I am trying to predict the stock price of Facebook on the 1664th row of the .csv file. I am encountering an error when it comes to appending a np.array. Here's my code:
##predicts price of facebook stock for one day
from sklearn.svm import SVR
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
##store and show data
df = pd.read_csv (r'fb.csv')
##get and print last row of data
actual_price = df.tail(1)
##prepare and print svr models
##get all of the data except for last row
df = df.head(len(df)-1)
ind = (np.arange((len(df.index))))
df["index"] = ind
##create empty list to store dependent and independent data
# days1 =
days = np.array([])
adj_close_prices = np.array([])
##get the date and adjusted close prices
df_days = df.loc[:, 'index']
df_adj_close = df.loc[:, 'Adj Close']
##create the independent dataset ### this part to specify
for day in df_days:
days = np.append(float(day))
And the error which keeps occurring is the following:
days = np.append(float(day))
File "<__array_function__ internals>", line 4, in append
TypeError: _append_dispatcher() missing 1 required positional argument: 'values'
I have very basic level of Python knowledge and have been using YouTube and online resources to come up with what I have already.
I haven't checked your whole code, but the append problem isn't too hard to fix. Check out numpy.append() documentation and you will notice that it takes 2 parameters that are required (and a third that is optional), in a form of numpy.append(array_to_apend_to, value_to_apend) so, in your code it should look like days = np.append(days, float(day))
I got a live data from yahoo finance as follows:
ndx = yf.Ticker("NDX")
# get stock info
# get historical market data
hist = ndx.history(period="1825d")
I downloaded it and Exported to CSV file as follows:
#Download stock data then export as CSV
df = yf.download("NDX", start="2016-01-01", end="2022-11-02")
Viewed the data as follows:
df = pd.read_csv("ndx.csv")
The data was displayed as seen in the picture:
Anytime i tried to use the Date column it throws an error as KeyError 'Date'. here is my Auto Arima Model and the error thrown. Please Help.
i want to be able to use the Date column. i tried Parsing the Date column but throw the same error. i will need help parsing the data first so as to convert Date to day format or string. Thanks
Always great to see people trying to learn financial analysis:
Before I get into the solution I just want to remind you to make sure you put your imports in your question (yfinance isn't always aliased as yf). Also make sure you type or copy/paste your code so that we can easily grab it and run it!
So, I am going to assume the variable "orig_df" is just the call to pd.read_csv('ndx.csv') since that's what the screenshot looks like.
Firstly, always check your data types of your columns after reading in the file:
(assuming you are using Jupyter)
orig_df = pd.read_csv('ndx.csv')
Date is an object, which just means string in pandas.
if orig_df is the actual call to yf.ticker(...), then "Date" is your index, so it is does not act like a column.
How to fix and Run:
from statsmodels.api import tsa
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta
orig_df = pd.read_csv('ndx.csv', parse_dates=['Date'], index_col=0)
model = tsa.arima.ARIMA(np.log(orig_df['Close']), order=(10, 1, 10))
fitted = model.fit()
fc = fitted.get_forecast(5)
fc = (fc.summary_frame(alpha=0.05))
fc_mean = fc['mean']
fc_lower = fc['mean_ci_lower']
fc_upper = fc['mean_ci_upper']
orig_df.iloc[-50:,:].plot(y='Close', title='Nasdaq 100 Closing price', figsize=(10, 6))
# call orig_df.index[-1] for most recent trading day, not just today
future_5_days = [orig_df.index[-1] + timedelta(days=x) for x in range(5)]
plt.plot(future_5_days, np.exp(fc_mean), label='mean_forecast', linewidth=1.5)
color='b', alpha=.1, label='95% confidence')
plt.title('Nasdaq 5 Days Forecast')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=8)
I have a pandas dataframe with daily data. At the last day of each month, I would like to compute a quantity that depends on the daily data of the previous n months (e.g., n=3).
My current solution is to use the pandas rolling function to compute this quantity for every day, and then, only keep the quantities of the last days of each month (and discard all the other quantities). This however implies that I perform a lot of unnecessary computations.
Does somebody of you know how I can improve that?
Thanks a lot in advance!
In the following, I add two examples. In both cases, I compute rolling regressions of stock returns. The first (short) example shows the problem described above and is a sub-problem of my actual problem. The second (long) example shows my actual problem. Therefore, I would either need a solution of the first example that can be embedded in my algorithm for solving the second example or a completely different solution of the second example. Note: The dataframe that I'm using is very large, which means that multiple copies of the entire dataframe are not feasible.
Example 1:
import pandas as pd
import random
import statsmodels.api as sm
# Generate a time index
dates = pd.date_range("2018-01-01", periods=365, freq="D", name='date')
df = pd.DataFrame(index=dates,columns=['Y','X']).sort_index()
# Generate Data
df['X'] = np.array(range(0,365))
df['Y'] = 3.1*X-2.5
df = df.iloc[random.sample(range(365),280)] # some days are missing
df.iloc[random.sample(range(280),20),0] = np.nan # some observations are missing
df = df.sort_index()
# Compute Beta
def estimate_beta(ser):
return sm.OLS(df.loc[ser.index,'Y'], sm.add_constant(df.loc[ser.index,'X']), missing = 'drop').fit().params[-1]
df['beta'] = df['Y'].rolling('60D', min_periods=10).apply(estimate_beta) # use last 60 days and require at least 10 observations
# Get last entries per month
df_monthly = df[['beta']].groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='M', level='date')]).agg('last')
Example 2:
import pandas as pd
from pandas import IndexSlice as idx
import random
import statsmodels.api as sm
# Generate a time index
dates = pd.date_range("2018-01-01", periods=365, freq="D", name='date')
arrays = [dates.tolist()+dates.tolist(),["10000"]*365+["10001"]*365]
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(zip(*arrays)), names=["Date", "Stock"])
df = pd.DataFrame(index=index,columns=['Y','X']).sort_index()
# Generate Data
df.loc[idx[:,"10000"],'X'] = X = np.array(range(0,365)).astype(float)
df.loc[idx[:,"10000"],'Y'] = 3*X-2
df.loc[idx[:,"10001"],'X'] = X
df.loc[idx[:,"10001"],'Y'] = -X+1
df = df.iloc[random.sample(range(365*2),360*2)] # some days are missing
df.iloc[random.sample(range(280*2),20*2),0] = np.nan # some observations are missing
# Estimate beta
def estimate_beta_grouped(df_in):
def estimate_beta(ser):
return sm.OLS(df.loc[ser.index,'Y'].astype(float),sm.add_constant(df.loc[ser.index,'X'].astype(float)), missing = 'drop').fit().params[-1]
df = df_in.droplevel('Stock').reset_index().set_index(['Date']).sort_index()
df['beta'] = df['Y'].rolling('60D',min_periods=10).apply(estimate_beta)
return df[['beta']]
df_beta = df.groupby(level='Stock').apply(estimate_beta_grouped)
# Extract beta at last day per month
df_monthly = df.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='M', level='Date'), df.index.get_level_values(1)]).agg('last') # get last observations
df_monthly = df_monthly.merge(df_beta, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='left') # merge beta on df_monthly
I am working on a personal project collecting the data on Covid-19 cases. The data set only shows the total number of Covid-19 cases per state cumulatively. I would like to add a column that contains the new cases added that day. This is what I have so far:
import pandas as pd
from datetime import date
from datetime import timedelta
import numpy as np
#read the CSV from github
hist_US_State = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nytimes/covid-19-data/master/us-states.csv")
#some code to get yesterday's date and the day before which is needed later.
today = date.today()
yesterday = today - timedelta(days = 1)
yesterday = str(yesterday)
day_before_yesterday = today - timedelta(days = 2)
day_before_yesterday = str(day_before_yesterday)
#Extracting yesterday's and the day before cases and combine them in one dataframe
yesterday_cases = hist_US_State[hist_US_State["date"] == yesterday]
day_before_yesterday_cases = hist_US_State[hist_US_State["date"] == day_before_yesterday]
total_cases = pd.DataFrame()
total_cases = day_before_yesterday_cases.append(yesterday_cases)
#Adding a new column called "new_cases" and this is where I get into trouble.
total_cases["new_cases"] = yesterday_cases["cases"] - day_before_yesterday_cases["cases"]
Can you please point out what I am doing wrong?
Because you defined total_cases as a concatenation (via append) of yesterday_cases and day_before_yesterday_cases, its number of rows is equal to the sum of the other two dataframes. It looks like yesterday_cases and day_before_yesterday_cases both have 55 rows, and so total_cases has 110 rows. Thus your last line is trying to assign 55 values to a series of 110 values.
You may either want to reshape your data so that each date is its own column, or work in arrays of dataframes.
I am fairly new to python and coding in general.
I have a big data file that provides daily data for the period 2011-2018 for a number of stock tickers (300~).
The data is a .csv file with circa 150k rows and looks as follows (short example):
I have a function that allows me to filter for a specific symbol and get 10 observations before and after a specified date (could be any date between 2011 and 2018).
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import urllib
import datetime
def get_data(issue_date, stock_ticker):
df = pd.read_csv (r'D:\Project\Data\Short_Interest\exampledata.csv')
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format="%Y%m%d")
d = df
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
short = df.loc[df.Symbol.eq(stock_ticker)]
# get the index of the row of interest
ix = short[short.Date.eq(issue_date)].index[0]
# get the item row for that row's index
iloc_ix = short.index.get_loc(ix)
# get the +/-1 iloc rows (+2 because that is how slices work), basically +1 and -1 trading days
short_data = short.iloc[iloc_ix-10: iloc_ix+11]
return [short_data]
I want to create a script that iterates a list of 'issue_dates' and 'stock_tickers'. The list (a .csv) looks as following:
To break down my problem and question I would like to know how to do the following:
First, how do I load the inputs?
Second, how do I call the function on each input?
And last, how do I accumulate all the function returns in one dataframe?
To load the inputs and call the function for each row; iterate over the csv file and pass each row's values to the function and accumulate the resulting Seriesin a list.
I modified your function a bit: removed the DataFrame creation so it is only done once and added a try/except block to account for missing dates or tickers (your example data didn't match up too well). The dates in the second csv look like they are day/month/year so I converted them for that format.
import pandas as pd
import datetime, csv
def get_data(df, issue_date, stock_ticker):
'''Return a Series for the ticker centered on the issue date.
short = df.loc[df.Symbol.eq(stock_ticker)]
# get the index of the row of interest
ix = short[short.Date.eq(issue_date)].index[0]
# get the item row for that row's index
iloc_ix = short.index.get_loc(ix)
# get the +/-1 iloc rows (+2 because that is how slices work), basically +1 and -1 trading days
short_data = short.iloc[iloc_ix-10: iloc_ix+11]
except IndexError:
msg = f'no data for {stock_ticker} on {issue_date}'
short_data = None
return short_data
df = pd.read_csv (datafile)
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format="%Y%m%d")
results = []
with open('issues.csv') as issues:
for ticker,date in csv.reader(issues):
day,month,year = map(int,date.split('/'))
# dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, r'%d/%m/%Y')
date = datetime.date(year,month,day)
s = get_data(df,date,ticker)
# print(s)
Creating a single DataFrame or table for all that info may be problematic especially since the date ranges are all different. Probably should ask a separate question regarding that. Its mcve should probably just include a few minimal Pandas Series with a couple of different date ranges and tickers.
My process is this:
Import csv of data containing dates, activations, and cancellations
subset the data by activated or cancelled
pivot the data with aggfunc 'sum'
convert back to data frames
Now, I need to merge the 2 data frames together but there are dates that exist in one data frame but not the other. Both data frames start Jan 1, 2017 and end Dec 31, 2017. Preferably, the output for any observation in which the index month needs to be filled with have a corresponding value of 0.
Here's the .head() from both data frames:
For reference, here's the code up to this point:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import datetime
%matplotlib inline
#import data
directory1 = "C:\python\Contracts"
directory_source = os.path.join(directory1, "Contract_Data.csv")
df_source = pd.read_csv(directory_source)
#format date ranges as times
#df_source["Activation_Month"] = pd.to_datetime(df_source["Activation_Month"])
#df_source["Cancellation_Month"] = pd.to_datetime(df_source["Cancellation_Month"])
df_source["Activation_Day"] = pd.to_datetime(df_source["Activation_Day"])
df_source["Cancellation_Day"] = pd.to_datetime(df_source["Cancellation_Day"])
#subset the data based on status
df_active = df_source[df_source["Order Status"]=="Active"]
df_active = pd.DataFrame(df_active[["Activation_Day", "Event_Value"]].copy())
df_cancelled = df_source[df_source["Order Status"]=="Cancelled"]
df_cancelled = pd.DataFrame(df_cancelled[["Cancellation_Day", "Event_Value"]].copy())
#remove activations outside 2017 and cancellations outside 2017
df_cancelled = df_cancelled[(df_cancelled['Cancellation_Day'] > '2016-12-31') &
(df_cancelled['Cancellation_Day'] <= '2017-12-31')]
df_active = df_active[(df_active['Activation_Day'] > '2016-12-31') &
(df_active['Activation_Day'] <= '2017-12-31')]
#pivot the data to aggregate by day
df_active_aggregated = df_active.pivot_table(index='Activation_Day',
df_cancelled_aggregated = df_cancelled.pivot_table(index='Cancellation_Day',
#convert pivot tables back to useable dataframes
activations_aggregated = pd.DataFrame(df_active_aggregated.to_records())
cancellations_aggregated = pd.DataFrame(df_cancelled_aggregated.to_records())
#rename the time columns so they can be referenced when merging into one DF
activations_aggregated.columns = ["index_month", "Activations"]
#activations_aggregated = activations_aggregated.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(activations_aggregated["index_month"]))
cancellations_aggregated.columns = ["index_month", "Cancellations"]
#cancellations_aggregated = cancellations_aggregated.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(cancellations_aggregated["index_month"]))
I'm aware there are many posts that address issues similar to this but I haven't been able to find anything that has helped. Thanks to anyone that can give me a hand with this!
You can try:
activations_aggregated.merge(cancellations_aggregated, how='outer', on='index_month').fillna(0)