Extract a content from <script> scrapign with BS4 - python

I'm trying to extract the information from a "script" tag, the code is as follows
response = requests.get("https://www.zalando.es/jordan-air-jordan-mid-zapatillas-altas-blackdark-beetrootwhitehyper-royal-joc11a024-g11.html?hl=1610800800024", headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
marca = soup.find("h3", {"class":"OEhtt9 ka2E9k uMhVZi uc9Eq5 pVrzNP _5Yd-hZ"}).text
nombre = soup.find("h1", {"class":"OEhtt9 ka2E9k uMhVZi z-oVg8 pVrzNP w5w9i_ _1PY7tW _9YcI4f"}).text
color = soup.find("span", {"class":"u-6V88 ka2E9k uMhVZi dgII7d z-oVg8 pVrzNP"}).text
precio = soup.find("span", {"class":"uqkIZw ka2E9k uMhVZi FxZV-M z-oVg8 pVrzNP"}).text
talla = soup.find("span", {"class":"u-6V88 ka2E9k uMhVZi FxZV-M z-oVg8 pVrzNP"}).text
imagen = soup.find("img", {"class": "_6uf91T z-oVg8 u-6V88 ka2E9k uMhVZi FxZV-M _2Pvyxl JT3_zV EKabf7 mo6ZnF _1RurXL mo6ZnF PZ5eVw"})['src']
sku355 = api + str(soup.find_all('script')[15]).split('sku":"')[3][:-137]
sku36 = api + str(soup.find_all('script')[15]).split('sku":"')[4][:-139]
sku365 = api + str(soup.find_all('script')[15]).split('sku":"')[5][:-139]
sku375 = api + str(soup.find_all('script')[15]).split('sku":"')[6][:-137]
sku38 = api + str(soup.find_all('script')[15]).split('sku":"')[7][:-139]
sku385 = api + str(soup.find_all('script')[15]).split('sku":"')[8][:-137]
sku39 = api + str(soup.find_all('script')[15]).split('sku":"')[9][:-137]
sku40 = api + str(soup.find_all('script')[15]).split('sku":"')[10][:-139]
sku405 = api + str(soup.find_all('script')[15]).split('sku":"')[11][:-137]
sku41 = api + str(soup.find_all('script')[15]).split('sku":"')[12][:-137]
sku42 = api + str(soup.find_all('script')[15]).split('sku":"')[13][:-139]
sku425 = api + str(soup.find_all('script')[15]).split('sku":"')[14][:-137]
sku43 = api + str(soup.find_all('script')[15]).split('sku":"')[15][:-125]
print (sku3555)
print (sku36)
print (sku365)
print (sku375)
print (sku38)
print (sku385)
print (sku39)
print (sku40)
print (sku405)
print (sku41)
print (sku42)
print (sku425)
print (sku43)
Everything works perfect with these shoes, but when I switch for example to this link it gives me something else, what I would like to take out is the SKU of each size, regardless of the link that puts

Could not reproduce your example, would be cool to improve your question.
Just in case
If you just wanna grab the sizes, try the following:
import requests, json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
headers = {"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}
response = requests.get("https://www.zalando.es/jordan-air-jordan-mid-zapatillas-altas-blackdark-beetrootwhitehyper-royal-joc11a024-g11.html?hl=1610800800024", headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'lxml')
json_object = json.loads(soup.select_one('script#z-vegas-pdp-props').contents[0].split('CDATA')[1].split(']>')[0])
for item in json_object[0]['model']['articleInfo']['units']:
print('sku:{0} - size:{1}'.format(item['id'],item['size']['local']))
sku:JOC11A024-G110005000 - size:35.5
sku:JOC11A024-G110055000 - size:36
sku:JOC11A024-G110006000 - size:36.5
sku:JOC11A024-G110065000 - size:37.5
sku:JOC11A024-G110007000 - size:38
sku:JOC11A024-G110075000 - size:38.5
sku:JOC11A024-G110008000 - size:39
sku:JOC11A024-G110085000 - size:40
sku:JOC11A024-G110009000 - size:40.5
sku:JOC11A024-G110095000 - size:41
sku:JOC11A024-G110010000 - size:42
sku:JOC11A024-G110105000 - size:42.5
sku:JOC11A024-G110011000 - size:43


re-iterate over and over rather than once in soup

I keep re-iterating over this code. I'm keen to scrape all past results data from this site yet i keep looping over one by one?
for example race_number printed goes 1, 1,2, 1,2,3 etc etc
End goal is to full all list with data and panda it out to look at results and trends.
import requests
import csv
import os
import numpy
import pandas
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
with requests.Session() as s:
webpage_response = s.get('http://www.harness.org.au/racing/fields/race-fields/?mc=SW010420')
soup = bs(webpage_response.content, "html.parser")
#soup1 = soup.select('.content')
results = soup.find_all('div', {'class':'forPrint'})
race_number = []
race_name = []
race_title = []
race_distance = []
place = []
horse_name = []
Prizemoney = []
Row = []
horse_number = []
Trainer = []
Driver = []
Margin = []
Starting_odds = []
Stewards_comments = []
Scratching = []
Track_Rating = []
Gross_Time = []
Mile_Rate = []
Lead_Time = []
First_Quarter = []
Second_Quarter = []
Third_Quarter = []
Fourth_Quarter = []
for race in results:
race_number1 = race.find(class_='raceNumber').get_text()
race_name1 = race.find(class_='raceTitle').get_text()
race_title1 = race.find(class_='raceInformation').get_text(strip=True)
race_distance1 = race.find(class_='distance').get_text()
Need help fixing iteration over and over, and what is the next best move to look at table data rather than headers above?
Is this the output you are expecting:
import requests
import csv
import os
import numpy
import pandas as pd
import html
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
with requests.Session() as s:
webpage_response = s.get('http://www.harness.org.au/racing/fields/race-fields/?mc=SW010420')
soup = bs(webpage_response.content, "html.parser")
#soup1 = soup.select('.content')
data = {}
data["raceNumber"] = [ i['rowspan'] for i in soup.find_all("td", {"class": "raceNumber", "rowspan": True})]
data["raceTitle"] = [ i.get_text(strip=True) for i in soup.find_all("td", {"class": "raceTitle"})]
data["raceInformation"] = [ i.get_text(strip=True) for i in soup.find_all("td", {"class": "raceInformation"})]
data["distance"] = [ i.get_text(strip=True) for i in soup.find_all("td", {"class": "distance"})]
data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data)
## Output
## raceNumber raceTitle raceInformation distance
##0 3 PREMIX KING PACE $4,500\n\t\t\t\t\t4YO and older.\n\t\t\t\t\tNR... 1785M
##1 3 GATEWAY SECURITY PACE $7,000\n\t\t\t\t\t4YO and older.\n\t\t\t\t\tNR... 2180M
##2 3 PERRY'S FOOTWEAR TROT $7,000\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tNR 46 to 55.\n\t... 2180M
##3 3 DELAHUNTY PLUMBING 3YO TROT $7,000\n\t\t\t\t\t3YO.\n\t\t\t\t\tNR 46 to 52.... 2180M
##4 3 RAYNER'S FRUIT & VEGETABLES 3YO PACE $7,000\n\t\t\t\t\t3YO.\n\t\t\t\t\tNR 48 to 56.... 2180M
##5 3 KAYE MATTHEWS TRIBUTE $9,000\n\t\t\t\t\t4YO and older.\n\t\t\t\t\tNR... 2180M
##6 3 TALQUIST TREES PACE $7,000\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tNR 62 to 73.\n\t... 2180M
##7 3 WEEKLY ADVERTISER 3WM PACE $7,000\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tNR 56 to 61.\n\t... 1785M

How can my program return a none for values not available, e.g some movies don't have metascore

Program suppose to return values for all 50 movies for its title, Metascore, genre, gross and if not available return aa none to ensure all elements in the respective list are 50 but currently give out 43 elements.
url = requests.get(f'https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature&year=2017-01-01,2017-12-31&start=51&ref_=adv_nxt')
soup = BeautifulSoup(url.text, 'html.parser')
for t, m, g, r, c, i in zip(soup.select('div.lister-list >div.lister-item>div.lister-item-content>h3.lister-item-header>a'),
soup.select('div.lister-list >div.lister-item>div.lister-item-content>div.ratings-bar>div.ratings-metascore>span'),
soup.select('div.lister-list >div.lister-item>div.lister-item-content>p.text-muted>.genre'),
soup.select('div.lister-list >div.lister-item>div.lister-item-content>p.text-muted>.runtime'),
soup.select('div.lister-list >div.lister-item>div.lister-item-content>p.text-muted>.certificate'),
soup.select('div.lister-list >div.lister-item>div.lister-item-content>div.ratings-bar>div>strong')):
For loops return None value to values not present
for v in soup.select('div.lister-item-content >p.sort-num_votes-visible'):
votes.append(v.find('span', attrs = {'name':'nv'}).text)
vote = v.find_all('span', attrs={'name': 'nv'})
except IndexError:
Some movies don't have metascore and some of them don't have certificate either. You either go for try-except blocks or conditional statements to get rid of that error. I used the latter within the following example. Give it a shot:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
link = 'https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature&year=2017-01-01,2017-12-31&start=51&ref_=adv_nxt'
res = requests.get(link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
for item in soup.select(".lister-item"):
name = item.select_one('h3.lister-item-header > a').get_text(strip=True)
score = item.select_one('span.metascore').get_text(strip=True) if item.select_one('span.metascore') else None
genre = item.select_one('span.genre').get_text(strip=True) if item.select_one('span.genre') else None
runtime = item.select_one('span.runtime').get_text(strip=True) if item.select_one('span.runtime') else None
certificate = item.select_one('span.certificate').get_text(strip=True) if item.select_one('span.certificate') else None
rating = item.select_one('.rating-star + strong').get_text(strip=True) if item.select_one('.rating-star + strong') else None

Real Estate Market Scraping using Python and BeautifulSoup

I need some concept how to parse a real estate market using Python. I've searched some information about parsing the websites, I even did this in VBA, but I would like to do it in python.
This is the site which will be parsed (it's one offer only now, but it will be working on full range of real estate offers, multiple sites from kontrakt.szczecin.pl):
First of all, program will use 3 pieces of information:
1/ The table where is information (Main parameters):
Numer oferty 351149, Liczba pokoi 3, Cena 335 000 PLN, Cena za m2 3 350 PLN (Number of offer, Room no, Price, Price by square meter etc). However the quantity of information depends on property offer: sometimes is 14, sometimes is 12, sometimes 16 etc.
2/ Description of property in paragraphs (it is another part of program, for now it can be skipped): Sometimes in the table (1/) there is information that there is garage or balcony. But in paragraph there is a sentence that garage is for additional price (which means for me that property doesn't have garage) or balcony is in French type (which is no balcony for me).
I managed that program should find the correct word in paragraph (such as garage) and copy text from paragraph with additional text on the left and right side (for instance: 20 letters in both sides, but what if the word is in the first place?)
3/ Additional Parameters -
Not every offer has it but like this one (http://www.kontrakt.szczecin.pl/mieszkanie-sprzedaz-6664m2-339600pln-potulicka-nowe-miasto-szczecin-zachodniopomorskie,351165) there is information about number of balconies in property. Sometimes there is information about basement too. It should be similar code to the 1/ issue.
So I tried something like this, using some internet sources (it is still incomplete):
from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
my_url = "http://www.kontrakt.szczecin.pl/mieszkanie-sprzedaz-6664m2-339600pln-potulicka-nowe-miasto-szczecin-zachodniopomorskie,351165"
#PL: otwiera połączenie z wybraną stroną, pobieranie zawartości strony (urllib)
#EN: Opens a connection and grabs url
uClient = uReq(my_url)
page_html = uClient.read()
#html parsing (BeautifulSoup)
page_soup = soup(page_html, "html.parser") #html.parser -> zapisujemy do html, nie np. do xml
#PL: zbiera tabelkę z numerami ofert, kuchnią i innymi danymi o nieruchomości z tabelki
#EN: grabs the data about real estate like kitchen, offer no, etc.
containers = page_soup.findAll("section",{"class":"clearfix"},{"id":"quick-summary"})
# print(len(containers)) - len(containers) sprawdza ile takich obiektów istnieje na stronie
#PL: Co prawda na stronie jest tylko jedna taka tabelka, ale dla dobra nauki zrobię tak jak gdyby tabelek było wiele.
#EN: There is only one table, but for the sake of knowledge I do the container variable
container = containers[0]
find_dt = container.findAll("dt")
find_dd = container.findAll("dd")
print(find_dt[0].text + " " + find_dd[0])
It works, but still is incomplete. I don't continue it right now because there is major flaw. As you see the last print it takes indexes, but not every property will have the same order (because as I mentioned sometimes there is 10 pieces of info, sometimes more, sometimes less). It will be a huge mess in CSV.
My VBA program worked in this way:
Copy table to Excel (Sheet 1)
In the sheet 2 there was parameters that program was looking for (such as Prices)
Mechanism in shortcut: Copy parameter from sheet 2 (Price), go to sheet 1 (where is parsed information), find Price string (paste the information from sheet 2: "Price"), go line below, copy price value, go to sheet 2, find Price, go below, paste the price value. And so on.
Looking for help with concept and coding also.
PART 1 and PART 2 is ready. But I have big issues with PART 3. Here is the code:
from urllib import request as uReq
import requests
#dzięki temu program jest zamykany odrazu, i nie kontynuuje wykonywania reszty kodu. Po imporcie wystarczy exit(0)
from sys import exit
from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
import csv
import re
import itertools
filename = 'test.txt'
#licznik, potrzebny do obliczenia ilości numerów ofert w pliku .txt
num_lines = 0
# tworzymy listę danych i listę URLi. Wyniki będą dodawane do list, dlatego potrzeba jest ich utworzenia (jako puste)
list_of_lines = ['351238', '351237', '111111', '351353']
list_of_lines2 = []
list_of_URLs = []
list_of_redictered_URLs = []
KONTRAKT = 'http://www.kontrakt.szczecin.pl'
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
#dodajemy linię (ofertę) do listy
#num_lines jest licznikiem, wskazuje ile wierszy zawiera lista, zmienna jest istotna w zakresię tworzenia pętli z adresami URL
num_lines += 1
#tworzymy URLe z Numerów Ofert zawartych w filename
for i in range(num_lines):
nr_oferty = list_of_lines[i]
my_url = "http://www.kontrakt.szczecin.pl/lista-ofert/?f_listingId=" + nr_oferty + "&f=&submit=Szukaj"
#Cześć druga: konwertowanie listy linków na listę linków przekierowanych
#Program wchodzi na stronę, która powinna być przekierowana, jednak ze względu na użyscie Java Scriptu,
#zadanie zostało utrudnione. Dlatego, też celem programu jest symulowanie przeglądarki, pobranie
#zawartości strony, a następnie 'wyłuskanie' odpowiedniego linku do przekierowania
i = 0
for i in range(num_lines):
url_redirect = list_of_URLs[i]
my_url = url_redirect
BROWSER = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.95 Safari/537.36'}
response = requests.get(my_url, headers=BROWSER)
script1 = '<script>'
script2 = '</script>'
content_URL = str(response.content)
find_script1 = (content_URL.find(script1))
find_script2 = (content_URL.find(script2))
url_ready = content_URL[find_script1:find_script2]
print(i+1,'z', num_lines, '-', 'oferta nr:', str(my_url[57:57+6]))
#usuwanie zbędnych tagów i znaków, w celu uzyskania czystego przekierowanego linku
list_of_redictered_URLs = [w.replace('<script>window.location=\\\'','') for w in list_of_redictered_URLs]
list_of_redictered_URLs = [w.replace('\\\';','') for w in list_of_redictered_URLs]
#usuwanie pustych wierszy z listy (oferty, które są nieakutalne na liste "wchodzą jako puste" !!! item: jest to zmienna, można zamienić np. na janusz.
filtered_list = list(filter(lambda item: item.strip(), list_of_redictered_URLs))
filtered_list = [KONTRAKT + item for item in filtered_list]
#zmiana na tuple, ze względu iż mutowalność (dodawanie kolejnych linków) nie będzie potrzebne
filtered_list = tuple(filtered_list)
print('Lista linków:\n',filtered_list)
# Kolejną częścią programu jest pobieranie istotnych informacji (parametrów podstawowych)
# ze strony kontrakt.szczecin.pl, a następnie ich zapisanie w pliku csv.
# Nagłówki w csv oraz nazwy parametrów na stronie (muszą być identyczne jak na stronie, aby mogły
# zostać odpowiednio przyporządkowane w .csv)
HEADERS = ['Numer oferty',
'Liczba pokoi',
'Cena za m2',
'Liczba pięter',
'Typ kuchni',
'Czynsz administracyjny',
'Rodzaj ogrzewania',
'Wyposażona kuchnia',
'Gorąca woda',
'Rodzaj budynku',
'Rok budowy',
'Stan nieruchomości',
'Liczba balkonów:',
'Liczba tarasów:',
'Kształt działki:',
'Szerokość działki (mb.):',
'Długość działki (mb.):',
'Droga dojazdowa:',
'w cenie',
LINKI = ["Link"]
#HEADERS2 = ['Liczba balkonów:',
# 'Liczba tarasów:',
# 'Piwnica:',
# 'Ogród:',
# 'Ochrona:',
# 'Garaż:',
# 'Winda:']
HEADERS3 = ['piwnica',
'w cenie',
csv_name = 'data.csv'
print('Dane zostaną zapisane do pliku:',csv_name + '.csv')
print('\n>>>>Program rozpoczyna pobieranie danych')
#Pobieranie linków
i = 0
#Tworzy plik csv o nazwie csv
#writerow może mieć tylko jeden argument, dlatego jest nim suma poszczególnych list. Lista
#linki ma jędną pozycję, ponieważ można sumować dane jednego typu. Nie można sumować listy ze stringami.
with open(csv_name + '.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
for i in range(len(filtered_list)):
my_url = filtered_list[i]
with uReq2(my_url) as uClient:
page_soup = soup(uClient.read(), 'lxml')
#<dt> - nazwa parametru np. Kuchnia
#<dd> - wartość parametru np. widna
row = ['-'] * len(HEADERS) + ['-'] * len(HEADERS3) + ['-'] * len(LINKI)
# Parametry podstawowe (kontrakt.szczecin.pl)
for dt, dd in zip(page_soup.select('section#quick-summary dt'), page_soup.select('section#quick-summary dd')):
if dt.text.strip() not in HEADERS:
print("\n 1(dt,dd):UWAGA!, kolumna [{}] nie istnieje w nagłówkach! (stała: HEADERS)\n".format(dt.text.strip()))
row[HEADERS.index(dt.text.strip())] = dd.text.strip()
# Parametry dodatkowe
for span, li in zip(page_soup.select('section#property-features span'), page_soup.select('section#property-features li')):
if span.text.strip() not in HEADERS:
print("\n 2:UWAGA(span,li), kolumna [{}] nie istnieje w nagłówkach (stała HEADERS)!\n".format(span.text.strip()))
row[HEADERS.index(span.text.strip())] = li.text.strip()
#No to zaczynamy zabawę...................................
# zmienna j odnosi się do indeksu HEADERS3, jest to j nie i, ponieważ i jest w dalszym użyciu
# w pętli powyżej
for p in page_soup.select('section#description'):
p = str(p)
p = p.lower()
for j in range(len(HEADERS3)):
# find_p znajduje wszystkie słowa kluczowe z HEADERS3 w paragrafie na stronie kontraktu.
find_p = re.findall(HEADERS3[j],p)
# listy, które wyświetlają pozycję startową poszczególnych słów muszą zaczynać się od '-' lub 0?,
# ponieważ, gdy dane słowo nie zostanie odnalezione to listy będą puste w pierwszej iteracji pętli
# co w konsekewncji doprowadzi do błędu out of range
m_start = []
m_end = []
lista_j = []
for m in re.finditer(HEADERS3[j], p):
#print((m.start(),m.end()), m.group())
for k in range(len(m_start)):
#właściwe teraz nie wiem po co to jest..
x = m_start[k]
y = m_end[k]
except IndexError:
x = m_start[0]
y = m_end[0]
z = (HEADERS3[j]+':',p[-60+x:y+60]+' ++-NNN-++')
print (lista_j)
row[HEADERS.index(span.text.strip())] = str(lista_j)
This code snippet will parse the quick summary table of the property url and saves it in csv file:
from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
import csv
# my_url = 'http://www.kontrakt.szczecin.pl/mieszkanie-sprzedaz-6664m2-339600pln-potulicka-nowe-miasto-szczecin-zachodniopomorskie,351165'
my_url = 'http://www.kontrakt.szczecin.pl/mieszkanie-sprzedaz-100m2-335000pln-grudziadzka-pomorzany-szczecin-zachodniopomorskie,351149'
with uReq(my_url) as uClient:
page_soup = soup(uClient.read(), 'lxml')
with open('data.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
for dt, dd in zip(page_soup.select('section#quick-summary dt'), page_soup.select('section#quick-summary dd')):
csvwriter.writerow([dt.text.strip(), dd.text.strip()])
The result is in data.csv, screenshot from my LibreOffice:
For having the table transposed, you can use this code:
from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
import csv
# my_url = 'http://www.kontrakt.szczecin.pl/mieszkanie-sprzedaz-6664m2-339600pln-potulicka-nowe-miasto-szczecin-zachodniopomorskie,351165'
my_url = 'http://www.kontrakt.szczecin.pl/mieszkanie-sprzedaz-100m2-335000pln-grudziadzka-pomorzany-szczecin-zachodniopomorskie,351149'
with uReq(my_url) as uClient:
page_soup = soup(uClient.read(), 'lxml')
headers = ['Numer oferty',
'Liczba pokoi',
'Cena za m2',
'Liczba pięter',
'Typ kuchni',
'Czynsz administracyjny',
'Rodzaj ogrzewania',
'Gorąca woda',
'Rodzaj budynku',
'Rok budowy',
'Stan nieruchomości',
'Liczba balkonów:',
'Kształt działki:',
'Szerokość działki (mb.):',
'Długość działki (mb.):',
'Droga dojazdowa:',
with open('data.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
row = ['-'] * len(headers)
for dt, dd in zip(page_soup.select('section#quick-summary dt'), page_soup.select('section#quick-summary dd')):
if dt.text.strip() not in headers:
print("Warning, column [{}] doesn't exist in headers!".format(dt.text.strip()))
row[headers.index(dt.text.strip())] = dd.text.strip()
The result will be in csv file like this (the values not present will be substituted with '-'):

Speed up parser: HTML into Database

I need insert all html tags and attributes into database
txthtml = el.driver.page_source
soup = BeautifulSoup(txthtml, "html.parser")
body = soup.find('html')
html_parse(body, el, url_page_id, 0, 0, 0,url_page)
def html_parse(html, el, url_page_id, level, i, parent_id, url_page):
txt = ""
if len(html.text) > 0:
txt = html.text.replace("\n","").replace("\t","").replace("\r","")
ta = tag_list()
ta.p_id = el.id
ta.page_id = url_page_id
ta.level = level
ta.number = i
ta.txt = txt
ta.name = html.name
ta.parent_id = parent_id
ta.html = str(html)
insert_attr(html, el.id, url_page_id, ta.id, url_page)
children = list(html.children)
j = 0
for child in children:
if child.name is None:
j = j + 1
html_parse(child, el, url_page_id, level + 1, j, ta.id, url_page)
When I have recursive function html_parse
html - current html object
el - driver class
url_page_id - id of page
level - level in DOM
i - childe number
parent_id - id of parent
url_page - current URL
tag_list - insert current tag
insert_attr - insert into database attrs of tag
Every html_parse function run fast, but full html parsing run about 4-5 minutes per big html page.
How I can speed up the code?

How to get weather from openWeahter

I am extremely new to Json, Phyton. But im trying to create my own weather app.
I'm failing to get the weather out of this Jsonobject.
This is what the Jsonobject looks like:
{"coord":{"lon":-0.13,"lat":51.51},"weather":[{"id":300,"main":"Drizzle","description":"light intensity drizzle","icon":"09d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":280.32,"pressure":1012,"humidity":81,"temp_min":279.15,"temp_max":281.15},"visibility":10000,"wind":{"speed":4.1,"deg":80},"clouds":{"all":90},"dt":1485789600,"sys":{"type":1,"id":5091,"message":0.0103,"country":"GB","sunrise":1485762037,"sunset":1485794875},"id":2643743,"name":"London","cod":200}
And this is my code:
#app.route('/temperatuur', methods=['GET','POST',])
def temperatuur():
zipcode = request.form['zip']
r = requests.get('http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?zip='+zipcode+',be&APPID=84c7d83bae2f2396ebd3a4a48dfdd057')
json_object = r.json()
weer = json_object['weather',[1]]
temp_k = int(json_object['main']['temp'])
temp_c = (temp_k - 273)
plaats = str(json_object['name'])
return render_template('temperatuur.html', temperatuur=temp_c, plaats = plaats, weer = weer)
This is the fault:
ypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
I believe this is where you're doing wrong
weer = json_object['weather',[1]]
change this to :
weer = json_object['weather'][0]
Also, I don't think you have data object 'name' in your json data plaats = str(json_object['name'])
In your above request you were trying to access the list with out of the bound index i.e. [1], instead you have to use [0]:
def temperatuur():
zipcode = '10024'
r = requests.get('http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?zip='+zipcode+'&APPID=84c7d83bae2f2396ebd3a4a48dfdd057')
json_object = r.json()
weer = json_object['weather'][0]
temp_k = int(json_object['main']['temp'])
temp_c = (temp_k - 273)
plaats = str(json_object['name'])
return render_template('temperatuur.html', temperatuur=temp_c, plaats = plaats, weer = weer)
I believe you will get the desired result.

