ImportError: No module named requests but module already exists - python

My code fails when it tries to import requests, despite it already being installed. I did a pip list and saw the module requested there, I uninstalled it and reinstalled it with both pip install and pip3 install, also added sudo both times. Whenever I try to install it I get the message that the requirement is already satisfied. Is there something else that I could try?
If it helps I am using VSCode on a Mac, I also have Jupyter and Spyder installed and have used them before however I’ve never used the requests module on this device.
I created a virtualenv and installed requests there, when running the script in the venv I am not getting the error anymore, however I am still curious why it was being thrown on the base env, anything else I could check?

You probably have multiple installations/environments.
Before the "import requests", line put "import sys; print(sys.executable)".
This prints the python executable being used - verify that it is the same one that you can successfully import requests with .

What worked for me was deleting three folders having names starting with "request-SOMETHING" in the directory that pip3 specifies when you try to install requests again, e.g.
Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Then just reinstall with pip and it should be in your sys.executable directory.

Try this
pip install chardet2 urllib3
python3 -m pip install requests
There is a problem with package dependency


Unable to find module install name / install module in Python

Appologies if this is confusing... I have spent most of today just trying to get the module for "shutil" installed in my instance of Python. I have tried what I thought would be the correct module from to no avail. I have upgraded from 3.10 to 3.11 with no change in the message I have received. I am sure the pip install process works as I am able to install other modules fine. Despite my attempts, I continue to receive this message:
pip install shutil
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement shutil (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for shutil
Yes, I have seen a number of other solutions but so far they do not seem to work for me. Somewhere I even read that it was now an included module. That prompted me to upgrade my Python instance. I have also attempted including --trusted-host in my pip install attempts. Perhaps there is some Python config I missed? The environment paths are updated for the Python 3.11 install.
--corrected typo
shutil is a built in module, not one you have to install. Simply call
import shutil
at the top of your python code

failed to use urllib.request with python in vscode

I tried to import urllib.request wth python in vscode but kept getting the message: ImportError: No module named request. I have no problem importing just urllib, which I know is the right line for python2. I'm sure I'm using python3 as that's what I've selected in the interpreter path.
Here's the screenshot:
I've also put pip3 install urllib3 in the terminal and got this message which means python3 should have it:
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (1.26.9)
any idea what have gone wrong or it's not the problem with python version?
This is related to your multiple environments. You should specify the installation path when using pip installation package.
pip install -t flodername urllib3 #the package of the python interpreter you chosen

Python not finding module after installing with pip

I installed nba_api using pip install nba_api in the anaconda powershell prompt. It says that the requirement is already satisfied. I followed the path, and it is indeed there. However, when I try to import in spyder, it says No module named 'nba_api'
How do I fix this?

pip list shows installed module but still getting import error

I am working with python flask's requests module. I have installed requests module using :
pip install requests
And verified that requests module exists when I run :
pip list
But when I run my python application , I receive import Error for requests module.
I noticed that pip is installing the module in C:\Users\xx\Documents\Projects\Python\Python3REST\lib\site-packages\ folder BUT the interpreter is looking for the module in C:\Users\xx\Documents\Projects\Python\Python3REST\lib\site-packages\flask\ folder.
I have tried running the command :
pip install --install-option="Path to install in" requests
But threw some other error.
The import error I am getting states :
ImportError: cannot import name 'requests' from 'flask'
I am working in virtualenv in Windows 10.
I recently had the same problem installing a self made package. I installed it with pip install <package> and checked it was actually installed with pip list but running the script with import <package> returned a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named <package>.
I solved the problem creating an empty file called in the package directory.
Check and for better understanding.
what if you add that folder to your path? using sys.path.extend?
I solved it using python3 -m pip install <package name>. In the OP's case, it should be python3 -m pip install requests.
Note that I'm using python 3.10.

Module installed but not found when import

I've got a documentation of the package named 'Google-Images-Search'
I've read and tyr to reproduce what's needed, so I installed it with this commandline :
pip install Google-Images-Search
Now when I'm trying to do it again, I've got the message like "Requirement already satisfying" for all dependencies and nothing append after.
So I've develop the file with this inside
from google_images_search import GoogleImagesSearch
gis = GoogleImagesSearch('test1', 'test2')
But when I execute this, I've got
No module named Google_Images_Search
I already try to put in my code
But Google_Images_Search is not here at all
That more than 2 hours I'm on it, I've try to uninstall pip, pip3, use pip or pip3, reinstall, use python -m pip install ... But nothing work...
Please I don't understand, and I'm beginner with Python and a little with Raspberry and the Linux environment.
The documentation states that the name of the module that the project installs is google_images_search, all lowercase, not Google_Images_Search.
try changing your import,
from google_images_search import GoogleImagesSearch

