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(4 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I had a dataframe which has 294467 rows and 7 columns. I want to assign the same number to products' brands which has the same brand.
Here is the example of my dataframe:
overall ... brand
0 5.0 ... Pirmal Healthcare
1 5.0 ... Pirmal Healthcare
2 5.0 ... Pirmal Healthcare
3 5.0 ... Pirmal Healthcare
4 4.0 ... Pirmal Healthcare
... ... ...
294975 4.0 ... Gentlemen's Hardware
294976 5.0 ... Benefit Cosmetics
294977 1.0 ... Salon Perfect
294978 1.0 ... GBSTORE
294979 1.0 ... GBSTORE
[294467 rows x 7 columns]
Final result should be:
overall ... brand
0 5.0 ... 1
1 5.0 ... 1
2 5.0 ... 1
3 5.0 ... 1
4 4.0 ... 1
... ... ...
294975 4.0 ... 7839
294976 5.0 ... 7840
294977 1.0 ... 7841
294978 1.0 ... 7842
294979 1.0 ... 7842
[294467 rows x 7 columns]
For this result, I sorted my dataframe according to brand. Then assigned different numbers to them with this code:
sorted_copy = copy.sort_values('brand')
for f, row in sorted_copy.iterrows():
if(first == i):[f, 'brand'] = random_number
elif(first !=i):
random_number= random_number +1[f, 'brand'] = random_number
However, this process took maybe an hour and half. Is there any solution to get this result in a short time? Can anyone help?
Thank you.
df['brand'] = df['brand'].astype("category")
should work fine.
I want to create a dataframe from census data. I want to calculate the number of people that returned a tax return for each specific earnings group.
For now, I wrote this
census_df = pd.read_csv('../zip code data/19zpallagi.csv')
sub_census_df = census_df[['zipcode', 'agi_stub', 'N02650', 'A02650', 'ELDERLY', 'A07180']].copy()
num_of_returns = ['Number_of_returns_1_25000', 'Number_of_returns_25000_50000', 'Number_of_returns_50000_75000',
'Number_of_returns_75000_100000', 'Number_of_returns_100000_200000', 'Number_of_returns_200000_more']
for i, column_name in zip(range(1, 7), num_of_returns):
sub_census_df[column_name] = sub_census_df[sub_census_df['agi_stub'] == i]['N02650']
I have 6 groups attached to a specific zip code. I want to get one row, with the number of returns for a specific zip code appearing just once as a column. I already tried to change NaNs to 0 and to use groupby('zipcode').sum(), but I get 50 million rows summed for zip code 0, where it seems that only around 800k should exist.
Here is the dataframe that I currently get:
zipcode agi_stub N02650 A02650 ELDERLY A07180 Number_of_returns_1_25000 Number_of_returns_25000_50000 Number_of_returns_50000_75000 Number_of_returns_75000_100000 Number_of_returns_100000_200000 Number_of_returns_200000_more Amount_1_25000 Amount_25000_50000 Amount_50000_75000 Amount_75000_100000 Amount_100000_200000 Amount_200000_more
0 0 1 778140.0 10311099.0 144610.0 2076.0 778140.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10311099.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 0 2 525940.0 19145621.0 113810.0 17784.0 NaN 525940.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19145621.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 0 3 285700.0 17690402.0 82410.0 9521.0 NaN NaN 285700.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17690402.0 NaN NaN NaN
3 0 4 179070.0 15670456.0 57970.0 8072.0 NaN NaN NaN 179070.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15670456.0 NaN NaN
4 0 5 257010.0 35286228.0 85030.0 14872.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 257010.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 35286228.0 NaN
And here is what I want to get:
zipcode Number_of_returns_1_25000 Number_of_returns_25000_50000 Number_of_returns_50000_75000 Number_of_returns_75000_100000 Number_of_returns_100000_200000 Number_of_returns_200000_more
0 0 778140.0 525940.0 285700.0 179070.0 257010.0 850.0
here is one way to do it using groupby and sum the desired columns
num_of_returns = ['Number_of_returns_1_25000', 'Number_of_returns_25000_50000', 'Number_of_returns_50000_75000',
'Number_of_returns_75000_100000', 'Number_of_returns_100000_200000', 'Number_of_returns_200000_more']
df.groupby('zipcode', as_index=False)[num_of_returns].sum()
zipcode Number_of_returns_1_25000 Number_of_returns_25000_50000 Number_of_returns_50000_75000 Number_of_returns_75000_100000 Number_of_returns_100000_200000 Number_of_returns_200000_more
0 0 778140.0 525940.0 285700.0 179070.0 257010.0 0.0
This question needs more information to actually give a proper answer. For example you leave out what is meant by certain columns in your data frame:
- `N1: Number of returns`
- `agi_stub: Size of adjusted gross income`
According to IRS this has the following levels.
Size of adjusted gross income "0 = No AGI Stub
1 = ‘Under $1’
2 = '$1 under $10,000'
3 = '$10,000 under $25,000'
4 = '$25,000 under $50,000'
5 = '$50,000 under $75,000'
6 = '$75,000 under $100,000'
7 = '$100,000 under $200,000'
8 = ‘$200,000 under $500,000’
9 = ‘$500,000 under $1,000,000’
10 = ‘$1,000,000 or more’"
I got the above from
With this information, I think what you want to find is the number of
people who filed a tax return for each of the income levels of agi_stub.
If that is what you mean then, this can be achieved by:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("./data/19zpallagi.csv")
## select only the desired columns
data = data[['zipcode', 'agi_stub', 'N1']]
## solution to your problem?
df = data.pivot_table(
## bit of cleaning up.
PREFIX = 'agi_stub_level_'
df.columns = [PREFIX + level for level in df.columns.get_level_values(1).astype(str)]
Here's the output.
In [77]: df
agi_stub_level_1 agi_stub_level_2 ... agi_stub_level_5 agi_stub_level_6
zipcode ...
0 50061850.0 37566510.0 ... 21938920.0 8859370.0
1001 2550.0 2230.0 ... 1420.0 230.0
1002 2850.0 1830.0 ... 1840.0 990.0
1005 650.0 570.0 ... 450.0 60.0
1007 1980.0 1530.0 ... 1830.0 460.0
... ... ... ... ... ...
99827 470.0 360.0 ... 170.0 40.0
99833 550.0 380.0 ... 290.0 80.0
99835 1250.0 1130.0 ... 730.0 190.0
99901 1960.0 1520.0 ... 1030.0 290.0
99999 868450.0 644160.0 ... 319880.0 142960.0
[27595 rows x 6 columns]
I want to create a list of columns where the new columns are based on previous columns times 1.5. It will roll until Year 2020. I tried to use previous and current but it didn't work as expected. How can I make it work as expected?
df = pd.DataFrame({
}); df
a = []
for i in range(1, 21):
a.append("us202" + str(i))
for previous, current in zip(a, a[1:]):
df[current] = df[previous] * 1.5
IIUC you can fix you code with:
a = []
for i in range(0, 21):
for previous, current in zip(a, a[1:]):
df[current] = df[previous] * 1.5
Another, vectorial, approach with numpy would be:
df2 = (pd.DataFrame(df['us2000'].to_numpy()[:,None]*1.5**np.arange(21),
columns=[f'us20{i:02}' for i in range(21)]))
us2000 us2001 us2002 us2003 us2004 us2005 us2006 us2007 ...
0 5 7.5 11.25 16.875 25.3125 37.96875 56.953125 85.429688
1 3 4.5 6.75 10.125 15.1875 22.78125 34.171875 51.257812
2 6 9.0 13.50 20.250 30.3750 45.56250 68.343750 102.515625
3 9 13.5 20.25 30.375 45.5625 68.34375 102.515625 153.773438
4 2 3.0 4.50 6.750 10.1250 15.18750 22.781250 34.171875
5 4 6.0 9.00 13.500 20.2500 30.37500 45.562500 68.343750
for i in range(1, 21):
df[f"us{int(2000+i):2d}"] = df[f"us{int(2000+i-1):2d}"].mul(1.5)
>>> df
us2000 us2001 us2002 ... us2018 us2019 us2020
0 5 7.5 11.25 ... 7389.45940 11084.18910 16626.283650
1 3 4.5 6.75 ... 4433.67564 6650.51346 9975.770190
2 6 9.0 13.50 ... 8867.35128 13301.02692 19951.540380
3 9 13.5 20.25 ... 13301.02692 19951.54038 29927.310571
4 2 3.0 4.50 ... 2955.78376 4433.67564 6650.513460
5 4 6.0 9.00 ... 5911.56752 8867.35128 13301.026920
[6 rows x 21 columns]
pd.DataFrame(df.to_numpy()*[1.5**i for i in range(0,21)])\
.rename(columns=lambda x:str(x).rjust(2,'0')).add_prefix("us20")
us2000 us2001 us2002 ... us2018 us2019 us2020
0 5 7.5 11.25 ... 7389.45940 11084.18910 16626.283650
1 3 4.5 6.75 ... 4433.67564 6650.51346 9975.770190
2 6 9.0 13.50 ... 8867.35128 13301.02692 19951.540380
3 9 13.5 20.25 ... 13301.02692 19951.54038 29927.310571
4 2 3.0 4.50 ... 2955.78376 4433.67564 6650.513460
5 4 6.0 9.00 ... 5911.56752 8867.35128 13301.026920
[6 rows x 21 columns]
I am new to python and pandas, so my doubt can be silly also.
So I have two data frames let's say df1 and df2 where
df1 is like
treatment1 treatment2 value comparision test adjustment statsig p_value
0 Treatment Control 0.795953 Treatment:Control t-test Benjamini-Hochberg False 0.795953
1 Treatment2 Control 0.795953 Treatment2:Control t-test Benjamini-Hochberg False 0.795953
2 Treatment2 Treatment 0.795953 Treatment2:Treatment t-test Benjamini-Hochberg False 0.795953
and df2 is like
group_type metric
0 Treatment 31.0
1 Treatment2 83.0
2 Treatment 51.0
3 Treatment 20.0
4 Control 41.0
.. ... ...
336 Treatment3 35.0
337 Treatment3 9.0
338 Treatment3 35.0
339 Treatment3 9.0
340 Treatment3 35.0
I want to add a column mean_percentage_lift in df1 where
lift_mean_percentage = (mean(treatment1)/mean(treatment2) -1) * 100
where `treatment1` and `treatment2` can be anything in `[Treatment, Control, Treatment2]`
My Approach:
I am using the assign function of the data frame.
df1.assign(mean_percentage_lift = lambda dataframe: lift_mean_percentage(df2, dataframe['treatment1'], dataframe['treatment2']))
def lift_mean_percentage(df, treatment1, treatment2):
treatment1_data = df[df[group_type_col] == treatment1]
treatment2_data = df[df[group_type_col] == treatment2]
mean1 = treatment1_data['metric'].mean()
mean2 = treatment2_data['metric'].mean()
return (mean1/mean2 -1) * 100
But I am getting this error Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects for line
treatment1_data = df[df[group_type_col] == treatment1]. Is there something I am doing wrong is there any alternative to this.
For dataframe df2:
group_type metric
0 Treatment 31.0
1 Treatment2 83.0
2 Treatment 51.0
3 Treatment 20.0
4 Control 41.0
5 Treatment3 35.0
6 Treatment3 9.0
7 Treatment 35.0
8 Treatment3 9.0
9 Control 5.0
You can try:
def lift_mean_percentage(df, T1, T2):
treatment1= df['metric'][df['group_type']==T1].mean()
treatment2= df['metric'][df['group_type']==T2].mean()
return (treatment1/treatment2 -1) * 100
the result:
I want to add (ideally get the mean of the sum) of several column values starting with my index i,
for i in range(0,len(stocks2)):
if stocks2['Startpoint'][i]==1:
Is there a way to give the beginning Index and the end index and prob step size and then sum it all in one command instead of copy and paste to death? I wanted to go trough all the different investment lengths and put the avg returns in the empty list.
1970-08-31 10559.0 10.0 1.0 5311.0 35.000 1692.0 0.030657 12048.0
12626.0 10.0 1.0 5411.0 46.250 926.0 0.088235 6624.0
12749.0 11.0 1.0 5331.0 45.500 5632.0 0.126173 34685.0
13100.0 11.0 1.0 5311.0 22.000 1759.0 0.171242 15107.0
13653.0 10.0 1.0 5311.0 13.125 141.0 0.220930 1337.0
13936.0 11.0 1.0 2331.0 11.500 270.0 -0.053061 3942.0
14322.0 11.0 1.0 5311.0 64.750 6934.0 0.024409 154187.0
16969.0 10.0 1.0 5311.0 42.875 1069.0 0.186851 13828.0
17072.0 10.0 1.0 5311.0 14.750 777.0 0.026087 5415.0
17304.0 10.0 1.0 5311.0 24.875 1939.0 0.058511 8150.0
MV XRET IB ... PE2 \
1970-08-31 10559.0 421680.000 0.025357 NaN ... 13.852692
12626.0 306360.000 0.082935 NaN ... 13.145312
12749.0 1578167.500 0.120873 NaN ... 25.970466
13100.0 332354.000 0.165942 NaN ... 9.990711
13653.0 17548.125 0.215630 NaN ... 6.273570
13936.0 45333.000 -0.058361 NaN ... 6.473123
14322.0 9983608.250 0.019109 NaN ... 22.204047
16969.0 592875.500 0.181551 NaN ... 11.948061
17072.0 79871.250 0.020787 NaN ... 8.845526
17304.0 202731.250 0.053211 NaN ... 8.641655
lagPE1 lagPE2 lagMV lagSEQ QUINTILE1 \
1970-08-31 10559.0 13.852692 13.852692 412644.000 264.686 4
12626.0 13.145312 13.145312 281520.000 164.151 4
12749.0 25.970466 25.970466 1404742.500 367.519 5
13100.0 9.990711 9.990711 288921.375 414.820 3
13653.0 6.273570 6.273570 14372.750 24.958 1
13936.0 6.473123 6.473123 48289.500 76.986 1
14322.0 22.204047 22.204047 9790874.500 3439.802 5
16969.0 11.948061 11.948061 499536.500 NaN 4
17072.0 8.845526 8.845526 77840.625 NaN 3
17304.0 8.641655 8.641655 191525.000 307.721 3
QUINTILE2 avgvol avg Startpoint
1970-08-31 10559.0 4 9229.057592 1697.2 0
12626.0 4 3654.367470 894.4 0
12749.0 5 188206.566860 5828.6 0
13100.0 3 94127.319048 3477.2 0
13653.0 1 816.393162 268.8 0
13936.0 1 71547.050633 553.2 0
14322.0 5 195702.521519 6308.8 0
16969.0 4 3670.297872 2002.0 0
17072.0 3 3774.083333 3867.8 0
17304.0 3 12622.112903 1679.4 0
I got the following pandas df by using the following command, how to get PCT Change for all the columns dynamically for AAL , AAN ... 100 more
price['AABA_PCT_CHG'] = price.AABA.pct_change()
0 16.120001 9.635592 18.836105 NaN
1 16.400000 8.363149 23.105881 0.017370
2 16.680000 8.460282 24.892321 0.017073
3 17.700001 8.829385 28.275263 0.061151
4 16.549999 8.839100 27.705627 -0.064972
5 15.040000 8.654548 27.754738 -0.091239
Apply on dataframe like
In [424]: price.pct_change().add_suffix('_PCT_CHG')
0 NaN NaN NaN
1 0.017370 -0.132057 0.226680
2 0.017073 0.011614 0.077315
3 0.061151 0.043628 0.135903
4 -0.064972 0.001100 -0.020146
5 -0.091239 -0.020879 0.001773
In [425]: price.join(price.pct_change().add_suffix('_PCT_CHG'))
0 16.120001 9.635592 18.836105 NaN NaN NaN
1 16.400000 8.363149 23.105881 0.017370 -0.132057 0.226680
2 16.680000 8.460282 24.892321 0.017073 0.011614 0.077315
3 17.700001 8.829385 28.275263 0.061151 0.043628 0.135903
4 16.549999 8.839100 27.705627 -0.064972 0.001100 -0.020146
5 15.040000 8.654548 27.754738 -0.091239 -0.020879 0.001773