I have a local MongoDB database with multiple collections.
I use pymongo in jupyter notebook, what I would like to do is run a query FULLTEXT looking for the data on all the collections present.
is it possible to do this? if so how could i proceed?
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
out: ['admin', 'config', 'local']
In local I have a more collection:
this is what I do with just one collection
db = client["local"]
firstdb = db["firstdb"]
result = db.firstdb.find({"email": {"$regex":"test","$options": 'i'}})
for item in result:
in essence I would like to perform an email query also on secondb, thirdb, fourthdb, etc. etc.
no one can help me? basically I have to do a FULLTEXT query on all collections.
the only solution I found is this:
result = db.firstdb.find({"email": {"$regex":"test","$options": 'i'}})
result1 = db.secondb.find({"email": {"$regex":"test","$options": 'i'}})
result2 = db.thirdb.find({"email": {"$regex":"test","$options": 'i'}})
for item in result:
for item in result1:
for item in result2:
but I'm not sure I'm going on the right track!
I thank anyone who can help me!
PS: I would not like to change the structure of the collections, the problem could occur in other Database
I have the following:
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient()
cursor = collection.find({})
for document in cursor:
This second part is to just print all the documents in the collection. However, the collection isn't clearing every time I rerun the program. Does anyone know why?
Just do this
Instead of
you can try this
Hope that solves your problem.
Instead of doing this
do this
Also you won't need this line collection=db['accounts']
If you want dynamic collection name, you can do the following:
collection_name = 'accounts'
getattr(db, collection_name).remove({})
I'm trying to insert documents in bulk, I have created a unique index in my collection and want to skip documents which are duplicate while doing bulk insertion. This can be accomplished with native mongodb function:
<document or array of documents>,
ordered: <boolean>
I want to accomplish this with mongoengine, If anybody knows how to achieve this, please answer the question, thanks.
If you have a class like this:
class Foo(db.Document):
bar= db.StringField()
meta = {'indexes': [{'fields': ['bar'], 'unique': True}]}
And having a list with Foo instances foos=[Foo('a'), Foo('a'), Foo('a')]
and trying Foo.objects.insert(foos) you will get mongoengine.errors.NotUniqueError
1st woraround would be delete index from mongodb, insert duplicates, and than ensure index with {unique : true, dropDups : true}
2nd workaround would be using underlying pymongo API for bulk ops: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp/#db.collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp
For now I am using raw pymongo from mongoengine as a workaround for this. This is the 2nd workaround that #Alexey Smirnov mentioned. So for a mongoengine Document class DocClass you will access the underlying pymongo collection and execute query like below:
from pymongo.errors import BulkWriteError
doc_list = [doc.to_mongo() for doc in me_doc_list] # Convert ME objects to what pymongo can understand
DocClass._get_collection().insert_many(doc_list, ordered=False)
except BulkWriteError as bwe:
print("Batch Inserted with some errors. May be some duplicates were found and are skipped.")
print(f"Count is {DocClass.objects.count()}.")
except Exception as e:
print( { 'error': str(e) })
I want to write a function to return all the documents contained in mycollection in mongodb
from pymongo import MongoClient
if __name__ == '__main__':
client = MongoClient("localhost", 27017, maxPoolSize=50)
cursor = collection.find({})
for document in cursor:
However, the function returns: Process finished with exit code 0
Here is the sample code which works fine when you run from command prompt.
from pymongo import MongoClient
if __name__ == '__main__':
client = MongoClient("localhost", 27017, maxPoolSize=50)
db = client.localhost
collection = db['chain']
cursor = collection.find({})
for document in cursor:
Please check the collection name.
pymongo creates a cursor. Hence you'll get the object 'under' the cursor. To get all objects in general try:
This will force the cursor to iterate over each object and put it in a list()
Have fun...
I think this will work fine in your program.
cursor = db.mycollection # choosing the collection you need
for document in cursor.find():
print (document)
it works fine for me,try checking the exact database name and collection name.
and try changing from db=client.mydatabase to db=client['mydatabase'] .
If your database name is such that using attribute style access won’t work (like test-database), you can use dictionary style access instead.
source !
I am migrating some data from other databases , so i am using raw sql queries for inserting data into database . But i don't know how to get last inserted id from raw sql queries in django. I have tried this
but it gives me the error of "(1305, 'FUNCTION pydev.SCOPE_IDENTITY does not exist')"
So please tell me how can i get the last inserted id in raw sq l queries in django
You can get latest create obj like this:
obj = Foo.objects.latest('id')
more info here
Try this
LastInsertId = (TableName.objects.last()).id
In Django 1.6
obj = Foo.objects.latest('id')
obj = Foo.objects.earliest('id')
How to check in PyMongo if collection exists and if exists empty (remove all from collection)?
I have tried like
but it doesn't delete collection. How to do that ?
Sample code in Pymongo with comment as explanation:
from pymongo import MongoClient
connection = MongoClient('localhost', 27017) #Connect to mongodb
print(connection.database_names()) #Return a list of db, equal to: > show dbs
db = connection['testdb1'] #equal to: > use testdb1
print(db.list_collection_names()) #Return a list of collections in 'testdb1'
print("posts" in db.list_collection_names()) #Check if collection "posts"
# exists in db (testdb1)
collection = db['posts']
print(collection.count() == 0) #Check if collection named 'posts' is empty
collection.drop() #Delete(drop) collection named 'posts' from db and all documents contained.
You should use .drop() instead of .remove(), see documentation for detail: http://api.mongodb.org/python/current/api/pymongo/collection.html#pymongo.collection.Collection.drop
Sorry for misunderstanding your question.
To check if a collection exists, use method collection_names on database:
>>> collection_name in database.list_collection_names()
To check if a collection is empty, use:
>>> collection.count() == 0
both will return True or False in result.
Have you tried this: