I have used two input arrays with an output array that I have interpolated with numpy's LinearNDInterpolator and scipy's ndimage filters. I was able to easily visualize the output using a matplotlib's pcolormesh. I would like to extend this analysis to 3 input arrays using the same ndimage and interpolation functions, but am not sure how to visualize the data. My best guess as to a solution would be to scatter the data using a solution similar to How to make a 4d plot with matplotlib using arbitrary data
but more steps are needed as my output is a grid.
Here is the skeleton:
from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator
dat_A = np.sin(np.arange(200))
dat_B = np.cos(np.arange(200))
dat_C = np.sinh(np.arange(200)/200)
output = dat_A + dat_B - 2*dat_C
A,B,C = np.arange(200),np.arange(200),np.linspace(0,2,200)
A_grid,B_grid,C_grid = np.meshgrid(A,B,C)
interp = LinearNDInterpolator(list(zip(dat_A,dat_B,dat_C)),output)
4D_out = interp(A_grid,B_grid,C_grid)
How do I visualize this 4D object? I was thinking animating through a 3D plot.
I have found an easy way to do this exact visualization task is to use animatplot, which has its own animated pcolormesh function.
I want to find the derivatives of some scattered data. I have tried two different methods:
projecting the scattered data on a regular grid using scipy.interpolate.griddata, then computing the gradients with numpy.gradients, and then projecting values back to the scattered locations.
creating a CloughTocher2DInterpolater (but I have the same issue with others) and getting the gradients out of it
The second one is an order of magnitude faster than the first one but unfortunately, it also goes crazy quite quickly when data are a bit complex. For instance starting with this signal (called F and which is a simple addition of tanh stepwise functions along x and y):
When I process F using the two methods, I get:
Method 1 gives a good approximation. Method 2 is also good but I need force the colormap because of the existence of some extreme values.
Now, if I add a small noise (i.e. of amplitude 0.1 while the signal has amplitudes between -3 and 3), the interpolator just goes crazy giving very large extreme values:
I don't know how to deal with this. I understand the interpolator won't like irregular function or noise, but I was not expecting such discrepancy. My first idea was to smooth data first but strangely I can't find any method that would help me on this. Another idea would be to make a 2d fit of F to try to remove noise but I'm dry here too...any idea ?
Here is the corresponding python example (working on python3.6.9):
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# scattered data
N = 200
coordu = np.random.rand(N**2,2)
noise = 0.
noise = np.random.rand(Xu.shape[0])*0.1
plt.title('Data signal F')
### get the gradient
# using griddata np.gradients
coords = np.array([Xs,Ys]).T
Zs = interpolate.griddata(coordu,Zu,coords)
nearest = interpolate.griddata(coordu,Zu,coords,method='nearest')
znan = np.isnan(Zs)
Zs[znan] = nearest[znan]
dZs = np.gradient(Zs,np.min(np.diff(Xs[0,:])))
dZus = interpolate.griddata(coords.reshape(N*N,2),dZs[0].reshape(N*N),coordu)
hist_dzus = np.histogram(dZus,100)
plt.clim([0 ,10])
plt.title('dF/dx using griddata and np.gradients')
# using interpolation method Clough
interp = interpolate.CloughTocher2DInterpolator(coordu,Zu)
dZuCT = interp.grad
hist_dzct = np.histogram(dZuCT[:,0,0],100)
plt.clim([0 ,10])
plt.title('dF/dx using CloughTocher2DInterpolator')
# histograms
plt.title('histogram of dF/dx')
I have to produce a display a 3d scalarfield stored with a numpy array of the sort:
The only way I managed to do this with matplotlib is to use the scatter function
idxs = np.nonzero(mask)[0]
ax.scatter(X[idxs], Y[idxs], Z[idxs], c=modelk_xyz[idxs], alpha=1, s = 0.01, cmap=plt.cm.RdBu_r, vmin=mins[k], vmax=maxs[k])
A mask indicated wheter or not to display a given voxel and the array is used as a color indicator.
It works fine-ish, but it is very slow.
Is there a better way to do this with matplotlib ? Alternatively Is it possible to do this sort of plot with VTK ?
I want to plot a 4D heatmap in Python through matplotlib, like this 4d map.
I have already a set of 3D grid points (x,y,z) and its corresponding function value f.
I am thinking of plotting it using plot_surface with x, y, z as the three required arrays, and alter the color gradient using f.
There is a way here to use f for the color gradient, but I have trouble plotting the 3D grid, which I will emphasize that the third dimension is independent of the first two. (The second link shows otherwise.)
Or are there any way to better visualize this 4D data using matplotlib?
Your data is of a slightly different form I imagine, but as long as you have a point for every thing you need to be plotted you could use something like they did here:
How to make a 4d plot using Python with matplotlib
There aren't great existing ways to visualize true 4D functions (where the third dimension is independent of the first two as you described), so I wrote a small package plot4d. It should be able to help you visualize your function.
from plot4d import plotter
f = lambda x, y, z: sin(x)*y*cos(z)-x**3
z_range = np.linspace(0,2,10)
frame = plotter.Frame2D(xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=1)
plotter.plot4d(f, z_range, frame=frame, func_name='f')
pip install plot4d
What I am trying to do is to create a 3D triangulated mesh that can be parsed into a .vtk or .stl file for use in 3D printing application. Right now I am stuck with the creation of the triangle mesh. The geometry I want to create are basically three dimensional sine waves that have a certain thickness and intersect each other. So far I got one sine wave. Here's a MWE:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
import scipy.spatial
# create empty 3d array
array = np.zeros((100, 100, 100))
# create 3D sine wave in empty array
strut = np.sin(np.linspace(1, 10, 100))*12
for k in enumerate(strut):
y_shift = int(np.round(strut[k[0]]))
array[k, 50 + y_shift, 50] = 1
pattern = np.ones((4, 4, 4))
# convolve the array with the pattern / apply thickness
conv_array = ndimage.convolve(array, pattern)
# create list with data coordinates from convolved array
data = list()
for j in range(conv_array.shape[0]):
for k in range(conv_array.shape[1]):
for l in range(conv_array.shape[2]):
if conv_array[j, k, l] != 0:
data.append([j, k, l])
data = np.asarray(data)
tri = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(data)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
ax.plot_trisurf(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], triangles=tri.simplices)
What it does: I create an empty array which I fill with a sine wave represented by ones. I convolve that array with a rectangular array of a defined size, which gives me a thicker sine wave in space. Then the array gets converted into coordinate form so that it can be triangulated using Delaunay triangulation. What I get is this:
As you can see the triangulation kinda worked, but it fills the space between the sine wave amplitudes. Is there a way to remove the filled spaced? Or prevent it from doing them in the first place? The sine wave also looks wrong at the ends and I am not sure why. Is this even the best method to achieve want I am trying to do?
The parsing to a .vtk file should not present a problem, but I need a clean structure first. Thanks in advance for any kind of help!
I would not reinvent the wheel and do all that on my own. Rather than that, use python-vtk and paraview (which is a post-processing application for 3D data) to do the triangulation for you. "Just" create the points and do the rest in that application.
I don't know much about 3D printing, but I know my fair share about STL and VTK. It is a pain to do manually and the VTK library has has some nice Python examples and a dedicated STLWriter. You just need to wrap your head around the workflow of VTK and how it manages things internally. This is where paraview comes in quite handy. It enables you to record your actions that you do in the GUI and displays them and displays them in Python. This is great to learn the way it works internally.
Finally I got something very close to what I want. In case someone is interested in the answer:
Instead of going with the point cloud approach I dug myself into VTK (which is a pain to learn, but has a lot of functionality) with python.
My algorithm is basically this:
Approximate the sine wave as a simple triangular wave first.
Feed the x, y and z coordinates of the wave into a vtkPoints object
Use vtkParametricSpline to get a smooth wave
vtkSplineFilter to have control over the smoothness of the wave
vtkTubeFilter to create a volume from the line
vtkTriangleFilter for meshing
Short version: I have a NxNxN matrix full of different values. I want to create a 2D projection of it looking exactly like this: http://tinyurl.com/bellfkn (3D if possible too!)
Long version: I have made a density matrix of dimension NxNxN with the following loop:
ndim = 512
massmat = np.zeros((ndim,ndim,ndim))
for i in range(0,npoints):
massmat[int(x1[i]),int(y1[i]),int(z1[i])] = massmat[int(x1[i]),int(y1[i]),int(z1[i])] + mpart
densemat = massmat/volumeofcell
massmat is a numpy array.
So basically I now have a NxNxN matrix with certain cells containing in this case, a density (units of g/cm^3). Is there a way to turn this into a 2D projection - a side-on view of the densities with a colorbar indicating dense areas and less dense areas?
In Matlab I would just do:
imageArray2Dmesh = mean(densemat, 3);
sc(imageArray2Dmesh, 'pink')
And it gives me a density projection - I'd like to do the same but in Python. Is there a way to view the whole NxNxN matrix in a 3D projection too? Just like the link but in 3D. That would be great.
You can use a very similar code in numpy and matplotlib:
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
imageArray2Dmesh = np.mean(mesh_reshape, axis=2);
plt.pcolor(imageArray2Dmesh, cmap = ,cmap=plt.cm.pink)
you have a couple of more command, but this is just due to different approaches for the grafics in matlab and matplotlib (hint: in the long run, the matplotlib way is way better)
If you want the project from another direction just change the axis parameter (remember that python has the indices from 0 and not from 1 like matlab).
For a projection from a generic direction...well, that is quite more difficult.
By the way, if you need to look at some 3D data I strongly suggest you to lose some time to explore mayavi. It's still a python library, and it's really powerful for 3d imaging: