KeyError handling while consuming API - python

I am consuming the Yelp API and using this detail view to display details of individual restaurants such as the name, rating and price of a restaurant. The detail dictionary is solid for the most part and lets me collect variables to use as context in template. However some restaurants do not provide their 'price' to the API, therefore when accessing this view I get a KeyError because there is no price in some cases. How can I create this dictionary with a None value for price to avoid this error? Or is exception handling with try & except the best solution?
def detail(request, api_id):
API_KEY = 'unique_key'
url = ''+ api_id
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(API_KEY)}
req = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
parsed = json.loads(req.text)
detail = {
'id': parsed['id'],
'name': parsed['name'],
'price': parsed['price'],
context = {'detail': detail}
return render(request, 'API/detail.html', context)

You can use <dict>.get('key', default_value):
detail = {
'id': parsed['id'],
'name': parsed['name'],
'price': parsed.get('price', None), # <-- here
W3School has a nice example on how to use .get() method.

you can try:
detail = {
'id': parsed['id'],
'name': parsed['name'],
'price': parsed['price'] if parsed['price'] else None,


Pythonic way to add optional parameters to API request

I'am trying to make an API request where I add some optional values but if I don't add them I don't want them to be in the request.
In this case, I would like the parameters to be 'startblock' & 'endblock'
def get_transactions_by_address_(self, address, action='txlist'):
:param address:
:param action: [txlist, txlistinternal]
token = self.etherscan_api_key
return requests.get(''
# '&startblock=0'
# '&endblock=92702578'
I was thinking on adding some conditionals like
request_url = ''
if startblock:
request_url = request_url + f'&startblock={startblock}'
if endblock:
request_url = request_url + f'&endblock={endblock}'
But I don't know if it is the most pythonic way to do it and I would like to get other options on how to do it
Use the payload option instead of constructing the URL yourself. For example, create a dict containing all the required options, then add additional parameters to the dict as necessary. requests.get will build the required URL from the base URL and the values found in your dict.
options = {
'module': 'account',
'action': action,
'address': address,
'apikey': token,
'sort': sort,
'page': page,
'offset': offset
if startblock:
options['startblock'] = startblock
if endblock:
options['endblock'] = endblock
return requests.get('', params=options)
The correct way to implement is:
def get_transactions_by_address_(self, address,
token = self.etherscan_api_key
options = {
'module': 'account',
'action': action,
'address': address,
'apikey': token,
'sort': sort,
'page': page,
'offset': offset
if startblock:
options['startblock'] = startblock
if endblock:
options['endblock'] = endblock
return requests.get('',

How do I make an API call and authenticate it with a given API key using Python?

This is my code to extract player data from an endpoint containing basketball data for a Data Science project.NOTE: I changed the name of the actual API key I was given since it's subscription. And I change the username/password because for privacy purposes. Using the correct credentials, I wouldn't receive a syntax error but the status code always returns 401. Since it wasn't accepting the API key, I added my account username, password, and the HTTP authentication header as well, but the status code still returns 401.
In case this is relevant, this is the website's recommendation in the developer portal: **The API key can be passed either as a query parameter or using the following HTTP request header.
Please let me know what changes I can make to my code. Any help is appreciated.
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {key}**
PS: My code got fragmented while posting this, but it is all in one function.
def getData():
user_name = ""
api_endpoint = ""
api_key = "a45;lkf"
password = "ksaljd"
header = "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key"
PARAMS = {'user': user_name, 'pass': password, 'header': header, 'key': api_key}
response = requests.get(url = api_endpoint, data = PARAMS)
file = open("Data.csv", "w")
def _get_auth_headers() -> dict:
return {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': "`Insert key here`"
api_endpoint = ""
# Your params here
response = requests.get(
Instead of just a string, you need to pass dict in the headers parameter and auth param exist so you can use it as follow:
def getData():
header = {
"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": api_key
response = requests.get(url = api_endpoint, data = PARAMS, headers=header, auth = (user_name, password))
According to the API documentation you don't need to provide email and password. You're only need to add your API Key to header:
import requests
r = requests.get(url='', headers={'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': 'API_KEY'})
'StatID': 768904,
'TeamID': 25,
'PlayerID': 20000788,
'SeasonType': 1,
'Season': 2020,
'Name': 'Tim Hardaway Jr.',
'Team': 'DAL',
'Position': 'SF',
'Started': 1,
'FanDuelSalary': 7183,
'DraftKingsSalary': 7623,
'FantasyDataSalary': 7623,

Using python to get a track from the spotify API by using search Endpoint

So I'm trying to get a track from the spotify API by searching for it by using the search endpoint of the API (See documentation). First, I authorize myself so I can send GET requests. This happens without issues, I added the code for reproducibility.
import requests
CLIENT_ID = "your_id_here"
CLIENT_SECRET = "your_secret_here"
auth_response =, {
'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
'client_id': CLIENT_ID,
'client_secret': CLIENT_SECRET,
#Convert response to JSON
auth_response_data = auth_response.json()
#Save the access token
access_token = auth_response_data['access_token']
#Need to pass access token into header to send properly formed GET request to API server
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {token}'.format(token=access_token)
Then, I want to use the search endpoint of the API to find a track by using the track name + artist (I need the track ID later on). When I use the example provided in the documentation, everything works fine and an artist object is returned by using the following query:
r = requests.get(BASE_URL + 'search?q=tania%20bowra&type=artist', headers=headers)
r = r.json()
This is the response, which looks exactly like the one in documentation:
{'artists': {'href': '',
'items': [{'external_urls': {'spotify': ''},
'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 235},
'genres': [],
'href': '',
'id': '08td7MxkoHQkXnWAYD8d6Q',
'images': [{'height': 640,
'url': '',
'width': 640},
{'height': 300,
'url': '',
'width': 300},
{'height': 64,
'url': '',
'width': 64}],
'name': 'Tania Bowra',
'popularity': 1,
'type': 'artist',
'uri': 'spotify:artist:08td7MxkoHQkXnWAYD8d6Q'}],
'limit': 20,
'next': None,
'offset': 0,
'previous': None,
'total': 1}}
Applying the same logic, I tried to get a track object from the api by using an artist and a track name, like so:
r = requests.get(BASE_URL + 'search?q=artist:queen%20track:bohemian%20rapsody&type=track', headers=headers)
r = r.json()
Even though I do get a valid response (statuscode==200), it seems to be empty:
{'tracks': {'href': '',
'items': [],
'limit': 20,
'next': None,
'offset': 0,
'previous': None,
'total': 0}}
My question is: why is this happening?
You are now searching for the query: artist:queen%20track:bohemian%20rapsody while this should just be queen%20bohemian%20rapsody instead. the type afterwards shows what items you want to return. You dont have to determine the artist and track name seperately in the query. Interpret the query just like typing something into the spotify search bar.
Problem solved. It was rhapsody instead of rapsody... Sucks be a non-native english speaker sometimes =)

Find oldest to youngest record Python

I am trying to retrieve data from the first available date to present date from an API. I've tried using min and max in parameter.
def getcomplete(cid, pid, tag, type):
api_endpoint = ''
headers = {'token': get_token()['access_token'], 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
params = {'cid': str(cid),
'from-date': datetime.datetime.min,
'to-date': datetime.datetime.max,
'tag': str(tag),
'type': str(type),
'pid': str(pid)
r =, headers=headers, params=params)
return r.json()
This returns {'status': 'success', 'message': 'success', 'data': []}.
Is there anything wrong with the written function.
Pythons min() and max() have an optional default parameter. This will prevent them from throwing errors
min("", default="")

Unittest Django: Mock external API, what is proper way?

I am having a problem understanding how mock works and how to write unittests with mock objects. I wanted to mock an external api call every time when my model calls save() method.
My code:
from . import utils
class Book(Titleable, Isactiveable, Timestampable, IsVoidable, models.Model):
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.isbn:
google_data = utils.get_original_title_and_name(self.isbn)
if google_data:
self.original_author = google_data['author']
self.original_title = google_data['title']
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
def get_original_title_and_name(isbn, **kawargs):
isbn_search_string = 'isbn:{}'.format(isbn)
payload = {
'q': isbn_search_string,
'printType': 'books',
r = requests.get(GOOGLE_API_URL, params=payload)
response = r.json()
if 'items' in response.keys():
title = response['items'][THE_FIRST_INDEX]['volumeInfo']['title']
author = response['items'][THE_FIRST_INDEX]['volumeInfo']['authors'][THE_FIRST_INDEX]
return {
'title': title,
'author': author
return None
I began read docs and write test:
from unittest import mock
from django.test import TestCase
from rest_framework import status
class BookModelTestCase(TestCase):
def test_get_original_title_and_name_from_google_api(self, mock_get):
# Define new Mock object
mock_response = mock.Mock()
# Define response data from Google API
expected_dict = {
'kind': 'books#volumes',
'totalItems': 1,
'items': [
'kind': 'books#volume',
'etag': 'B3N9X8vAMWg',
'selfLink': '',
'volumeInfo': {
'title': "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland",
'authors': [
'Lewis Carroll'
# Define response data for my Mock object
mock_response.json.return_value = expected_dict
mock_response.status_code = 200
# Define response for the fake API
mock_get.return_value = mock_response
The first of all, I can't write target for the #mock.patch correct. If a define target as utuls.get_original_title_and_name.requests.get, I get ModuleNotFoundError. Also I can't understand how to make fake-call to external API and verify recieved data (whether necessarly its, if I've already define mock_response.json.return_value = expected_dict?) and verify that my save() method work well?
How do I write test for this cases? Could anyone explain me this case?
You should mock the direct collaborators of the code under test. For Book that would be utils. For utils that would be requests.
So for the BookModelTestCase:
class BookModelTestCase(TestCase):
def test_save_book_calls_google_api(self, mock_utils):
mock_utils.get_original_title_and_name.return_value = {
'title': 'Google title',
'author': 'Google author'
book = Book(
title='Some title',
self.assertEqual(book.title, 'Google title')
self.assertEqual(, 'Google author')
And then you can create a separate test case to test get_original_title_and_name:
class GetOriginalTitleAndNameTestCase(TestCase):
def test_get_original_title_and_name_from_google_api(self, mock_get):
mock_response = mock.Mock()
# Define response data from Google API
expected_dict = {
'kind': 'books#volumes',
'totalItems': 1,
'items': [
'kind': 'books#volume',
'etag': 'B3N9X8vAMWg',
'selfLink': '',
'volumeInfo': {
'title': "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland",
'authors': [
'Lewis Carroll'
# Define response data for my Mock object
mock_response.json.return_value = expected_dict
mock_response.status_code = 200
# Define response for the fake API
mock_get.return_value = mock_response
# Call the function
result = get_original_title_and_name(12345)
self.assertEqual(result, {
'title': "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland",
'author': 'Lewis Carroll'
mock_get.assert_called_once_with(GOOGLE_API_URL, params={
'q': 'isbn:12345',
'printType': 'books',

