Tensorflow: How to save a 'DNNRegressorV2' model? python - python

I run into problem when trying to save a trained model, I've tried:
but it gave me an error AttributeError: 'DNNRegressorV2' object has no attribute 'save'
I have also tried:
tf.saved_model.save(model, mobilenet_save_path)
but it gave me an error ValueError: Expected a Trackable object for export, got <tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.canned.dnn.DNNRegressorV2 object at 0x111cc4b70>.
Any idea?
<class 'tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.canned.dnn.DNNRegressorV2'>

To save an Estimator you need to create a serving_input_receiver. This function builds a part of a tf.Graph that parses the raw data received by the SavedModel.
The tf.estimator.export module contains functions to help build these receivers.
The following code builds a receiver, based on the feature_columns, that accepts serialized tf.Example protocol buffers, which are often used with tf-serving.
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
serving_input_fn = tf.estimator.export.build_parsing_serving_input_receiver_fn(
estimator_base_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'from_estimator')
estimator_path = estimator.export_saved_model(estimator_base_path, serving_input_fn)
You can also load and run that model, from python:
imported = tf.saved_model.load(estimator_path)
def predict(x):
example = tf.train.Example()
return imported.signatures["predict"](
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Log Any Type of Model in MLflow

I am trying to create a wrapper function that allows my Data Scientists to log their models in MLflow.
This is what the function looks like,
def log_model(self, params, metrics, model, run_name, artifact_path, artifacts=None):
with mlflow.start_run(run_name=run_name):
run_id = mlflow.active_run().info.run_id
if model:
mlflow.lightgbm.log_model(model, artifact_path=artifact_path)
if artifacts:
for artifact in artifacts:
mlflow.log_artifact(artifact, artifact_path=artifact_path)
return run_id
It can be seen here that the model is being logged as a lightgbm model, however, the model parameter that is passed into this function can be of any type.
How can I update this function, so that it will be able to log any kind of model?
As far as I know, there is no log_model function that comes with mlflow. It's always mlflow.<model_type>.log_model.
How can I go about handling this?
I was able to solve this using the following approach,
def log_model(model, artifact_path):
model_class = get_model_class(model).split('.')[0]
log_model = getattr(mlflow, model_class).log_model
log_model(model, artifact_path)
except AttributeError:
logger.info('The log_model function is not available as expected!')
def get_model_class(model):
klass = model.__class__
module = klass.__module__
if module == 'builtins':
return klass.__qualname__
return module + '.' + klass.__qualname__
From what I have seen, this will be able to handle most cases. The get_model_class() method will return the class used to develop the model and based on this, we can use the getattr() method to extract the relevant log_model() method.

Receiving parse error from SageMaker Multi Model Endpoint using TensorFlow

We are currently moving our models from single model endpoints to multi model endpoints within AWS SageMaker. After deploying the Multi Model Endpoint using prebuilt TensorFlow containers I receive the following error when calling the predict() method:
{"error": "JSON Parse error: The document root must not be followed by other value at offset: 17"}
I invoke the endpoint like this:
data = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features)
predictor = Predictor(endpoint_name=endpoint_name)
prediction = predictor.predict(data=serializer.serialize(data), target_model=model_name)
My function for processing the input is the following:
def _process_input(data, context):
data = data.read().decode('utf-8')
data = [float(x) for x in data.split(',')]
return json.dumps({'instances': [data]})
For the training I configured my container as follows:
tensorflow_container = TensorFlow(
For deploying the endpoint I first initializing a Model from a given Estimator and then a MultiDataModel:
model = estimator.create_model(
mdm = MultiDataModel(
Afterwards the single models are added using:
Thank you for any hints and help.
This issue usually occurs in case you either have damaged or malformed JSON data. Recommend you running it past JSON validator https://jsonlint.com/
I work at AWS and my opinions are my own - Thanks,Raghu

How can I retrive the model.pkl in the experiment in Databricks

I want to retrieve the pickle off my trained model, which I know is in the run file inside my experiments in Databricks.
It seems that the mlflow.pyfunc.load_model can only do the predict method.
There is an option to directly access the pickle?
I also tried to use the path in the run using the pickle.load(path) (example of path: dbfs:/databricks/mlflow-tracking/20526156406/92f3ec23bf614c9d934dd0195/artifacts/model/model.pkl).
Use the frmwk's native load_model() method (e.g. sklearn.load_model()) or download_artifacts()
I recently found the solution which can be done by the following two approaches:
Use the customized predict function at the moment of saving the model (check databricks documentation for more details).
example give by Databricks
class AddN(mlflow.pyfunc.PythonModel):
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
def predict(self, context, model_input):
return model_input.apply(lambda column: column + self.n)
# Construct and save the model
model_path = "add_n_model"
add5_model = AddN(n=5)
mlflow.pyfunc.save_model(path=model_path, python_model=add5_model)
# Load the model in `python_function` format
loaded_model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_path)
Load the model artefacts as we are downloading the artefact:
from mlflow.tracking import MlflowClient
client = MlflowClient()
tmp_path = client.download_artifacts(run_id="0c7946c81fb64952bc8ccb3c7c66bca3", path='model/model.pkl')
f = open(tmp_path,'rb')
model = pickle.load(f)
client.list_artifacts(run_id="0c7946c81fb64952bc8ccb3c7c66bca3", path="")
client.list_artifacts(run_id="0c7946c81fb64952bc8ccb3c7c66bca3", path="model")

PyTorch model saving error: "Can't pickle local object"

When I try to save the PyTorch model with this piece of code:
checkpoint = {'model': Net(), 'state_dict': model.state_dict(),'optimizer' :optimizer.state_dict()}
torch.save(checkpoint, 'Checkpoint.pth')
I get the following error:
E:\PROGRAM FILES\Anaconda\envs\staj_projesi\lib\site-packages\torch\serialization.py:251: UserWarning: Couldn't retrieve source code for container of type Net. It won't be checked for correctness upon loading.
"type " + obj.__name__ + ". It won't be checked "
Can't pickle local object 'trainModel.<locals>.Net'
When I try to save the PyTorch model with this piece of code:
checkpoint = {'state_dict': model.state_dict(),'optimizer' :optimizer.state_dict()}
torch.save(checkpoint, 'Checkpoint.pth')
I don't don't get any errors, but I want to save the ANN class. How can I solve this problem? Also, I could save the model with the first structure in the other projects before
You can't! torch.save is saving the objects state_dict() only.
When you use the following:
checkpoint = {'model': Net(), 'state_dict': model.state_dict(),'optimizer' :optimizer.state_dict()}
torch.save(checkpoint, 'Checkpoint.pth')
You are trying to save the model itself, but this data is saved in the model.state_dict() and when loading a model with the state_dict you should first initiate a model object.
This is exactly the reason why the second method works properly:
checkpoint = {'state_dict': model.state_dict(),'optimizer' :optimizer.state_dict()}
torch.save(checkpoint, 'Checkpoint.pth')
I would suggest reading the pytorch docs of how to properly save\load a model in the following link:
Do the usual proper way to save and load models https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/saving_loading_models.html and if you have args or dicts you want to save and perhaps a lambda function sometimes I use dill and the errors go away. e.g.
def save_for_meta_learning(args, ckpt_filename='ckpt.pt'):
if is_lead_worker(args.rank):
import dill
# - ckpt
assert uutils.xor(args.training_mode == 'epochs', args.training_mode == 'iterations')
args_pickable = uutils.make_args_pickable(args)
# args.meta_learner.args = args_pickable
f: nn.Module = get_model_from_ddp(args.base_model)
# pickle vs torch_uu.save https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/advantages-disadvantages-of-using-pickle-module-to-save-models-vs-torch-save/79016
torch.save({'training_mode': args.training_mode, # its or epochs
'it': args.it,
'epoch_num': args.epoch_num,
# 'args': args_pickable,
'args_pickable': args_pickable,
# 'meta_learner': args.meta_learner,
'meta_learner_str': str(args.meta_learner),
# 'f': f,
'f_state_dict': f.state_dict(),
'f_str': str(f),
# 'f_modules': f._modules,
# 'f_modules_str': str(f._modules),
'outer_opt_state_dict': args.outer_opt.state_dict()
f=args.log_root / ckpt_filename)

How to send a tf.example into a TensorFlow Serving gRPC predict request

I have data in tf.example form and am attempting to make requests in predict form (using gRPC) to a saved model. I am unable to identify the method call to effect this.
I am starting with the well known Automobile pricing DNN regression model (https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/samples/cookbook/regression/dnn_regression.py) which I have already exported and mounted via the TF Serving docker container
import grpc
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_serving.apis import predict_pb2, prediction_service_pb2_grpc
stub = prediction_service_pb2_grpc.PredictionServiceStub(grpc.insecure_channel("localhost:8500"))
tf_ex = tf.train.Example(
'curb-weight': tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=[5.1])),
'highway-mpg': tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=[3.3])),
'body-style': tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[b"wagon"])),
'make': tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[b"Honda"])),
request = predict_pb2.PredictRequest()
request.model_spec.name = "regressor_test"
# Tried this:
# Also tried this:
# This doesn't work either:
# If it did work, I would like to inference on it like this:
result = self.stub.Predict(request, 10.0)
Thanks for any advice
I assume your savedModel has an serving_input_receiver_fn taking string as input and parse to tf.Example. Using SavedModel with Estimators
def serving_example_input_receiver_fn():
serialized_tf_example = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string)
receiver_tensors = {'inputs': serialized_tf_example}
features = tf.parse_example(serialized_tf_example, YOUR_EXAMPLE_SCHEMA)
return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver(features, receiver_tensors)
so, serving_input_receiver_fn accepts a string, so you have to SerializeToString your tf.Example(). Besides, serving_input_receiver_fn works like input_fn to training, data dump into model in a batch fashion.
The code may change to :
request = predict_pb2.PredictRequest()
request.model_spec.name = "regressor_test"
request.model_spec.signature_name = 'your method signature, check use saved_model_cli'
request.inputs['inputs'].CopyFrom(tf.make_tensor_proto([tf_ex.SerializeToString()], dtype=types_pb2.DT_STRING))
#hakunami's answer didn't work for me. But when I modify the last line to
request.inputs['inputs'].CopyFrom(tf.make_tensor_proto([tf_ex.SerializeToString()], dtype=types_pb2.DT_STRING),shape=[1])
it works. If "shape" is None, the resulting tensor proto represents the numpy array precisely.enter link description here

