I'm studying Spark 3.0.1 with pyspark, and have setup some data for simple OLS regression using
data = results.select('OrderMonthYear', 'SaleAmount').rdd.map(lambda row: LabeledPoint(row[1], [row[0]])).toDF()
The OrderMonthYear is my feature column (int), and SaleAmount is the response (float). The LabeledPoint method was imported from pyspark.mllib.regression. I then try to fit the regression model with
from pyspark.ml.regression import LinearRegression
lr = LinearRegression()
modelA = lr.fit(data, {lr.regParam:0.0})
to get this exception
IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Column features must be of type struct<type:tinyint,size:int,indices:array<int>,values:array<double>> but was actually struct<type:tinyint,size:int,indices:array<int>,values:array<double>>.
This is clearly not very helpful, as the required and passed features seem to be the same structs. I've searched online, and only found answers to this problem for java, or for someone building the struct themselves. The exception was thrown from a util function that was just throwing a java exception (#Hide where the exception came from that shows a non-Pythonic JVM exception message.), so I can't debug further.
MLlib and RDD-based MLlib functions are deprecated. I suggest using vector assembler of ML:
from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorAssembler
from pyspark.ml.regression import LinearRegression
data = spark.createDataFrame([[0,1],[1,2],[2,3]]).toDF('OrderMonthYear', 'SaleAmount')
va = VectorAssembler(inputCols=['SaleAmount'], outputCol='features')
data2 = va.transform(data)
lr = LinearRegression(labelCol='OrderMonthYear')
model = lr.fit(data2)
For anyone else following the same LI Learning course, based on some modifications to the accepted answer above to align more with what I was seeing in the course, here's what Cmd 4 cell should look like:
# convenience for specifying schema
from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorAssembler
data = VectorAssembler(inputCols=['OrderMonthYear'], outputCol='features').transform(results.select("OrderMonthYear", "SaleAmount")).drop('OrderMonthYear').withColumnRenamed('SaleAmount', 'label')
Alternatively, you can use the following which also works:
from pyspark.ml.linalg import Vectors
data = results.rdd.map(lambda r: (Vectors.dense(r[0]), r[1])).toDF(["features","label"])
Then you should be good to go. Note that you'll want to make the same changes to Cmd 4 in notebooks 4.4 and 4.5 as well. Hope this helps!
I am generating a predictive model for cancer diagnosis from a moderately large dataset (>4500 features).
I have got the rfecv to work, providing me with a model that I can evaluate nicely using ROC curves, confusion matrices etc., and which is performing acceptably for classifying novel data.
please find a truncated version of my code below.
logo = LeaveOneGroupOut()
model = RFECV(LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(), step=1, cv=logo.split(X, y, groups=trial_number))
model.fit(X, y)
As I say, this works well and provides a model I'm happy with. The trouble is, I would like to be able to save this model, so that I don't need to do the lengthy retraining everytime I want to evaluate new data.
When I have tried to pickle a standard LDA or other model object, this has worked fine. When I try to pickle this RFECV object, however, I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/rds/general/user/***/home/data_analysis/analysis_report_generator.py", line 56, in <module>
pickle.dump(key, file)
TypeError: cannot pickle 'generator' object
In trying to address this, I have spent a long time trying to RTFM, google extensively and dug as deep as I dared into Stack without any luck.
I would be grateful if anyone could identify what I could do to pickle this model successfully for future extraction and re-use, or whether there is an equivalent way to save the parameters of the feature-extracted LDA model for rapid analysis of new data.
This occurs because LeaveOneGroupOut().split(X, y, groups=groups) returns a generator object—which cannot be pickled for reasons previously discussed.
To pickle it, you'd have to cast it to a finite number of splits with something like the following, or replace it with StratifiedKFold which does not have this issue.
rfecv = RFECV(
# ...
cv=list(LeaveOneGroupOut().split(X, y, groups=groups)),
MRE putting all the pieces together (here I've assigned groups randomly):
import pickle
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneGroupOut
from numpy.random import default_rng
rng = default_rng()
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=500, n_features=15, n_informative=3, n_redundant=2, n_repeated=0, n_classes=8, n_clusters_per_class=1, class_sep=0.8, random_state=0)
groups = rng.integers(0, 5, size=len(y))
rfecv = RFECV(
cv=list(LeaveOneGroupOut().split(X, y, groups=groups)),
rfecv.fit(X, y)
with open("rfecv_lda.pickle", "wb") as fh:
pickle.dump(rfecv, fh)
Side note: A better method would be to avoid pickling the RFECV in the first place. rfecv.transform(X) masks feature columns that the search deemed unnecessary. If you have >4500 features and only need 10, you might want to simplify your data pipeline elsewhere.
I'm trying to fit a quantile regression model to my input data. I would like to use sklearn, but I am getting a memory allocation error when I try to fit the model. The same data with the statsmodels equivalent function is working fine.
There error I get is the following:
numpy.core._exceptions._ArrayMemoryError: Unable to allocate 55.9 GiB for an array with shape (86636, 86636) and data type float64
It doesn't make any sense, my X and y are shapes (86636, 4) and (86636, 1) respectively.
Here's my script:
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
from sklearn.linear_model import QuantileRegressor
training_df = pd.read_csv("/path/to/training_df.csv") # 86,000 rows
TARGET = "target"
model_statsmodels = sm.QuantReg(training_df[TARGET], training_df[FEATURES]).fit(q=0.5)
model_sklearn = QuantileRegressor(quantile=0.5, alpha=0)
model_sklearn.fit(training_df[FEATURES], training_df[TARGET])
I've checked the sklearn documentation and pretty sure my inputs are fine as dataframes, I get the same issues with NDarrays. So not sure what the issue is. Is it possible there's an issue with something under-the-hood?
[Here][1] is the scikit-learn documentation for QunatileRegressor.
Many thanks for any help / ideas.
[1]: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.linear_model.QuantileRegressor.html
The sklearn QuantileRegressor class uses linear programming to solve the quantile regression problem which is much more computationally expensive than iterative reweighted least squares as used by statsmodel QuantReg class.
Here is a github issue for the same problem: https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/22922
I have the code below and this code work only with the binary class so how can I use with three classes.
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scikitplot as skp
orgnal_data = pd.read_excel("movie.xls")
# Program extracting first column
text = orgnal_data.iloc[:,0]
lable = orgnal_data.iloc[:,1]
DT = DecisionTreeClassifier()
DT_y = DT.fit(x_train,y_train).predict(x_test)
clf_names = ['Decision Tree']
Since you use scikit-plot module, there is no function for a multiclass problem.
Read the source code here:
This function currently only works for binary classification.
So you can either 1) modify the source code or 2) open a github issue and request a function for multiclass problems.
Using scikit-learn you have some ML models that can handle multiclass problems. For example for the LinearSVC function here, the multiclass support is handled according to a one-vs-the-rest scheme.
So you can actually have models like this and then use the plot_calibration_curve function for each case (one VS rest) separately.
I've tried to use a Random Forest model in order to predict a stream of examples, but it appears that I cannot use that model to classify the examples.
Here is the code used in pyspark:
sc = SparkContext(appName="App")
model = RandomForest.trainClassifier(trainingData, numClasses=2, categoricalFeaturesInfo={}, impurity='gini', numTrees=150)
ssc = StreamingContext(sc, 1)
lines = ssc.socketTextStream(hostname, int(port))
parsedLines = lines.map(parse)
predictions = parsedLines.map(lambda event: model.predict(event.features))
and the error returned while compiling it in the cluster:
Error : "It appears that you are attempting to reference SparkContext from a broadcast "
Exception: It appears that you are attempting to reference SparkContext from a broadcast variable, action, or transformation. SparkContext can only be used on the driver, not in code that it run on workers. For more information, see SPARK-5063.
is there a way to use a modèle generated from a static data to predict a streaming examples ?
Thanks guys i really appreciate it !!!!
Yes, you can use model generated from static data. The problem you experience is not related to streaming at all. You simply cannot use JVM based model inside action or transformations (see How to use Java/Scala function from an action or a transformation? for an explanation why). Instead you should apply predict method to a complete RDD for example using transform on DStream:
from pyspark.mllib.tree import RandomForest
from pyspark.mllib.util import MLUtils
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.streaming import StreamingContext
from operator import attrgetter
sc = SparkContext("local[2]", "foo")
ssc = StreamingContext(sc, 1)
data = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(sc, 'data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt')
trainingData, testData = data.randomSplit([0.7, 0.3])
model = RandomForest.trainClassifier(
trainingData, numClasses=2, nmTrees=3
# Extract features
# Predict
.transform(lambda _, rdd: model.predict(rdd))
I am new to Python and trying to transition to a unique platform, Python, from Matlab+R platforms.
I need to do a regression of my data.
After reading what is available online - unfortunately not as numerous as for R just yet - I realized that I need to play with the following options:
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
mod1 = smf.glm(formula=formula_new, data=dta_new, family=sm.families.Gaussian())
mod2 = smf.ols(formula=formula_new, data=dta_new, family=sm.families.Gaussian())
mod3 = sm.OLS.from_formula(formula=formula_new, data=dta_new)
all three give me similar results.
What I really want to know is if there exists a function similar to anova() from R (with a nice table summarizing the comparison of different models, or within a model for different variables, as shown here http://www.r-bloggers.com/r-tutorial-series-anova-tables/ ) for any of these model options.
I tried to run
table = sm.stats.anova_lm(modX)
print table
with X = 1,2,3, basically for all models (those coming from smf. or sm.) but I always get the same error:
AttributeError: 'OLS'/'GLM' object has no attribute 'model'
with OLS or GLM depending on the type of model.
thanks for any input. am I not importing correctly modules? I am confused.
Links to applications/examples/tutorials of python are welcome.
rpy2 is not an option on my server, I am working on getting R3.0 installed, but it might take a while.
I figured why it wasn't working on all models.
anova_lm() wants the fit() attribute:
table = sm.stats.anova_lm(modX.fit())
print table
however, it works only with mod2 and mod3, therefore it would not work with GLM models.
Here some info I found online relevant to this issue. Hopefully it will be extended to GLM models soon.