwo_skill >= 0:
chartwo_skill = 0
if charone_strength <= 0:
print charone,"has died!",chartwo,"wins!"
elif chartwo_strength <= 0:
print chartwo,"has died!",charone,"wins!"
charone = raw_input("Enter the name of character one: ")
chartwo = raw_input("Enter the name of character two: ")
print "\n",charone,"encounters",chartwo
delay_print("\nBattle Initiated!")
charone_strength = int(raw_input("\nEnter the strength score for "+str(charone)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
while charone_strength > 100 or charone_strength < 50:
print "That number is not between 50-100"
charone_strength = int(raw_input("\nEnter the strength score for "+str(charone)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
charone_skill = int(raw_input("Enter the skill score for "+str(charone)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
while charone_skill > 100 or charone_skill < 50:
print "That number is not between 50-100"
charone_skill = int(raw_input("Enter the skill score for "+str(charone)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
chartwo_strength = int(raw_input("\nEnter the strength score for "+str(chartwo)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
while chartwo_strength > 100 or chartwo_strength < 50:
print "That number is not between 50-100"
chartwo_strength = int(raw_input("\n Enter the strength score for "+str(chartwo)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
chartwo_skill = int(raw_input("Enter the skill score for "+str(chartwo)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
while chartwo_skill > 100 or chartwo_skill < 50:
print "That number is not between 50-100"
chartwo_skill = int(raw_input("Enter the skill score for "+str(chartwo)+" (between 50 and 100): "))
print "\nCharacter 1:",charone
print "Strength:",charone_strength
print "Skill:",charone_skill
print "\nCharacter 2:",chartwo
print "Strength:",chartwo_strength
print "Skill:",chartwo_skill
while charone_strength != 0 or chartwo_strength != 0:
ent = raw_input("Press Enter to roll! ")
battle(charone_strength, chartwo_strength, charone_skill, chartwo_skill, str_mod, skl_mod)
play = raw_input("\nWould you like to play again?")
if play in ["yes","y","Yes","Y"]:
print "Goodbye"
This code is an excellent example of how not to program:
heavy use of global variables
multiple variables with very similar names (ie charone_strength, charone_str)
reuse of names in different contexts (in global scope, str_mod is a function, but in function battle it is supposed to be an integer
Your immediate problem: in line 182, you call
battle(charone_strength, chartwo_strength, charone_skill, chartwo_skill, str_mod, skl_mod)
which should be
battle(charone_strength, chartwo_strength, charone_skill, chartwo_skill, strength_mod, skill_mod)
but is confused because in the function strength_mod is referred to as str_mod.
Here is a greatly cleaned-up version. (Further suggestions for improvement are welcome).
from __future__ import division, print_function
from random import randint
import sys
from time import sleep
# Python 2/3 compatibility shim
if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
# Python 2.x
inp = raw_input
rng = xrange
# Python 3.x
inp = input
rng = range
'y': True, 'yes': True, 't': True, '': True,
'n': False, 'no': False, 'f': False
def get_int(prompt="Enter an integer: ", lo=None, hi=None):
while True:
i = int(inp(prompt))
if (lo is None or lo <= i) and (hi is None or i <= hi):
return i
except ValueError:
def get_tf(prompt="Yes or no? ", tf_values=TF_VALUES):
while True:
s = inp(prompt).strip().lower()
tf = tf_values.get(s, None)
if tf is not None:
return tf
def pause(delay=PAUSE_DELAY):
def roll(die_sides=6):
return randint(1, die_sides)
def slow_print(s, delay=PRINT_DELAY):
for ch in s:
print(ch, end='', flush=True)
print('') # end of line
def wait_for_enter(prompt):
class Fighter:
def get_fighter(cls, prompt):
name = inp ("Name: ")
health = get_int("Health: (50-100) ", 50, 100)
skill = get_int("Skill: (50-100) ", 50, 100)
return cls(name, health, skill)
def __init__(self, name, health, skill):
self.name = name
self.health = health
self.skill = skill
def is_alive(self):
return self.health > 0
def health_mod(self, other_fighter):
delta = abs(self.health - other_fighter.health)
return int(delta / 5)
def skill_mod(self, other_fighter):
delta = abs(self.skill - other_fighter.skill)
return int(delta / 5)
def attack(self, other_fighter):
wait_for_enter("Hit Enter to fight!")
# figure out mod values
health_mod = self.health_mod(other_fighter)
skill_mod = self.skill_mod (other_fighter)
self_roll = roll()
other_roll = roll()
"Health mod: {} Skill mod: {} {} rolls {} {} rolls {}"
health_mod, skill_mod,
self.name, self_roll,
other_fighter.name, other_roll
# figure out who won this round
if self_roll == other_roll:
print("Draw! No damage done.")
winner, loser = (self, other_fighter) if self_roll > other_roll else (other_fighter, self)
print("{} hits {}!".format(winner.name, loser.name))
winner.health += health_mod
winner.skill += skill_mod
loser.health -= health_mod
loser.skill -= skill_mod
# show results
def __str__(self):
return "{}: health {}, skill {}".format(self.name, max(self.health, 0), max(self.skill, 0))
def fight():
f1 = Fighter.get_fighter("\nFirst fighter:")
f2 = Fighter.get_fighter("\nSecond fighter:")
slow_print("\n{} encounters {}\nBattle Initiated!".format(f1.name, f2.name))
while f1.is_alive() and f2.is_alive():
winner, loser = (f1, f2) if f1.is_alive() else (f2, f1)
print("{} has died; {} wins!".format(loser.name, winner.name))
def main():
while True:
if not get_tf("Would you like to play again? (Y/n)"):
if __name__=="__main__":

Passing Objects Between functions?

I am new to programming in python and, I started writing a simple text based adventure game. I came across a problem when passing an object from one function to another. Here is my code:
import random
import time
num = random.randint(0,2)
xp1 = random.randint(1,2)
class player:
def __init__ (self, name, health, strength, defense, potion, xp, level):
self.__health = health
self.__strength = strength
self.__defense = defense
self.__name = name
self.__potion = potion
self.__xp = xp
self.__level = level
def getName(self):
return self.__name
def getHealth(self):
return self.__health
def getStrength(self):
return self.__strength
def getDefense(self):
return self.__defense
def getPotion(self):
return self.__potion
def getXP(self):
return self.__xp
def getLevel(self):
return self.__level
def setHealth(self):
self.__health = 10
def setLevel(self):
self.__level = 1
def subHealth(self, num):
self.__health -= num
def subPotion(self):
self.__potion -= 1
return self.__health
def addPotion(self, num1):
self.__potion += num1
def addHealth(self):
self.__health +=2
def addStrength(self):
self.__strength += 1
def addDefense(self):
self.__defense += 1
def addXP(self):
self.__xp += xp1
def addLevel(self):
self.__level += 1
self.__addHealth += 1
self.__defense += 1
self.__strength += 1
def battle(enemy, player1, name1):
player1 = player(name1, player1.getHealth(), player1.getStrength(), player1.getDefense(), player1.getPotion(), player1.getXP(), player1.getLevel())
enemy = player('Dongus', enemy.getHealth(), enemy.getStrength(), enemy.getDefense(), enemy.getPotion(), enemy.getXP(), enemy.getLevel())
s = 0
while s == 0:
attack =int(input("Type 1 to attack, type 2 to use a potion."))
if attack == 1:
print("Dongus's health is", enemy.subHealth(num))
print("Dongus hit you and your health is now at", player1.subHealth(num-player1.getDefense()))
elif attack == 2:
print("You used a potion.")
player1.addHealth(), player1.subPotion()
if player1.getHealth() > 10:
print("Dongus hit you and your health is now at", player1.subHealth(num-player1.getDefense()))
if enemy.getHealth()<=0:
print("Congratulations, you won! You recieved", xp1, "xp!")
s = 2
def main():
name1 = input("What would you like your name to be?")
print("Hello,", name1, "you are on a quest to save otis from the evil Dongus. You must slay him, or Otis will poop.")
player1 = player(name1, 10, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1)
enemy = player('Dongus', 8, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0)
print("Your stats are, health:", player1.getHealth(), "strength:", player1.getStrength(), "and defense:", player1.getDefense())
pick = input("You found a health potion! Press 'p' to pick it up.")
p = 0
while p == 0:
if pick == "p":
print("You added a potion to your inventory.")
p = 2
print("You have no potions, you should probably pick this one up.")
p = 2
battle(enemy, player1, name1)
if self.__getXP() == 1:
print("You leveled up. You are now level 2.")
print("Your stats are, health:", player1.getHealth(), "strength:", player1.getStrength(), "and defense:", player.getDefense())
loot1 = int(input("Type ''1'' to loot the enemy chest."))
if loot1 == 1:
print("You recieved two potions!")
battle(enemy, player1, name1)
Now the problem is when I run the game, I get to a point where I type "1" to attack the enemy, but it says, for some reason, that after attacking the enemy, the enemies health is at "None". This is the same case when the enemy attacks player1, it says player1's health is at "None". I assume that "None" is the default value in python 3.4.1, so my thinking is that the player1's object from def main() are not being transferred over to def battle() and I cannot see the reason why this is happening. I most likely am missing something here, or it is something I do not already know about Python that is causing the issue. Does anybody know what I can do to fix this, and why it is doing this?
BTW some of the terms I am using may be wrong, so please correct me if they are... I have only been coding for 2 weeks :p.
First, received not recieved
2nd yes, If you have a Python function that does not return a value, the result is None
# dummy will return "Positive" or None
def dummy(x):
if X > 0:
return "Positive"
So, you probably want to change
def subHealth(self, num):
self.__health -= num
def subHealth(self, num):
self.__health -= num
return self.__health
Your question re: the "player" classes from def main() are not being transferred over to def battle() does not really make sense to me.
But, I see that in the first 2 lines of battle, you are replacing the formal parameters player1 and enemy with local variables, this seems like odd usage in your program.

Connecting and changing .txt-values to/from a mainfunction

I'm trying to create a class with private attributes (the attributevalues are imported from a .txt-file) the user should be able to change the values of the attribute. The list looks like this:
My question is; where does my messy code go wrong? What am I missing? I've been searching the web for answers for a few days now.
#The class
class Rat(object):
"""Defines my class"""
def __init__(self, rat_name, sleep, joy, full, happiness):
self.__rat_name = rat_name
self.__sleep = sleep
self.__joy = joy
self.__full = full
self.__happiness = happiness
def setfull(self, value, absolute = False):
"""Gives the full attribute a value"""
value = int(value)
if absolute:
self.__full = value
self.__full += value
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def getfull(self):
"""Gives a fullvalue"""
return self.__full
def setfull(self, x):
x = int(x)
"""acess to the full attribute"""
self.__full = x
def sethappiness(self, value, absolute = False):
"""Gives the happiness attribute a value"""
value = int(value)
if absolute:
self.__happiness = value
self.__happiness += value
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def gethappiness(self):
"""Gives happiness value"""
return self.__happiness
def sethappiness(self, x):
"""access to the happiness attribute"""
x = int(x)
self.__happiness = x
def setsleep(self, value, absolute = False):
"""Gives the sleep attribute a value"""
value = int(value)
if absolute:
self.__sleep = value
self.__sleep += value
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def getsleep(self):
"""Gives a sleep value"""
return self.__sleep
def setsleep(self, x):
"""access to the sleep attribute"""
x = int(x)
self.__sleep = x
def setjoy(self, value, absolute = False):
"""Gives a value to the joy attribute"""
value = int(value)
if absolute:
self.__joy = value
self.__joy += value
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def getjoy(self):
"""Gives a joy value"""
return self.__joy
def setjoy(self, x):
"""access to the joy attribute"""
x = int(x)
self.__joy = x
# main menu functions
def cheese(self):
"""Feeds the pet"""
print("- Mmmm cheese!")
self.__full += 3
self.__sleep += 1
self.__joy += 1
return self.__full, self.__sleep, self.__joy
def play(self):
"""Plays with the rat"""
print("- Oh, I'm having fun!")
self.__full -= 2
self.__sleep += 2
self.__joy += 4
self.__happiness += 2
return self.__full, self.__sleep, self.__joy, self.__happiness
def tosleep(self):
"""Let the rat sleep"""
self.__sleep -= 7
self.__joy += 1
return self.__sleep, self.__joy
def trap(self):
"""A mousetrap"""
if self.__full > 5:
print("The rat is to full to be fooled by a simple mousetrap")
print("The rat escaped with a broken tail!")
self.__joy -= 2
self.__happiness -=2
return self.__full, self.__sleep, self.__joy, self.__happiness
def __str__(self):
"""Returns a string that describes the mood of the rat"""
mood =self.rat_name + " är: "
if self.__joy > 5:
mood += "Glad, "
mood += "Pissed, "
if self.__full > 8:
mood += "overfed, "
elif self.__full > 0:
mood += "full, "
elif self.__full < -5:
mood += "starving, "
mood += "craving cheese and "
if self.__sleep > 7:
mood += "very tired and "
elif self.__sleep > 0:
mood += "sleepy and "
mood += "well rested and "
if self.__happiness > 7:
mood += "SUPER HAPPY!"
elif self.__happiness > 0:
mood += "quite happy!"
mood += "unhappy..."
return mood
# The list
def listan():
"""Opens and sorts the list"""
infil = open("ratlist.txt", "r")
rats = []
for row in infil:
lista = row.split("/")
ratname = lista[0]
ratsleep = int(lista[1])
ratjoy = int(lista[2])
ratfull = int(lista[3])
rathappiness = int(lista[4].strip())
t = Rat(ratname, ratsleep, ratjoy, ratfull, rathappiness)
return rats
# the main menu
def main():
"""The menu"""
ratzinger = listan()
choice = None
while choice != "1":
print \
The ratkeeper
1 - Buy a cat
2 - Listen to your rat
3 - Let the rat sleep
4 - Give the rat cheese
5 - Prepare a mousetrap
6 - Play with the rat
7 - Change the values of your rat
8 - Know the name of my rat
choice = input("I want to: ")
if val == "1":
print(rat_name, "was tortured and eaten, bye.")
elif val == "2":
elif val == "3":
elif val == "4":
elif val == "5":
elif val == "6":
elif val == "7":
elif val == "8":
print("Choose a number between one and eight!")
In addition to the answer above: double underscores in Python do not imply that the marked attribute is private. Double underscores apply name mangling and are used to avoid naming-collisions. If you mean "private" then you should use a single underscore.

