I have 2 python files. One file has all of the functions, the other file has a function which calls functions from the first file. Here is a simplified version of what I have.
def one():
print("Hello World")
def two():
print("Salutations Earth")
def three():
print("Greetings World")
import file1
function_id = input("Which function would you like? Please enter(one, two or three): ")
Clearly, this is not going to work because there is no function named 'function_id' in file1. However, I am not sure how to call the functions from file1 dynamically. I looked on youtube and one of the videos suggested to use eval() but it did not work for me. Thank You for your time!
In file1.py, add a function dictionary like this:
function_dict = {'one':one, 'two':two, 'three':three}
Then in file2.py, replace file1.function_id() with this:
Use getattr() on the module file1
import file1
function_name = input("Which function would you like? Please enter(one, two or three): ")
function = getattr(file1, function_name, None)
if function:
print(f"No such function: {function}")
Note: executing arbitrary user input is not secure.
Sometimes, I see examples like this, but I don't understand how do they work. Imported module uses function without any places in which this function is set to use. Please can someone explain me how to use them.
from some_package import *
def some_func():
# do_something
And then imported_func somehow defines some_func and uses it. How is this implemented?
When I tried to call some_func from module.py I received an error. Again: idea is to use function from imported file which was defined in importing file. I couldn't find answer in google.
I tried:
from f.module import *
obj = cls()
def some_func():
for _ in range(100):
Code in main.py
class cls:
def imported_func():
Code in module.py
I have main.py and folder f in one directory. In folder f I have module.py
The way to do this is at first import __main__ then call __main__.some_func(), but remember, it's not a good practice because at least you are reserving name, what can become common reason for errors.
I'm writing a wrapper or pipeline to create a tfrecords dataset to which I would like to supply a function to apply to the dataset.
I would like to make it possible for the user to inject a function defined in another python file which is called in my script to transform the data.
Why? The only thing the user has to do is write the function which brings his data into the right format, then the existing code does the rest.
I'm aware of the fact that I could have the user write the function in the same file and call it, or to have an import statement etc.
So as a minimal example, I would like to have file y.py
def main(argv):
# Parse args etc, let's assume it is there.
dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(args.filename)
dataset = dataset.map(args.function)
# Continue with doing stuff that is independent from actual content
So what I'd like to be able to do is something like this
python y.py --func x.py my_func
And use the function defined in x.py my_func in dataset.map(...)
Is there a way to do this in python and if yes, which is the best way to do it?
Pass the name of the file as an argument to your script (and function name)
Read the file into a string, possibly extracting the given function
use Python exec() to execute the code
An example:
file = "def fun(*args): \n return args"
func = "fun(1,2,3)"
def execute(func, file):
program = file + "\nresult = " + func
local = {}
exec(program, local)
return local['result']
r = execute(func, file)
Similar to here however we must use locals() as we are not calling exec in global scope.
Note: the use of exec is somewhat dangerous, you should be sure that the function is safe - if you are using it then its fine!
Hope this helps.
Ok so I have composed the answer myself now using the information from comments and this answer.
import importlib, inspect, sys, os
# path is given path to file, funcion_name is name of function and args are the function arguments
# Create package and module name from path
package = os.path.dirname(path).replace(os.path.sep,'.')
module_name = os.path.basename(path).split('.')[0]
# Import module and get members
module = importlib.import_module(module_name, package)
members = inspect.getmembers(module)
# Find matching function
function = [t[1] for t in members if t[0] == function_name][0]
This exactly solves the question, since I get a callable function object which I can call, pass around, use it as a normal function.
I have 2 files:
from test import test
def main():
sol = 'hello'
if test() == sol:
def test():
return 'hello'
Is there a way to access the sol variable in my test function which is in another file? I'd like to do something like this:
def test():
return sol
This way it's always the same as the variable in Main.py. I tried a solution which is mentioned on Python extract variables from an imported file but it didn't work for me. Thank you for any help
Edit: I'd like to do it without changing the Main.py file
Since sol isn't defined in the function you will need to declare it as a global function so it can be used in the function. Change test.pyto the following...
global sol
return sol
Hope that helps.
If sol is a constant (i.e. a variable which will not change during the course of the program), then you can put it into a separate file, say var.py, and import it into both main.py and test.py:
from var import sol
BUT what you will be importing is a copy of the variable with the value it had at the time it was imported - any subsequent reassignments will not update the value of sol in test.py and main.py. Because a string is immutable, when you reassign a value to it what you are actually doing is you are reusing the variable name for a new entity.
What you need to do is have your variable in a mutable structure, such as a list or a class, so your var.py will look like this:
class v(object):
sol = 'Hello'
and then in main.py and test.py you can refer to sol using:
from var import v
This way, any changes to v.sol will be correctly reflected anywhere class v is imported. A bit cumbersome, but that's how it is in Python.
You can use inspect module to get the sol variable from main function without change anything of main.py. Of course, you need to call main function.
from test import test
def main():
sol = 'hello'
if test() == sol:
import inspect
def test():
frame = inspect.currentframe()
sol_from_main = 'default'
sol_from_main = frame.f_back.f_locals['sol'] # line A
print('No sol found')
print(sol_from_main) # this print 'hello'
return sol_from_main
From the python doc, we can see next:
f_back | next outer frame object (this frame’s caller)
f_locals | local namespace seen by this frame
So line A get the caller of current function, that is main function, and use f_locals to get all local variables of main function, so it can get the sol value from main. FYI in case you still need it.
In a Python program (with more than one user defined functions), I want to specify which function to use through command line arguments. For e.g., I have the following functions, func1(), func2(), func3() in my Python program, and I am using the following technique presently:
python prog.py -func func2"
My program is something like this:
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='')
parser.add_argument('-func', help='')
args = parser.parse_args()
func_type = globals()[args.func]()
def func1():
print "something1"
def func2():
print "something2"
def func3():
print "something3"
I get the following error:
KeyError: 'func2'
I will really appreciate if someone can tell me how I can implement the desired functionality.
Two simple mistakes related to func_type = globals()[args.func]()
The functions you are looking for have not been defined yet. Move the function definitions above this line.
You are calling the function instead of saving a reference to it in variable func_type.
I have a problem with including a function from another file to main executable script. I have too many functions and my main script became too long and hard to manage. So i've decided to move every function to separate file and than attach/include it. I've read nearly any relative post here to resolve my problem but no luck. Let's see:
from folder.another_file import f_fromanotherfile
class my_data:
def afunction():
#In this file i've put just function code
def f_fromanotherfile():
And this is the error:
line 11, in f_fromanotherfile
NameError: global name 'work' is not defined
Help me please
The scope of 'work' is its module, main_script.py, so you cannot access it from another module. Make 'work' an argument of f_fromanotherfile instead:
In another_file.py:
def f_fromanotherfile(work):
# function body stays the same
In main_module.py:
def afunction():
because in another_file.py
#In this file i've put just function code
def f_fromanotherfile():
work is not a global variable.And then doing assignment to it can't work.
u should change ur code to: another_file.py
#In this file i've put just function code
def f_fromanotherfile():
global work
with the global keyword u can say the variable in so-called global scope and do ur assignment.
PS:kind of like the keyword extern in C?