I am new to solving coupled ODEs with python, I am wondering if my approach is correct, currently this code outputs a graph that looks nothing like the expected output. These are the equations I am trying to solve:
And here is the code I am using (for the functions f_gr, f_sc_phi and f_gTheta you can just put any constant value)
import Radial as rd
import ScatteringAzimuthal as sa
import PolarComponent as pc
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#gamma for now set to 1
g_mm = 1
def f(u,t):
#y1 = thetadot :: y2 = phidot :: y3 = cdot
rho, theta, y1, phi, y2, c, y3 = u
p = [y1, (pc.f_gTheta(theta,524.1+rho)/(c*np.cos(phi))-(g_mm*y1)+(2*y1*y2*np.tan(phi))-(2*y3*y1/c)),
y2, ((sa.f_sc_phi(theta,524.1+rho/c))-(g_mm*y2)-(2*y3*y2/c)-(np.sin(phi)*np.cos(phi)*y2**2)),
y3, (rd.f_gr(theta,524.1+rho)-(g_mm*y3)+(c*y2**2)+(c*(y1**2)*(np.cos(phi)**2))), phi]
return p
time = np.linspace(0,10,100)
z2 = odeint(f,[0.1,np.pi/2,0.1,np.pi/2,0.1,0.1,0.1], time)
rhoPl = z2[:,0]
thetaPl = z2[:,1]
phiPl = z2[:,3]
x = rhoPl*np.sin(thetaPl)*np.cos(phiPl)
y = rhoPl*np.sin(thetaPl)*np.sin(phiPl)
z = rhoPl*np.cos(thetaPl)
when I change the time from 0.1 to 5 I get an error:
ODEintWarning: Excess work done on this call (perhaps wrong Dfun type). Run with full_output = 1 to get quantitative information.
Any ideas on how to improve this code or if my approach is completely incorrect?
Code for Radial.py
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import spherical_jn
from scipy.special import spherical_yn
import sympy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
R_r = 5.6*10**(-5)
l = 720
n_w = 1.326
#k = 524.5/R_r
X_r = 524.5
# R is constant r is changing
def f_gr(theta,x):
f = ((sp.sin(theta))**(2*l-2))*(1+(sp.cos(theta))**2)
b = (spherical_jn(l,n_w*x)*spherical_jn(l,n_w*x,True))+(spherical_yn(l,n_w*x)*spherical_yn(l,n_w*x,True))
c = (spherical_jn(l,n_w*X_r)*spherical_jn(l,n_w*X_r,True))+(spherical_yn(l,n_w*X_r)*spherical_yn(l,n_w*X_r,True))
n = b/c
f = f*n
return f
Code for ScatteringAzimuthal.py
from scipy.special import spherical_jn, spherical_yn
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
l = 720
n_w = 1.326
n_p = 1.572
X_r = 524.5
R_r = 5.6*10**(-5)
R_p = 7.5*10**(-7)
k = X_r/R_r
def f_sc_phi(theta,x):
f = (2/3)*(n_w**2)*((X_r**3)/x)*((R_p**3)/(R_r**3))*(((n_p**2)-(n_w**2))/((n_p**2)+(2*(n_w**2))))
g = np.sin(theta)**(2*l-3)
numerator = (l*(1+np.sin(theta))- np.cos(2*theta))\
denominator = ((spherical_jn(l,n_w*X_r)*spherical_jn(l,n_w*X_r,True))\
m = numerator/denominator
final = f*g*m
return final
And Code for PolarComponent.py
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import spherical_yn, spherical_jn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
l = 720
n_w = 1.326
X_r = 524.5 #this value is implemented in the ode file
#define dimensionless polar component
#X_r is radius, x is variable
def f_gTheta(theta,x):
bessel1 = (spherical_jn(l,n_w*x)*spherical_jn(l,n_w*x)) + \
bessel2 = ((spherical_yn(l,n_w*X_r)*spherical_yn(l,n_w*X_r,True)) + \
bessels = bessel1/bessel2
rest = (np.sin(theta)**(2*l-3))*((l-1)*(1+(np.cos(theta)**2)) \
final = rest*bessels
return final
Here is a link that I really like for simulating second order odes. It has an optamization twist on it because it is fitting the model to match a simulation. It has a couple of examples for odeint and also gekko.
I'm new in python and i got to do a code with odeint using different values of vs, overplott them and using interpolate find the values were x and y are 0
here is the code.
Hope someone can help me.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Plotting library
import math
from scipy.integrate import odeint # SciPy ODE integration
from numpy import linspace, exp
def Poissons(f, x, vs):
# f is an array of all evolving variables
phi = f[0]
E = f[1]
ne = exp(phi)
vi = math.sqrt(vs**2 - 2*phi)
ni = vs/vi
dphidx= - E
dEdx = ni - ne
return [dphidx, dEdx]
def run(E0, phi0):
vs = 1
y0 = [0.0, 0.001] # Starting location
x = linspace(0.0, 40, 100)
y = odeint(Poissons, y0, x, args = (vs,))
plt.plot(y[:,0], y[:,1])
plt.grid(True) # Add a background grid
if __name__ == "__main__":
I am working on the following code, which solves a system of coupled differential equations. I have been able to solve them, and I plotted one of them. I am curious how to compute and plot the derivative of this graph numerically (I know the derivative is given in the first function, but suppose I didn't have that). I was thinking that I could use a for-loop, but is there a faster way?
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
def hiv(x,t):
kr1 = 1e5
kr2 = 0.1
kr3 = 2e-7
kr4 = 0.5
kr5 = 5
kr6 = 100
h = x[0] # Healthy Cells -- function of time
i= x[1] #Infected Cells -- function of time
v = x[2] # Virus -- function of time
p = kr3 * h * v
dhdt = kr1 - kr2*h - p
didt = p - kr4*i
dvdt = -p -kr5*v + kr6*i
return [dhdt, didt, dvdt]
print(hiv([1e6, 0, 100], 0))
x0 = [1e6, 0, 100] #initial conditions
t = np.linspace(0,15,1000) #time in years
x = odeint(hiv, x0, t) #vector of the functions H(t), I(t), V(t)
h = x[:,0]
i = x[:,1]
v = x[:,2]
I am trying to write a MATLAB code into python. The original MATLAB code is from this following vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T97ddyTMuro. Briefly, the MATLAB code is as follows:
v = 10;
theta = linspace(15, 75, 100);
g = 9.81;
t = 2*v*sin(theta)/g;
r = v*cos(theta).*t;
I was trying to recreate this code in python, attached herewith is what I have tried and failed:
import numpy as np
import math as m
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
theta = np.linspace(0,70,100)
v = 10 # velocity (m/s)
g = 9.81 # accel. due to grav.
t = []
r = []
a = []
multi =[]
for i in np.linspace(0,70,100):
for j in np.linspace(0,70,100):
Unable to multiply two lists as they are not integers.
An easier approach is to directly use only numpy code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
theta = np.deg2rad(np.linspace(0,70,100))
v = 10 # velocity (m/s)
g = 9.81 # accel. due to grav.
t1 = 2*v*np.sin(theta)/g
r = v*np.cos(theta)*t1 # will compute elementwise multiplication
plt.plot(r, theta)
The goal is to plot two identical dynamical systems that are coupled.
We have:
X = [x0,x1,x2]
U = [u0,u1,u2]
Xdot = f(X) + alpha*(U-X)
Udot = f(U) + alpha*(X-U)
So I wish to plot the solution to this grand system on one set of axes (i.e in xyz for example) and eventually change the coupling strength to investigate the behaviour.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
def couple(s,t,a=0.2,beta=0.2,gamma=5.7,alpha=0.03):
[x,u] = s
[u0,u1,u2] = u
[x0,x1,x2] = x
xdot = np.zeros(3)
xdot[0] = -x1-x2
xdot[1] = x0+a*x1
xdot[2] = beta + x2*(x0-gamma)
udot = np.zeros(3)
udot[0] = -u1-u2
udot[1] = u0+a*u1
udot[2] = beta + u2*(u0-gamma)
sdot = np.zeros(2)
sdot[0] = xdot + alpha*(u-x)
sdot[1] = udot + alpha*(x-u)
return sdot
s_init = [0.1,0.1]
t_init=0; t_final = 300; t_step = 0.01
tpoints = np.arange(t_init,t_final,t_step)
a=0.2; beta=0.2; gamma=5.7; alpha=0.03
y = odeint(couple, s_init, tpoints,args=(a,beta,gamma,alpha), hmax = 0.01)
I imagine that something is wrong with s_init since it should be TWO initial condition vectors but when I try that I get that "odeint: y0 should be one-dimensional." On the other hand when I try s_init to be a 6-vector I get "too many values to unpack (expected two)." With the current setup, I am getting the error
File "C:/Users/Python Scripts/dynsys2019work.py", line 88, in couple
[u0,u1,u2] = u
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable numpy.float64 object
*Edit: Please note this is basically my first time attempting this kind of thing and will be happy to receive further documentation and references.
The ode definition takes in and returns a 1D vector in scipy odeint, and I think some of your confusion is that you actually have 1 system of ODEs with 6 variables. You have just mentally apportioned it into 2 separate ODEs that are coupled.
You can do it like this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import numpy as np
def couple(s,t,a=0.2,beta=0.2,gamma=5.7,alpha=0.03):
x0, x1, x2, u0, u1, u2 = s
xdot = np.zeros(3)
xdot[0] = -x1-x2
xdot[1] = x0+a*x1
xdot[2] = beta + x2*(x0-gamma)
udot = np.zeros(3)
udot[0] = -u1-u2
udot[1] = u0+a*u1
udot[2] = beta + u2*(u0-gamma)
return np.ravel([xdot, udot])
s_init = [0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
t_init=0; t_final = 300; t_step = 0.01
tpoints = np.arange(t_init,t_final,t_step)
a=0.2; beta=0.2; gamma=5.7; alpha=0.03
y = odeint(couple, s_init, tpoints,args=(a,beta,gamma,alpha), hmax = 0.01)
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import log, e, ceil, floor,sqrt,pi,exp
import numpy as np
from numpy import arange,array, empty
import pdb
from random import randint
import copy
from operator import add
import scipy
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import scipy
def walk(n):
time = 0
i = 0
while i < n:
if i == 0:
r = random.random()
t = -log(1-r,e)
time = time+t
elif i !=0 and i!=n-1 :
r_2 = random.random()
t_2 = -log(1-r_2,e)
time = time+t_2
R = random.random()
if 0 <= R < 0.5:
i = i -1
elif 0.5 <= R <=1:
i = n
return time
def many_walks(n,m):
v_t = []
for i in range(m):
w = walk(n)
return v_t
n = 20
m = 2000
bins = [10*i for i in range(200)]
numpy_hist = plt.figure()
plt.hist(many_walks(n,m), bins)
def func(x,s):
x = np.array(x)
return (4/(x*np.sqrt(np.pi*n*s)))*np.exp(-(np.log(x)**2)/(2*n*s))
xx = np.linspace(0.1,2000,10000)
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, bins, many_walks(n,m))
Without you reading too much, basically the function "many_walks(n,m)" gives me a vector containing m numbers. I've used matplotlib to plot a histogram and it works.
Now I want to consider the function which I defined as func(x,s). Notice it also has a parameter, which is n (yes, the same n of walks and many_walks). I would like to fit this function to my histogram, so I tried similar to here but it doesn't work. I mean I'm very suck I don't understand what I am doing wrong, seems I'm doing the same as in the question posted. My aim is to be able to find the coefficient s such that the function is fitted on the histogram and plot it on the same plot.
here's the error that it is giving me
return (4/(x*np.sqrt(np.pi*n*s)))*np.exp(-(np.log(x,e)**2)/(2*n*s))
TypeError: return arrays must be of ArrayType