I'm learning Python and I wanna print the list of all my blob storage in Azure. Find the sample code from here.
I have done this step:
set connection string:
After the run I received this error
Note: Like my experience, your problem solved after the restart.
Your code is correct. Just restart your VS Code and run it again. It will work. You error cause by setx command. It can't work in the current command window. You can refer to Why is setx path not working?
On a local system, variables created or modified by this tool will be
available in future command windows but not in the current CMD.exe
command window.
I have a CodeDeploy which deploys application on Windows instances. I have a Python script which is running as part of ValidateService hooks. Below is the code I have in that script:
So, I have removed everything and just printing hello as part of this script. When this script is called by CodeDeploy I get below error:
My appspec.yml file:
- location: scripts/verify_deployment.py
timeout: 900
I tried getting some help on Google but got nothing. Can someone please help me here.
As Marcin already answered in a comment, I don't think you can simply run python scripts in CodeDeploy. At least not natively.
The error you see means that Windows does not know how to execute the script you have provided. AFAIK Windows can't run python natively (like most linux distros can).
I am not very accustomed to CodeDeploy, but given the example at https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-codedeploy-samples/tree/master/applications/SampleApp_Windows, I think you have to install python first.
After so much of investigations, I found my answer. The issue is little misleading, there is nothing to do with Code format or ENOEXEC. The issue was due to Python path. While executing my script, CodeDeploy was unable to find Python (Though I had already added python.exe in Environment variable path).
Also, I found that CodeDeploy is unable to execute .py file due to Python path issue. So, I created a PowerShell script and invoking Python script from there. Like below:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe C:\Users\<username>\Documents\verify_deployment.py
It executed Python script successfully and gave me below output:
I'm using VS Code for a Python project using a virtualenv. I switched my deafult terminal from powershell to cmd as VS Code was not happy executing powershell scripts.
Now when I open a terminal in my project it opens cmd (as desired), but automatically tries tor run .../Scripts/Activate.ps1, which it doesn't like. I want it to run .../Scripts/Activate.bat as we are in cmd. Runnning it manually for now, but would be nice if I didn't have to.
No doubt there is a setting somewhere to change this, but I cannot find it. Any ideas?
This is a problem related to the Python extension, it should be fixed in the last update.
You can get some information from here.
I was normally using python3.7.3 on my system(Windows 10). A couple of days earlier I noticed that the command prompt won't run any of my python programs. It did nothing, no response. I thought there is a problem displaying the output stream so I ran an infinite loop(and was expecting to terminate the process, ctrl^c) but again no response. Even python --version command won't work. I uninstalled python3.7.3, downloaded the latest python3.8.5, and again the same problem. image from my cmd line
please help me out. I use sublime text so I prefer running my codes through cmd.
Update: Here is another snap of my command line after running commands in one answer and comments.
Also, I think the problem lies within the PATH setting but PATHs are already added.
image to enviornment variables, image to system variables
It is possible you failed to add python to your path in the installer.
Image displaying adding python to your path in the installer
You also may have forgotten to disable the path limit in the final set up screen.
Image displaying increase path limit in the installer
If you navigate to C:\Users\chira\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32 then run python --version do you get any output?
Here's the problem, after installing Python (3.6, 3.7, 3.8) on Microsoft Windows when you invoke it, it opens in a new window.
This question has been raised before, and replies talk about modifying the code to pause the output or keep the program running so it doesn't close the window. I can not modify every python package ever made for windows compatability.
My problem is that this is not how Python works on *nix platforms. Surely there must be a way to get python to execute within a command prompt ?
My immediate issue is that I loose the console output on so many python programs. From Jupyter Notebook to AWS GRC (remote-codecommit).
-=-=-=-=-= ANSWER =-=-=-=-=-
After much frustration, it turns out the problem was related to account privileges.
The behaviour above occurred when a user with elevated rights executed Python.
When I log out and run with another user that is a local admin, it now behaves normally.
I cant tell you the exact difference between elevated rights and local admin, but there is something in the permissioning that effects how Python is run on Windows.
This happened to me when the current directory of the terminal didn't exist (was deleted/renamed after the terminal was started).
Solution: cd to some directory.
Find you python folder and select python.exe and create a shortcut for it.
Example Image
There's probably a better way, but this is a simple workaround.
For a machine learning task at school I wrote my own MLP network. The data set is quite big, and training takes forever. I was alerted to the option of running my script on the Google Cloud Compute Engine. I tried to set this up, but did not succeed (yet).
The steps I undertook where:
Create an account
Create a VM
Open the VM via the browser
Can anyone help me with importing and running my python script into the Google Cloud. Or does anyone have clear a tutorial on how to solve this? I tried finding these myself, but had no success so far.
I finally figured this out so I'll post the same answer on my own post that worked for me here. Using Debian Stretch on my VM. I'm assuming you already uploaded your file(s) to the VM and that you are in the same directory of your script.
Make your script an executable
chmod +x myscript.py
Run the nohup command to execute the script in the background. The & option ensures that the process stays alive after exiting. I've added the shebang line to my python script so there's no need to call python here
nohup /path/to/script/myscript.py &
Logout from the shell if you want
Done! Now your script is up and running. You can login back and make sure that your process is still alive by checking the output of this command:
ps -e | grep myscript.py
If anything went wrong, you can check out the nohup.out file to see the output of your script:
cat nohup.out
There is even a simpler approach to to run code in the background in gcp and in every linux terminal: using screen linux
Create a new background terminal window:
now you are in a background window in the terminal. Run your code:
python3 mycode.py
Exit screen with the hotkeys and the job will keep running on the background.
ctrl + A + D
You can close all windows now. If you wanna go back and see what's happening. Log again in your terminal. And tap the following.
screen -ls
This one will give you the list of the created "windows". Now find yours and tap
And there you have it :D
You can find more commands here
You can use Google Cloud Platform tutorials itself and is very simple to follow. Links are given below
Setting up Python
Getting started
Please note that you don't have any free tier to run Python 3.x, Standard environment with free tier only supports Python 2.x.
Edit: As per the latest update Python 3.x is default in standard environment
Just navigate to the directory where the script is placed.
python thenameofscript.py
I used Way Script which is great and have a free plan to run every hour
You can check this video to see explanation