Timeout Issue in Looping Through Hackerrank Example - python

can anyone explain why my code for a hacker rank example is timing out. I'm new to whole idea of efficiency of code based on processing time. The code seems to work on small sets, but once I start testing cases using large datasets it times out. I've provided a brief explanation of the method and its purpose for context. But if you could provide any tips if you notice functions I'm using that might consume a large amount of runtime that would be great.
Complete the migratoryBirds function below.
Params: arr: an array of tallies of species of birds sighted by index.
For example. arr = [Type1 = 1, Type2 = 4, Type3 = 4, Type4 = 4, Type5 = 5, Type6 = 3]
Return the lowest type of the the mode of sightings. In this case 4 sightings is the
mode. Type2 is the lowest type that has the mode. So return integer 2.
def migratoryBirds(arr):
# list of counts of occurrences of birds types with the same
# number of sightings
bird_count_mode = []
for i in range(1, len(arr) + 1):
occurr_count = arr.count(i)
most_common_count = max(bird_count_mode)
common_count_index = bird_count_mode.index(most_common_count) + 1
# Find the first occurrence of that common_count_index in arr
# lowest_type_bird = arr.index(common_count_index) + 1
# Expect Input: [1,4,4,4,5,3]
# Expect Output: [1 0 1 3 1 0], 3, 4
return bird_count_mode, most_common_count, common_count_index
P.S. Thank you for the edit Chris Charley. I just tried to edit it at the same time

Use collections.Counter() to create a dictionary that maps species to their counts. Get the maximum count from this, then get all the species with that count. Then search the list for the first element of one of those species.
import collections
def migratoryBirds(arr):
species_counts = collections.Counter(arr)
most_common_count = max(species_counts.values())
most_common_species = {species for species, count in species_counts if count = most_common_count}
for i, species in arr:
if species in most_common_species:
return i


Find minimum number of elements in a list that covers specific values

A recruiter wants to form a team with different skills and he wants to pick the minimum number of persons which can cover all the required skills.
N represents number of persons and K is the number of distinct skills that need to be included. list spec_skill = [[1,3],[0,1,2],[0,2,4]] provides information about skills of each person. e.g. person 0 has skills 1 and 3, person 1 has skills 0, 1 and 2 and so on.
The code should outputs the size of the smallest team that recruiter could find (the minimum number of persons) and values indicating the specific IDs of the people to recruit onto the team.
I implemented the code with brute force as below but since some data are more than thousands, it seems I need to be solved with heuristic approaches. In this case it is possible to have approximate answer.
Any suggestion how to solve it with heuristic methods will be appreciated.
N,K = 3,5
spec_skill = [[1,3],[0,1,2],[0,2,4]]
A = list(range(K))
set_a = set(A)
solved = False
for L in range(0, len(spec_skill)+1):
for subset in itertools.combinations(spec_skill, L):
s = set(item for sublist in subset for item in sublist)
if set_a.issubset(s):
print(str(len(subset)) + '\n' + ' '.join([str(spec_skill.index(item)) for item in subset]))
solved = True
if solved: break
Here is my way of doing this. There might be potential optimization possibilities in the code, but the base idea should be understandable.
import random
import time
def man_power(lst, K, iterations=None, period=0):
Specify a fixed number of iterations
or a period in seconds to limit the total computation time.
# mapping each sublist into a (sublist, original_index) tuple
lst2 = [(lst[i], i) for i in range(len(lst))]
mini_sample = [0]*(len(lst)+1)
if period<0 or (period == 0 and iterations is None):
raise AttributeError("You must specify iterations or a positive period")
def shuffle_and_pick(lst, iterations):
mini = [0]*len(lst)
for _ in range(iterations):
skillset = set()
chosen_ones = []
idx = 0
fullset = True
# Breaks from the loop when all skillsets are found
while len(skillset) < K:
# No need to go further, we didn't find a better combination
if len(chosen_ones) >= len(mini):
fullset = False
before = len(skillset)
after = len(skillset)
if after > before:
# We append with the orginal index of the sublist
idx += 1
if fullset:
mini = chosen_ones.copy()
return mini
# Estimates how many iterations we can do in the specified period
if iterations is None:
t0 = time.perf_counter()
mini_sample = shuffle_and_pick(lst, 1)
iterations = int(period / (time.perf_counter() - t0)) - 1
mini_result = shuffle_and_pick(lst, iterations)
if len(mini_sample)<len(mini_result):
return mini_sample, len(mini_sample)
return mini_result, len(mini_result)

Forming the sublist using same indices

Hi I am trying to solve a problem where I have to return the indices in a sublist of the same person. When i say same person , I mean if they have the same username,phone or email(any one of them).
I understand that these identites are mostly unique but for the sake of questions lets assume.
data = [("username1","phone_number1", "email1"),
("usernameX","phone_number1", "emailX"),
("usernameZ","phone_numberZ", "email1Z"),
("usernameY","phone_numberY", "emailX"),
("username2","phone_number2", "emailX")]
Expected output :
Explaination: As 0,1 have the same phone and 3 and 4 have the same email so They all fall under one category. and 2 index falls in the other catoegry.
My approach until now is :
data = [("username1","phone_number1", "email1"),
("usernameX","phone_number1", "emailX"),
("usernameZ","phone_numberZ", "email1Z"),
("usernameY","phone_numberY", "emailX"),
def match(t1,t2):
if(t1[0] == t2[0] or t1[1] == t2[1] or t1[2] == t2[2]):
return True
return False
# print(match(data[1],data[3]))
together = []
for i in range(len(data)):
temp = {i}
for j in range(len(data)):
for i in range(len(data)):
ans = together[i]
for j in range(i+1,len(data)):
ans = ans.union(together[j])
I am not able to reach desired result.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
A first solution is similar to yours with some enhancements:
Leveraging any for the match, such that it doesn't require to know the number of items inside the tuples.
Checking if a user is already identified as part of "together" to skip useless comparison
Here it is:
together = set()
for user_idx, user in enumerate(data):
if user_idx in together:
continue # That user is already matched
# No need to check with previous users
for other_idx, other in enumerate(data[user_idx + 1 :], user_idx + 1):
# Match
if any(val_ref == val_other for val_ref, val_other in zip(user, other)):
together.update((user_idx, other_idx))
isolated = set(range(len(data))) ^ together
Another solution use tricks by going through a numpy array to identify isolated users. With numpy it is easy to compare a user to every other user (aka the original array). An isolated user will only match one time to itself on each of its fields, hence summing the boolean values along fields will return, for an isolated user, the length of the tuple of fields.
data = np.array(data)
# For each user, match it with the whole matrice
matches = sum(user == data for user in data)
# Isolated users only match with themselves, hence only have 1 on their line
isolated = set(np.where(np.sum(matches, axis=1) == data.shape[1])[0])
# Together are other users
together = set(range(len(data))) ^ set(isolated)
see the matches array for better understanding:
[[1 2 1]
[1 2 3]
[1 1 1]
[1 1 3]
[1 1 3]]
However, it is not leveraging any of the optimisation mentioned before.
Still, numpy is fast so it should be ok.

Change the string output to int to obtain the maximum number?

I am quite new to python so still getting to grips with the language.
I have the following function which takes a string and apply it to an algorithm which tells us if it aligns to models 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
Currently this piece of code:
def apply_text(text):
test_str = [text]
test_new = tfidf_m.transform(test_str)
prediction = 0
for m in range(0,5):
percentage = '{P:.1%}'.format(M=cat[m], P=lr_m[m].predict_proba(test_new)[0][1])
And running the following function: apply_text('Terrible idea.')
Gives the following output:
With Model 1 = 71.4%, Model 2 = 33.1%, ... Model 5 = 4.9%.
I want to only output the Model number where there is the highest percentage. So in the above example, the answer would be 1 as this has 71.4%.
As the output is a string type I am finding it difficult to find ways of converting this to an int and then comparing each value (probably in a loop of some sort) to obtain the maximum value
I think you want to save the percentages along with the model number, sort it and then return the highest.
This can be done by something like this:
def apply_text(text):
test_str = [text]
test_new = tfidf_m.transform(test_str)
prediction = 0
percentage_list = []
for m in range(0,5):
percentage = '{P:.1}'.format(M=cat[m], P=lr_m[m].predict_proba(test_new)[0][1])
percentage_list.append([m+1, float(percentage)])
percentage_list.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda a: a[1])
return percentage_list[0][0]
Things to note:
Sorting in reverse order as default is ascending. You could skip reversing and access the last element of precentage_list by accessing -1 element
The key function is used as we need to sort using the percentage
Try putting values in a list then you can utilize list methods:
percentage = []
for m in range(0, 5):
percentage.append('{P:.1%}'.format(M=cat[m], P=lr_m[m].predict_proba(test_new)[0][1]))
print(*percentage, sep='\n')
print('Max on model', percentage.index(max(percentage)))
Or using a dictionary:
percentage = {}
for m in range(0, 5):
percentage['Model ' + str(m)] = '{P:.1%}'.format(M=cat[m], P=lr_m[m].predict_proba(test_new)[0][1])
print(*percentage, sep='\n')
print('Max on', max(percentage.keys(), key=(lambda key: percentage[key])))

Fill order from smaller packages?

The input is an integer that specifies the amount to be ordered.
There are predefined package sizes that have to be used to create that order.
3 for $5
5 for $9
9 for $16
for an input order 13 the output should be:
2x5 + 1x3
So far I've the following approach:
remaining_order = 13
package_numbers = [9,5,3]
required_packages = []
while remaining_order > 0:
found = False
for pack_num in package_numbers:
if pack_num <= remaining_order:
remaining_order -= pack_num
found = True
if not found:
But this will lead to the wrong result:
1x9 + 1x3
remaining: 1
So, you need to fill the order with the packages such that the total price is maximal? This is known as Knapsack problem. In that Wikipedia article you'll find several solutions written in Python.
To be more precise, you need a solution for the unbounded knapsack problem, in contrast to popular 0/1 knapsack problem (where each item can be packed only once). Here is working code from Rosetta:
from itertools import product
NAME, SIZE, VALUE = range(3)
items = (
('A', 3, 5),
('B', 5, 9),
('C', 9, 16))
capacity = 13
def knapsack_unbounded_enumeration(items, C):
# find max of any one item
max1 = [int(C / item[SIZE]) for item in items]
itemsizes = [item[SIZE] for item in items]
itemvalues = [item[VALUE] for item in items]
# def totvalue(itemscount, =itemsizes, itemvalues=itemvalues, C=C):
def totvalue(itemscount):
# nonlocal itemsizes, itemvalues, C
totsize = sum(n * size for n, size in zip(itemscount, itemsizes))
totval = sum(n * val for n, val in zip(itemscount, itemvalues))
return (totval, -totsize) if totsize <= C else (-1, 0)
# Try all combinations of bounty items from 0 up to max1
bagged = max(product(*[range(n + 1) for n in max1]), key=totvalue)
numbagged = sum(bagged)
value, size = totvalue(bagged)
size = -size
# convert to (iten, count) pairs) in name order
bagged = ['%dx%d' % (n, items[i][SIZE]) for i, n in enumerate(bagged) if n]
return value, size, numbagged, bagged
if __name__ == '__main__':
value, size, numbagged, bagged = knapsack_unbounded_enumeration(items, capacity)
Output is:
['1x3', '2x5']
Keep in mind that this is a NP-hard problem, so it will blow as you enter some large values :)
You can use itertools.product:
import itertools
remaining_order = 13
package_numbers = [9,5,3]
required_packages = []
a=min([x for i in range(1,remaining_order+1//min(package_numbers)) for x in itertools.product(package_numbers,repeat=i)],key=lambda x: abs(sum(x)-remaining_order))
(5, 5, 3)
This simply does the below steps:
Get value closest to 13, in the list with all the product values.
Then simply make it modify the number of remaining_order.
If you want it output with 'x':
import itertools
from collections import Counter
remaining_order = 13
package_numbers = [9,5,3]
required_packages = []
a=min([x for i in range(1,remaining_order+1//min(package_numbers)) for x in itertools.product(package_numbers,repeat=i)],key=lambda x: abs(sum(x)-remaining_order))
print(' '.join(['{0}x{1}'.format(v,k) for k,v in Counter(a).items()]))
2x5 + 1x3
For you problem, I tried two implementations depending on what you want, in both of the solutions I supposed you absolutely needed your remaining to be at 0. Otherwise the algorithm will return you -1. If you need them, tell me I can adapt my algorithm.
As the algorithm is implemented via dynamic programming, it handles good inputs, at least more than 130 packages !
In the first solution, I admitted we fill with the biggest package each time.
I n the second solution, I try to minimize the price, but the number of packages should always be 0.
remaining_order = 13
package_numbers = sorted([9,5,3], reverse=True) # To make sure the biggest package is the first element
prices = {9: 16, 5: 9, 3: 5}
required_packages = []
# First solution, using the biggest package each time, and making the total order remaining at 0 each time
ans = [[] for _ in range(remaining_order + 1)]
ans[0] = [0, 0, 0]
for i in range(1, remaining_order + 1):
for index, package_number in enumerate(package_numbers):
if i-package_number > -1:
tmp = ans[i-package_number]
if tmp != -1:
ans[i] = [tmp[x] if x != index else tmp[x] + 1 for x in range(len(tmp))]
else: # Using for else instead of a boolean value `found`
ans[i] = -1 # -1 is the not found combinations
print(ans[13]) # [0, 2, 1]
print(ans[9]) # [1, 0, 0]
# Second solution, minimizing the price with order at 0
def price(x):
return 16*x[0]+9*x[1]+5*x[2]
ans = [[] for _ in range(remaining_order + 1)]
ans[0] = ([0, 0, 0],0) # combination + price
for i in range(1, remaining_order + 1):
# The not found packages will be (-1, float('inf'))
minimal_price = float('inf')
minimal_combinations = -1
for index, package_number in enumerate(package_numbers):
if i-package_number > -1:
tmp = ans[i-package_number]
if tmp != (-1, float('inf')):
tmp_price = price(tmp[0]) + prices[package_number]
if tmp_price < minimal_price:
minimal_price = tmp_price
minimal_combinations = [tmp[0][x] if x != index else tmp[0][x] + 1 for x in range(len(tmp[0]))]
ans[i] = (minimal_combinations, minimal_price)
print(ans[13]) # ([0, 2, 1], 23)
print(ans[9]) # ([0, 0, 3], 15) Because the price of three packages is lower than the price of a package of 9
In case you need a solution for a small number of possible
but a possibly very big
in which case all the other solutions would fail, you can use this to reduce remaining_order:
import numpy as np
remaining_order = 13
package_numbers = [9,5,3]
required_packages = []
sub_max=np.sum([(np.product(package_numbers)/i-1)*i for i in package_numbers])
while remaining_order > sub_max:
remaining_order -= np.product(package_numbers)
Because if any package is in required_packages more often than (np.product(package_numbers)/i-1)*i it's sum is equal to np.product(package_numbers). In case the package max(package_numbers) isn't the one with the samllest price per unit, take the one with the smallest price per unit instead.
remaining_order = 100
package_numbers = [5,3]
Any part of remaining_order bigger than 5*2 plus 3*4 = 22 can be sorted out by adding 5 three times to the solution and taking remaining_order - 5*3.
So remaining order that actually needs to be calculated is 10. Which can then be solved to beeing 2 times 5. The rest is filled with 6 times 15 which is 18 times 5.
In case the number of possible package_numbers is bigger than just a handful, I recommend building a lookup table (with one of the others answers' code) for all numbers below sub_max which will make this immensely fast for any input.
Since no declaration about the object function is found, I assume your goal is to maximize the package value within the pack's capability.
Explanation: time complexity is fixed. Optimal solution may not be filling the highest valued item as many as possible, you have to search all possible combinations. However, you can reuse the possible optimal solutions you have searched to save space. For example, [5,5,3] is derived from adding 3 to a previous [5,5] try so the intermediate result can be "cached". You may either use an array or you may use a set to store possible solutions. The code below runs the same performance as the rosetta code but I think it's clearer.
To further optimize, use a priority set for opts.
costs = [3,5,9]
value = [5,9,16]
volume = 130
# solutions
opts = set()
# calc total value
cost_val = dict(zip(costs, value))
def total_value(opt):
return sum([cost_val.get(cost,0) for cost in opt])
def possible_solutions():
solutions = set()
for opt in opts:
for cost in costs:
if cost + sum(opt) > volume:
cnt = (volume - sum(opt)) // cost
for _ in range(1, cnt + 1):
sol = tuple(list(opt) + [cost] * _)
return solutions
def optimize_max_return(opts):
if not opts:
return tuple([])
cur = list(opts)[0]
for sol in opts:
if total_value(sol) > total_value(cur):
cur = sol
return cur
while sum(optimize_max_return(opts)) <= volume - min(costs):
opts = opts.union(possible_solutions())
If your requirement is "just fill the pack" it'll be even simpler using the volume for each item instead.

Number of elements in Python Set

I have a list of phone numbers that have been dialed (nums_dialed).
I also have a set of phone numbers which are the number in a client's office (client_nums)
How do I efficiently figure out how many times I've called a particular client (total)
For example:
Problem is that I have a large-ish dataset: len(client_nums) ~ 10^5; and len(nums_dialed) ~10^3.
which client has 10^5 numbers in his office? Do you do work for an entire telephone company?
print sum(1 for num in nums_dialed if num in client_nums)
That will give you as fast as possible the number.
If you want to do it for multiple clients, using the same nums_dialed list, then you could cache the data on each number first:
nums_dialed_dict = collections.defaultdict(int)
for num in nums_dialed:
nums_dialed_dict[num] += 1
Then just sum the ones on each client:
sum(nums_dialed_dict[num] for num in this_client_nums)
That would be a lot quicker than iterating over the entire list of numbers again for each client.
>>> client_nums = set([2, 3])
>>> nums_dialed = [1, 2, 2, 3, 3]
>>> count = 0
>>> for num in nums_dialed:
... if num in client_nums:
... count += 1
>>> count
Should be quite efficient even for the large numbers you quote.
Using collections.Counter from Python 2.7:
dialed_count = collections.Counter(nums_dialed)
count = sum(dialed_count[t] for t in client_nums)
Thats very popular way to do some combination of sorted lists in single pass:
nums_dialed = [1, 2, 2, 3, 3]
client_nums = [2,3]
c = 0
i = iter(nums_dialed)
j = iter(client_nums)
a = i.next()
b = j.next()
while True:
if a < b:
a = i.next()
if a > b:
b = j.next()
# a == b
c += 1
a = i.next() # next dialed
except StopIteration:
print c
Because "set" is unordered collection (don't know why it uses hashes, but not binary tree or sorted list) and it's not fair to use it there. You can implement own "set" through "bisect" if you like lists or through something more complicated that will produce ordered iterator.
The method I use is to simply convert the set into a list and then use the len() function to count its values.
set_var = {"abc", "cba"}

