I'm trying to compute some (a lot) of multivariate conditional densities (i.e., the multiplication of several multivariate probability density functions). I'm able to set up and expand the matrices properly but now would like to drop terms that, for example in the equation (and code) below, don't contain wg. With help from the posted answer, I was able to develop a hacky solution; improvements are welcome.
import sympy as sym
from IPython.display import display as disp
N = 211
wg = sym.MatrixSymbol('w_g', N, 1)
wg_n = sym.MatrixSymbol('w_gn', N, 1)
Z_wg = sym.MatrixSymbol('Z_wg', N, N)
# pdf wg
pdf_wg = ((wg - wg_n).T * Z_wg.I * (wg - wg_n))
pdf_full = sym.expand(pdf_wg)
# pdf_full.collect(wg) # NotImplementedError: noncommutative scalars in MatMul are not supported.
# print (wg in pdf_full.atoms()) # False
# this gives what I want
terms = pdf_full.as_terms()[0]
for term in terms:
if 'w_g,' in str(term[0].atoms()):
disp (term[0])
UPDATE 2: More Complex MWE
Here I'm trying to grab just the terms with b in them.
import sympy as sym
from IPython.display import display as disp, Math
mu = sym.symbols('mu') # mean non GIA SSH trend
N = 211
vec1 = sym.MatrixSymbol('1', N, 1)
u = sym.MatrixSymbol('u', N, 1)
Pi = sym.MatrixSymbol('Pi', N, N)
b = sym.MatrixSymbol('b', N, 1)
wg = sym.MatrixSymbol('w_g', N, 1)
wm = sym.MatrixSymbol('w_m', N, 1)
bhat = mu*vec1 + wg + wm + u # convenience
pdf = sym.expand((b - bhat).T * Pi.I * (b-bhat))
terms = pdf.as_terms()[0]
good_terms = []
for term in terms:
if b.args[0] in term[0].atoms():
print ('Good terms:'); disp(sym.Add(*good_terms))
UPDATE 4: Solved
For more complex expressions adding doit() to the expand will prevent a bunch of extra loops (e.g.):
pdf = sym.expand((b - bhat).T * Pi.I * (b-bhat)).doit()
More information can be found in the comments to the various answers.
You could extract the atoms of the expression and test whether the variable is among them:
from sympy import symbols
a, b, mug = symbols('a b mu_g')
expr1 = a * b + a * mug
expr2 = a * b
for expr in [expr1, expr2]:
if mug in expr.atoms():
print(expr, 'contains', mug)
print(expr, 'does not contain', mug)
PS: An update for your new question. For a MatrixSymbol the symbol is stored as wg.args[0] (args[1] and args[2] are the dimensions):
import sympy as sym
N = 211
wg = sym.MatrixSymbol('w_g', N, 1)
wg_n = sym.MatrixSymbol('w_gn', N, 1)
Z_wg = sym.MatrixSymbol('Z_wg', N, N)
pdf_wg = ((wg - wg_n).T * Z_wg.I * (wg - wg_n))
pdf_full = sym.expand(pdf_wg)
print (wg.args[0] in pdf_full.atoms()) # True
Note that the hacky solution is the question could go wrong when w_g would be the last item or another name would end in the same string.
You can get the terms not containing wg like:
In [53]: pdf_full.subs(wg, ZeroMatrix(N, 1)).doit()
T -1
w_gn ⋅Z_wg ⋅w_gn
Then you can subtract those from pdf_full:
In [54]: pdf_full - pdf_full.subs(wg, ZeroMatrix(N, 1)).doit()
T -1 T -1 T -1
w_g ⋅Z_wg ⋅w_g -w_g ⋅Z_wg ⋅w_gn -w_gn ⋅Z_wg ⋅w_g
I can't translate a formula from Mathcad to Python. Stuck on "a".
Here's what I was able to do:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
k1 = 1
b = 1.51
D = (1/b) * (np.sqrt(k1/np.pi))
x0 = 10 * b
myArray = np.arange(0, 24, 0.1)
for t in myArray:
S1_t = (k1) / (1 + np.e ** (-(D * myArray - 5)))
S1_deistv = S1_t.real
plt.plot(myArray, S1_deistv, color="black")
As you can see, MathCad is going to:
create an expression containing the symbolic derivative of S1.
finding the root of that expression.
In Python, we have to use different libraries to achieve the same result. In this particular case it is a little bit more convoluted (requires more steps). In particular:
Use SymPy to create a symbolic expression. We can then compute the symbolic derivative.
Use SciPy's root finding algorithms, such as root or bisect, ...
Here is the code: I've added some comments to help you understand.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import root
import sympy as sp
k1 = 1
b = 1.51
D = (1/b) * np.sqrt(k1 / np.pi)
# create a symbol
t = sp.symbols("t")
# create a symbolic expression. Note that we are using the
# exponential function of SymPy (because it is symbolic)
S1 = k1 / (1 + sp.exp(-(D * t - 5)))
print("S1 = ", S1)
# write the expression
# with `diff` we are computing the derivative with respect to `t`
expr = S1 - t * sp.diff(S1, t)
print("expr = ", expr)
# convert the expression to a numerical function so that it
# can be evaluated by Numpy/Scipy
f = sp.lambdify([t], expr)
# plot the symbolic expression to help us decide a good initial
# guess for the root finding algorithm
sp.plot(expr, (t, 0, 24))
# in the interval t in [0, 24] we can see two roots, one at
# about 2 and the other at about 18.
# Let's find the second root.
result = root(f, 18)
print("result", result)
a = result.x[0]
print("a = ", a)
# remember that S1 is a symbolic expression: we can substitute
# t (the symbol) with a (the number)
b = float(S1.subs(t, a))
k = b / a
print("k = ", k)
t_array = np.arange(0, 24, 0.1)
S1_t = (k1) / (1 + np.e ** (-(D * t_array - 5)))
S1_deistv = S1_t.real
plt.plot(t_array, S1_deistv, color="black")
plt.plot(t_array, k * t_array)
This is the output of the following code:
S1 = 1/(exp(5 - 0.373635485793216*t) + 1)
expr = -0.373635485793216*t*exp(5 - 0.373635485793216*t)/(exp(5 - 0.373635485793216*t) + 1)**2 + 1/(exp(5 - 0.373635485793216*t) + 1)
Function of which we want to find the roots
result fjac: array([[-1.]])
fun: array([-6.66133815e-16])
message: 'The solution converged.'
nfev: 6
qtf: array([3.5682568e-13])
r: array([-0.22395716])
status: 1
success: True
x: array([18.06314347])
a = 18.063143471730815
k = 0.04715849105203411
I have been using the SymPy Vector module to do Vector Calculus and related Physics. However, I would like to convert my created vectors to Matrix format. I know that there is a method of Vector.to_matrix(CoordSys), and I got it to work, but I am struggling with creating a 3x3 matrix for eventually finding determinants with.
My current code involves 3 individual vectors: Phidiffu, Phidiffv, and UnitVector. I am trying to insert these into a matrix, and it is sort of working, but I am unable to delete columns, and the method takes a suspiciously large amount of code for something that should be simple. N is the method that I sort of got to work, while m is the method that I could not get to work.
import math as m
import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
from sympy import *
from sympy.vector import *
from sympy.physics.quantum import *
from sympy.physics.vector import *
u, v, Phi = symbols('u v Phi')
Phi = Function('Phi')(u, v)
F = Function('F')(x, y)
N = CoordSys3D('N')
Phi = (2*u*cos(v))*N.i + (2*u*sin(v))*N.j + (u)*N.k
PhiMat = Phi.to_matrix(N)
PhiVec = matrix_to_vector(PhiMat, N)
Phidiffu = Phi.diff(u)
Phidiffv = Phi.diff(v)
UnitVector = N.i + N.j + N.k
UnitVectorMat = UnitVector.to_matrix(N)
PhidiffuMat = Phidiffu.to_matrix(N)
PhidiffvMat = Phidiffv.to_matrix(N)
M = Matrix([UnitVectorMat, PhidiffuMat, PhidiffvMat])
#M = Matrix([UnitVectorMat], [PhidiffuMat], [PhidiffvMat])
#M = Matrix(1, 3, [UnitVectorMat, PhidiffuMat, PhidiffvMat])
#M = Matrix(3, 1, [[UnitVectorMat], [PhidiffuMat], [PhidiffvMat]])
N1 = zeros(3)
N2 = N1.col_insert(0, UnitVectorMat)
N3 = N2.col_insert(1, PhidiffuMat)
N4 = N3.col_insert(2, PhidiffvMat)
N5 = N4.col_del(3)
#N6 = N5.col_del(3)
#N7 = N6.col_del(3)
Does anyone know how I may get the code to work?
Best regards, ExactPlace441
I have a complex matrix C with dimensions (r, r) as well as a complex vector of size r. I need to compute a new matrix from C and v following this equation:
where K is also a square matrix of dimensions (r, r). Here is the code to compute K with three loops:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
r = 9
# Create random matrix
C = np.random.rand(r,r) + np.random.rand(r,r) * 1j
v = np.random.rand(r) + np.random.rand(r) * 1j
# Original loops
K = np.zeros((r, r))
for m in range(r):
for n in range(r):
for i in range(r):
K[m,n] += np.imag( C[i,m] * np.conj(C[i,n]) * np.sign(np.imag(v[i])) )
Removing the loop with i is relatively easy:
# First optimization
K = np.zeros((r, r))
for m in range(r):
for n in range(r):
K[m,n] = np.imag(np.sum(C[:,m] * np.conj(C[:,n]) * np.sign(np.imag(v)) ))
but I am not sure how to proceed to vectorize the two remaining loops. Is it actually possible in this case?
I had a lot of these of problems and here is how I usually proceeded to find solutions to writing out vectorized code.
Here is what I have noticed about your summation. Cool conclusion is that you probably do not need vectorization at all, as you can express your whole calculation as a single product of 2D matrics. Here comes...
Lets first define following matrix (sorry for lack of Latex notation, Stackoverflow does not support Mathjax) :
A_{i,j} = c_{i,j}.
B_{i,j} = c_{i,j} * sgn(Im(v_i))
Then you can write your summation as:
k_{m,n} = Im( \sum_{i=1}^{r} c_{i,m} * sgn(Im(v_i)) * c_{i,n}^* ) = Im ( \sum_{i=1}^{r} B_{i,m} * A_{i,n}^* ) = Im( \sum_{i=1}^{r} B_{m,i}^T * A_{i,n}^* )
The expression above inside of Im(.) is the by definition of matrix multiplication equivalent to following :
k_{m,n} = Im( (B^T * A^*)_{m,n} )
Which means that your matrix k can be expressed as product of transpose of matrix B and product of matrix A. In your code the matrix matrix A is assigned already to variable C. So the vectorization could be done as follows:
C = np.random.rand(r,r) + np.random.rand(r,r) * 1j
v = np.random.rand(r) + np.random.rand(r) * 1j
k = np.imag( (C * np.sign(np.imag(v)).T # np.conj(C) )
And you have avoided both nasty loops and convoluted expressions
This looks like matrix multiplication:
out = np.imag((C*np.sign(np.imag(v))[:,None]).T # np.conj(C))
Or you can use np.einsum:
out = np.imag(np.einsum('im,in,i', C, np.conj(C), np.sign(np.imag(v))))
Verification with your approach:
np.all(np.abs(out-K) < 1e-6)
# True
I found something that can work for now. However, one loop remains and since the resulting matrix is symetric, there is still some optimization to be made.
Instead of removing the i loop, I removed the two other ones:
K = np.zeros((r, r), dtype=np.complex128)
for i in range(r):
K += adjointMatrix(C) # (np.sign(np.imag(v)) * C)
K = np.imag(K)
def adjointMatrix(X):
return np.conjugate( np.transpose(X) )
I am newbie in python and doing coding for my physics project which requires to generate a matrix with a variable E for which first element of the matrix has to be solved. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Here is the part of code
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import math
import cmath
import sympy as sy
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
#Constants(Values at temp 10K)
hbar = 1.055E-34
m0=9.1095E-31 #free mass of electron
q= 1.602E-19
v = [0.510,0,0.510] # conduction band offset in eV
m1= 0.043 #effective mass in In_0.53Ga_0.47As
m2 = 0.072 #effective mass in Al_0.48In_0.52As
d = [-math.inf,100,math.inf] # dimension of structure in nanometers
'''scaling factor to with units of E in eV, mass in terms of free mass of electron, length in terms
of nanometers '''
s = (2*q*m0*1E-18)/(hbar)**2
#print('scaling factor is ',s)
E = sy.symbols('E') #Suppose energy of incoming particle is 0.3eV
m = [0.043,0.072,0.043] #effective mass of electrons in layers
for i in range(3):
print ('Effective mass of e in layer', i ,'is', m[i])
k=[ ] #Defining an array for wavevectors in different layers
for i in range(3):
print('Wave vector in layer',i,'is',k[i])
x = []
for i in range(2):
# print(x[i])
#Define Boundary condition matrix for two interfaces.
D0 = (1/2)*sy.Matrix([[1+x[0],1-x[0]], [1-x[0], 1+x[0]]], dtype = complex)
#A = sy.matrix2numpy(D0,dtype=complex)
D1 = (1/2)*sy.Matrix([[1+x[1],1-x[1]], [1-x[1], 1+x[1]]], dtype = complex)
#Define Propagation matrix for 2nd layer or quantum well
P1 = 1*sy.Matrix([[sy.exp(-1j*k[1]*d[1]), 0],[0, sy.exp(1j*k[1]*d[1])]], dtype = complex)
T= D0*P1*D1
#print('Transfer Matrix is given by:',T)
#print('Dimension of tranfer matrix T is' ,T.shape)
# I want to solve T{0,0} = 0 equation for E
def f(x):
return T[0,0]
x0= 0.5 #intial guess
x = fsolve(f, x0)
print("E is",x)
**The main part i guess is the part of the code where i am trying to solve the equation.***Steps I am following:
Defining a symbol E by using sympy
Generating three matrices which involves sum formulae and with variable E
Generating a matrix T my multiplying those 3 matrices,note that elements are complex and involves square roots of negative number.
I need to solve first element of this matrix T[0,0]=0,for variable E and find out value of E. I used fsolve for soving T[0,0]=0.*
Just a note for future questions, please leave out unused imports such as numpy and leave out zombie code like # a = eye(3,3). This helps keep the code as clean and short as possible. Also, the sample code would not run because of indentation problems, so when you copy and paste code, make sure it works before you do so. Always try to make your questions as short and modular as possible.
The expression of T[0,0] is too complex to solve analytically by SymPy so numerical approximation is needed. This leaves 2 options:
using SciPy's solvers which are advanced but require type casting to float values since SciPy does not deal with SymPy objects in any way.
using SymPy's root solvers which are less advanced but are probably simpler to use.
Both of these will only ever produce a single number as output since you can't expect numeric solvers to find every root. If you wanted to find more than one, then I advise that you use a list of points that you want to use as initial values, input each of them into the solvers and keep track of the distinct outputs. This will however never guarantee that you have obtained every root.
Only mix SciPy and SymPy if you are comfortable using both with no problems. SciPy doesn't play at all with SymPy and you should only have list, float, and complex instances when working with SciPy.
import math
import sympy as sy
from scipy.optimize import newton
# Constants(Values at temp 10K)
hbar = 1.055E-34
m0 = 9.1095E-31 # free mass of electron
q = 1.602E-19
v = [0.510, 0, 0.510] # conduction band offset in eV
m1 = 0.043 # effective mass in In_0.53Ga_0.47As
m2 = 0.072 # effective mass in Al_0.48In_0.52As
d = [-math.inf, 100, math.inf] # dimension of structure in nanometers
'''scaling factor to with units of E in eV, mass in terms of free mass of electron, length in terms
of nanometers '''
s = (2 * q * m0 * 1E-18) / hbar ** 2
E = sy.symbols('E') # Suppose energy of incoming particle is 0.3eV
m = [0.043, 0.072, 0.043] # effective mass of electrons in layers
for i in range(3):
print('Effective mass of e in layer', i, 'is', m[i])
k = [] # Defining an array for wavevectors in different layers
for i in range(3):
k.append(sy.sqrt(s * m[i] * (E - v[i])))
print('Wave vector in layer', i, 'is', k[i])
x = []
for i in range(2):
x.append((k[i + 1] * m[i]) / (k[i] * m[i + 1]))
# Define Boundary condition matrix for two interfaces.
D0 = (1 / 2) * sy.Matrix([[1 + x[0], 1 - x[0]], [1 - x[0], 1 + x[0]]], dtype=complex)
D1 = (1 / 2) * sy.Matrix([[1 + x[1], 1 - x[1]], [1 - x[1], 1 + x[1]]], dtype=complex)
# Define Propagation matrix for 2nd layer or quantum well
P1 = 1 * sy.Matrix([[sy.exp(-1j * k[1] * d[1]), 0], [0, sy.exp(1j * k[1] * d[1])]], dtype=complex)
T = D0 * P1 * D1
# did not converge for 0.5
x0 = 0.75
# method 1:
def f(e):
# evaluate T[0,0] at e and remove all sympy related things.
result = complex(T[0, 0].replace(E, e))
return result
solution1 = newton(f, x0)
# method 2:
solution2 = sy.nsolve(T[0,0], E, x0)
This prints:
1.00808496181754 - 0.0444042144405285*I
Note that the first line is a native Python complex instance while the second is an instance of SymPy's complex number. One can convert the second simply with print(complex(solution2)).
Now, you'll notice that they produce different numbers but both are correct. This function seems to have a lot of zeros as can be shown from the Geogebra plot:
The red axis is Re(E), green is Im(E) and blue is |T[0,0]|. Each of those "spikes" are probably zeros.
Hoping to get some help here with parallelising my python code, I've been struggling with it for a while and come up with several errors in whichever way I try, currently running the code will take about 2-3 hours to complete, The code is given below;
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import Boltzmann, elementary_charge as kb, e
import multiprocessing
from functools import partial
Tc = 9.2
x = []
g= []
def Delta(T):
Delta(T) takes a temperature as an input and calculates a
temperature dependent variable based on Tc which is defined as a
global parameter
d0 = (pi/1.78)*kb*Tc
D0 = d0*(np.sqrt(1-(T**2/Tc**2)))
return D0
def element_in_sum(T, n, phi):
D = Delta(T)
matsubara_frequency = (np.pi * kb * T) * (2*n + 1)
factor_d = np.sqrt((D**2 * cos(phi/2)**2) + matsubara_frequency**2)
element = ((2 * D * np.cos(phi/2))/ factor_d) * np.arctan((D * np.sin(phi/2))/factor_d)
return element
def sum_elements(T, M, phi):
sum_elements(T,M,phi) is the most computationally heavy part
of the calculations, the larger the M value the more accurate the
results are.
T: temperature
M: number of steps for matrix calculation the larger the more accurate the calculation
phi: The phase of the system can be between 0- pi
X = list(np.arange(0,M,1))
Y = [element_in_sum(T, n, phi) for n in X]
return sum(Y)
def KO_1(M, T, phi):
Iko1Rn = (2 * np.pi * kb * T /e) * sum_elements(T, M, phi)
return Iko1Rn
def main():
for j in range(1, 92):
T = 0.1*j
for i in range(1, 314):
phi = 0.01*i
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
result = pool.apply_async(KO_1,args=(26000, T, phi,))
A = max(g);
del g[:]
My approach was to try and send the KO1 function into a multiprocessing pool but I either get a Pickling error or a too many files open, Any help is greatly appreciated, and if multiprocessing is the wrong approach I would love any guide.
I haven't tested your code, but you can do several things to improve it.
First of all, don't create arrays unnecessarily. sum_elements creates three array-like objects when it can use just one generator. First, np.arange creates a numpy array, then the list function creates a list object and and then the list comprehension creates another list. The function does 4 times the work it should.
The correct way to implement it (in python3) would be:
def sum_elements(T, M, phi):
return sum(element_in_sum(T, n, phi) for n in range(0, M, 1))
If you use python2, replace range with xrange.
This tip will probably help you in any python script you'll write.
Also, try to utilize multiprocessing better. It seems what you need to do is to create a multiprocessing.Pool object once, and use the pool.map function.
The main function should look like this:
def job(args):
i, j = args
T = 0.1*j
phi = 0.01*i
return K0_1(26000, T, phi)
def main():
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4) # You can change this number
x = [max(pool.imap(job, ((i, j) for i in range(1, 314)) for j in range(1, 92)]
Notice that I used a tuple in order to pass multiple arguments to job.
This is not an answer to the question, but if I may, I would propose how to speed up the code using simple numpy array operations. Have a look at the following code:
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import Boltzmann, elementary_charge as kb, e
import time
Tc = 9.2
RAM = 4*1024**2 # 4GB
def Delta(T):
Delta(T) takes a temperature as an input and calculates a
temperature dependent variable based on Tc which is defined as a
global parameter
d0 = (np.pi/1.78)*kb*Tc
D0 = d0*(np.sqrt(1-(T**2/Tc**2)))
return D0
def element_in_sum(T, n, phi):
D = Delta(T)
matsubara_frequency = (np.pi * kb * T) * (2*n + 1)
factor_d = np.sqrt((D**2 * np.cos(phi/2)**2) + matsubara_frequency**2)
element = ((2 * D * np.cos(phi/2))/ factor_d) * np.arctan((D * np.sin(phi/2))/factor_d)
return element
def KO_1(M, T, phi):
X = np.arange(M)[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]
sizeX = int((float(RAM) / sum(T.shape))/sum(phi.shape)/8) #8byte
i0 = 0
Iko1Rn = 0. * T * phi
while (i0+sizeX) <= M:
print "X = %i"%i0
indices = slice(i0, i0+sizeX)
Iko1Rn += (2 * np.pi * kb * T /e) * element_in_sum(T, X[indices], phi).sum(0)
i0 += sizeX
return Iko1Rn
def main():
T = np.arange(0.1,9.2,0.1)[:,np.newaxis]
phi = np.linspace(0,np.pi, 361)
M = 26000
result = KO_1(M, T, phi)
return result, result.max()
T0 = time.time()
r, rmax = main()
print time.time() - T0
It runs a bit more than 20sec on my PC. One has to be careful not to use too much memory, that is why there is still a loop with a bit complicated construction to use only pieces of X. If enough memory is present, then it is not necessary.
One should also note that this is just the first step of speeding up. Much improvement could be reached still using e.g. just in time compilation or cython.