How to solve warning message in Gekko due to m.connection? - python
I am using m.connection to estimate variables initial conditions but I am getting 12 warning messages like:
Moreover, the APM file shows:
I am not sure how to solve these messages.
I am following this explanation "If pos1 or pos2 is not None, the associated var must be a GEKKO variable and the position is the (0-indexed) time-discretized index of the variable" to write m.Connection(var1,var2,pos1=None,pos2=None,node1='end',node2='end').
Thanks in advance.
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math as math
import pandas as pd
tm1 = [0, 0.0667,0.5,1,4, 22.61667]
mca1 = [5.68, 3.48, 3.24, 3.36, 2.96, 1.96]
tm2 = [0, 0.08333,0.5,1,4.25 , 22.8167]
mca2 = [5.68, 4.20, 4.04, 4.00, 3.76, 2.88]
tm3 = [0,0.08333,0.5,1,4.33 , 22.9500]
mca3 = [5.68, 4.64, 4.52, 4.56, 4.24, 3.72]
tm4 = [0,0.08333,0.5,1,4.0833 , 23.0833]
mca4 =[18.90,15.4,14.3,15.10,13.50, 10.90]
tm5 = [0,0.08333,0.5,1,4.5, 23.2167]
mca5 =[18.90, 15.5, 16.30, 16, 14.70, 13.00]
tm6 = [0,0.08333,0.5,1,4.6667, 23.3333 ]
mca6 = [18.90, 15.8, 11.70,15.5,12, 9.5 ]
#simulation time points
dfx = pd.DataFrame({'time':np.linspace(0,25,101)})
#merge dataframes
# get True (1) or False (0) for measurement
#replace NaN with zeros
m = GEKKO()
m.time = df0.index.values
meas1 = m.Param(df0['meas1'].values)
meas2 = m.Param(df0['meas2'].values)
meas3 = m.Param(df0['meas3'].values)
meas4 = m.Param(df0['meas4'].values)
meas5 = m.Param(df0['meas5'].values)
meas6 = m.Param(df0['meas6'].values)
#adjustable Parameters
cnf02=m.FV(value=cnf01*0.5,lb=cnf01*0.5, ub=cnf01*0.5)
cns02=m.FV(value=cns01*0.5,lb=cns01*0.5, ub=cns01*0.5)
cnf03=m.FV(value=cnf01*0.25,lb=cnf01*0.25, ub=cnf01*0.25)
cns03=m.FV(value=cns01*0.25,lb=cns01*0.25, ub=cns01*0.25)
cnf04=m.FV(value=cnf01,lb=cnf01, ub=cnf01)
cns04=m.FV(value=cns01,lb=cns01, ub=cns01)
cnf05=m.FV(value=cnf01*0.5,lb=cnf01*0.5, ub=cnf01*0.5)
cns05=m.FV(value=cns01*0.5,lb=cns01*0.5, ub=cns01*0.5)
cnf06=m.FV(value=cnf01*0.25,lb=cnf01*0.25, ub=cnf01*0.25)
cns06=m.FV(value=cns01*0.25,lb=cns01*0.25, ub=cns01*0.25)
c1 = m.Var(value=mca1[0])
c2 = m.Var(value=mca2[0])
c3 = m.Var(value=mca3[0])
c4 = m.Var(value=mca4[0])
c5 = m.Var(value=mca5[0])
c6 = m.Var(value=mca6[0])
cm1 = m.Param(df0['x1'].values)
cm2 = m.Param(df0['x2'].values)
cm3 = m.Param(df0['x3'].values)
cm4 = m.Param(df0['x4'].values)
cm5 = m.Param(df0['x5'].values)
cm6 = m.Param(df0['x6'].values)
t = m.Param(value=m.time)
if True:
m.options.SOLVER = 1 #IPOPT solver
m.options.IMODE = 5 #Dynamic Simultaneous - estimation = MHE
m.options.EV_TYPE = 2 #absolute error
m.options.NODES = 3 #collocation nodes (2,5)
print('Final SSE Objective: ' + str(m.options.objfcnval))
print('cnf01 = ' + str(cnf01.value[0]))
print('cns01 = ' + str(cns01.value[0]))
print('kf = ' + str(kf.value[0]))
print('ks = ' + str(ks.value[0]))
print('cns02 = '+ str(cns02.value[0]))
print('cnf02 = '+ str(cnf02.value[0]))
print('cns03 = '+ str(cns03.value[0]))
print('cnf03 = '+ str(cnf03.value[0]))
print('cns04 = '+ str(cns04.value[0]))
print('cnf04 = '+ str(cnf04.value[0]))
print('cns05 = '+ str(cns05.value[0]))
print('cnf05 = '+ str(cnf05.value[0]))
print('cns06 = '+ str(cns06.value[0]))
print('cnf06 = '+ str(cnf06.value[0]))
plt.plot(m.time,c1.value,'r',label='Predicted c1')
plt.plot(m.time,c2.value,'y',label='Predicted c2')
plt.plot(m.time,c3.value,'c',label='Predicted c3')
plt.plot(m.time,c4.value,'g',label='Predicted c4')
plt.plot(m.time,c5.value,'b',label='Predicted c5')
plt.plot(m.time,c6.value,'m',label='Predicted c6')
plt.plot(tm1,mca1,'rx',label='Meas c1')
plt.plot(tm2,mca2,'yx',label='Meas c2')
plt.plot(tm3,mca3,'cx',label='Meas c3')
plt.plot(tm4,mca4,'go',label='Meas c4')
plt.plot(tm5,mca5,'bo',label='Meas c5')
plt.plot(tm6,mca6,'mo',label='Meas c6')
plt.xlabel('time (h)')
plt.ylabel('Concentration (mgCl2/L)')
plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15), ncol=2)
The underlying node structure has a 1-index instead of a 0-index that is common in Python. Using pos1=1 and pos2=1 resolves the warnings.
Another issue is that Gekko variables shouldn't generally be used to initialize other values. I recommend setting x0=1.3 and using that float to initialize the variables. Change m.Var() to m.SV() to avoid reclassification of m.Var() as an m.FV() during the connection. The m.SV() is a promoted type of variable that is at the same level of precedence as the m.FV(). Here is a complete script although the results don't look optimal.
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math as math
import pandas as pd
tm1 = [0, 0.0667,0.5,1,4, 22.61667]
mca1 = [5.68, 3.48, 3.24, 3.36, 2.96, 1.96]
tm2 = [0, 0.08333,0.5,1,4.25 , 22.8167]
mca2 = [5.68, 4.20, 4.04, 4.00, 3.76, 2.88]
tm3 = [0,0.08333,0.5,1,4.33 , 22.9500]
mca3 = [5.68, 4.64, 4.52, 4.56, 4.24, 3.72]
tm4 = [0,0.08333,0.5,1,4.0833 , 23.0833]
mca4 =[18.90,15.4,14.3,15.10,13.50, 10.90]
tm5 = [0,0.08333,0.5,1,4.5, 23.2167]
mca5 =[18.90, 15.5, 16.30, 16, 14.70, 13.00]
tm6 = [0,0.08333,0.5,1,4.6667, 23.3333 ]
mca6 = [18.90, 15.8, 11.70,15.5,12, 9.5 ]
#simulation time points
dfx = pd.DataFrame({'time':np.linspace(0,25,101)})
#merge dataframes
# get True (1) or False (0) for measurement
#replace NaN with zeros
m = GEKKO()
m.time = df0.index.values
meas1 = m.Param(df0['meas1'].values)
meas2 = m.Param(df0['meas2'].values)
meas3 = m.Param(df0['meas3'].values)
meas4 = m.Param(df0['meas4'].values)
meas5 = m.Param(df0['meas5'].values)
meas6 = m.Param(df0['meas6'].values)
#adjustable Parameters
x0 = 1.3
cnf02=m.FV(value=x0*0.5,lb=x0*0.5, ub=x0*0.5)
cns02=m.FV(value=x0*0.5,lb=x0*0.5, ub=x0*0.5)
cnf03=m.FV(value=x0*0.25,lb=x0*0.25, ub=x0*0.25)
cns03=m.FV(value=x0*0.25,lb=x0*0.25, ub=x0*0.25)
cnf04=m.FV(value=x0,lb=x0, ub=x0)
cns04=m.FV(value=x0,lb=x0, ub=x0)
cnf05=m.FV(value=x0*0.5,lb=x0*0.5, ub=x0*0.5)
cns05=m.FV(value=x0*0.5,lb=x0*0.5, ub=x0*0.5)
cnf06=m.FV(value=x0*0.25,lb=x0*0.25, ub=x0*0.25)
cns06=m.FV(value=x0*0.25,lb=x0*0.25, ub=x0*0.25)
c1 = m.SV(value=mca1[0])
c2 = m.SV(value=mca2[0])
c3 = m.SV(value=mca3[0])
c4 = m.SV(value=mca4[0])
c5 = m.SV(value=mca5[0])
c6 = m.SV(value=mca6[0])
cm1 = m.Param(df0['x1'].values)
cm2 = m.Param(df0['x2'].values)
cm3 = m.Param(df0['x3'].values)
cm4 = m.Param(df0['x4'].values)
cm5 = m.Param(df0['x5'].values)
cm6 = m.Param(df0['x6'].values)
t = m.Param(value=m.time)
m.options.SOLVER = 1 # APOPT solver
m.options.IMODE = 5 # Dynamic Simultaneous - estimation = MHE
m.options.EV_TYPE = 2 # Squared error
m.options.NODES = 3 # Collocation nodes (2,5)
if True:
m.options.TIME_SHIFT = 0
print("don't stop when not finding cnf01...cnf06")
print('Final SSE Objective: ' + str(m.options.objfcnval))
print('cnf01 = ' + str(cnf1.value[0]))
print('cns01 = ' + str(cns1.value[0]))
print('kf = ' + str(kf.value[0]))
print('ks = ' + str(ks.value[0]))
print('cns02 = '+ str(cns2.value[0]))
print('cnf02 = '+ str(cnf2.value[0]))
print('cns03 = '+ str(cns3.value[0]))
print('cnf03 = '+ str(cnf3.value[0]))
print('cns04 = '+ str(cns4.value[0]))
print('cnf04 = '+ str(cnf4.value[0]))
print('cns05 = '+ str(cns5.value[0]))
print('cnf05 = '+ str(cnf5.value[0]))
print('cns06 = '+ str(cns6.value[0]))
print('cnf06 = '+ str(cnf6.value[0]))
plt.plot(m.time,c1.value,'r',label='Predicted c1')
plt.plot(m.time,c2.value,'y',label='Predicted c2')
plt.plot(m.time,c3.value,'c',label='Predicted c3')
plt.plot(m.time,c4.value,'g',label='Predicted c4')
plt.plot(m.time,c5.value,'b',label='Predicted c5')
plt.plot(m.time,c6.value,'m',label='Predicted c6')
plt.plot(tm1,mca1,'rx',label='Meas c1')
plt.plot(tm2,mca2,'yx',label='Meas c2')
plt.plot(tm3,mca3,'cx',label='Meas c3')
plt.plot(tm4,mca4,'go',label='Meas c4')
plt.plot(tm5,mca5,'bo',label='Meas c5')
plt.plot(tm6,mca6,'mo',label='Meas c6')
plt.xlabel('time (h)')
plt.ylabel('Concentration (mgCl2/L)')
plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15), ncol=2)
How to derive scipy's global minimum for a specific equation with trust region reflective algorithm
A new data set was created by adding random variables from a specific data set. We want to solve the problem of matching two inconsistent data sets. So I tried to solve the optimization problem using scipy's minimum_squares function. The code and data used are as follows. from numba import jit, prange from scipy.optimize import minimize,least_squares import as sio import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.optimize import basinhopping def Data_loader(name,normalize): global X global Y arr = sio.loadmat(name) X = arr['X'] Y = X R = np.array([[1.0171, 0.0249, 0.1269], [0.1865, 0.9383, -0.3441], [0.0172, 0.5278, 1.0347]]) # R = np.random.rand(3,3) X = np.random.rand(1)*,np.transpose(R))+1 X = X*0.1 X = X[0:len(X) - 20] Y = Y[19:len(Y)] if normalize==True : n = X.shape[0] m = Y.shape[0] x_d = np.mean(X, axis=0) y_d = np.mean(Y, axis=0) x = X - np.tile(x_d, [n, 1]) y = Y - np.tile(y_d, [m, 1]) x_scale = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.sum(np.power(X,2),axis=0))/n) y_scale = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.sum(np.power(Y, 2), axis=0))/m) x = x / x_scale y = y / y_scale else : x=X y=Y return x,y,x_scale,y_scale,x_d,y_d X_data,Y_data,x_scale,y_scale,x_d,y_d = Data_loader(name='cpd_data3D_face.mat',normalize=True) #jit(nopython=True, parallel=True) def P_cal(X,Y,sigma2,outlier): N = X.shape[0] M = Y.shape[0] D = X.shape[1] P = np.zeros(shape = (N,M),dtype=np.float64) Np = np.zeros(shape = (N,M),dtype=np.float64) Pmn = np.zeros(shape = (N,M),dtype=np.float64) ksig = -2.0 * sigma2 outlier_tmp = (outlier*M*((-ksig*3.1415926535)**(0.5*D)))/((1-outlier)*N) for n in prange(0,N): sp=np.zeros(shape = (1,),dtype=np.float64) for m in prange(0,M): razn=0 for d in prange(0,D): diff = X[n,d] - Y[m,d] diff = diff*diff razn += diff P[n,m] = np.exp(razn/ksig) sp = P.sum(axis=1)[n] + outlier_tmp for m in prange(0,M): Np[n,m] = P[n,m]/sp razn = 0 for d in prange(0,D): diff = X[n,d] - Y[m,d] diff = diff*diff razn += diff Pmn[n,m] = (P[n,m]/sp) * razn return Pmn, Np def model(xin): global T N = X_data.shape[0] M = Y_data.shape[0] D = X_data.shape[1] B = np.array([[xin[0], xin[1], xin[2]], [xin[3], xin[4], xin[5]], [xin[6], xin[7], xin[8]]]) t = np.array([xin[9], xin[10], xin[11]]) sigma2 = xin[12] outlier = 0.6 T =,np.transpose(B)) + np.tile(np.transpose(t), [M, 1]) Pmn, Np = P_cal(X_data, T, sigma2, outlier) Q = ((1 / sigma2) * (np.sum(Pmn))) + (((np.sum(Np) * D) / 2) * np.log(sigma2)) return Q def opt_function(xin): Q= model(xin) print(Q) Q= 10000+Q return Q def plot_function(X, Y, T) : X_x = X[1:X.shape[0], 0] X_y = X[1:X.shape[0], 1] X_z = X[1:X.shape[0], 2] Y_x = Y[1:Y.shape[0], 0] Y_y = Y[1:Y.shape[0], 1] Y_z = Y[1:Y.shape[0], 2] T_x = T[1:T.shape[0], 0] T_y = T[1:T.shape[0], 1] T_z = T[1:T.shape[0], 2] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(X_x, X_y, X_z) ax.scatter(Y_x, Y_y, Y_z) ax.set_title('before') fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = fig2.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(X_x, X_y, X_z) ax.scatter(T_x, T_y, T_z) ax.set_title('after') def transformer_data(T,Y, xin, x_scale, y_scale, x_d, y_d): M = Y.shape[0] Trans_R = np.array([xin[0], xin[1], xin[2], xin[3], xin[4], xin[5], xin[6], xin[7], xin[8]]) Trans_R = Trans_R.reshape((3, 3)) Trans_t = np.array([xin[9], xin[10], xin[11]]) Trans_s = 1*(x_scale/y_scale) Trans_t = (x_scale*np.transpose(Trans_t)) + np.transpose(x_d) - Trans_s*(Trans_R#np.transpose(y_d)) Trans_T = T * x_scale + np.tile(x_d, [M, 1]) return Trans_T x0 = np.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0.0004]) Optimum = least_squares(opt_function,x0,jac='2-point',method='trf',xtol=1e-15,ftol=1e-15,gtol=1e-15,verbose=2) print(Optimum) Transformer_T = transformer_data(T,Y,Optimum.x,x_scale,y_scale,x_d,y_d) plot_function(X,Y,Transformer_T) [cpd_data3D_face.mat] -1.26805102825165 0.703154087066650 0.250609993934631 -1.24199450016022 0.766805052757263 0.647247254848480 -1.23889672756195 1.06739985942841 -0.188671588897705 -1.21881270408630 0.807438790798187 1.16736936569214 -1.18697428703308 0.626793265342712 -0.182836949825287 -1.16291773319244 0.822238981723785 1.83739590644836 -1.14834547042847 0.493062376976013 0.635148286819458 -1.13797473907471 0.331227302551270 0.219468995928764 -1.13209247589111 1.01279878616333 -0.797961413860321 -1.11951982975006 0.473790675401688 1.03894352912903 -1.06242597103119 0.390692919492722 1.47615230083466 -1.04522788524628 0.358604818582535 0.543326914310455 -1.04382777214050 0.319657772779465 0.706707119941711 -1.03485214710236 0.254935413599014 0.932691574096680 -1.01772892475128 0.258871674537659 1.21425902843475 -1.01639711856842 0.200742736458778 -0.224685385823250 -1.01449811458588 0.528465926647186 -0.686351001262665 -0.983937680721283 0.189417555928230 1.00790750980377 -0.983821272850037 0.745310366153717 -1.11274755001068 -0.978638589382172 0.299691230058670 0.629687130451202 -0.922493815422058 0.150767520070076 0.828504979610443 -0.909300625324249 0.283628404140472 0.559927582740784 -0.906097352504730 0.933652937412262 -1.29045069217682 -0.891153812408447 0.289580315351486 0.480834931135178 -0.889832675457001 0.129670828580856 0.226587772369385 -0.879191935062408 0.845484137535095 2.29874420166016 -0.854662895202637 0.191300705075264 0.728563904762268 -0.837804734706879 0.327339112758637 1.77278757095337 -0.818458557128906 0.118494018912315 1.31940019130707 -0.813382029533386 0.144385874271393 -0.574904143810272 -0.806623399257660 0.0640521720051765 1.12445175647736 -0.806076943874359 0.179906263947487 0.362056881189346 -0.794836580753326 1.03445231914520 -1.48189103603363 -0.791478812694550 0.239165067672730 0.551705360412598 -0.790624439716339 0.193809807300568 0.438241928815842 -0.787293195724487 0.173615008592606 0.588202476501465 -0.780423700809479 0.399599254131317 -1.30588448047638 -0.775464117527008 -0.00958730466663837 -0.174502417445183 -0.767135858535767 0.172049850225449 0.568943262100220 -0.763602852821350 0.184372812509537 0.565283775329590 -0.762090682983398 0.196064323186874 0.504386007785797 -0.760000824928284 0.188478738069534 0.540778219699860 -0.755698919296265 0.209235891699791 0.508155345916748 -0.746246218681335 0.0437246896326542 0.911044776439667 -0.704111039638519 0.711774110794067 -1.47775316238403 -0.656321167945862 0.119024306535721 -1.07423388957977 -0.650056242942810 0.0959970802068710 0.784161567687988 -0.644072175025940 -0.00454827398061752 -0.505615711212158 -0.602208197116852 0.0996995121240616 0.379885524511337 -0.600404739379883 0.0790802314877510 0.659766137599945 -0.600255548954010 0.106224447488785 0.449432760477066 -0.598033308982849 0.120790801942348 0.452769994735718 -0.596876800060272 0.102229975163937 0.541571617126465 -0.595354616641998 0.0876417979598045 0.651539027690888 -0.594505965709686 0.0156574435532093 -0.975354671478272 -0.593853473663330 0.0964264348149300 0.647029995918274 -0.593455016613007 0.889857470989227 -1.61020958423615 -0.592627882957459 0.101232483983040 0.321590214967728 -0.573011338710785 -0.0138365831226110 -0.755739450454712 -0.556460380554199 -0.00661153765395284 0.212208628654480 -0.543379187583923 0.113693088293076 -1.46306395530701 -0.519296109676361 -0.0184836350381374 -1.20552349090576 -0.489446550607681 0.0686619207262993 0.649044036865234 -0.489271312952042 -0.0751322507858276 -0.480372875928879 -0.488831192255020 0.0591186434030533 0.653709352016449 -0.484343349933624 0.0449181720614433 0.664057910442352 -0.477669984102249 0.0742370337247849 0.549954950809479 -0.464891046285629 -0.0795564651489258 -0.776580691337585 -0.459231346845627 0.543196737766266 -1.60204350948334 -0.457071840763092 0.0801357030868530 0.468159794807434 -0.453608423471451 0.0624924153089523 0.466883003711700 -0.453008860349655 0.0603442415595055 0.380578845739365 -0.450547099113464 -0.137127891182899 -0.103212133049965 -0.449798971414566 0.0621318705379963 0.336125582456589 -0.414782941341400 -0.0911946594715118 -0.962513506412506 -0.404184430837631 -0.105692356824875 -0.845229566097260 -0.401245862245560 0.0562914907932282 0.555313587188721 -0.400264382362366 0.0315503329038620 0.797742426395416 -0.399596065282822 0.0716907083988190 0.495797544717789 -0.397346645593643 0.0558350458741188 0.493942171335220 -0.396078765392303 0.800601005554199 -1.71100533008575 -0.395203620195389 0.0524718016386032 0.630690515041351 -0.395150482654572 0.0250202100723982 0.647774577140808 -0.394768565893173 0.0421436578035355 0.636364042758942 -0.394747585058212 -0.106679096817970 -0.805121719837189 -0.392148017883301 -0.118094518780708 0.929876744747162 -0.385803490877152 -0.149832293391228 -0.273493885993958 -0.364510416984558 0.881731152534485 2.62541174888611 -0.360802918672562 -0.143175244331360 -0.298475503921509 -0.360712468624115 -0.165030494332314 -0.683113873004913 -0.354962378740311 -0.158224657177925 -0.731766164302826 -0.351477324962616 -0.153869569301605 -0.548111081123352 -0.350320786237717 -0.155996680259705 1.20539724826813 -0.347673654556274 0.0197845026850700 0.360736131668091 -0.343419760465622 0.0446846485137939 0.414639592170715 -0.341843873262405 0.0630866438150406 0.510752856731415 -0.341169834136963 0.0492043718695641 0.502054572105408 -0.337658882141113 0.0351469479501247 0.561841547489166 -0.337361693382263 -0.133780807256699 -0.763273239135742 -0.336719214916229 0.0249884724617004 0.577858805656433 -0.336661010980606 0.0514110624790192 0.550272345542908 -0.335812389850616 -0.0870144963264465 0.227063819766045 -0.334714591503143 -0.117261730134487 -0.773931920528412 -0.334714591503143 -0.117261730134487 -0.768631875514984 -0.327723145484924 0.200987175107002 1.97596061229706 -0.321362793445587 -0.147063419222832 -1.27225828170776 -0.319569408893585 -0.0633241608738899 -1.53213012218475 -0.313458234071732 -0.168399006128311 -0.838223099708557 -0.307326167821884 -0.179740279912949 -0.134934157133102 -0.301624149084091 -0.0517277717590332 1.45116829872131 -0.296892076730728 0.0488278791308403 0.533883988857269 -0.296568334102631 -0.140135616064072 -1.04919373989105 -0.295273929834366 0.0496075637638569 0.512347042560577 -0.293163061141968 -0.172096326947212 -0.910953700542450 -0.284124016761780 0.0332795977592468 0.505501687526703 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0.360118597745895 -0.0870144963264465 0.227063819766045 0.360967248678207 0.0514110624790192 0.550272345542908 0.361025452613831 0.0249884724617004 0.577858805656433 0.361667960882187 -0.133780807256699 -0.763273239135742 0.361965119838715 0.0351469479501247 0.561841547489166 0.365476071834564 0.0492043718695641 0.502054572105408 0.366150081157684 0.0630866438150406 0.510752856731415 0.367725998163223 0.0446846485137939 0.414639592170715 0.371979862451553 0.0197845026850700 0.360736131668091 0.374627053737640 -0.155996680259705 1.20539724826813 0.375783562660217 -0.153869569301605 -0.548111081123352 0.379268586635590 -0.158224657177925 -0.731766164302826 0.385018706321716 -0.165030494332314 -0.683113873004913 0.385109037160873 -0.143175244331360 -0.298475503921509 0.388816595077515 0.881731152534485 2.62541174888611 0.410109728574753 -0.149832293391228 -0.273493885993958 0.416454315185547 -0.118094518780708 0.929876744747162 0.419053852558136 -0.106679096817970 -0.805121719837189 0.419074833393097 0.0421436578035355 0.636364042758942 0.419456660747528 0.0250202100723982 0.647774577140808 0.419509917497635 0.0524718016386032 0.630690515041351 0.420385032892227 0.800601005554199 -1.71100533008575 0.421652972698212 0.0558350458741188 0.493942171335220 0.423902332782745 0.0716907083988190 0.495797544717789 0.424570620059967 0.0315503329038620 0.797742426395416 0.425552159547806 0.0562914907932282 0.555313587188721 0.428490787744522 -0.105692356824875 -0.845229566097260 0.439089149236679 -0.0911946594715118 -0.962513506412506 0.474105179309845 0.0621318705379963 0.336125582456589 0.474853336811066 -0.137127891182899 -0.103212133049965 0.477315068244934 0.0603442415595055 0.380578845739365 0.477914631366730 0.0624924153089523 0.466883003711700 0.481377989053726 0.0801357030868530 0.468159794807434 0.483537673950195 0.543196737766266 -1.60204350948334 0.489197254180908 -0.0795564651489258 -0.776580691337585 0.501976311206818 0.0742370337247849 0.549954950809479 0.508649528026581 0.0449181720614433 0.664057910442352 0.513137459754944 0.0591186434030533 0.653709352016449 0.513577580451965 -0.0751322507858276 -0.480372875928879 0.513752877712250 0.0686619207262993 0.649044036865234 0.543602466583252 -0.0184836350381374 -1.20552349090576 0.567685365676880 0.113693088293076 -1.46306395530701 0.580766677856445 -0.00661153765395284 0.212208628654480 0.597317516803742 -0.0138365831226110 -0.755739450454712 0.616934120655060 0.101232483983040 0.321590214967728 0.617761254310608 0.889857470989227 -1.61020958423615 0.618159651756287 0.0964264348149300 0.647029995918274 0.618812203407288 0.0156574435532093 -0.975354671478272 0.619660854339600 0.0876417979598045 0.651539027690888 0.621182978153229 0.102229975163937 0.541571617126465 0.622339546680450 0.120790801942348 0.452769994735718 0.624561727046967 0.106224447488785 0.449432760477066 0.624710798263550 0.0790802314877510 0.659766137599945 0.626514434814453 0.0996995121240616 0.379885524511337 0.668378472328186 -0.00454827398061752 -0.505615711212158 0.674362480640411 0.0959970802068710 0.784161567687988 0.680627405643463 0.119024306535721 -1.07423388957977 0.728417158126831 0.711774110794067 -1.47775316238403 0.770552396774292 0.0437246896326542 0.911044776439667 0.780005037784576 0.209235891699791 0.508155345916748 0.784307062625885 0.188478738069534 0.540778219699860 0.786396920681000 0.196064323186874 0.504386007785797 0.787909030914307 0.184372812509537 0.565283775329590 0.791442155838013 0.172049850225449 0.568943262100220 0.799770295619965 -0.00958730466663837 -0.174502417445183 0.804729878902435 0.399599254131317 -1.30588448047638 0.811599373817444 0.173615008592606 0.588202476501465 0.814930796623230 0.193809807300568 0.438241928815842 0.815785050392151 0.239165067672730 0.551705360412598 0.819142878055573 1.03445231914520 -1.48189103603363 0.830383181571960 0.179906263947487 0.362056881189346 0.830929577350617 0.0640521720051765 1.12445175647736 0.837688326835632 0.144385874271393 -0.574904143810272 0.842764794826508 0.118494018912315 1.31940019130707 0.862110912799835 0.327339112758637 1.77278757095337 0.878969132900238 0.191300705075264 0.728563904762268 0.903498232364655 0.845484137535095 2.29874420166016 0.914138853549957 0.129670828580856 0.226587772369385 0.915460050106049 0.289580315351486 0.480834931135178 0.930403351783752 0.933652937412262 -1.29045069217682 0.933606922626495 0.283628404140472 0.559927582740784 0.946800053119659 0.150767520070076 0.828504979610443 1.00294494628906 0.299691230058670 0.629687130451202 1.00812780857086 0.745310366153717 -1.11274755001068 1.00824403762817 0.189417555928230 1.00790750980377 1.03880441188812 0.528465926647186 -0.686351001262665 1.04070341587067 0.200742736458778 -0.224685385823250 1.04203522205353 0.258871674537659 1.21425902843475 1.05915844440460 0.254935413599014 0.932691574096680 1.06813418865204 0.319657772779465 0.706707119941711 1.06953442096710 0.358604818582535 0.543326914310455 1.08673226833344 0.390692919492722 1.47615230083466 1.14382600784302 0.473790675401688 1.03894352912903 1.15639877319336 1.01279878616333 -0.797961413860321 1.16228091716766 0.331227302551270 0.219468995928764 1.17265176773071 0.493062376976013 0.635148286819458 1.18722403049469 0.822238981723785 1.83739590644836 1.21128082275391 0.626793265342712 -0.182836949825287 1.24311912059784 0.807438790798187 1.16736936569214 1.26320302486420 1.06739985942841 -0.188671588897705 1.26630091667175 0.766805052757263 0.647247254848480 1.29235732555389 0.703154087066650 0.250609993934631 [problem in code] That global optimization solution has a value of around -8000. However, in that code it finds a solution up to about -3000 and then exits. I tried to use the trust region reflective algorithm because the formula to be optimized is non-linear, and as a result, it failed to find the global minimum. [Question content] I want to find the global minimum. I'd appreciate it if you could give me some feedback to help solve the problem.
how can i smooth the graph values or extract main signals only
when i try to run the code below i get this graph my code: from numpy import nan import json import os import numpy as np import subprocess import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from statistics import mean, stdev def smooth(t): new_t = [] for i, x in enumerate(t): neighbourhood = t[max(i-2,0): i+3] m = mean(neighbourhood) s = stdev(neighbourhood, xbar=m) if abs(x - m) > s: x = ( t[i - 1 + (i==0)*2] + t[i + 1 - (i+1==len(t))*2] ) / 2 new_t.append(x) return new_t def outLiersFN(*U): outliers=[] # after preprocessing list #preprocessing Fc =| 2*LF1 prev by 1 - LF2 prev by 2 | c0 = -2 #(previous) by 2 #from original c1 =-1 #(previous) #from original c2 =0 #(current) #from original c3 = 1 #(next) #from original preP = U[0] # original list if c2 == 0: outliers.append(preP[0]) c1+=1 c2+=1 c0+=1 c3+=1 oldlen = len(preP) M_RangeOfMotion = 90 while oldlen > c2 : if c3 == oldlen: outliers.insert(c2, preP[c2]) #preP[c2] >> last element in old list break if (preP[c2] > M_RangeOfMotion and preP[c2] < (preP[c1] + preP[c3])/2) or (preP[c2] < M_RangeOfMotion and preP[c2] > (preP[c1] + preP[c3])/2): #Check Paper 3.3.1 Equ = (preP[c1] + preP[c3])/2 #fn of preprocessing # From third index # ==== inserting current frame formatted_float = "{:.2f}".format(Equ) #with .2 number only equu = float(formatted_float) #from string float to float outliers.insert(c2,equu) # insert the preprocessed value to the List c1+=1 c2+=1 c0+=1 c3+=1 else : Equ = preP[c2] # fn of preprocessing #put same element (do nothing) formatted_float = "{:.2f}".format(Equ) # with .2 number only equu = float(formatted_float) # from string float to float outliers.insert(c2, equu) # insert the preprocessed value to the List c1 += 1 c2 += 1 c0 += 1 c3 += 1 return outliers def remove_nan(list): newlist = [x for x in list if math.isnan(x) == False] return newlist the_angel = [176.04, 173.82, 170.09, 165.3, 171.8, 178.3, 178.77, 179.24, 179.93, 180.0, 173.39, 166.78, 166.03, 165.28, 165.72, 166.17, 166.71, 167.26, 168.04, 167.22, 166.68, 166.13, 161.53, 165.81, 170.1, 170.05, 170.5, 173.01, 176.02, 174.53, 160.09, 146.33, 146.38, 146.71, 150.33, 153.95, 154.32, 154.69, 134.52, 114.34, 115.6, 116.86, 134.99, 153.12, 152.28, 151.43, 151.36, 152.32, 158.9, 166.52, 177.74, 178.61, 179.47, 167.44, 155.4, 161.54, 167.68, 163.96, 160.24, 137.45, 114.66, 117.78, 120.89, 139.95, 139.62, 125.51, 111.79, 112.07, 112.74, 110.22, 107.7, 107.3, 106.52, 105.73, 103.07, 101.35, 102.5, 104.59, 104.6, 104.49, 104.38, 102.81, 101.25, 100.62, 100.25, 100.15, 100.32, 99.84, 99.36, 100.04, 100.31, 99.14, 98.3, 97.92, 97.41, 96.9, 96.39, 95.88, 95.9, 95.9, 96.02, 96.14, 96.39, 95.2, 94.56, 94.02, 93.88, 93.8, 93.77, 93.88, 94.04, 93.77, 93.65, 93.53, 94.2, 94.88, 92.59, 90.29, 27.01, 32.9, 38.78, 50.19, 61.59, 61.95, 62.31, 97.46, 97.38, 97.04, 96.46, 96.02, 96.1, 96.33, 95.61, 89.47, 89.34, 89.22, 89.48, 89.75, 90.02, 90.28, 88.16, 88.22, 88.29, 88.17, 88.17, 94.98, 94.84, 94.69, 94.94, 94.74, 94.54, 94.69, 94.71, 94.64, 94.58, 94.19, 94.52, 94.85, 87.7, 87.54, 87.38, 95.71, 96.57, 97.11, 97.05, 96.56, 96.07, 95.76, 95.56, 95.35, 95.28, 95.74, 96.2, 96.32, 96.33, 96.2, 96.14, 96.07, 96.07, 96.12, 96.17, 96.28, 96.31, 96.33, 96.16, 96.05, 95.94, 95.33, 88.96, 95.0, 95.78, 88.19, 88.19, 88.19, 87.92, 87.93, 88.03, 87.94, 87.86, 87.85, 87.89, 88.08, 88.01, 87.88, 88.02, 88.15, 88.15, 88.66, 88.73, 88.81, 88.41, 88.55, 88.68, 88.69, 88.02, 87.35, 95.19, 95.39, 95.38, 95.37, 95.27, 95.17, 95.33, 95.32, 95.31, 95.37, 95.42, 95.34, 95.44, 95.53, 95.47, 95.41, 95.13, 94.15, 94.78, 97.64, 97.1, 96.87, 97.03, 96.76, 35.44, 23.63, 23.27, 24.71, 26.16, 96.36, 113.13, 129.9, 96.82, 63.74, 34.25, 33.42, 32.6, 30.69, 31.06, 31.43, 97.14, 97.51, 97.23, 98.54, 100.13, 100.95, 28.82, 33.81, 66.81, 99.82, 102.63, 101.9, 101.44, 102.19, 103.22, 103.67, 104.13, 104.07, 104.73, 105.46, 103.74, 102.02, 103.32, 102.59, 29.54, 28.08, 28.76, 29.79, 30.82, 113.51, 129.34, 145.16, 143.18, 148.29, 153.67, 166.14, 161.16, 151.64, 149.27, 146.9, 151.67, 153.02, 149.28, 145.53, 149.1, 152.67, 158.78, 164.89, 164.84, 164.8, 162.11, 159.42, 156.73, 156.28, 155.83, 156.4, 161.0, 165.59, 164.44, 159.73, 155.76, 156.97, 158.92, 159.15, 159.39, 159.99, 160.44, 160.88, 163.89, 166.9, 167.71, 167.11, 167.0, 167.44, 168.38, 153.16, 137.94, 137.65, 152.09, 169.49, 171.36, 173.22, 174.01, 174.0, 174.2, 174.41, 157.74, 141.09, 149.32, 157.57, 156.4, 148.4, 140.78, 141.06, 141.73, 143.05, 143.91, 156.59, 169.29, 172.17, 175.05, 175.29, 175.27, 175.15, 175.02, 174.81, 174.59, 174.76, 174.94, 175.18, 175.41, 175.23, 174.51, 174.64, 174.77, 174.56, 173.25, 172.38, 174.17, 176.4, 177.27, 177.29, 177.33, 178.64, 179.98, 179.99, 176.0, 172.88, 173.77, 173.8, 173.97, 174.72, 175.24, 176.89, 179.07, 179.27, 178.78, 178.29, 175.61, 174.21, 172.8, 173.05, 173.41, 173.77, 174.65, 175.52, 175.58, 176.15, 176.71, 159.12, 141.54, 141.12, 155.62, 170.53, 165.54, 160.71, 158.22, 156.35, 156.82, 158.55, 160.27, 161.33, 162.39, 162.37, 159.48, 156.59, 156.77, 158.05, 159.32, 158.49, 157.66, 157.7, 157.74, 158.44, 159.14, 150.13, 143.06, 136.0, 125.7, 115.41, 111.19, 106.97, 107.1, 107.24, 107.45, 107.67, 113.34, 119.01, 144.87, 170.73, 174.31, 177.89, 174.78, 171.67, 163.26, 134.58, 105.9, 102.98, 100.77, 101.05, 101.39, 101.73, 99.79, 98.71, 97.64, 97.8, 97.89, 96.67, 95.45, 94.33, 93.38, 92.44, 48.53, 91.4, 91.35, 91.34, 91.33, 90.92, 90.51, 88.63, 87.0, 86.74, 86.48, 96.79, 96.09, 95.46, 95.39, 94.32, 93.25, 93.31, 93.37, 93.11, 92.57, 93.41, 94.25, 96.48, 92.71, 88.94, 90.07, 90.43, 78.06, 77.69, 77.32, 90.1, 89.15, 89.14, 88.85, 88.38, 87.63, 121.2, 120.66, 86.89, 86.42, 85.69, 84.86, 84.86, 85.34, 85.82, 86.07, 86.32, 85.82, 85.32, 86.23, 86.69, 87.15, 87.04, 86.87, 86.58, 86.0, 85.41, 85.41, 85.53, 85.66, 85.7, 85.72, 85.75, 85.92, 86.09, 85.77, 85.45, 84.94, 85.55, 86.16, 86.21, 86.1, 85.77, 85.27, 84.56, 84.99, 85.38, 85.42, 85.98, 86.54, 86.5, 86.45, 86.56, 86.63, 86.35, 86.08, 85.82, 85.51, 85.21, 84.6, 84.84, 84.97, 85.1, 86.12, 86.88, 86.8, 86.46, 86.47, 87.23, 87.8, 88.0, 88.08, 88.16, 87.72, 87.63, 87.37, 86.42, 86.48, 87.24, 87.97, 88.09, 88.19, 88.32, 88.44, 87.82, 87.2, 86.03, 85.78, 91.5, 93.0, 88.2, 88.52, 88.42, 87.28, 85.73, 85.62, 85.5, 85.5, 87.06, 87.6, 88.1, 88.31, 88.53, 88.77, 89.14, 89.52, 89.46, 89.4, 90.28, 89.74, 91.28, 92.17, 92.16, 92.15, 93.08, 94.0, 94.66, 95.32, 94.13, 93.7, 93.32, 93.69, 94.58, 95.47, 97.25, 99.03, 99.63, 99.67, 99.71, 100.33, 101.58, 103.36, 103.49, 103.41, 106.31, 109.34, 109.28, 109.21, 107.76, 106.31, 105.43, 104.94, 104.44, 111.19, 117.93, 115.59, 113.24, 116.15, 119.06, 125.43, 140.72, 156.0, 161.7, 143.52, 135.33, 127.13, 127.68, 148.68, 169.68, 172.2, 174.72, 174.75, 174.66, 158.57, 142.63, 145.13, 153.29, 161.45, 163.34, 165.24, 162.25, 159.89, 159.07, 156.39, 155.21, 156.04, 159.29, 160.07, 160.85, 163.45, 162.93, 161.71, 160.06, 158.4, 144.74, 132.64, 134.57, 150.22, 165.86, 172.95, 174.12, 175.3, 175.5, 176.31, 177.71, 179.72, 168.13, 156.55, 146.24, 155.75, 176.0, 175.99, 175.98, 176.0, 176.02, 176.25, 175.13, 174.26, 173.38, 173.37, 173.46, 176.34, 174.55, 172.77, 168.45, 166.35, 166.47, 168.81, 167.43, 166.79, 167.35, 168.65, 168.51, 168.37, 168.88, 169.74, 171.19, 171.33, 169.91, 168.49, 167.11, 166.83, 167.01, 168.68, 170.34, 170.43, 172.15, 173.86, 177.62, 177.61, 175.34, 173.06, 176.47, 179.87, 179.9, 177.67, 175.67, 175.39, 175.36, 177.03, 176.0, 174.98, 174.96, 174.94, 175.76, 176.57, 169.05, 162.99, 164.97, 168.74, 172.51, 167.38, 165.08, 163.03, 163.81, 164.83, 164.81, 164.8, 165.88, 165.36, 159.61, 153.86, 153.57, 153.61, 153.65, 154.62, 155.58, 157.97, 156.35, 155.66, 154.98, 156.11, 157.24, 159.25, 159.6, 160.43, 161.26, 164.71, 168.17, 147.46, 126.92, 106.38, 105.23, 104.4, 105.37, 106.65, 109.21, 107.44, 104.65, 101.86, 102.35, 102.84, 102.79, 102.19, 101.59, 100.98, 100.38, 98.72, 97.73, 97.32, 96.9, 95.11, 93.97, 94.12, 94.12, 93.1, 92.08, 89.29, 90.35, 90.35, 90.35, 90.35, 86.95, 86.37, 86.06, 85.74, 94.56, 93.16, 92.46, 91.76, 88.55, 85.33, 87.52, 92.18, 93.68, 95.18, 94.4, 92.17, 89.94, 89.4, 89.37, 99.44, 100.98, 102.52, 103.18, 88.96, 88.23, 87.5, 85.2, 85.19, 86.87, 121.42, 155.96, 155.97, 155.97, 86.2, 86.5, 86.8, 87.22, 87.36, 87.34, 87.03, 87.04, 87.05, 86.36, 85.68, 85.71, 85.84, 85.93, 86.01, 86.04, 86.08, 85.92, 86.05, 86.18, 86.17, 86.19, 86.23, 86.22, 86.09, 85.92, 85.66, 85.69, 85.69, 85.31, 84.91, 84.93, 84.95, 84.93, 84.91, 84.9, 84.9, 84.9, 84.9, 85.38, 85.52, 85.66, 85.66, 85.4, 85.14, 85.47, 85.8, 85.72, 85.64, 86.09, 85.84, 85.27, 85.47, 85.66, 85.59, 85.52, 85.38, 85.39, 85.28, 85.17, 85.39, 85.7, 85.98, 86.26, 86.61, 92.97, 93.15, 86.58, 86.58, 86.53, 86.47, 98.55, 99.41, 100.16, 100.9, 89.19, 90.28, 91.38, 91.39, 91.4, 91.44, 92.05, 131.05, 170.63, 170.13, 162.43, 125.64, 88.85, 88.85, 99.08, 100.38, 101.69, 100.74, 99.79, 96.33, 93.31, 93.73, 94.87, 96.01, 96.93, 97.85, 98.97, 97.85, 98.14, 99.37, 102.01, 103.8, 105.58, 108.52, 108.12, 107.72, 106.75, 106.82, 109.08, 112.37, 112.52, 112.66, 112.97, 114.12, 115.64, 117.1, 118.57, 126.13, 133.69, 149.27, 163.96, 166.62, 169.27, 164.94, 160.61, 149.35, 141.18, 143.41, 143.57, 149.26, 157.49, 159.94, 151.93, 147.47, 145.97, 145.56, 145.15, 143.85, 142.54, 142.18, 142.43, 143.12, 144.41, 144.38, 151.99, 159.59, 174.81, 174.94, 175.84, 176.87, 162.41, 152.94, 151.59, 155.24, 155.22, 155.19, 155.04] p0 = outLiersFN(smooth(remove_nan(the_angel))) the_angel = p0 plt.plot(the_angel) #list(filter(fun, L1)) print((the_angel)) how can i smooth the values in (the_angel) to get graph like this (red line) i mean ignoring all unnecessary and noisy values and get only main line instead you can edit my code or suggest me new filter or algorithm
pandas has a rolling() method for dataframes that you can use to calculate the mean over a window of values, e.g. the 70 closest ones: import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt WINDOW_SIZE = 70 the_angel = [176.04, 173.82, 170.09, 165.3, 171.8, # ... ] df = pd.DataFrame({'the angel': the_angel}) df[f'mean of {WINDOW_SIZE}'] = df['the angel'].rolling( window=WINDOW_SIZE, center=True).mean() df.plot(color=['blue', 'red']);
np.vectorize giving out nan values in ETS time series forecasting
re_1=np.vectorize(ETStest)(Trend_seasonal['trend'],Trend_seasonal['seasonal'],seasonal_period=12,i = 0) This is the line which is showing me the error def ets_pred (train): trend=['add', 'add', 'mul','mul'] sea= ['add', 'mul', 'mul','add'] Trend_seasonal=pd.DataFrame() Trend_seasonal['trend']=trend Trend_seasonal['seasonal']=sea re_1=np.vectorize(ETStest) (Trend_seasonal['trend'],Trend_seasonal['seasonal'],seasonal_period=12,i = 0) result_table_ETS=pd.DataFrame(re_1).transpose() result_table_ETS.columns=['Trend','Seasonal','seasonal_period','error_mae_f','error_mae_p','Accuracy_mae_f','Accuracy_mae_p','Diff','Product','mae_pm','mae_smly','MAE_CV'] result_table_ETS_1=result_table_ETS[~result_table_ETS.Trend.str.contains("Fals")].dropna() result_table_ETS_1 = result_table_ETS_1.sort_values(by='MAE_CV', ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True) return(result_table_ETS_1) Following is the place where I am calling the function run_results = pd.DataFrame() forecast_results = pd.DataFrame() model_result=[] for i in df.columns: ts = df[i] n=uservalue train, test = ts[0:len(ts)-n], ts[len(ts)-n:] train1, test1 = ts[0:len(ts)], ts[0:len(ts)] re = ets_pred(train) re['Target'] = pd.DataFrame({'Target' : np.tile([i], len(re))})['Target'] re['Refresh_month'] = pd.DataFrame({'Target' : np.tile([ref_month], len(re))})['Target'] run_results=run_results.append(re) run_results=run_results.fillna(0) display(re) optimal_row = 0 model_ETS= ExponentialSmoothing( endog=ts, trend=re.iloc[optimal_row,0], seasonal=re.iloc[optimal_row,1], seasonal_periods=re.iloc[optimal_row,2],damped=True, dates=None, freq=None, missing='none').fit() res = model_ETS.fittedvalues[-10:] print(res) predictions_ETS = model_ETS.predict(start=len(train),end=len(train)+n-1) predictions = predictions_ETS error_ETS_mae_f = re.iloc[optimal_row,3] error_ETS_mae_p = re.iloc[optimal_row,4] print('Summary of Best Model') display(model_ETS.summary()) model_result.append([i, ref_month, re.iloc[optimal_row,0], re.iloc[optimal_row,1], re.iloc[optimal_row,2], model_ETS.params['smoothing_level'], #model_ETS.params['smoothing_trend'], model_ETS.params['smoothing_seasonal'], #model_ETS.params['damping_trend'], model_ETS.params['initial_level'], #model_ETS.params['initial_trend'], re.iloc[optimal_row,5], re.iloc[optimal_row,6], re.iloc[optimal_row,7], re.iloc[optimal_row,8]]) forecast=pd.DataFrame() forecast['Date'] = model_ETS.predict(start=len(train), end=len(train)+20).index forecast['Forecast'] = model_ETS.predict(start=len(train), end=len(train)+20).values forecast['Target'] = pd.DataFrame({'Target' : np.tile([i], len(forecast))})['Target'] forecast['Refresh_month'] = pd.DataFrame({'Target' : np.tile([ref_month], len(forecast))})['Target'] forecast_results=forecast_results.append(forecast) display(forecast) I think that np.vectorize is giving out some nan values and that is why I am getting the error. The above is the function for the same
max curve time error in Heston calibration quantlib python
I am running a compiled from source SWIG python 1.16 version of QuantLib. I have been trying to calibrate a heston model following this example. I am only using the QL calibration at the moment to test it out before trying others. I need time dependent parameters so I am using PiecewiseTimeDependentHestonModel. Here is the relevant portion of my code. Helper functions : def tenor2date(s, base_date=None,ql=False): # returns a date from a tenor and a base date if base_date is None: base_date = num = float(s[:-1]) period = s[-1].upper() if period == "Y": return_date = base_date + relativedelta(years=num) elif period == "M": return_date = base_date + relativedelta(months=num) elif period == "W": return_date = base_date + relativedelta(weeks=num) elif period == "D": return_date = base_date + relativedelta(days=num) else: return_date = base_date if ql: return Date(return_date.strftime("%F"),"yyyy-mm-dd") else: return return_date def setup_model(yield_ts, dividend_ts, spot, times,init_condition=(0.02, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.01)): theta, kappa, sigma, rho, v0 = init_condition model = ql.PiecewiseTimeDependentHestonModel(yield_ts, dividend_ts, ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(spot)), v0, ql.Parameter(), ql.Parameter(), ql.Parameter(), ql.Parameter(), ql.TimeGrid(times)) engine = ql.AnalyticPTDHestonEngine(model) return model, engine def setup_helpers(engine, vol_surface, ref_date, spot, yield_ts, dividend_ts): heston_helpers = [] grid_data = [] for tenor in vol_surface: expiry_date = tenor2date(tenor, datetime(ref_date.year(), ref_date.month(), ref_date.dayOfMonth()), True) t = (expiry_date - ref_date) print(f"{tenor} : {t / 365}") p = ql.Period(t, ql.Days) for strike, vol in zip(vol_surface[tenor]["strikes"], vol_surface[tenor]["volatilities"]): print((strike, vol)) helper = ql.HestonModelHelper(p, calendar, spot, strike, ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(vol / 100)), yield_ts, dividend_ts) helper.setPricingEngine(engine) heston_helpers.append(helper) grid_data.append((expiry_date, strike)) return heston_helpers, grid_data Market data : vol_surface = {'12M': {'strikes': [1.0030154025220293, 0.9840808634190958, 0.9589657270688433, 0.9408279805370683, 0.9174122318462831, 0.8963792435025802, 0.8787138822765832, 0.8538712672800733, 0.8355036501980958], 'volatilities': [6.7175, 6.5, 6.24375, 6.145, 6.195, 6.425, 6.72125, 7.21, 7.5625], 'forward': 0.919323}, '1M': {'strikes': [0.9369864196692815, 0.9324482223892986, 0.9261255003380027, 0.9213195223581382, 0.9150244003650484, 0.9088253068972495, 0.9038936313900919, 0.897245676067657, 0.8924388848562849], 'volatilities': [6.3475, 6.23375, 6.1075, 6.06, 6.09, 6.215, 6.3725, 6.63125, 6.8225], 'forward': 0.915169}, '1W': {'strikes': [0.9258809998009043, 0.9236526412979602, 0.920487656155217, 0.9180490618315417, 0.9148370595017086, 0.9116231311263782, 0.9090950947170667, 0.9057357691404444, 0.9033397443834199], 'volatilities': [6.7175, 6.63375, 6.53625, 6.5025, 6.53, 6.6425, 6.77875, 6.99625, 7.1525], 'forward': 0.914875}, '2M': {'strikes': [0.9456173410343232, 0.9392447942175677, 0.9304717860942596, 0.9238709412876663, 0.9152350197527926, 0.9068086964842931, 0.9000335970840222, 0.8908167643473346, 0.884110721680849], 'volatilities': [6.1575, 6.02625, 5.8825, 5.8325, 5.87, 6.0175, 6.1975, 6.48875, 6.7025], 'forward': 0.915506}, '3M': {'strikes': [0.9533543407827232, 0.945357456067501, 0.9343646071178692, 0.9261489737826977, 0.9154251386183144, 0.9050707394248945, 0.8966770979707913, 0.8851907303568785, 0.876803402158318], 'volatilities': [6.23, 6.09125, 5.93, 5.8725, 5.915, 6.0775, 6.28, 6.60375, 6.84], 'forward': 0.915841}, '4M': {'strikes': [0.9603950279333742, 0.9509237742916833, 0.9379657828957041, 0.928295643018581, 0.9156834006905108, 0.9036539552069216, 0.8938804229269658, 0.8804999196762403, 0.870730837142799], 'volatilities': [6.3175, 6.17125, 6.005, 5.94375, 5.985, 6.15125, 6.36, 6.69375, 6.9375], 'forward': 0.916255}, '6M': {'strikes': [0.9719887962018352, 0.9599837798239937, 0.943700651576822, 0.9316544554849711, 0.9159768970939797, 0.9013018796367052, 0.8892904835162911, 0.8727031923006017, 0.8605425787295339], 'volatilities': [6.3925, 6.22875, 6.04125, 5.9725, 6.01, 6.1875, 6.41375, 6.78625, 7.0575], 'forward': 0.916851}, '9M': {'strikes': [0.9879332225745909, 0.9724112749400833, 0.951642771321364, 0.936450663789222, 0.9167103888580063, 0.8985852649047051, 0.8835274087791912, 0.8625837214139542, 0.8472311260811375], 'volatilities': [6.54, 6.34875, 6.1325, 6.055, 6.11, 6.32, 6.5875, 7.01625, 7.32], 'forward': 0.918086}} spotDates = [ql.Date(1,7,2019), ql.Date(8,7,2019), ql.Date(1,8,2019), ql.Date(1,9,2019), ql.Date(1,10,2019), ql.Date(1,11,2019), ql.Date(1,1,2020), ql.Date(1,4,2020), ql.Date(1,7,2020)] spotRates = [0.9148, 0.914875, 0.915169, 0.915506, 0.915841, 0.916255, 0.916851, 0.918086, 0.919323] udl_value = 0.9148 todaysDate = ql.Date("2019-07-01","yyyy-mm-dd") settlementDate = ql.Date("2019-07-03","yyyy-mm-dd") and the script itself: ql.Settings.instance().evaluationDate = todaysDate dayCounter = ql.Actual365Fixed() interpolation = ql.Linear() compounding = ql.Compounded compoundingFrequency = ql.Annual times = [(x - spotDates[0]) / 365 for x in spotDates][1:] discountFactors = [-log(x / spotRates[0]) / (times[i]) for i, x in enumerate(spotRates[1:])] fwdCurve = ql.ZeroCurve(spotDates, [0] + discountFactors, dayCounter, calendar, interpolation, compounding, compoundingFrequency) fwdCurveHandle = ql.YieldTermStructureHandle(fwdCurve) dividendCurveHandle = ql.YieldTermStructureHandle(ql.FlatForward(settlementDate, 0, dayCounter)) hestonModel, hestonEngine = setup_model(fwdCurveHandle, dividendCurveHandle, udl_value, times) heston_helpers, grid_data = setup_helpers(hestonEngine, vol_surface, todaysDate, udl_value, fwdCurveHandle, dividendCurveHandle) lm = ql.LevenbergMarquardt(1e-8, 1e-8, 1e-8) hestonModel.calibrate(heston_helpers, lm, ql.EndCriteria(500, 300, 1.0e-8, 1.0e-8, 1.0e-8)) When I run the last line I get the following error message : RuntimeError: time (1.42466) is past max curve time (1.00274) I do not understand how it can try to price things beyond 1Y as both the helpers and the forwards curve are defined on the same set of dates.
In case it helps someone, posting here the answer I got from the quantlb mailing : specifying the maturity in days t = (expiry_date - ref_date) print(f"{tenor} : {t / 365}") p = ql.Period(t, ql.Days) might have an counterintuitive effect here as the specified calendar is used to calculate the real expiry date. If the calendar is e.g. ql.UnitedStates then this takes weekends and holidays into consideration, ql.UnitedStates().advance(ql.Date(1,1,2019),ql.Period(365, ql.Days)) => Date(12,6,2020) whereas ql.NullCalendar().advance(ql.Date(1,1,2019),ql.Period(365, ql.Days)) => Date(1,1,2020) hence I guess the interest rate curve is not long enough and throws the error message. So the fix is to make sure to use ql.NullCalendar() accross.
Duplicate Labels & No Line Appearing in Plot in Python
I'm plotting two lines: a set of experimental data points and a mathematical model. I'm getting the experimental data to plot as expected, but the mathematical model will not plot a line (only the symbol). Additionally, I'm getting duplicate legends and despite trying some of the suggestion I've seen on the site I'm not getting to work (probably I'm not executing it correctly). import numpy as np from sympy import * from sympy import Matrix import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Stretch = [0.998122066, 1.0157277, 1.034507042, 1.052112676, 1.06971831, 1.088497653, 1.106103286, 1.12370892, 1.143661972, 1.160093897, 1.178873239, 1.196478873, 1.214084507, 1.23286385, 1.249295775, 1.266901408, 1.28685446, 1.303286385, 1.322065728, 1.339671362, 1.357276995, 1.374882629, 1.393661972, 1.411267606, 1.430046948, 1.447652582, 1.464084507, 1.48286385, 1.500469484, 1.518075117, 1.535680751, 1.554460094, 1.572065728, 1.59084507, 1.608450704, 1.626056338, 1.643661972, 1.661267606, 1.680046948, 1.697652582, 1.715258216, 1.734037559, 1.751643192, 1.770422535, 1.78685446, 1.805633803, 1.824413146, 1.844366197, 1.860798122, 1.878403756, 1.894835681, 1.912441315, 1.930046948, 1.948826291, 1.967605634, 1.985211268, 2.00399061, 2.021596244, 2.038028169, 2.057981221, 2.075586854, 2.092018779, 2.110798122, 2.128403756, 2.147183099, 2.165962441, 2.183568075, 2.201173709, 2.218779343, 2.237558685, 2.255164319, 2.272769953, 2.291549296, 2.307981221, 2.326760563, 2.344366197, 2.361971831, 2.380751174, 2.398356808, 2.415962441, 2.434741784, 2.452347418, 2.469953052, 2.488732394, 2.505164319] Stress = [0.010526316, 0.010549481, 0.01188998, 0.011913146, 0.012594206, 0.012618915, 0.013299975, 0.013323141, 0.014665184, 0.0153447, 0.016027304, 0.016708364, 0.017389424, 0.018729923, 0.018751544, 0.019432604, 0.019458858, 0.019480479, 0.020163084, 0.020844144, 0.020867309, 0.021548369, 0.022230974, 0.022254139, 0.022278849, 0.023617803, 0.024297319, 0.024979923, 0.025660983, 0.026999938, 0.027023104, 0.027705708, 0.029044663, 0.029069372, 0.030408327, 0.031747282, 0.033086237, 0.034425191, 0.035107796, 0.036446751, 0.037785705, 0.039784099, 0.041123054, 0.042463553, 0.044458858, 0.046457252, 0.048455646, 0.051113479, 0.053108784, 0.055763529, 0.059074623, 0.061729367, 0.065042006, 0.069014085, 0.072986163, 0.077614591, 0.081586669, 0.086872992, 0.092815666, 0.099420867, 0.106680875, 0.114597233, 0.123174574, 0.132408265, 0.142301396, 0.152852422, 0.164059797, 0.177240857, 0.191079812, 0.206236101, 0.22073295, 0.238519274, 0.256307141, 0.273434025, 0.293195577, 0.314929269, 0.335347171, 0.357740301, 0.382105572, 0.406470843, 0.434785026, 0.461123981, 0.488778725, 0.516435014, 0.544088213] c= [6.11739377e+00, 4.78409591e-04] for o, d in zip (Stress, Stretch): d1 = d2 = d d3 = 1/(d1*d2) d3 = 1/(d1*d2) C11 = d1**2 C22 = d2**2 C33 = d3**2 p = 4*(c[1]/c[0])*(d3**(c[0]-2)) S11 = -p/C11 + 4*C11*(c[1]/c[0])*(d1**(c[0]-2)) S22 = -p/C22 + 4*C22*(c[1]/c[0])*(d2**(c[0]-2)) T112 = (d1*S11)/(d2*d3) T222 = (d2*S22)/(d1*d3) plt.plot(d, T112, 'g--^', label = 'Model') plt.plot(Stretch, Stress, 'b-o', label = 'Experimental') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15) plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel('Stress') plt.xlabel('Applied Stretch') plt.title('Stress as a Function of Applied Stretch') plt.legend()
plt.plot should not be included in a loop over the individual data because it work with 2 lists or 2 arrays.As a first step, i've created 2 lists for your model data, then i was able to plot it : import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Stretch = [0.998122066, 1.0157277, 1.034507042, 1.052112676, 1.06971831, 1.088497653, 1.106103286, 1.12370892, 1.143661972, 1.160093897, 1.178873239, 1.196478873, 1.214084507, 1.23286385, 1.249295775, 1.266901408, 1.28685446, 1.303286385, 1.322065728, 1.339671362, 1.357276995, 1.374882629, 1.393661972, 1.411267606, 1.430046948, 1.447652582, 1.464084507, 1.48286385, 1.500469484, 1.518075117, 1.535680751, 1.554460094, 1.572065728, 1.59084507, 1.608450704, 1.626056338, 1.643661972, 1.661267606, 1.680046948, 1.697652582, 1.715258216, 1.734037559, 1.751643192, 1.770422535, 1.78685446, 1.805633803, 1.824413146, 1.844366197, 1.860798122, 1.878403756, 1.894835681, 1.912441315, 1.930046948, 1.948826291, 1.967605634, 1.985211268, 2.00399061, 2.021596244, 2.038028169, 2.057981221, 2.075586854, 2.092018779, 2.110798122, 2.128403756, 2.147183099, 2.165962441, 2.183568075, 2.201173709, 2.218779343, 2.237558685, 2.255164319, 2.272769953, 2.291549296, 2.307981221, 2.326760563, 2.344366197, 2.361971831, 2.380751174, 2.398356808, 2.415962441, 2.434741784, 2.452347418, 2.469953052, 2.488732394, 2.505164319] Stress = [0.010526316, 0.010549481, 0.01188998, 0.011913146, 0.012594206, 0.012618915, 0.013299975, 0.013323141, 0.014665184, 0.0153447, 0.016027304, 0.016708364, 0.017389424, 0.018729923, 0.018751544, 0.019432604, 0.019458858, 0.019480479, 0.020163084, 0.020844144, 0.020867309, 0.021548369, 0.022230974, 0.022254139, 0.022278849, 0.023617803, 0.024297319, 0.024979923, 0.025660983, 0.026999938, 0.027023104, 0.027705708, 0.029044663, 0.029069372, 0.030408327, 0.031747282, 0.033086237, 0.034425191, 0.035107796, 0.036446751, 0.037785705, 0.039784099, 0.041123054, 0.042463553, 0.044458858, 0.046457252, 0.048455646, 0.051113479, 0.053108784, 0.055763529, 0.059074623, 0.061729367, 0.065042006, 0.069014085, 0.072986163, 0.077614591, 0.081586669, 0.086872992, 0.092815666, 0.099420867, 0.106680875, 0.114597233, 0.123174574, 0.132408265, 0.142301396, 0.152852422, 0.164059797, 0.177240857, 0.191079812, 0.206236101, 0.22073295, 0.238519274, 0.256307141, 0.273434025, 0.293195577, 0.314929269, 0.335347171, 0.357740301, 0.382105572, 0.406470843, 0.434785026, 0.461123981, 0.488778725, 0.516435014, 0.544088213] c= [6.11739377e+00, 4.78409591e-04] Stretch_mod=[] Stress_mod=[] for o, d in zip (Stress, Stretch): d1 = d2 = d d3 = 1/(d1*d2) d3 = 1/(d1*d2) C11 = d1**2 C22 = d2**2 C33 = d3**2 p = 4*(c[1]/c[0])*(d3**(c[0]-2)) S11 = -p/C11 + 4*C11*(c[1]/c[0])*(d1**(c[0]-2)) S22 = -p/C22 + 4*C22*(c[1]/c[0])*(d2**(c[0]-2)) T112 = (d1*S11)/(d2*d3) T222 = (d2*S22)/(d1*d3) Stretch_mod.append(d) Stress_mod.append(T112) plt.plot(Stretch_mod, Stress_mod, 'g--^', label = 'Model') plt.plot(Stretch, Stress, 'b-o', label = 'Experimental') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15) plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel('Stress') plt.xlabel('Applied Stretch') plt.title('Stress as a Function of Applied Stretch') plt.legend()