I wrote the following code using pandas:
df['last_two'] = df['text'].str[-2:]
df['before_hyphen'] = df['text'].str.split('-').str[0]
df['new_text'] = df['before_hyphen'].astype(str) + "-" + df['last_two'].astype(str)
But when I run it on a spark dataframe I get the following error:
TypeError: startPos and length must be the same type
I know I could just convert the df to pandas, run the code, and then convert it back to a spark df, but I wonder if there's a better way? Thanks
You can try the string functions below:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df2 = df.withColumn(
'last_two', F.expr('substring(text, -2)')
'before_hyphen', F.substring_index('text', '-', 1))
'new_text', F.concat_ws('-', 'before_hyphen', 'last_two')
I have this CSV file
but when I am running my notebook regex shows some error
from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_replace
dff = spark.read.option("header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").option('multiline', 'true').option('encoding', 'UTF-8').option("delimiter", "‡‡,‡‡").csv(path)
#dffs_headers = dff.dtypes
for i in dffs_headers:
columnLabel = i[0]
newColumnLabel = columnLabel.replace('‡‡','').replace('‡‡','')
if columnLabel != newColumnLabel:
dff = dff.drop(columnLabel)
As and a result I am getting this
Can anyone improvise this code, it will be a great help.
Expected output is
|��123456��,��Version2��,��All questions have been answered accurately and the guidance in the questionnaire was understood and followed��,��2010-12-16 00:01:48.020000000��|
But I am getting
Second column is showing Truncated value
You will need to import the libraries you want to use first, to use them. The below code in a cell before the regexp_replace call should fix this issue
from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_replace
This is working asnwer
from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_replace
dff = spark.read.option("header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").option('multiline', 'true').option('encoding', 'UTF-8').option("delimiter", "‡‡,‡‡").csv(path)
#dffs_headers = dff.dtypes
for i in dffs_headers:
columnLabel = i[0]
newColumnLabel = columnLabel.replace('‡‡','').replace('‡‡','')
if columnLabel != newColumnLabel:
dff = dff.drop(columnLabel)
I want to append a pandas dataframe (8 columns) to an existing table in databricks (12 columns), and fill the other 4 columns that can't be matched with None values. Here is I've tried:
spark_df = spark.createDataFrame(df)
It thrown the error:
ParseException: "\nmismatched input ':' expecting (line 1, pos 4)\n\n== SQL ==\n my_table
Looks like spark can't handle this operation with unmatched columns, is there any way to achieve what I want?
I think that the most natural course of action would be a select() transformation to add the missing columns to the 8-column dataframe, followed by a unionAll() transformation to merge the two.
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit
bigrow = Row(a='foo', b='bar')
bigdf = spark.createDataFrame([bigrow])
smallrow = Row(a='foobar')
smalldf = spark.createDataFrame([smallrow])
fitdf = smalldf.select(smalldf.a, lit(None).alias('b'))
uniondf = bigdf.unionAll(fitdf)
Can you try this
df = spark.createDataFrame(pandas_df)
df_table_struct = sqlContext.sql('select * from my_table limit 0')
for col in set(df_table_struct.columns) - set(df.columns):
df = df.withColumn(col, F.lit(None))
df_table_struct = df_table_struct.unionByName(df)
df_table_struct.write.saveAsTable('my_table', mode='append')
I'm attempting to convert a pipelinedRDD in pyspark to a dataframe. This is the code snippet:
newRDD = rdd.map(lambda row: Row(row.__fields__ + ["tag"])(row + (tagScripts(row), )))
df = newRDD.toDF()
When I run the code though, I receive this error:
'list' object has no attribute 'encode'
I've tried multiple other combinations, such as converting it to a Pandas dataframe using:
newRDD = rdd.map(lambda row: Row(row.__fields__ + ["tag"])(row + (tagScripts(row), )))
df = newRDD.toPandas()
But then I end up receiving this error:
AttributeError: 'PipelinedRDD' object has no attribute 'toPandas'
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
rdd.toDF() or rdd.toPandas() is only used for SparkSession.
To fix your code, try below:
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
rdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile()
newRDD = rdd.map(...)
df = newRDD.toDF() or newRDD.toPandas()
I have an instance of pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame created using
dataframe = sqlContext.sql("select * from table").
One column is 'arrival_date' and contains a string.
How do I modify this column so as to only take the first 4 characters from it and throw away the rest?
How would I convert the type of this column from string to date?
In graphlab.SFrame, this would be:
dataframe['column_name'] = dataframe['column_name'].apply(lambda x: x[:4] )
dataframe['column_name'] = dataframe['column_name'].str_to_datetime()
As stated by Orions, you can't modify a column, but you can override it. Also, you shouldn't need to create an user defined function, as there is a built-in function for extracting substrings:
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
df = df.withColumn("arrival_date", df['arrival_date'].substr(0, 4))
To convert it to date, you can use to_date, as Orions said:
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
df = df.withColumn("arrival_date", to_date(df['arrival_date'].substr(0, 4)))
However, if you need to specify the format, you should use unix_timestamp:
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
format = 'yyMM'
col = unix_timestamp(df['arrival_date'].substr(0, 4), format).cast('timestamp')
df = df.withColumn("arrival_date", col)
All this can be found in the pyspark documentation.
To extract first 4 characters from the arrival_date (StringType) column, create a new_df by using UserDefinedFunction (as you cannot modify the columns: they are immutable):
from pyspark.sql.functions import UserDefinedFunction, to_date
old_df = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM table")
udf = UserDefinedFunction(lambda x: str(x)[:4], StringType())
new_df = old_df.select(*[udf(column).alias('arrival_date') if column == 'arrival_date' else column for column in old_df.columns])
And to covert the arrival_date (StringType) column into DateType column, use the to_date function as show below:
new_df = old_df.select(old_df.other_cols_if_any, to_date(old_df.arrival_date).alias('arrival_date'))
I have data like
In pandas
to list of tuple
b = df.toPandas()
b.groupby(['product_id','store_id']).apply(lambda df:df.assign(date=lambda x:x.date.apply(lambda x:x.strftime('%Y%m%d') ) )[['date', 'yhat']].values)
to dict :
b.groupby(['product_id','store_id']).apply(lambda df:dict(df.assign(date=lambda x:x.date.apply(lambda x:x.strftime('%Y%m%d') ) )[['date', 'yhat']].values) )
My Purpose
I don't tend to use pandas_udf, is there any way to do such thing just by spark ??
I figured it out :
use create_map + map_concat
date_cols = df.select(F.date_format('date', 'yyyyMMdd')).dropDuplicates().toPandas().values.ravel().tolist()
df.withColumn('date', F.date_format('date', 'yyyyMMdd'))\
.withColumn( 'date_map' , F.create_map('date', 'yhat').alias("map"))\
.select('product_id','store_id', F.map_concat(date_cols).alias('date_sale_count')).show()
However, I doubt the efficiency of my code because date_cols need collect first . Any improvement is welcome.