I Create a program to compress 'mac number' in Python.
I am trying here to shrink consecutive zeros with under the rules of that.
But I encountered some problem with the last index of the 'string' as last field
If Last field has '0000' ; It Couldn't get the Answer Which I Supposed.
It give the Answer the last field two times with double colon(::) in between.
Please help me to solve this Problem
This is my coding part:
hex_num = 'fe80:0d5e:0d2f:f180:f542:0d5e:00f0:f45d:3d5e:0000'
first_list = []
second_list = []
dec_value = ([(int(i,16)) for i in hex_num.split(":")])
print('list :',dec_value)
for i in range(len(dec_value) - 1):
if dec_value[i] == 0:
if dec_value[i] + dec_value[i + 1] == 0:
## print(dec_value[i], dec_value[i + 1])
if dec_value[i + 1] != 0:
p = dec_value.index(dec_value[i + 1])
## print(dec_value[i], dec_value[i + 1])
p = dec_value.index(dec_value[i])
for h in range(p, len(dec_value) - 1):
non_leading_zeros1 = ":".join([str(hex(h).replace("0x",'')) for h in first_list])
non_leading_zeros2 = ":".join([str(hex(h).replace("0x",'')) for h in second_list])
print(non_leading_zeros1 +'::'+ non_leading_zeros2)
OutPut :fe80:d5e:d2f:f180:f542:d5e:f0:f45d:3d5e::3d5e
it is wrong according to the rules of mac number or ipv6 number compression
expected value:fe80:d5e:d2f:f180:f542:d5e:f0:f45d:3d5e::
I have been coding for around half a year in uni and have done some side projects. This is one of them and although my code works for integers, I would like to know how it could be optimised using less lines of code. Coding at uni has taught me how to create many programs but not really how to optimise code and so any further tips would be greatly appreciated! <3
num = int(1230124013502)
def rem(num):
Rem function separates the thousands in an intiger and converts to
a string. Function takes one input (num) which must be of intiger
form. Rem converts to string with commas separating the thousands
num = str(num)
l = len(num)
remain = l%3
sum = ''
if remain == 0:
remain = 3
new = num[remain:]
pre = num[:remain]
l_new = len(new)
zeros = []
for i in range(3,l_new+3,3):
j = i - 3
post = new[j:i] + ','
for i in range(len(zeros)):
sum += zeros[i]
tot = pre + ',' + sum
endpoint = len(tot) - 1
tot = tot[0:endpoint]
if l < 4:
return num
return tot
How would I go about checking to see what the difference between string p and i? So the 2nd line can equal the first line.
for i in range(t):
print('Case #'+(str(i+1))+': ')
if len(i)==0:
Help Barbara find out how many extra letters she needs to remove in order to obtain I or if I cannot be obtained from P by removing letters then output IMPOSSIBLE.
Case #1: 1
You can use Levenshtein distance to calculate the difference and decide what is possible and impossible yourself.
You can find more resources on YouTube to understand the concept better. E.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We3YDTzNXEk
I have provided a version of code for your convenient as well.
import numpy as np
def calculate_edit_distance(source, target):
'''Calculate the edit distance from source to target
[In] source="ab" target="bc"
[Out] return 2
num_row = len(target) + 1
num_col = len(source) + 1
distance_table = np.array([[0] * num_col for _ in range(num_row)])
# getting from X[0...i] to empty target string requires i deletions
distance_table[:, 0] = [i for i in range(num_row)]
# getting from Y[0...i] to empty source string requires i deletions
distance_table[0] = [i for i in range(num_col)]
# loop through all the characters and calculate their respective distances
for i in range(num_row - 1):
for j in range(num_col - 1):
insert = distance_table[i + 1, j]
delete = distance_table[i, j + 1]
substitute = distance_table[i, j]
# if target char and source char are the same,
# just copy the diagonal value
if target[i] == source[j]:
distance_table[i + 1, j + 1] = substitute
operations = [delete, insert, substitute]
best_operation = np.argmin(operations)
if best_operation == 2: # +2 if the operation is to substitute
distance_table[i + 1, j + 1] = substitute + 2
else: # same formula for both delete and insert operation
distance_table[i + 1, j + 1] = operations[best_operation] + 1
return distance_table[num_row - 1, num_col - 1]
I'm trying to solve this problem but it fails with input "226".
A message containing letters from A-Z is being encoded to numbers using the following mapping:
'A' -> 1
'B' -> 2
'Z' -> 26
Given a non-empty string containing only digits, determine the total number of ways to decode it.
My Code:
class Solution:
def numDecodings(self, s: str) -> int:
decode =[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26]
ways = []
for d in decode:
for i in s:
if str(d) == s or str(d) in s:
if int(i) in decode:
return len(ways)
My code returns 2. It only takes care of combinations (22,6) and (2,26).
It should be returning 3, so I'm not sure how to take care of the (2,2,6) combination.
Looks like this problem can be broken down into many subproblems thus can be solved recursively
Subproblem 1 = when the last digit of the string is valid ( i.e. non zero number ) for that you can just recur for (n-1) digits left
if s[n-1] > "0":
count = number_of_decodings(s,n-1)
Subproblem 2 = when last 2 digits form a valid number ( less then 27 ) for that you can just recur for remaining (n-2) digits
if (s[n - 2] == '1' or (s[n - 2] == '2' and s[n - 1] < '7') ) :
count += number_of_decodings(s, n - 2)
Base Case = length of the string is 0 or 1
if n == 0 or n == 1 :
return 1
EDIT: A quick searching on internet , I found another ( more interesting ) method to solve this particular problem which uses dynamic programming to solve this problem
# A Dynamic Programming based function
# to count decodings
def countDecodingDP(digits, n):
count = [0] * (n + 1); # A table to store
# results of subproblems
count[0] = 1;
count[1] = 1;
for i in range(2, n + 1):
count[i] = 0;
# If the last digit is not 0, then last
# digit must add to the number of words
if (digits[i - 1] > '0'):
count[i] = count[i - 1];
# If second last digit is smaller than 2
# and last digit is smaller than 7, then
# last two digits form a valid character
if (digits[i - 2] == '1' or
(digits[i - 2] == '2' and
digits[i - 1] < '7') ):
count[i] += count[i - 2];
return count[n];
the above solution solves the problem in complexity of O(n) and uses the similar method as that of fibonacci number problem
source: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/count-possible-decodings-given-digit-sequence/
This seemed like a natural for recursion. Since I was bored, and the first answer didn't use recursion and didn't return the actual decodings, I thought there was room for improvement. For what it's worth...
def encodings(str, prefix = ''):
encs = []
if len(str) > 0:
es = encodings(str[1:], (prefix + ',' if prefix else '') + str[0])
if len(str) > 1 and int(str[0:2]) <= 26:
es = encodings(str[2:], (prefix + ',' if prefix else '') + str[0:2])
return encs if len(str) else [prefix]
This returns a list of the possible decodings. To get the count, you just take the length of the list. Here a sample run:
encs = encodings("123")
print("{} {}".format(len(encs), encs))
with result:
3 ['1,2,3', '1,23', '12,3']
Another sample run:
encs = encodings("123123")
print("{} {}".format(len(encs), encs))
with result:
9 ['1,2,3,1,2,3', '1,2,3,1,23', '1,2,3,12,3', '1,23,1,2,3', '1,23,1,23', '1,23,12,3', '12,3,1,2,3', '12,3,1,23', '12,3,12,3']
I have already seen a couple of programs for this. Just wanted to know what's wrong with this logic. It keeps on returning 'str' object does not support item assignment. I looked this up but still couldn't find a reason this occurs.I'm just a newbie so apologies in advance if I'm just overthinking things.
x = dec
a = 5
n = 1
remainder = str()
binary = str()
while a != 1:
a = x // 2
b = x % 2
x = a
z = str(b)
remainder = str(remainder + z)
if a == 1:
b = 1
z = str(b)
remainder = str(remainder + z)
asd = len(remainder)
for y in range(1, asd + 1):
binary[y:y + 1] = remainder[-y:-y - 1]
print("It's binary form is ", binary)
The problem is here:
for y in range(1, asd + 1):
binary[y:y + 1] = remainder[-y:-y - 1]
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error
What do you expect this to do? Python strings are immutable: you cannot assign to a string slice. You can only use the value (right-hand side of an assignment, for example), or replace the variable's entire value.
I suspect that you're trying to reverse the string. Do it like this:
rev = remainder[::-1] # Whole string, but in reverse order
Right now I am attempting to code the knapsack problem in Python 3.2. I am trying to do this dynamically with a matrix. The algorithm that I am trying to use is as follows
Implements the memoryfunction method for the knapsack problem
Input: A nonnegative integer i indicating the number of the first
items being considered and a nonnegative integer j indicating the knapsack's capacity
Output: The value of an optimal feasible subset of the first i items
Note: Uses as global variables input arrays Weights[1..n], Values[1...n]
and table V[0...n, 0...W] whose entries are initialized with -1's except for
row 0 and column 0 initialized with 0's
if V[i, j] < 0
if j < Weights[i]
value <-- MFKnapsack(i - 1, j)
value <-- max(MFKnapsack(i -1, j),
Values[i] + MFKnapsack(i -1, j - Weights[i]))
V[i, j} <-- value
return V[i, j]
If you run the code below that I have you can see that it tries to insert the weight into the the list. Since this is using the recursion I am having a hard time spotting the problem. Also I get the error: can not add an integer with a list using the '+'. I have the matrix initialized to start with all 0's for the first row and first column everything else is initialized to -1. Any help will be much appreciated.
#Knapsack Problem
def knapsack(weight,value,capacity):
print("Weights: ",weight)
print("Values: ",value)
capacityJ = capacity+1
## ------ initialize matrix F ---- ##
dimension = len(weight)+1
F = [[-1]*capacityJ]*dimension
#first column zeroed
for i in range(dimension):
F[i][0] = 0
#first row zeroed
F[0] = [0]*capacityJ
#-------------------------------- ##
d_index = dimension-2
return recKnap(F,weight,value,d_index,capacity)
def recKnap(matrix, weight,value,index, capacity):
if matrix[index][capacity] < 0:
if capacity < weight[index]:
value = recKnap(matrix,weight,value,index-1,capacity)
value = max(recKnap(matrix,weight,value,index-1,capacity),
value[index] +
matrix[index][capacity] = value
return matrix[index][capacity]
def matrixFormat(*doubleLst):
matrix = str(list(doubleLst)[0])
length = len(matrix)-1
temp = '|'
currChar = ''
nextChar = ''
i = 0
while i < length:
if matrix[i] == ']':
temp = temp + '|\n|'
#double digit
elif matrix[i].isdigit() and matrix[i+1].isdigit():
temp = temp + (matrix[i]+matrix[i+1]).center(4)
i = i+2
#negative double digit
elif matrix[i] == '-' and matrix[i+1].isdigit() and matrix[i+2].isdigit():
temp = temp + (matrix[i]+matrix[i+1]+matrix[i+2]).center(4)
i = i + 2
#negative single digit
elif matrix[i] == '-' and matrix[i+1].isdigit():
temp = temp + (matrix[i]+matrix[i+1]).center(4)
i = i + 2
elif matrix[i].isdigit():
temp = temp + matrix[i].center(4)
#updates next round
currChar = matrix[i]
nextChar = matrix[i+1]
i = i + 1
return temp[:-1]
def main():
print("Knapsack Program")
#num = input("Enter the weights you have for objects you would like to have:")
#weightlst = []
#valuelst = []
## for i in range(int(num)):
## value , weight = eval(input("What is the " + str(i) + " object value, weight you wish to put in the knapsack? ex. 2,3: "))
## weightlst.append(weight)
## valuelst.append(value)
weightLst = [2,1,3,2]
valueLst = [12,10,20,15]
capacity = 5
value = knapsack(weightLst,valueLst,5)
print("\n Max Matrix")
F = [[-1]*capacityJ]*dimension
does not properly initialize the matrix. [-1]*capacityJ is fine, but [...]*dimension creates dimension references to the exact same list. So modifying one list modifies them all.
Try instead
F = [[-1]*capacityJ for _ in range(dimension)]
This is a common Python pitfall. See this post for more explanation.
for the purpose of cache illustration, I generally use a default dict as follows:
from collections import defaultdict
CS = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) #if i want to make default vals as 0
CACHE_1 = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: int(-1))) #if i want to make default vals as -1 (or something else)
This keeps me from making the 2d arrays in python on the fly...
To see an answer to z1knapsack using this approach:
def zeroes(n,m):
v=[['-' for i in range(0,n)]for j in range(0,m)]
return v
def knap(i,j):
global v
if i==0 or j==0:
v[i][j]= 0
elif j<w[i] :
return v[i][j]
print (x)
for i in range (0,len(v)):
for j in range(0,len(v[0])):
#now these calls are for filling all the boxes in the matrix as in the above call only few v[i][j]were called and returned
for i in range (0,len(v)):
for j in range(0,len(v[0])):