I am using PyCharm and in the Python Interpreter I install my packages. In other words
In Pycharm: from Python 3.9 venv --> Interpreter Settings --> Install Package: Tensorflow (+) --> Search for Package --> Install
I almost got anything I want (numpy, scipy, pandas, even torch!). However, I tried to install Tensorflow and I get the following ERROR:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow
So, I tried using the shell and it is already installed in my pip list with the version 2.4.0 as of today.
Since I am using a virtual env in PyCharm, is there a way that I can solve the error and have the package installed? OR how can I migrate the installed packages from my pip to this venv?
If you are an M1 user you would already know that working on apps is a headache with the new silicon apple Mac.
I look forward to some help and suggestions.
Basically, at the time of posting this issue, tensorflow does not support Python 3.9 and only works for 3.8.
Further details are provided #47151
I am trying to install tobii_research for a project and I was following the instructions on http://developer.tobiipro.com/python/python-getting-started.html
I already have python 3.7.6 and pip 21.1.2 installed on my Mac.
When I run pip install tobii-research I get:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tobii_research (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tobii-research
Was there something I forgot to install?
I can not for the life of me figure out how to install this manually either.
Help with pip, or installing manually would be greatly appreciated, but you might have to explain it to me like I am stupid.
Thanks in advance.
It appears that you are not running the correct python version for the versions of the package that are available. If you look at the wheel files available on the tobii-research Downloads page, the software is packaged for either python 2.7 or 3.6.
When trying to install this package myself, I get the same error message as you when trying to install it for python 3.8, but the package installs successfully with my python 2.7 installation.
I would recommend installing a compatible version of python and then running pip through that version using the following command:
[specific_python_installation] -m pip install tobii-research
Try doing it with pip again, but replace the underscore with a hyphen as shown below:
pip install tobii-research
I saw on the PyPi website that they only have it for Python 3.8, so I downloaded that Python version from their official website and installed it (do not add it to path).
Then, I created a virtual environment selecting 3.8 as the Python version (refer to this answer) and activated that virtual environment.
Finally, I run pip install tobii_research and it worked.
One thing that helped me - required Python version. For example, for the version 1.10.2 (which is current at the moment of writing this) only Python 3.10 is supported. Check the list of files distributed within this version.
I was able to install the package on Windows with Python 3.10 but on MacOS I had the same problem and wasn't able to resolve this - I assume it's a problem with the architecture, as there is no version for arm64 if you have a Mac with M1 processor.
I'm trying to install tensor flow for PyCharm on my MacBook Pro macOS Catalina version 10.15.4. My version of python is 3.8.1. I tried to install Tensor Flow from the Python Interpreter in PyCharm, but I got the ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow (from versions: none. I thought the issue might have been that I hadn't installed a virtual environment virtualenv, so I made sure I installed the virtual environment, python3 and pip3. Then I made sure I had a 64-bit processor to run Tensor Flow. Right now, it seems like I was able to install tensor flow after typing:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/mac/cpu/tensorflow-1.12.0-py3-none-any.whl
into my terminal. The tensor flow folders appear in my Finder, but when I check the shell and type in "import tensorflow as tf" it doesn't recognize any module by that name. I don't know if I installed tensorflow on my MacBook correctly, and I'm not sure how to uninstall any installs if I did the wrong steps. Can anyone help me out?
It is better to reinstall tensorflow from Pycharm terminal itself.
Also if you do not necessarily need python 3.8 ,
Go ahead with an older version 3.6 or 3.7. You do not need to upgrade python to its latest version. This link is also helpful:
I am trying to install hpelm on my machine via pip install hpelm but getting this error - image of the error thrown in commandline while installing. I tried lots of things to solve it like:
1.Installing anaconda
2.Uninstalling anaconda and installing python 3.7 (64-bit) from python.org and then installing numpy+mkl, scipy, scikitlearn from the windows binary hosted by Christoph Gohlke (link).
3.Installing numpy, scipy, scikit-learn via pip install 'package_name'
None of the above methods worked. I'm using Windows-10 (64-bit), Python 3.7.1 (64-bit). I have wasted hours on it. Is there something basic that I might be missing? I'm kinda new to this. Please help me install this package.
This is a problem with Python3.7, as seen in this Github thread. It works fine if you try on Python 3.6. I installed it fine on Python3.6.7.
I'm trying to install python and tensorflow to learn as part of a class I am taking, and am having some issues installing tensorflow. I keep getting the same set of errors:
C:\Users\X\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\python.exe: can't find '__main__' module in 'C:\\'
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for tensorflow
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling python while adding it to my path, and that solved me not being stuck with syntax errors (most of the time), but I haven't been able to make any progress. Any advice on moving forward would be appreciated.
To be clear, I am typing the following command into my command prompt:
pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow
As per the instructions on the TensorFlow website - I've been finding the "C:\>" raises a syntax error however.
your pip3 is broken, because I can clearly see tensorflow distribution on PyPi for python 3.6 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tensorflow/1.5.0. Also, I just created a new virtual env for python 3.6 and I am able to pip install it.
Also you can download manually the "tensorflow-1.5.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl",assuming you have windows, and pip install tensorflow-1.5.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
I am trying to follow to the installation guide on tensorflow.org and have installed Python version 2 again for that reason using Homebrew.
When I run the installation as described
$ pip install https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/mac/tensorflow-0.5.0-py2-none-any.whl
I get this error message:
tensorflow-0.5.0-py2-none-any.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
I am obviously doing something wrong, but have no idea. Any clues?
I do not want to use virtualenv, since anaconda already comes with its own environment management conda. When installing the newest version 0.6.0 directly with pip install, I had a similar error. It seemed to not resolve the dependencies correctly.
Here is what you can try:
Install anaconda
Create a new conda workspace
Download the specific protobuf version that tensorflow needs: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/protobuf/3.0.0a3
Install it via sudo easy_install ~/Downloads/protobuf-3.0.0a3-py2.7.egg
Install a numpy version greater than 1.08.x via conda install numpy
Download the 0.6.0 version of tensorflow: https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/mac/tensorflow-0.6.0-py2-none-any.whl
Install via pip install ~/Downloads/tensorflow-0.6.0-py2-none-any.whl
When you install tensorflow from the whl file directly, it should tell you when dependencies are not there. It seems not to be able to resolve these conflicts independently. My setup had issues with protobuf and numpy. After installing them manually everything worked fine.
I hope this helps!
It seems to be a common issue. Try to install it in the virtualenv. Its a much better solution, as you can always easily set up a new version of tensorflow without conflicts.
VirutalEnv Tutorial:
On the Mac, I didn't have any problem installing tensorflow with the anaconda version of python: https://www.continuum.io/downloads
The anaconda version also provides science, math, engineering, and data analysis packages. A lot of people on https://www.kaggle.com/ seem to use this...just a thought.