How do I add 1 to a SQLite3 Integer (python) - python

I am trying to make a table that logs the amount of times a player has logged in, by UUID and number of joins.
Here is what my table looks like (for testing)
I would like to make my program check if the UUID is already in the database, and then add 1 to the number of joins.
import sqlite3
connection = sqlite3.connect("joins.db")
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE joinsdatabase (uuid TEXT, joins INTEGER)")
print("Table exists: Not creating a new one!")
def addP(player_uuid):
rows = cursor.execute("SELECT uuid, joins FROM joinsdatabase").fetchall()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO joinsdatabase VALUES ('"+player_uuid+"', 1)")

If your version of SQLite is 3.24.0+ you can use UPSERT, but first you must define the column uuid as PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE.
So drop the table that you have with:
DROP TABLE joinsdatabase;
and then recreate it:
This way also, the default value of joins for a new row will be 1, so there is no need to set it in the INSERT statement.
Now you can use UPSERT like this:
def addP(player_uuid):
sql = """INSERT INTO joinsdatabase(uuid) VALUES (?)
SET joins = joins + 1"""
cursor.execute(sql, (player_uuid,))
You don't need this line:
rows = cursor.execute("SELECT uuid, joins FROM joinsdatabase").fetchall()
inside addP().
If your version of SQLite does not support UPSERT you will need 2 statements.
def addP(player_uuid):
sql = "UPDATE joinsdatabase SET joins = joins + 1 WHERE uuid = ?"
cursor.execute(sql, (player_uuid,))
sql = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO joinsdatabase(uuid) VALUES (?)"
cursor.execute(sql, (player_uuid,))
The UPDATE statement will update the row if the uuid exists in the table and the INSERT statement will insert the row if the uuid does not exist in the table.
This will also work if uuid is unique.

Try this, you may need to play about with the variables.
cursor.execute("UPDATE joinsdatabase SET count = ? WHERE uuid = ?", (int(oldCount) + 1, player_uuid))


Alter query according to user selection in sqlite python

I have a sqlite database named StudentDB which has 3 columns Roll number, Name, Marks. Now I want to fetch only the columns that user selects in the IDE. User can select one column or two or all the three. How can I alter the query accordingly using Python?
I tried:
import sqlite3
sel={"Roll Number":12}
query = 'select * from StudentDB Where({seq})'.format(seq=','.join(['?']*len(sel))),[i for k,i in sel.items()]
con = sqlite3.connect(database)
cur = con.cursor()
all_data = cur.fetchall()
I am getting:
operation parameter must be str
You should control the text of the query. The where clause shall allways be in the form WHERE colname=value [AND colname2=...] or (better) WHERE colname=? [AND ...] if you want to build a parameterized query.
So you want:
query = 'select * from StudentDB Where ' + ' AND '.join('"{}"=?'.format(col)
for col in sel.keys())
cur.execute(query, tuple(sel.values()))
In your code, the query is now a tuple instead of str and that is why the error.
I assume you want to execute a query like below -
select * from StudentDB Where "Roll number"=?
Then you can change the sql query like this (assuming you want and and not or) -
query = "select * from StudentDB Where {seq}".format(seq=" and ".join('"{}"=?'.format(k) for k in sel.keys()))
and execute the query like -
cur.execute(query, tuple(sel.values()))
Please make sure in your code the provided database is defined and contains the database name and studentDB is indeed the table name and not database name.

UPDATE values of a column in a table with Python in SQL Server

I want to update a column with SQL server query in python, as you see I am updating the relative column as below:
I have a CSV file with some A values of relative table as below:
CSV file: (a.csv)
Python Code: (create Name Value)
ff = pd.read_csv("C:\\a.csv",encoding='cp1252')
ff["Name"]= df["A"].str.extract(r'([a-zA-Z]{3}\d{4,5})') + "-A"
Result of python Code:
Table :
A Name FamilyName
ADC-B-C-ADC00112-V-E01 NULL ADC00112
Also A is a column in my table (Not all of the A records but some of them) and based on A value I want to update Name column.
My database is SQL Server and I don't know how to update in Name Column in SQL Server where the A value in the csv file is equal to A in the relative table.
Code in Python:
conn = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server}; Server=ipaddress; Database=dbname; UID=username; PWD= {password};')
cursor = conn.cursor()
for row in ff.itertuples():
cursor.execute('''UPDATE database.dbo.tablename SET Name where ?
Expected result in table
A Name FamilyName
ART-B-C-ART0015-D-E01 ART0015-A ART
ADC-B-C-ADC00112-V-E01 ADC00112-A ADC00112
I would use an SQL temp table and inner join to update the values. This will work for only updating a subset of records in your SQL table. It can also be efficient at updating many records.
SQL Cursor
# reduce number of calls to server on inserts
cursor.fast_executemany = True
Create Temporary Table
statement = "CREATE TABLE #temp_tablename(A VARCHAR(200), Name VARCHAR(200))"
Insert Values into a Temporary Table
# insert only the key and the updated values
subset = ff[['A','Name']]
# form SQL insert statement
columns = ", ".join(subset.columns)
values = '('+', '.join(['?']*len(subset.columns))+')'
# insert
statement = "INSERT INTO #temp_tablename ("+columns+") VALUES "+values
insert = [tuple(x) for x in subset.values]
cursor.executemany(statement, insert)
Update Values in Main Table from Temporary Table
statement = '''
tablename AS t
#temp_tablename AS u
Drop Temporary Table
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE #temp_tablename")

Insert record from list if not exists in table

cHandler = myDB.cursor()
cHandler.execute('select UserId,C1,LogDate from DeviceLogs_12_2019') // data from remote sql server database
curs = connection.cursor()
curs.execute("""select * from biometric""") //data from my database table
lst = []
result= cHandler.fetchall()
for row in result:
lst2 = []
result2= curs.fetchall()
for row in result2:
t = []
r = [elem for elem in lst if not elem in lst2]
for i in r:
for i in t:
frappe.db.sql("""Insert into biometric(UserId,C1,LogDate) select '%s','%s','%s' where not exists(select * from biometric where UserID='%s' and LogDate='%s')""",(i[0],i[1],i[2],i[0],i[2]),as_dict=1)
I am trying above code to insert data into my table if record not exists but getting error :
pymysql.err.ProgrammingError: (1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '1111'',''in'',''2019-12-03 06:37:15'' where not exists(select * from biometric ' at line 1")
Is there anything I am doing wrong or any other way to achieve this?
It appears you have potentially four problems:
There is a from clause missing between select and where not exists.
When using a prepared statement you do not enclose your placeholder arguments, %s, within quotes. Your SQL should be:
Your loop:
t = []
r = [elem for elem in lst if not elem in lst2]
for i in r:
If you are trying to only include rows from the remote site that will not be duplicates, then you should explicitly check the two fields that matter, i.e. UserId and LogDate. But what is the point since your SQL is taking care of making sure that you are excluding these duplicate rows? Also, what is the point of copying everything form r to t?
Insert into biometric(UserId,C1,LogDate) select %s,%s,%s from DUAL where not exists(select * from biometric where UserID=%s and LogDate=%s
But here is the problem even with the above SQL:
If the not exists clause is false, then the select %s,%s,%s from DUAL ... returns no columns and the column count will not match the number of columns you are trying to insert, namely three.
If your concern is getting an error due to duplicate keys because (UserId, LogDate) is either a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY, then add the IGNORE keyword on the INSERT statement and then if a row with the key already exists, the insertion will be ignored. But there is no way of knowing since you have not provided this information:
for i in t:
frappe.db.sql("Insert IGNORE into biometric(UserId,C1,LogDate) values(%s,%s,%s)",(i[0],i[1],i[2]))
If you do not want multiple rows with the same (UserId, LogDate) combination, then you should define a UNIQUE KEY on these two columns and then the above SQL should be sufficient. There is also an ON DUPLICATE KEY SET ... variation of the INSERT statement where if the key exists you can do an update instead (look this up).
If you don't have a UNIQUE KEY defined on these two columns or you need to print out those rows which are being updated, then you do need to test for the presence of the existing keys. But this would be the way to do it:
cHandler = myDB.cursor()
cHandler.execute('select UserId,C1,LogDate from DeviceLogs_12_2019') // data from remote sql server database
rows = cHandler.fetchall()
curs = connection.cursor()
for row in rows:
curs.execute("select UserId from biometric where UserId=%s and LogDate=%s", (ros[0], row[2])) # row already in biometric table?
biometric_row = curs.fetchone()
if biometric_row is None: # no, it is not
frappe.db.sql("Insert into biometric(UserId,C1,LogDate) values(%s, %s, %s)", (row[0],row[1],row[2]))

How to insert a dictionary into Postgresql Table with Pscycopg2

How do I insert a python dictionary into a Postgresql2 table? I keep getting the following error, so my query is not formatted correctly:
Error syntax error at or near "To" LINE 1: INSERT INTO bill_summary VALUES(To designate the facility of...
import psycopg2
import json
import psycopg2.extras
import sys
with open('data.json', 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
con = None
con = psycopg2.connect(database='sanctionsdb', user='dbuser')
cur = con.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE bill_summary(title VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, summary_text VARCHAR, action_date VARCHAR, action_desc VARCHAR)")
for d in data:
action_date = d['action-date']
title = d['title']
summary_text = d['summary-text']
action_date = d['action-date']
action_desc = d['action-desc']
q = "INSERT INTO bill_summary VALUES(" +str(title)+str(summary_text)+str(action_date)+str(action_desc)+")"
except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e:
if con:
print 'Error %s' % e
if con:
You should use the dictionary as the second parameter to cursor.execute(). See the example code after this statement in the documentation:
Named arguments are supported too using %(name)s placeholders in the query and specifying the values into a mapping.
So your code may be as simple as this:
with open('data.json', 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
""" above prints something like this:
{'title': 'the first action', 'summary-text': 'some summary', 'action-date': '2018-08-08', 'action-desc': 'action description'}
use the json keys as named parameters:
cur = con.cursor()
q = "INSERT INTO bill_summary VALUES(%(title)s, %(summary-text)s, %(action-date)s, %(action-desc)s)"
cur.execute(q, data)
Note also this warning (from the same page of the documentation):
Warning: Never, never, NEVER use Python string concatenation (+) or string parameters interpolation (%) to pass variables to a SQL query string. Not even at gunpoint.
q = "INSERT INTO bill_summary VALUES(" +str(title)+str(summary_text)+str(action_date)+str(action_desc)+")"
You're writing your query in a wrong way, by concatenating the values, they should rather be the comma-separated elements, like this:
q = "INSERT INTO bill_summary VALUES({0},{1},{2},{3})".format(str(title), str(summery_text), str(action_date),str(action_desc))
Since you're not specifying the columns names, I already suppose they are in the same orders as you have written the value in your insert query. There are basically two way of writing insert query in postgresql. One is by specifying the columns names and their corresponding values like this:
INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME (column1, column2, column3,...columnN)
VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...valueN);
Another way is, You may not need to specify the column(s) name in the SQL query if you are adding values for all the columns of the table. However, make sure the order of the values is in the same order as the columns in the table. Which you have used in your query, like this:
INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...valueN);

python sqlalchemy distinct column values

I have 6 tables in my SQLite database, each table with 6 columns(Date, user, NormalA, specialA, contact, remarks) and 1000+ rows.
How can I use sqlalchemy to sort through the Date column to look for duplicate dates, and delete that row?
Assuming this is your model:
class MyTable(Base):
__tablename__ = 'my_table'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
date = Column(DateTime)
user = Column(String)
# do not really care of columns other than `id` and `date`
# important here is the fact that `id` is a PK
following are two ways to delete you data:
Find duplicates, mark them for deletion and commit the transaction
Create a single SQL query which will perform deletion on the database directly.
For both of them a helper sub-query will be used:
# helper subquery: find first row (by primary key) for each unique date
subq = (
session.query(, func.min("min_id"))
) .subquery('date_min_id')
Option-1: Find duplicates, mark them for deletion and commit the transaction
# query to find all duplicates
q_duplicates = (
.join(subq, and_( ==, != subq.c.min_id)
for x in q_duplicates:
print("Will delete %s" % x)
Option-2: Create a single SQL query which will perform deletion on the database directly
sq = (
.join(subq, and_( ==, != subq.c.min_id)
dq = (
Inspired by the Find duplicate values in SQL table this might help you to select duplicate dates:
query = session.query(
having(func.count( > 1).\
If you only want to show unique dates; distinct on is what you might need
While I like the whole object oriented approache with SQLAlchemy, sometimes I find it easier to directly use some SQL.
And since the records don't have a key, we need the row number (_ROWID_) to delete the targeted records and I don't think the API provides it.
So first we connect to the database:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
db = create_engine(r'sqlite:///C:\temp\example.db')
eng = db.engine
Then to list all the records:
for row in eng.execute("SELECT * FROM TableA;") :
print row
And to display all the duplicated records where the dates are identical:
for row in eng.execute("""
SELECT * FROM {table}
WHERE {field} IN (SELECT {field} FROM {table} GROUP BY {field} HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)
ORDER BY {field};
""".format(table="TableA", field="Date")) :
print row
Now that we identified all the duplicates, they probably need to be fixed if the other fields are different:
eng.execute("UPDATE TableA SET NormalA=18, specialA=20 WHERE Date = '2016-18-12' ;");
eng.execute("UPDATE TableA SET NormalA=4, specialA=8 WHERE Date = '2015-18-12' ;");
And finnally to keep the first inserted record and delete the most recent duplicated records :
print eng.execute("""
""".format(table="TableA", field="Date")).rowcount
Or to keep the last inserted record and delete the other duplicated records :
print eng.execute("""
""".format(table="TableA", field="Date")).rowcount

