I am having issue writing a function that will scan a (for example) 10×10 pixel area for the amount of data points with a certain average.
My issue is getting a 10×10 area across the x axis while keeping the y axis at a constant and then once the x axis 'scan' is complete moving up 10 pixels on the y axis and repeating the scan on the x axis.
# creating a standard to compare images against.
# from corner dark region with a lack of sources.
baseline = np.mean(
M91_master_image[0].data[1800:2000, 1800:2000]
+ 4 * (M91_master_image[0].data[1800:2000, 1800:2000].std())
mst_image_data = M91_master_image[0].data
o_y = 400
o_y2 = 2000
o_x = 400
o_x2 = 2000
s = 10 # pixel increments
x_array = []
y_array = []
while o_x < o_x2:
# print(o_x)
counts = mst_image_data[o_x:o_x + s, o_y:o_y + s]
if counts.mean() > baseline:
x_pos_c = (o_x + (o_x + s))/2
# print(x_pos_c)
x_array = np.append(x_array, x_pos_c)
# print(o_x)
y_pos_c = (o_y + (o_y + s))/2
y_array = np.append(y_array, y_pos_c)
o_y += s
o_x += s
print(x_array, y_array)
From the image you can see what I get is a diagonal:
I want to sum together the values of R_scat from both iterations of the while loop, and then add those products together too (i.e. add the values of R_i together) to give me one single value, but I am unsure how to do this. Here is the code:
# Libraries
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
# Tow counter propagating beams in x-axis
laser_x = np.linspace(0, 100, 100)
laser_negx= np.linspace(0, -100, 100)
# Constant parameters
m_Rb = 1.443*10**-25 #mass of rubidium 87
k_b = 1.38*10**-23
hbar = 1.05*10**-34
Rabi = 46.567*10**6 #Rabi frequency
L = 38.116*10**6 #spontaneous decay rate
# Changable paramaters
#delta_omega = -20*10**-6
#delta_omega = np.linspace(-20*10**6, 0, 15)
#delta_omega = np.array([-20*10**6, -15*10**6, -10*10**6, -5*10**6]) #difference in the laser frequency and the atomic resonance frequency
lmbda = 700*10**-9 #wavelength of laser light
k = (2*np.pi)/lmbda #wavevector of laser light
V = 1.25*10**-4 #volume of MOT space
length = 5*10**-2 #length of MOT
Bohr = 9.274*10**-24
B = 5*10**-4
# Maxwell Boltzmann distribution variables
T = 300
v = np.linspace(0, 10, 5)
# Number of particles emittied
T_oven = 300 #oven temperature
P = 10**(4.312-(4040/T_oven)) #vapour pressure for liquid phase (use 4.857 for solid phase)
A = 5*10**-4 #area of the oven aperture
n = P/(k_b*T_oven) #atomic number density
I_oven = ((n*A)/4) * (2/(np.pi)**0.5) * ((2*k_b*T_oven)/m_Rb)**0.5
#print("The flux of atoms from the oven is", format(I_oven, '.1E'))
# Finding the rate of capture and population for the excited and ground states to find the scattering force
i = 0
delta_omega = np.array([-20*10**6, -10*10**6])
while i<len(delta_omega):
delta = delta_omega[i] + (k*v)
R_scat = L/2 * (Rabi**2/2)/(delta**2+(Rabi**2/2)+(L**2/4))
R_i = np.sum(R_scat)
i = i+1
Here are the results I get from running this code:
[11184874.83348512 14217317.42150675 9999470.28332243 5605001.76872253
[13353256.50318438 12896933.7374322 7756401.89830628 4365821.90749169
2646088.0800265 ]
What if you will create R_sum before while loop and make it an adder for R_i?
R_sum = 0
while i<len(delta_omega):
delta = delta_omega[i] + (k*v)
R_scat = L/2 * (Rabi**2/2)/(delta**2+(Rabi**2/2)+(L**2/4))
R_i = np.sum(R_scat)
R_sum += R_i
i = i+1
print(R_sum) # sum of all values from both iterations
Need help finishing the Code specifically steps 3 and 4.
Compute the temperature (K) profile throughout a cylindrical SiGe wire with thermal conductivity k = 4.2 W/(m*K), length L = 0.05 m, and radius R = 0.005 m.
The boundary conditions are given in the figure below. The solid lines correspond to zero-flux boundary conditions, the long-dashed line to open boundaries with a known temperature, and the short-dashed lines to open boundaries with known flux via convection (the listed T is the “ambient” T). In this figure, assume z (in m) varies in the horizontal direction while r (in m) varies in the vertical direction (the upper left corner is the origin).
Justify your approach. Plot the temperature distribution throughout the wire using a 2D color- map with proper labels. Include contour lines.
# Problem 2
# Import the required modules
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Constants
k = 4.2 # Thermal conductivity in W/(m.K)
L = 0.05 # Length in m
R = 0.005 # Radius in m
T = 575 # Ambient temp. in K
T1 = 423 # K
h1 = 45 # kW/(m^2.K)
T2 = 348 # K
h2 = 650 # kW/(m^2.K)
Ta = 298 # K
h = 7.5 # kW/(m^2.K)
# Iteration parameters
maxit = 2000
tol = 0.0001 # Relative tolerance
merr = 1e5
lam = 1.4 # Parameter for convergence rate
# Setup grid
dr = 0.01
nr = int(R/dr) + 1
nz = int(L/dr) + 1
rr = np.linspace(0,R,num=nr,endpoint=True);
zz = np.linspace(0,L,num=nz,endpoint=True);
# Step 1 - Initial Guesses
M = np.ones((nz,nr)) # Create 2D array w/ ones (z = # of rows, r = # of col)
M = M*T # Matrix of T now
# Step 2 - Apply Boundary Conditions
M[0,0:nr] = T; M[-1,0:nr] = T1;
M[0:nz,0] = T2; M[0:nz,-1] = Ta;
# Step 3 and 4 - Apply LDE, walking over nodes
cc = 0; # Counter
a = k*dr*dr/(4*R)
while merr > tol:
Mold = np.copy(M) # Save current values to old
M[-1,-1]=(2*M[-2,-1]+2*M[-1,-2])/(4+a) # Corner
for j in range(1,nz-1):
for i in range(1,nr-1):
for i in range(1,70):
for j in range(1,nz-1):
for i in range(1,nr-1):
M[j,i] = (M[j,i-1]+M[j,i+1]+M[j-1,i]+M[j+1,i])/(4+a)
M = lam*M+(1-lam)*Mold # Adjust for convergence rate
ea = np.abs((M-Mold)/Mold)
cc = cc + 1;
merr = np.max(ea)
# Plot color mesh
X, Y = np.meshgrid(rr, zz)
p = plt.pcolormesh(rr, zz, M, cmap="RdBu", shading="flat", vmin=0, vmax=100)
ct = plt.contour(X, Y, M, cmap="gray", levels=10, vmin=0, vmax=100)
c = plt.colorbar(p)
plt.xlabel("R (m)")
plt.ylabel("Z (m)")
c.set_label("Teamperature (K)")
# Print Results
print("Converged in %d iterations" % cc)
print("Max error is %f" % merr)
print("Mean Teamperature along central axis %f K" %(np.mean(M[:,0])))
I am currently completing a program in Pyhton (3.6) as per internal requirement. As part of it, I am having to loop through a colour image (3 bytes per pixel, R, G & B) and distort the image pixel by pixel.
I have the same code in other languages (C++, C#), and non-optimized code executes in about two seconds, while optimized code executes in less than a second. By non-optimized code I mean that the matrix multiplication is performed by a 10 line function I implemented. The optimized version just uses external libraries for multiplication.
In Python, this code takes close to 300 seconds. I can´t think of a way to vectorize this logic or speed it up, as there are a couple of "if"s inside the nested loop. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
import numpy as np
#for test purposes:
#roi = rect.rect(0, 0, 1200, 1200)
#input = DCImage.DCImage(1200, 1200, 3)
#correctionImage = DCImage.DCImage(1200,1200,3)
#siteToImage= np.zeros((3,3), np.float32)
#worldToSite= np.zeros ((4, 4))
#r11 = r12 = r13 = r21 = r22 = r23 = r31 = r32 = r33 = 0.0
#xMean = yMean = zMean = 0
#tx = ty = tz = 0
#epsilon = np.finfo(float).eps
#fx = fy = cx = cy = k1 = k2 = p1 = p2 = 0
for i in range (roi.x, roi.x + roi.width):
for j in range (roi.y , roi.y + roi.height):
if ( (input.pixels [i] [j] == [255, 0, 0]).all()):
#Coordinates conversion
siteMat = np.matmul(siteToImage, [i, j, 1])
world =np.matmul(worldToSite, [siteMat[0], siteMat[1], 0.0, 1.0])
xLocal = world[0] - xMean
yLocal = world[1] - yMean
zLocal = z_ortho - zMean
#From World to camera
xCam = r11*xLocal + r12*yLocal + r13*zLocal + tx
yCam = r21*xLocal + r22*yLocal + r23*zLocal + ty
zCam = r31*xLocal + r32*yLocal + r33*zLocal + tz
if (zCam > epsilon or zCam < -epsilon):
xCam = xCam / zCam
yCam = yCam / zCam
r2 = xCam*xCam + yCam*yCam
a1 = 2*xCam*yCam
a2 = r2 + 2*xCam*xCam
a3 = r2 + 2*yCam*yCam
cdist = 1 + k1*r2 + k2*r2*r2
u = int((xCam * cdist + p1 * a1 + p2 * a2) * fx + cx + 0.5)
v = int((yCam * cdist + p1 * a3 + p2 * a1) * fy + cy + 0.5)
if (u>=0 and u<correctionImage.width and v>=0 and v < correctionImage.height):
input.pixels [i] [j] = correctionImage.pixels [u][v]
You normally vectorize this kind of thing by making a displacement map.
Make a complex image where each pixel has the value of its own coordinate, apply the usual math operations to compute whatever transform you want, then apply the map to your source image.
For example, in pyvips you might write:
import sys
import pyvips
image = pyvips.Image.new_from_file(sys.argv[1])
# this makes an image where pixel (0, 0) (at the top-left) has value [0, 0],
# and pixel (image.width, image.height) at the bottom-right has value
# [image.width, image.height]
index = pyvips.Image.xyz(image.width, image.height)
# make a version with (0, 0) at the centre, negative values up and left,
# positive down and right
centre = index - [image.width / 2, image.height / 2]
# to polar space, so each pixel is now distance and angle in degrees
polar = centre.polar()
# scale sin(distance) by 1/distance to make a wavey pattern
d = 10000 * (polar[0] * 3).sin() / (1 + polar[0])
# and back to rectangular coordinates again to make a set of vectors we can
# apply to the original index image
distort = index + d.bandjoin(polar[1]).rect()
# distort the image
distorted = image.mapim(distort)
# pick pixels from either the distorted image or the original, depending on some
# condition
result = (d.abs() > 10 or image[2] > 100).ifthenelse(distorted, image)
That's just a silly wobble pattern, but you can swap it for any distortion you want. Then run as:
$ /usr/bin/time -f %M:%e ./wobble.py ~/pics/horse1920x1080.jpg x.jpg
300ms and 55MB of memory on this two-core, 2015 laptop to make:
After much testing, the only way to speed the function without writing it in C++ was dissassembling it and vectorizing it. The way to do it in this particular instance is to create an array with the valid indexes at the beginning of the funcion and use them as tuples to index the final solution.
subArray[roi.y:roi.y+roi.height,roi.x:roi.x+roi.width,] = input.pixels[roi.y:roi.y+roi.height,roi.x:roi.x+roi.width,]
#Calculate valid XY indexes
y_index, x_index = np.where(np.all(subArray== np.array([255,0,0]), axis=-1))
#do stuff
#Join result values with XY indexes
ij_xy = np.column_stack((i, j, y_index, x_index))
#Only keep valid ij values
valids_ij_xy = ij_xy [(ij_xy [:,0] >= 0) & (ij_xy [:,0] < correctionImage.height) & (ij_xy [:,1] >= 0) & (ij_xy [:,1] < correctionImage.width)]
#Assign values
input.pixels [tuple(np.array(valids_ij_xy [:,2:]).T)] = correctionImage.pixels[tuple(np.array(valids_ij_xy [:,:2]).T)]
Until recently, the code I used to calculate the elevation and azimuth of a satellite from one particular site appeared to work. Then I used a different file from a site, not in the northern but in the southern hemisphere. The elevation angles calculated were sometimes negative i.e. the satellite was below the horizon. This is incorrect, so either the file parameters to be used for the satellite position are false (less likely), or my code below is incorrect (more likely).
rx_position = (self.X_rx, self.Y_rx, self.Z_rx)
diff_position = satellite_carteisan_coords - rx_position
diff_position_individual = diff_position[0]
rho = np.sqrt(diff_position_individual[0]**2 + diff_position_individual[1]**2 + diff_position_individual[2]**2)
dphi, dlambda, h = self.cartesian_to_geoid(rx_position)
slat = np.sin(np.radians(dphi))
slon = np.sin(np.radians(dlambda))
clat = np.cos(np.radians(dphi))
clon = np.cos(np.radians(dlambda))
F = np.array([[-slon, -slat*clon, clat*clon],
[clon, -slat*slon, clat*slon],
[0, clat, slat ]])
np.split(diff_position_individual, 3)
local_vector = np.dot(F.T, diff_position_individual)
E = local_vector[0]
N = local_vector[1]
U = local_vector[2]
hor_dis = np.sqrt(E**2 + N**2)
if hor_dis < 1e-20:
Azi = 0
Ele = 90
Azi = np.rad2deg(math.atan2(E, N))
Ele = np.rad2deg(math.atan2(U, hor_dis))
if Azi < 0:
Azi = Azi + 360
return Azi, Ele
How can I ensure that the code above does not end up calculating elevation angles that are negative?
Main Problem: How can the scipy.signal.cwt() function be inversed.
I have seen where Matlab has an inverse continuous wavelet transform function which will return the original form of the data by inputting the wavelet transform, although you can filter out the slices you don't want.
MATALAB inverse cwt funciton
Since scipy doesn't appear to have the same function, I have been trying to figure out how to get the data back in the same form, while removing the noise and background.
How do I do this?
I tried squaring it to remove negative values, but this gives me values way to large and not quite right.
Here is what I have been trying:
# Compute the wavelet transform
widths = range(1,11)
cwtmatr = signal.cwt(xy['y'], signal.ricker, widths)
# Maybe we multiple by the original data? and square?
WT_to_original_data = (xy['y'] * cwtmatr)**2
And here is a fully compilable short script to show you the type of data I am trying to get and what I have etc.:
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Make some random data with peaks and noise
def make_peaks(x):
bkg_peaks = np.array(np.zeros(len(x)))
desired_peaks = np.array(np.zeros(len(x)))
# Make peaks which contain the data desired
# (Mid range/frequency peaks)
for i in range(0,10):
center = x[-1] * np.random.random() - x[0]
amp = 60 * np.random.random() + 10
width = 10 * np.random.random() + 5
desired_peaks += amp * np.e**(-(x-center)**2/(2*width**2))
# Also make background peaks (not desired)
for i in range(0,3):
center = x[-1] * np.random.random() - x[0]
amp = 40 * np.random.random() + 10
width = 100 * np.random.random() + 100
bkg_peaks += amp * np.e**(-(x-center)**2/(2*width**2))
return bkg_peaks, desired_peaks
x = np.array(range(0, 1000))
bkg_peaks, desired_peaks = make_peaks(x)
y_noise = np.random.normal(loc=30, scale=10, size=len(x))
y = bkg_peaks + desired_peaks + y_noise
xy = np.array( zip(x,y), dtype=[('x',float), ('y',float)])
# Compute the wavelet transform
# I can't figure out what the width is or does?
widths = range(1,11)
# Ricker is 2nd derivative of Gaussian
# (*close* to what *most* of the features are in my data)
# (They're actually Lorentzians and Breit-Wigner-Fano lines)
cwtmatr = signal.cwt(xy['y'], signal.ricker, widths)
# Maybe we multiple by the original data? and square?
WT = (xy['y'] * cwtmatr)**2
# plot the data and results
fig = plt.figure()
ax_raw_data = fig.add_subplot(4,3,1)
ax = {}
for i in range(0, 11):
ax[i] = fig.add_subplot(4,3, i+2)
ax_desired_transformed_data = fig.add_subplot(4,3,12)
ax_raw_data.plot(xy['x'], xy['y'], 'g-')
for i in range(0,10):
ax[i].plot(xy['x'], WT[i])
ax_desired_transformed_data.plot(xy['x'], desired_peaks, 'k-')
This script will output this image:
Where the first plot is the raw data, the middle plots are the wavelet transforms and the last plot is what I want to get out as the processed (background and noise removed) data.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you so much for the help.
I ended up finding a package which provides an inverse wavelet transform function called mlpy. The function is mlpy.wavelet.uwt. This is the compilable script I ended up with which may interest people if they are trying to do noise or background removal:
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mlpy.wavelet as wave
# Make some random data with peaks and noise
def gen_data():
def make_peaks(x):
bkg_peaks = np.array(np.zeros(len(x)))
desired_peaks = np.array(np.zeros(len(x)))
# Make peaks which contain the data desired
# (Mid range/frequency peaks)
for i in range(0,10):
center = x[-1] * np.random.random() - x[0]
amp = 100 * np.random.random() + 10
width = 10 * np.random.random() + 5
desired_peaks += amp * np.e**(-(x-center)**2/(2*width**2))
# Also make background peaks (not desired)
for i in range(0,3):
center = x[-1] * np.random.random() - x[0]
amp = 80 * np.random.random() + 10
width = 100 * np.random.random() + 100
bkg_peaks += amp * np.e**(-(x-center)**2/(2*width**2))
return bkg_peaks, desired_peaks
# make x axis
x = np.array(range(0, 1000))
bkg_peaks, desired_peaks = make_peaks(x)
avg_noise_level = 30
std_dev_noise = 10
size = len(x)
scattering_noise_amp = 100
scat_center = 100
scat_width = 15
scat_std_dev_noise = 100
y_scattering_noise = np.random.normal(scattering_noise_amp, scat_std_dev_noise, size) * np.e**(-(x-scat_center)**2/(2*scat_width**2))
y_noise = np.random.normal(avg_noise_level, std_dev_noise, size) + y_scattering_noise
y = bkg_peaks + desired_peaks + y_noise
xy = np.array( zip(x,y), dtype=[('x',float), ('y',float)])
return xy
# Random data Generated
xy = gen_data()
# Make 2**n amount of data
new_y, bool_y = wave.pad(xy['y'])
orig_mask = np.where(bool_y==True)
# wavelet transform parameters
levels = 8
wf = 'h'
k = 2
# Remove Noise first
# Wave transform
wt = wave.uwt(new_y, wf, k, levels)
# Matrix of the difference between each wavelet level and the original data
diff_array = np.array([(wave.iuwt(wt[i:i+1], wf, k)-new_y) for i in range(len(wt))])
# Index of the level which is most similar to original data (to obtain smoothed data)
indx = np.argmin(np.sum(diff_array**2, axis=1))
# Use the wavelet levels around this region
noise_wt = wt[indx:indx+1]
# smoothed data in 2^n length
new_y = wave.iuwt(noise_wt, wf, k)
# Background Removal
error = 10000
errdiff = 100
i = -1
iter_y_dict = {0:np.copy(new_y)}
bkg_approx_dict = {0:np.array([])}
while abs(errdiff)>=1*10**-24:
i += 1
# Wave transform
wt = wave.uwt(iter_y_dict[i], wf, k, levels)
# Assume last slice is lowest frequency (background approximation)
bkg_wt = wt[-3:-1]
bkg_approx_dict[i] = wave.iuwt(bkg_wt, wf, k)
# Get the error
errdiff = error - sum(iter_y_dict[i] - bkg_approx_dict[i])**2
error = sum(iter_y_dict[i] - bkg_approx_dict[i])**2
# Make every peak higher than bkg_wt
diff = (new_y - bkg_approx_dict[i])
peak_idxs_to_remove = np.where(diff>0.)[0]
iter_y_dict[i+1] = np.copy(new_y)
iter_y_dict[i+1][peak_idxs_to_remove] = np.copy(bkg_approx_dict[i])[peak_idxs_to_remove]
# new data without noise and background
new_y = new_y[orig_mask]
bkg_approx = bkg_approx_dict[len(bkg_approx_dict.keys())-1][orig_mask]
new_data = diff[orig_mask]
# plot the data and results
fig = plt.figure()
ax_raw_data = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax_WT = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax_raw_data.plot(xy['x'], xy['y'], 'g')
for bkg in bkg_approx_dict.values():
ax_raw_data.plot(xy['x'], bkg[orig_mask], 'k')
ax_WT.plot(xy['x'], new_data, 'y')
And here is the output I am getting now:
As you can see, there is still a problem with the background removal (it shifts to the right after each iteration), but it is a different question which I will address here.