Python not importing functions from module - python

So, I have this project of a form similar to this:
Now, In my I have this:
import errorHandling
from functions import *
And in
from functions import sendMessage
def exceptionHandle(ex,errorCode):
def exceptionHandle(ex,errorCode):
extra = ""
status = 1
if errorCode ==
constants.awsWorking = 0
if checkConnection() == True:
extra = "A network connection was detected but no connection to AWS was possible. Possibilities include an issue of authentication, renamed/incorrectly named shadow, or a duplicate client name. "
constants.errorsListDelayed[int(time.time())] = [ex,errorCode,extra,]
extra = "No internet connection detected/Google DNS down. "
constants.errorsListDelayed[int(time.time())] = [ex,errorCode,extra,constants.TargetConnection.awsAndMail]
elif errorCode == constants.ErrorCodes.loadConfig:
extra = checkIniExists()
elif errorCode ==
status, extra = checkCameraInitial()
elif errorCode == constants.ErrorCodes.loadImages:
extra= "Couldn't load images. "
extra= "Unknown Error location"
if status == 1:
(indentation got a bit messy after copying)
And in my functions I have a number of functions, including the aforementioned sendMessage
Now, for some reason while I am able to import errorHandle, none of its functions, including the exceptionHandle function show, but it IS importing, as I can do something like this fine:
And it would work without any real issues
I have also attempted different imports, with different errors that more or less resulted in the same idea. So I tried:
from errorHandle import exceptionHandle
But that didn't work either.
I have also tried
from errorHandle import *
which just loaded sendMessage only, and I tried to change the code in errorHandle to change the sendMessage to *, which loaded all the files, and I tried removing the whole import functions from, which changed nothing.
Kind-of lost here, since it IS importing the module and recognizing it, just not the functions in the module.
ImportError: cannot import name 'exceptionHandle' from 'errorHandling'
I have ensured all the names are correct, also no functions exist with either of those names, I have also tried different names to make sure its not a weird bug due to a certain name.

Do you by any chance have a function named errorHandle inside your file?
Please see the code I have, and that it is running. Can you please provide a minimal reproducible example so the bug/problem can be replicated.
user#Inspiron:~/code/general/remthisdir$ cat ;echo;cat ;echo ;cat
from functions import sendMessage
def exceptionHandle():
print('Inside exceptionHandle')
def sendMessage():
print('Inside sendMessage')
import errorHandle
from functions import *
if __name__ == '__main__':
user#Inspiron:~/code/general/remthisdir$ python
Inside exceptionHandle
Inside sendMessage


How to dynamically reload function in Python?

I'm trying to create a process that dynamically watches jupyter notebooks, compiles them on modification and imports them into my current file, however I can't seem to execute the updated code. It only executes the first version that was loaded.
There's a file called that calls this function repeatedly:
import fs.fs_util as fs_util
In I do the following:
from fs.feature import Feature
import inspect
from importlib import reload
import os
def is_subclass_of_feature(o):
return inspect.isclass(o) and issubclass(o, Feature) and o is not Feature
def get_instances_of_features(name):
module = __import__(COMPILED_MODULE, fromlist=[name])
module = reload(module)
feature_members = getattr(module, name)
all_features = inspect.getmembers(feature_members, predicate=is_subclass_of_feature)
return [f[1]() for f in all_features]
This function is called by:
def update_feature_list(name):
os.system("jupyter nbconvert --to script {}{} --output {}{}"
.format(PATH + "/" + s3.OUTPUT_PATH, name + JUPYTER_EXTENSION, PATH + "/" + COMPILED_PATH, name))
features = get_instances_of_features(name)
for f in features:
feature = f.create_feature()
except Exception as e:
There is other irrelevant code that checks for whether a file has been modified etc.
I can tell the file is being reloaded correctly because when I use inspect.getsource(f.create_feature) on the class it displays the updated source code, however during execution it returns older values. I've verified this by changing print statements as well as comparing the return values.
Also for some more context the file I'm trying to import:
from fs.feature import Feature
class SubFeature(Feature):
def __init__(self):
def create_feature(self):
return "hello"
I was wondering what I was doing incorrectly?
So I found out what I was doing wrong.
When called reload I was reloading the module I had newly imported, which was fairly idiotic I suppose. The correct solution (in my case) was to reload the module from sys.modules, so it would be something like reload(sys.modules[COMPILED_MODULE + "." + name])

Call a function from different file where the file name and function name are read from a list

I have multiple functions stored in different files, Both file names and function names are stored in lists. Is there any option to call the required function without the conditional statements?
Example, file1 has functions function11 and function12,
def function11():
def function12():
file2 has functions function21 and function22
def function21():
def function22():
and I have the lists
file_name = ["file1", "file2", "file1"]
function_name = ["function12", "function22", "funciton12"]
I will get the list index from different function, based on that I need to call the function and get the output.
If the other function will give you a list index directly, then you don't need to deal with the function names as strings. Instead, directly store (without calling) the functions in the list:
import file1, file2
functions = [file1.function12, file2.function22, file1.function12]
And then call them once you have the index:
There are ways to do what is called "reflection" in Python and get from the string to a matching-named function. But they solve a problem that is more advanced than what you describe, and they are more difficult (especially if you also have to work with the module names).
If you have a "whitelist" of functions and modules that are allowed to be called from the config file, but still need to find them by string, you can explicitly create the mapping with a dict:
allowed_functions = {
'file1': {
'function11': file1.function11,
'function12': file1.function12
'file2': {
'function21': file2.function21,
'function22': file2.function22
And then invoke the function:
func = allowed_functions[module_name][function_name]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("this function/module name is not allowed")
The most advanced approach is if you need to load code from a "plugin" module created by the author. You can use the standard library importlib package to use the string name to find a file to import as a module, and import it dynamically. It looks something like:
from importlib.util import spec_from_file_location, module_from_spec
# Look for the file at the specified path, figure out the module name
# from the base file name, import it and make a module object.
def load_module(path):
folder, filename = os.path.split(path)
basename, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
spec = spec_from_file_location(basename, path)
module = module_from_spec(spec)
assert module.__name__ == basename
return module
This is still unsafe, in the sense that it can look anywhere on the file system for the module. Better if you specify the folder yourself, and only allow a filename to be used in the config file; but then you still have to protect against hacking the path by using things like ".." and "/" in the "filename".
(I have a project that does something like this. It chooses the paths from a whitelist that is also under the user's control, so I have to warn my users not to trust the path-whitelist file from each other. I also search the directories for modules, and then make a whitelist of plugins that may be used, based only on plugins that are in the directory - so no funny games with "..". And I'm still worried I forgot something.)
Once you have a module name, you can get a function from it by name like:
dynamic_module = load_module(some_path)
func = getattr(dynamic_module, function_name)
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError("function not in module")
At any rate, there is no reason to eval anything, or generate and import code based on user input. That is most unsafe of all.
Another alternative. This is not much safer than an eval() however.
Someone with access to the lists you read from the config file could inject malicious code in the lists you import.
'from subprocess import call;["rm", "-rf", "./*" stdout=/dev/null, stderr=/dev/null, shell=True)'
import re
# You must first create a directory named "test_module"
# You can do this with code if needed.
# Python recognizes a "module" as a module by the existence of an
# It will load that at the "import" command, and you can access the methods it imports
m = ["os", "sys", "subprocess"] # Modules to import from
f = ["getcwd", "exit", "call; call('do', '---terrible-things')"] # Methods to import
# Create an
with open("./test_module/", "w") as FH:
for count in range(0, len(m), 1):
# Writes "from module import method" to
line = "from {} import {}\n".format(m[count], f[count])
# !!!! SANITIZE THE LINE !!!!!
if not re.match("^from [a-zA-Z0-9._]+ import [a-zA-Z0-9._]+$", line):
print("The line '{}' is suspicious. Will not be entered into!!".format(line))
import test_module
The line 'from subprocess import call; call('do', '---terrible-things')' is suspicious. Will not be entered into!!
I'm not 100% sure I'm understanding the need. Maybe more detail in the question.
Is something like this what you're looking for?
m = ["os"]
f = ["getcwd"]
command = ''.join([m[0], ".", f[0], "()"])
# Put in some minimum sanity checking and sanitization!!!
if ";" in command or <other dangerous string> in command:
print("The line '{}' is suspicious. Will not run".format(command))
print("This will error if the method isnt imported...")
print(eval(''.join([m[0], ".", f[0], "()"])) )
This will error if the method isnt imported...
As pointed out by #KarlKnechtel, having commands come in from an external file is a gargantuan security risk!

How to compile multiple subprocess python files into single .exe file using pyinstaller

I have a similar question to this one:Similar Question.
I have a GUI and where the user can input information and the other scripts use some of that information to run.I have 4 different scripts for each button. I run them as a subprocess so that the main gui doesn’t act up or say that it’s not responding. This is an example of what I have since the code is really long since I used PAGE to generate the gui.
import subprocess
def resource_path(relative_path):
#I got this from another post to include images but I'm also using it to include the scripts"
# PyInstaller creates a temp folder and stores path in _MEIPASS
base_path = sys._MEIPASS
except Exception:
base_path = os.path.abspath(".")
return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path)
Class aclass:
def get_info(self):
global ModelNumber, Serial,SpecFile,dateprint,Oper,outputfolder
SpecFile= self.Spec_File.get()
return ModelNumber,Serial,SpecFile,outputfolder
def First(self):
aclass.get_info(self) #Where I use the resource path function
First_proc = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, resource_path(''),str(ModelNumber),str(Serial),str(path),str(outputfolder)])
import numpy as np
import scipy
from main import aclass
ModelNumber = sys.argv[1]
Serial = sys.argv[2]
path = sys.argv[3]
path_save = sys.argv[4]
and this goes on for my second,third, and fourth scripts.
In my spec file, I added:
a.datas +=[('','C\\path\\to\\script\\','DATA')]
a.datas +=[('','C\\path\\to\\script\\','DATA')]
this compiles and it works, but when I try to convert it to an .exe, it crashes because it can't import properly and its own libraries (numpy,scipy....etc). I've tried adding it to the a.datas, and runtime_hooks=[''] in the spec file...and I can't get it to work. Any ideas? I'm not sure if it's giving me this error because it is a subprocess.
Assuming you can't restructure your app so this isn't necessary (e.g., by using multiprocessing instead of subprocess), there are three solutions:
Ensure that the .exe contains the scripts as an (executable) zipfile—or just use pkg_resources—and copy the script out to a temporary directory so you can run it from there.
Write a multi-entrypoint wrapper script that can be run as your main program, and also run as each script—because, while you can't run a script out of the packed exe, you can import a module out of it.
Using pkg_resources again, write a wrapper that runs the script by loading it as a string and running it with exec instead.
The second one is probably the cleanest, but it is a bit of work. And, while we could rely on setuptools entrypoints to some of the work, trying to explain how to do this is much harder than explaining how to do it manually,1 so I'm going to do the latter.
Let's say your code looked like this:
import subprocess
import sys
spam, eggs = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2][sys.executable, '', spam])[sys.executable, '', spam, eggs])
import sys
print(' '.join(['spam'] * int(sys.argv[1])))
import sys
import time
spam, eggs = int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2]))
if eggs > spam:
print("You can't have more eggs than spam!")
raise Exception("This sketch is getting too silly!")
So, you run it like this:
$ python3 3 4
spam spam spam
You can't have more eggs than spam!
We want to reorganize it so there's a script that looks at the command-line arguments to decide what to import. Here's the smallest change to do that:
import subprocess
import sys
if sys.argv[1][:2] == '--':
script = sys.argv[1][2:]
if script == 'vikings':
import vikings*sys.argv[2:])
elif script == 'waitress':
import waitress*sys.argv[2:])
raise Exception(f'Unknown script {script}')
spam, eggs = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2][sys.executable, __file__, '--vikings', spam])[sys.executable, __file__, '--waitress', spam, eggs])
def run(spam):
print(' '.join(['spam'] * int(spam)))
import sys
import time
def run(spam, eggs):
spam, eggs = int(spam), int(eggs)
if eggs > spam:
print("You can't have more eggs than spam!")
raise Exception("This sketch is getting too silly!")
And now:
$ python3 3 4
spam spam spam
You can't have more eggs than spam!
A few changes you might want to consider in real life:
DRY: We have the same three lines of code copied and pasted for each script, and we have to type each script name three times. You can just use something like __import__(sys.argv[1][2:]).run(sys.argv[2:]) with appropriate error handling.
Use argparse instead of this hacky special casing for the first argument. If you're already sending non-trivial arguments to the scripts, you're probably already using argparse or an alternative anyway.
Add an if __name__ == '__main__': block to each script that just calls run(sys.argv[1:]), so that during development you can still run the scripts directly to test them.
I didn't do any of these because they'd obscure the idea for this trivial example.
1 The documentation is great as a refresher if you've already done it, but as a tutorial and explanatory rationale, not so much. And trying to write the tutorial that the brilliant PyPA guys haven't been able to come up with for years… that's probably beyond the scope of an SO answer.

Windows10 Python Program Disappear

I wrote a py file called simplifier. Usually when you double click the py file, Windows should give you both a console and the program. Just like the picture below.
However, I clicked my py file and the console showed up and disappeared in a flash and the program did not show up at all. Usually this means there should be some bugs in my code. So I opened the py file in IDLE and ran it, expecting the shell to give me an error. However, it did not report anything. I don't know how to locate the error. The file used to work well and it just started to behave like that. I tested putting "input('')" only in a py file and it worked as expected. And some of my programs also work well, but the rest doesn't.
Could the bug come from my imported modules? I import some module written by myself (ez and eztk). I checked those functions. They are ok.
Here is the code of simplifier.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from eztk import *
import ez
def newline():
for i,ch in enumerate(t):
if ch=='\n' and t[i+1:i+3]!='- ':
new+=' '
def brackets():
for ch in t:
if ch in d:
elif ch==d[stop]:
elif not stop:
def linecount(event):
count=lambda t:t.count('\n')+(t[-1]!='\n') if t else 0
root.bind('<KeyPress>', linecount)
def clear():
for i,w in enumerate(ws):
def inst2(text):
try: ez.cpc(text)
except UnicodeError: messagebox.showerror('Error','You need to copy it to your clipboard manually.')
These are the functions used in the imported modules:
def copyToClipboard(text):
## abbreviation
def gettxt(text):
return text.get(1.0,'end').strip()
def deltxt(text):
def instxt(textwidget,text):
--- Update ---
I just tried copy the 4 functions to the instead of importing them, it worked. However, I also tried importing either of them and both cases failed. And there is still no error after I ran them in the python shell. Actually the bottom 3 functions are the only code in my eztk module. And it still doesn't work as expected when I import eztk alone, which means there shouldn't be any problems with importing.

Dynamically reload a class definition in Python

I've written an IRC bot using Twisted and now I've gotten to the point where I want to be able to dynamically reload functionality.
In my main program, I do from import GoogleBot and I've looked at how to use reload to reload modules, but I still can't figure out how to do dynamic re-importing of classes.
So, given a Python class, how do I dynamically reload the class definition?
Reload is unreliable and has many corner cases where it may fail. It is suitable for reloading simple, self-contained, scripts. If you want to dynamically reload your code without restart consider using forkloop instead:
You cannot reload the module using reload(module) when using the from X import Y form. You'd have to do something like reload(sys.modules['module']) in that case.
This might not necessarily be the best way to do what you want, but it works!
class BotClass(irc.IRCClient):
def __init__(self):
global plugins
plugins = []
def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg):
global plugins
parts = msg.split(' ')
trigger = parts[0]
if trigger == '!reload':
plugins = []
print "Successfully reloaded plugins"
I figured it out, here's the code I use:
def reimport_class(self, cls):
Reload and reimport class "cls". Return the new definition of the class.
# Get the fully qualified name of the class.
from twisted.python import reflect
full_path = reflect.qual(cls)
# Naively parse the module name and class name.
# Can be done much better...
match = re.match(r'(.*)\.([^\.]+)', full_path)
module_name =
class_name =
# This is where the good stuff happens.
mod = __import__(module_name, fromlist=[class_name])
# The (reloaded definition of the) class itself is returned.
return getattr(mod, class_name)
Better yet subprocess the plugins, then hypervise the subprocess, when the files change reload the plugins process.
Edit: cleaned up.
You can use the sys.modules to dynamically reload modules based on user-input.
Say that you have a folder with multiple plugins such as:
You can use sys.modules in this way to load/reload modules based on userinput:
import sys
if sys.modules['module.' + userinput]:
reload(sys.modules['module.' + userinput])
' Module not loaded. Cannot reload '
module = __import__("module." + userinput)
module = sys.modules["module." + userinput]
' error when trying to load %s ' % userinput
When you do a from ... import ... it binds the object into the local namespace, so all you need to is re-import it. However, since the module is already loaded, it will just re-import the same version of the class so you would need to reload the module too. So this should do it:
from import GoogleBot
# do stuff
from import GoogleBot
If for some reason you don't know the module name you can get it from GoogleBot.module.
def reload_class(class_obj):
module_name = class_obj.__module__
module = sys.modules[module_name]
pycfile = module.__file__
modulepath = string.replace(pycfile, ".pyc", ".py")
code=open(modulepath, 'rU').read()
compile(code, module_name, "exec")
module = reload(module)
return getattr(module,class_obj.__name__)
There is a lot of error checking you can do on this, if your using global variables you will probably have to figure out what happens then.

