Issue in calculating frames sent per second opencv - python

I have the following code, I am calculating time taken to send frames per second from client to server, basically calculating the percentage of frames drop rate and time taken to respond back and communication mode is asynchronous.
Now I am facing some issue in calculating the two metrics, for time taken to respond I have set delay to be more than 5 seconds because due to network and processing speed of server it takes time to send result back to client, therefore, longer delay, but for frames per second, I need to calculate how many frames are sent from the client to server per second, how would I calculate this in the data_rate method. both metrics need different time delay, I cant use same time delay for both metrics. Help is highly appreciated on how to define this in the code.
IMAGE_FOLDER = "videoframe"
FPS = 5
SERVER_A_ADDRESS = "tcp://localhost:5555"
context = zmq.Context()
socket_server_a = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
socket_server_endpoint = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
destination = {
"currentSocket": socket_server_a,
"currentServersTitle": SERVER_A_TITLE,
"currentEndpoint": SERVER_B_TITLE,}
running = True
endpoint_responses = 0
frame_requests = 0
filenames = [f"{IMAGE_FOLDER}/frame{i}.jpg" for i in range(1, 2522)]
def handle_endpoint_responses():
global destination, running, endpoint_responses
while running:
endpoint_response = socket_server_endpoint.recv().decode()
endpoint_responses += 1
def data_rate():
global destination, running, endpoint_responses, frame_requests
while running:
before_received = endpoint_responses ###
after_received = endpoint_responses
before_sent = frame_requests
after_sent = frame_requests ###
print(25 * "#")
print(f"{time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')} ( i ) : receiving model results: {round((after_received - before_received) / 5, 2)} per second.")
print(f"{time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')} ( i ) : sending frames: {round((after_sent - before_sent) / 1, 2)} per second.")
print(25 * "#")
def send_frame(frame, frame_requests):
global destination, running
frame = cv2.resize(frame, (224, 224))
encoded, buffer = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame)
jpg_as_text = base64.b64encode(buffer)
except Exception as Error:
running = False
def main():
global destination, running, frame_requests
interval = 1 / FPS
while running:
for img in filenames:
frame = cv2.imread(img)
frame_requests += 1
threading.Thread(target=send_frame, args=(frame, frame_requests)).start()
if __name__ == "__main__":

Not only the server time, opening the image also takes time, using sleep interval = 1/FPS may lead to a frame drop too, i.e. producing less frames than possible (the same if playing offline). For playing, if done with sleep, the interval could be shorter and current time could be checked in the loop, and if the time is appropriate - sending the next frame, if not - just wait. The delay could be adaptive also and that time may be ahead of the linear period, in order to compensate for the transmission delay, if the goal is the server-side to display or do something with the image at actual frame time.
I think you have to synchronize/measure the difference of the clocks of the client and the server with an initial hand-shake or as part of the transactions, each time, and to include and log the time of sending/receiving in the transactions/log.
That way you could measure some average delay of the transmission.
Another thing that may give hints is initially to play the images without sending them. That will show how much time cv2.imread(...) and the preprocessing take.
I.e. commenting/adding another function without destination["currentSocket"].send(jpg_as_text)


Is there a Python library or a solution that will execute at a minute mark or an hour mark?

My goal is to run a program on different computers and get data from measurements. Problem is that those measurements need to happen at the same time (as much as possible). My current approach is to install crony to synchronize the time of all machines and start a python program that will take measurements at the start of each minute. This proved to be quite unwieldy as I have to poll the time.time() in a loop and check if we entered a new minute.
time_factor = 1 # 1000 if desired resolution is ms, 1 if seconds
interval_s = 60 * time_factor
old_interval = int(time.time()*time_factor) / interval_s
current_interval = None
running = True
while running:
t_s = int(time.time() * time_factor)
current_interval = t_s / interval_s
if (t_s % interval_s == 0) and (current_interval != old_interval):
request_runtime = time.time()
await self.do_time_sensitive_work()
old_interval = current_interval
request_runtime = time.time() - request_runtime
await asyncio.sleep(int(interval_s - request_runtime - 1))
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
Is there a standard solution for this type of a problem, or at least a more elegant solution?
Maybe this is what you are looking for
What is the best way to repeatedly execute a function every x seconds in Python?
Can't comment as I dont have the reputation T.T
Try this:
import asyncio
import time
from datetime import datetime
async def task(call_time):
print(f"task started at: {to_string(call_time)}")
await asyncio.sleep(5)
print(f"task finished at: {to_string((time.time()))}")
def to_string(t):
return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
def call_task(loop, task, *args):
print("task creating")
print("task created")
async def main(loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop):
interval = 10
t = time.time()
while True:
print(f"Now is {to_string(t)}")
call_time = estimate_next_call(t, interval)
print(f"Call time {to_string(call_time)}")
await asyncio.sleep(call_time - t)
call_task(loop, task, call_time)
t += interval
await asyncio.sleep(interval)
def estimate_next_call(t, interval):
return ((t + interval) // interval) * interval
if __name__ == "__main__":
event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
I tried using apscheduler library as it seems to have a cron expression implemented, however i found 2 downsides with this approach. One would be that the library integrates with asyncio code pretty weirdly, must be the fault of my implementation. Second issue is that it takes a couple of milliseconds for the scheduled task to actually start running, it's a minor issue, however scheduling by hand avoids this lag, and I want to get measurements as close as possible to "exact time"
I also tried using celery beat, this however seems like a major overkill, having to install Redis or something else as a message broker, and using such a complex framework for such a minor task simply screams "wrong".
Current solution that works fast enough relies on modifying the resolution of time checks using "time_factor" to modify time.time() values in seconds. Main part of solution is dividing the current time with the interval in order to get the cordial number of the interval in history, if this number has changed we just entered the new interval:
time_factor = 100 # 1000 for milliseconds
interval_size = 60 * time_factor
sleep_time = 1 / (time_factor * 100)
old_interval = int(int(time.time()*time_factor) / interval_size)
current_timestamp = time.time()
current_interval = None
running = True
while running:
current_timestamp = int(time.time() * time_factor)
current_interval = int(t_s / interval_size)
if (current_interval != old_interval):
request_runtime = time.time()
await self.do_time_sensitive_work()
old_interval = current_interval
request_runtime = time.time() - request_runtime
await asyncio.sleep(1/(time_factor*100) - request_runtime )
await asyncio.sleep(1/(time_factor*100))

How can I improve my python openCV video-stream?

I've been working on a project where I use a raspberry pi to send a live video feed to my server. This kinda works but not how I'd like it to.
The problem mainly is the speed. Right now I can send a 640x480 video stream with a speed of around 3.5 FPS and a 1920x1080 with around 0.5 FPS, which is terrible. Since I am not a professional I thought there should be a way of improving my code.
The sender (Raspberry pi):
def send_stream():
connection = True
while connection:
ret,frame =
if ret:
# You might want to enable this while testing.
# cv2.imshow('camera', frame)
b_frame = pickle.dumps(frame)
b_size = len(b_frame)
s.sendall(struct.pack("<L", b_size) + b_frame)
except socket.error:
print("Socket Error!")
connection = False
print("Received no frame from camera, exiting.")
The Receiver (Server):
def recv_stream(self):
payload_size = struct.calcsize("<L")
data = b''
while True:
start_time =
# keep receiving data until it gets the size of the msg.
while len(data) < payload_size:
data += self.connection.recv(4096)
# Get the frame size and remove it from the data.
frame_size = struct.unpack("<L", data[:payload_size])[0]
data = data[payload_size:]
# Keep receiving data until the frame size is reached.
while len(data) < frame_size:
data += self.connection.recv(32768)
# Cut the frame to the beginning of the next frame.
frame_data = data[:frame_size]
data = data[frame_size:]
frame = pickle.loads(frame_data)
frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
end_time =
fps = 1/(end_time-start_time).total_seconds()
print("Fps: ",round(fps,2))
self.current_frame = frame
except (socket.error,socket.timeout) as e:
# The timeout got reached or the client disconnected. Clean up the mess.
print("Cleaning up: ",e)
except socket.error:
self.is_connected = False
One potential reason could because of I/O latency when reading frames. Since cv2.VideoCapture().read() is a blocking operation, the main program is stalled until a frame is read from the camera device and returned. A method to improve performance would be to spawn another thread to handle grabbing frames in parallel instead of relying on a single thread to grab frames in sequential order. We can improve performance by creating a new thread that only polls for new frames while the main thread handles processing/graphing the most recent frame.
Your current approach (Sequential):
Thread 1: Grab frame -> Process frame -> Plot
Proposed approach (Parallel):
Thread 1: Grab frame
from threading import Thread
import time
def get_frames():
while True:
ret, frame =
thread_frames = Thread(target=self.get_frames, args=())
thread_frames.daemon = True
Thread 2: Process frame -> Plot
def process_frames():
while True:
# Grab most recent frame
# Process/plot frame
By having separate threads, your program will be in parallel since there will always be a frame ready to be processed instead of having to wait for a frame to be read in before processing can be done.
Note: This method will give you a performance boost based on I/O latency reduction. This isn't a true increase of FPS as it is a dramatic reduction in latency (a frame is always available for processing; we don't need to poll the camera device and wait for the I/O to complete).
After searching the internet for ages, I found a quick solution which doubled the fps (This is still way too low: 1.1 fps #1080p). What I did was I stopped using pickle and used base64 instead. apparently pickling the image just takes a while. Anyway this is my new code:
The sender (Raspberry pi):
def send_stream():
global connected
connection = True
while connection:
if last_frame is not None:
# You might want to uncomment these lines while testing.
# cv2.imshow('camera', frame)
# cv2.waitKey(1)
frame = last_frame
# The old pickling method.
#b_frame = pickle.dumps(frame)
encoded, buffer = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame)
b_frame = base64.b64encode(buffer)
b_size = len(b_frame)
print("Frame size = ",b_size)
s.sendall(struct.pack("<L", b_size) + b_frame)
except socket.error:
print("Socket Error!")
connection = False
connected = False
return "Socket Error"
return "Received no frame from camera"
The Receiver (Server):
def recv_stream(self):
payload_size = struct.calcsize("<L")
data = b''
while True:
start_time =
# keep receiving data until it gets the size of the msg.
while len(data) < payload_size:
data += self.connection.recv(4096)
# Get the frame size and remove it from the data.
frame_size = struct.unpack("<L", data[:payload_size])[0]
data = data[payload_size:]
# Keep receiving data until the frame size is reached.
while len(data) < frame_size:
data += self.connection.recv(131072)
# Cut the frame to the beginning of the next frame.
frame_data = data[:frame_size]
data = data[frame_size:]
# using the old pickling method.
# frame = pickle.loads(frame_data)
# Converting the image to be sent.
img = base64.b64decode(frame_data)
npimg = np.fromstring(img, dtype=np.uint8)
frame = cv2.imdecode(npimg, 1)
frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
end_time =
fps = 1/(end_time-start_time).total_seconds()
print("Fps: ",round(fps,2))
self.current_frame = frame
except (socket.error,socket.timeout) as e:
# The timeout got reached or the client disconnected. Clean up the mess.
print("Cleaning up: ",e)
except socket.error:
self.is_connected = False
I also increased the packet size which increased the fps when sending from my local machine to my local machine while testing, but this didn't change anything whatsoever when using the raspberry pi.
You can see the full code on my github:

Monitor a socket connection

I have a socket connection which I want to monitor, it recevies market data with high burst.
while 1:
print('data recevied')
The while loop should only execute print, once in sixty seconds.
Try this:
from datetime import datetime
last =
while 1:
if ( - last).seconds >= 60:
print("data received")
last =
You want some kind of asynchronous processing here: on one hand you want to continuously receive data, on the other hand you want to display a message every 60 seconds.
So threading would be my first idea: foreground display messages while background receives.
def recv_loop(socket, end_cond):
while True:
# assuming something ends above loop
end_cond[0] = True
end = False
recv_thr = threading.Thread(target = recv_loop, args = (socket,[end]), daemon = True)
while not end:
print('data received')
You haven't show any interesting data in the message, so I haven't either. But as all global variables are shared, it would be trivial to display for example the number of bytes received since last message
Alternatively, you could use because it gives you a timeout. So you change threading for a more complex timeout processing.
last =
while True:
timeout = ( - last).seconds + 60
if timeout <= 0:
last =
print("data received")
rl, _, _ =[socket], [], [], timeout)
if (len(rl) > 0):

Python - Entire PC network gets slower during repeated request

First of all, I am new to the network (HTTP communication) and Python.
I am currently using requests and threading module to periodically send or receive data with a specific site. The target site is '' but I think it does not matter here.
By the example code below, I let Python fetch data every 1 second. At first, it works pretty well. Each request takes about 0.07 s in my computer.
import requests
import time
import threading
url0 = ''
class Fetch:
def __init__(self):
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.fcn)
self.t0 = time.perf_counter()
self.period = 1
self.req0 = None
def fcn(self):
while True:
# headers = None
headers = {'Connection': 'close'}
# requests
t0 = time.perf_counter()
req0 = requests.get(url0, headers=headers, params={'currency': 'all'})
resp0 = req0.json()
self.req0 = req0
reqTimeInt0 = time.perf_counter() - t0
# prints
print('elapsed time: %0.3f' % t0)
# print(req0.request.headers)
print('requests time interval: %0.3f' % reqTimeInt0)
# timer
self.t0 += self.period
now = time.perf_counter()
sleepInterval = self.t0 - now
if sleepInterval > 0:
while self.t0 - now <= 0:
self.t0 += self.period
f1 = Fetch()
But as time passes, the time needed for each 'http get' increases. After about 3 hours, one request takes 0.80 s where it is 10 times larger than it took in the initial state. Furthermore, not only does Python request get slower, but also the entire PC network gets slower (including internet browsing) without any increase in CPU, RAM resources, and network usage. Closing the console does not get back the network speed to normal and I have to reboot the PC. Anyway, after rebooting, the network is completely recovered and the internet works fine.
It seems like some burdens in the network connection are accumulated at each Python request. So I tried adding 'Connection: close' to the header, but it didn't work. Will 'requests.Session()' fix the problem?
I don't even know what to do to figure out the problem. I have to make the repeated requests for at least several days without breaking the connection.
Thank you.
Use a session, as it won't open new network connections, just use one, to make all the requests.
There is the preferred modifications:
class Fetch:
def __init__(self):
self.session = requests.Session
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.fcn)
self.t0 = time.perf_counter()
self.period = 1
self.req0 = None
def fcn(self):
while True:
# headers = None
headers = {'Connection': 'close'}
# requests
t0 = time.perf_counter()
req0 = self.session.get(url0, headers=headers, params={'currency': 'all'})
resp0 = req0.json()
self.req0 = req0
... other codes goes there ...

Python TCP socket send receive large delay

I used python socket to make a server on my Raspberry Pi 3 (Raspbian) and a client on my laptop (Windows 10). The server stream images to the laptop at a rate of 10fps, and can reach 15fps if I push it. The problem is when I want the laptop to send back a command based on the image, the frame rate drop sharply to 3fps. The process is like this:
Pi send img => Laptop receive img => Quick process => Send command based on process result => Pi receive command, print it => Pi send img => ...
The process time for each frame does not cause this (0.02s at most for each frame), so currently I am at a loss as to why the frame rate drop so much. The image is quite large, at around 200kB and the command is only a short string at 3B. The image is in matrix form and is pickled before sending, while the command is sent as is.
Can someone please explain to me why sending back such a short command would make the frame rate drop so much? And if possible, a solution for this problem. I tried making 2 servers, one dedicated to sending images and one for receiving command, but the result is the same.
import socket
import pickle
import time
import cv2
import numpy as np
from picamera.array import PiRGBArray
from picamera import PiCamera
from SendFrameInOO import PiImageServer
def main():
# initialize the server and time stamp
ImageServer = PiImageServer()
ImageServer2 = PiImageServer()
ImageServer.openServer('', 50009)
ImageServer2.openServer('', 50002)
# Initialize the camera object
camera = PiCamera()
camera.resolution = (320, 240)
camera.framerate = 10 # it seems this cannot go higher than 10
# unless special measures are taken, which may
# reduce image quality
camera.exposure_mode = 'sports' #reduce blur
rawCapture = PiRGBArray(camera)
# allow the camera to warmup
# capture frames from the camera
print('<INFO> Preparing to stream video...')
timeStart = time.time()
for frame in camera.capture_continuous(rawCapture, format="bgr",
use_video_port = True):
# grab the raw NumPy array representing the image, then initialize
# the timestamp and occupied/unoccupied text
image = frame.array
imageData = pickle.dumps(image)
ImageServer.sendFrame(imageData) # send the frame data
# receive command from laptop and print it
command = ImageServer2.recvCommand()
if command == 'BYE':
print('BYE received, ending stream session...')
# clear the stream in preparation for the next one
print('<INFO> Video stream ended')
elapsedTime = time.time() - timeStart
print('<INFO> Total elapsed time is: ', elapsedTime)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from SupFunctions.ServerClientFunc import PiImageClient
import time
import pickle
import cv2
def main():
# Initialize
result = 'STP'
ImageClient = PiImageClient()
ImageClient2 = PiImageClient()
# Connect to server
ImageClient.connectClient('', 50009)
ImageClient2.connectClient('', 50002)
print('<INFO> Connection established, preparing to receive frames...')
timeStart = time.time()
# Receiving and processing frames
# Receive and unload a frame
imageData = ImageClient.receiveFrame()
image = pickle.loads(imageData)
cv2.imshow('Frame', image)
key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
# Exit when q is pressed
if key == ord('q'):
elapsedTime = time.time() - timeStart
print('<INFO> Total elapsed time is: ', elapsedTime)
print('Press any key to exit the program')
#cv2.imshow('Picture from server', image)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
PiImageServer and PiImageClient:
import socket
import pickle
import time
class PiImageClient:
def __init__(self):
self.s = None
self.counter = 0
def connectClient(self, serverIP, serverPort):
self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.s.connect((serverIP, serverPort))
def closeClient(self):
def receiveOneImage(self):
imageData = b''
lenData = self.s.recv(8)
length = pickle.loads(lenData) # should be 921764 for 640x480 images
print('Data length is:', length)
while len(imageData) < length:
toRead = length-len(imageData)
imageData += self.s.recv(4096 if toRead>4096 else toRead)
#if len(imageData)%200000 <= 4096:
# print('Received: {} of {}'.format(len(imageData), length))
return imageData
def receiveFrame(self):
imageData = b''
lenData = self.s.recv(8)
length = pickle.loads(lenData)
print('Data length is:', length)
'''length = 921764 # for 640x480 images
length = 230563 # for 320x240 images'''
while len(imageData) < length:
toRead = length-len(imageData)
imageData += self.s.recv(4096 if toRead>4096 else toRead)
#if len(imageData)%200000 <= 4096:
# print('Received: {} of {}'.format(len(imageData), length))
self.counter += 1
if len(imageData) == length:
print('Successfully received frame {}'.format(self.counter))
return imageData
def sendCommand(self, command):
if len(command) != 3:
print('<WARNING> Length of command string is different from 3')
print('Command {} sent'.format(command))
class PiImageServer:
def __init__(self):
self.s = None
self.conn = None
self.addr = None
#self.currentTime = time.time()
self.currentTime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
self.counter = 0
def openServer(self, serverIP, serverPort):
print('<INFO> Opening image server at {}:{}'.format(serverIP,
self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.s.bind((serverIP, serverPort))
print('Waiting for client...')
self.conn, self.addr = self.s.accept()
print('Connected by', self.addr)
def closeServer(self):
print('<INFO> Closing server...')
#self.currentTime = time.time()
self.currentTime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
print('Server closed at', self.currentTime)
def sendOneImage(self, imageData):
print('<INFO> Sending only one image...')
imageDataLen = len(imageData)
lenData = pickle.dumps(imageDataLen)
print('Sending image length')
print('Sending image data')
def sendFrame(self, frameData):
self.counter += 1
print('Sending frame ', self.counter)
frameDataLen = len(frameData)
lenData = pickle.dumps(frameDataLen)
def recvCommand(self):
commandData = self.conn.recv(3)
command = commandData.decode()
return command
I believe the problem is two-fold. First, you are serializing all activity: The server is sending a complete image, then instead of continuing on to send the next image (which would better fit the definition of "streaming"), it is stopping, waiting for all bytes of the previous image to make themselves across the network to the client, then for the client to receive all bytes of the image, unpickle it, send a response and for the response to then make its way across the wire to the server.
Is there a reason you need them to be in lockstep like this? If not, try to parallelize the two sides. Have your server create a separate thread to listen for commands coming back (or simply use select to determine when the command socket has something to receive).
Second, you are likely being bitten by Nagle's algorithm (, which is intended to prevent sending numerous packets with small payloads (but lots of overhead) across the network. So, your client-side kernel has gotten your three-bytes of command data and has buffered it, waiting for you to provide more data before it sends the data to the server (it will eventually send it anyway, after a delay). To change that, you would want to use the TCP_NODELAY socket option on the client side (see

