Counting the number of shapes in an image - python

I am trying to count the number of shapes in an image of a board game. For some reason, the count is completely off.
I have been using code from the web (for example,
I only need opencv for this, has anyone else had this problem, and how do I limit this to only the squares that I am interested in?
This is the same image as below but the background is now black. Now there are more center-dots than necessary all around the edge of the image.
I want the center dot to appear in every square on the board

I used paint to remove the edges of the numbers that were interrupting the white lines of each box. I assume that those numbers and dots were things that you added and not part of the original image.
Here is the image after my modifications
I made a mask by looking for white in the image. I dilated the results to get clearer separation and inverted so that each box was white.
I used findContours to get the contour of each white object in the mask. I filtered the contours by size to get rid of the arrows, letter bits, and the background of the image. From there I drew the centroid of each remaining contour.
import cv2
import numpy as np
# load image
img = cv2.imread("chutes_n_ladders.png");
# mask
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
mask = cv2.inRange(gray, 240, 255);
# dilate and invert
kernel = np.ones((3,3), np.uint8);
mask = cv2.dilate(mask, kernel, iterations = 1);
mask = cv2.bitwise_not(mask);
# contours
_, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
# remove very large and very small contours
filtered = [];
low = 1000;
high = 100000;
for con in contours:
area = cv2.contourArea(con);
if low < area and area < high:
# draw centers of each
print("Shapes: " + str(len(filtered)));
for con in filtered:
M = cv2.moments(con);
cx = int(M['m10']/M['m00']);
cy = int(M['m01']/M['m00']);, (cx, cy), 10, (0, 200, 100), -1);
# show
cv2.imshow("Image", img);
cv2.imshow("Mask", mask);


Remove everything of a specific color (with a color variation tolerance) from an image with Python

I have some text in blue #00a2e8, and some text in black on a PNG image (white background).
How to remove everything in blue (including text in blue) on an image with Python PIL or OpenCV, with a certain tolerance for the variations of color?
Indeed, every pixel of the text is not perfectly of the same color, there are variations, shades of blue.
Here is what I was thinking:
convert from RGB to HSV
find the Hue h0 for the blue
do a Numpy mask for Hue in the interval [h0-10, h0+10]
set these pixels to white
Before coding this, is there a more standard way to do this with PIL or OpenCV Python?
Example PNG file: foo and bar blocks should be removed
Your image has some issues. Firstly, it has a completely superfluous alpha channel which can be ignored. Secondly, the colours around your blues are quite a long way from blue!
I used your planned approach and found the removal was pretty poor:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Load image
im = cv2.imread('nwP8M.png')
# Define lower and upper limits of our blue
BlueMin = np.array([90, 200, 200],np.uint8)
BlueMax = np.array([100, 255, 255],np.uint8)
# Go to HSV colourspace and get mask of blue pixels
HSV = cv2.cvtColor(im,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
mask = cv2.inRange(HSV, BlueMin, BlueMax)
# Make all pixels in mask white
im[mask>0] = [255,255,255]
cv2.imwrite('DEBUG-plainMask.png', im)
That gives this:
If you broaden the range, to get the rough edges, you start to affect the green letters, so instead I dilated the mask so that pixels spatially near the blues are made white as well as pixels chromatically near the blues:
# Try dilating (enlarging) mask with 3x3 structuring element
SE = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3,3))
mask = cv2.dilate(mask, kernel, iterations=1)
# Make all pixels in mask white
im[mask>0] = [255,255,255]
cv2.imwrite('result.png', im)
That gets you this:
You may wish to diddle with the actual values for your other images, but the principle is the same.
I would like to chime in with a different approach. My basic idea is convert the image from BGR to LAB color space and figure out if I can isolate the regions in blue. This can be done by focusing on the b-component of LAB, since it represents the color from yellow to blue.
img = cv2.imread('image_path', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
lab = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB)
b_component = lab[:,:,2]
(Note: The blue regions are actually quite darker such that it can be isolated easily.)
th = cv2.threshold(b_component,127,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1]
But after applying threshold, the image contains some unwanted white pixels around the regions containing numeric text, which we do not want to consider.
To avoid the unwanted regions I tried out the following:
Find contours above a certain area and draw each of them on 2-channel mask
Mask out rectangular bounding box area for each contour.
Locate pixels within that bounding box area that are 255 (white) on the threshold image
Change those pixel values to white on the original PNG image.
In code below:
# finding contours
contours = cv2.findContours(th, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours = contours[0] if len(contours) == 2 else contours[1]
# initialize a mask of image shape and make copy of original image
black = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), np.uint8)
res = img.copy()
# draw only contours above certain area on the mask
for c in contours:
area = cv2.contourArea(c)
if int(area) > 200:
cv2.drawContours(black, [c], 0, 255, -1)
If you see the following mask, it has enclosed all pixels within the contour in white. However, the pixels within the word "bar" should not be considered.
To isolate only the region with blue pixels, we perform "AND" operation with the threshold image th
mask = cv2.bitwise_and(th, th, mask = black)
We got the mask we actually want. The regions that are white in mask are made white in the copy of the original image res:
res[mask == 255] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
But the above image is not perfect. There are some regions still visible around the edges of the word foo.
In the following we dilate mask and repeat.
res = img.copy()
kernel_ellipse = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3,3))
dilate = cv2.dilate(mask, kernel_ellipse, iterations=1)
res[dilate == 255] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
Note: Using the A and B components of LAB color space you can isolate different colors quite easily, without having to spend time searching for the range. Colors with nearby shading and saturation can also be segmented.
I think you are looking for the function inRange:
thresh = 5
bgr = [255 - thresh, thresh , thresh ]
minBGR = np.array([bgr[0] - thresh, bgr[1] - thresh, bgr[2] - thresh])
maxBGR = np.array([bgr[0] + thresh, bgr[1] + thresh, bgr[2] + thresh])
maskBGR = cv2.inRange(image, minBGR, maxBGR)
resultBGR = cv2.bitwise_or(image, maskBGR)

cv2.inRange() make it work for all inputs

I'm using OpenCv (4.x) on Anime Sketch dataset from Kaggle to get the image's silhouette. What I found to be the hardest part was to detect that empty areas inside that silhouette, areas between arm-body, legs and hair. The tutorials I followed always use "full filled" objects, like a ball, head or cars and I ended up tunning that code to make it work, but it is too specific so that tunning just work ok on one image.
Playing around in I've noticed that I can use the tool called Trans-parency to change one color, just like cv2.inRange() does.
Original image
The code:
image = cv2.imread("2.png",cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
crop_img = image[:, 0:512]
fuzz_factor = 0.97
maxColor = (crop_img[1,1] * 1).astype(int)
minColor = (maxColor * fuzz_factor).astype(int)
mask = cv2.inRange(crop_img, minColor, maxColor)
cv2.imshow("mask", mask)
and outputs this (not that bad..)
BUT then trying with another image it doesn't work anymore, output:
So, question(s):
There is some "magic rule" where I can extract a specific fuzz_factor for each image?
How could I use the image's right half to get that silhouette/contour?
Thanks guys
I post to close this question.
Thanks to Micka I made some progress, there are two variables that have high impact on output's quality:
fuzz_factor: which sets the color range for cv2.inRange()
max_contours: number of contours to draw (sorted by size)
High numbers are better until there are white zones that are not background, so next thing could be discard that ones.
import numpy as np
import cv2
# constants
fuzz_factor = 1
max_contours = -10
image_path = "9.png"
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
image = image[:, 0:512]
# background color boundaries
color = image[3,3]
upper = (color).astype(int)
lower = (color * (100 - fuzz_factor/2.0)/100).astype(int)
# create mask with specific colors
mask = cv2.inRange(image, lower, upper)
# get all contours
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mask, mode = cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, method = cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
if(len(contours) > 1):
# get the [max_contours] biggest areas
contours = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea)[max_contours:]
# mask where contours are filled
mask = np.zeros_like(image)
# draw contours and fill
cv2.drawContours(mask, contours, -1, color=[255,255,255], thickness= -1)
cv2.drawContours(image, contours, -1, 255, 2)
cv2.imshow("Result", np.hstack([image, mask]))

How can I improve Watershed segmentation of heterogenous structures in Python?

I'm following a simple approach to segment cells (microscopy images) using the Watershed algorithm in Python. I'm happy with the result 90% of the time, but I have two main problems: (i) the markers/contours are really "spiky" and (2) the algorithm sometimes fails when two cells are to close to each other (i.e they are segmented together). Can you give some tips in how to improve it?
Here's the code I'm using and an output image showing my 2 issues.
# Adjustable parameters for a future function
img_file = NP_file
sigma = 9 # size of gaussian blur kernel; has to be an even number
alpha = 0.2 #scalling factor distance transform
clear_border = False
remove_small_objects = True
# read image and covert to gray scale
im = cv2.imread(NP_file, 1)
im = enhanceContrast(im)
im_gray = cv2.cvtColor(im.copy(), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Basic Median Filter
im_blur = cv2.medianBlur(im_gray, ksize = sigma)
# Threshold Image
th, im_seg = cv2.threshold(im_blur, im_blur.mean(), 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY);
# filling holes in the segmented image
im_filled = binary_fill_holes(im_seg)
# discard cells touching the border
if clear_border == True:
im_filled = skimage.segmentation.clear_border(im_filled)
# filter small particles
if remove_small_objects == True:
im_filled = sk.morphology.remove_small_objects(im_filled, min_size = 5000)
# apply distance transform
# labels each pixel of the image with the distance to the nearest obstacle pixel.
# In this case, obstacle pixel is a boundary pixel in a binary image.
dist_transform = cv2.distanceTransform(img_as_ubyte(im_filled), cv2.DIST_L2, 3)
# get sure foreground area: region near to center of object
fg_val, sure_fg = cv2.threshold(dist_transform, alpha * dist_transform.max(), 255, 0)
# get sure background area: region much away from the object
sure_bg = cv2.dilate(img_as_ubyte(im_filled), np.ones((3,3),np.uint8), iterations = 6)
# The remaining regions (borders) are those which we don’t know if they are img or background
borders = cv2.subtract(sure_bg, np.uint8(sure_fg))
# use Connected Components labelling:
# scans an image and groups its pixels into components based on pixel connectivity
# label background of the image with 0 and other objects with integers starting from 1.
n_markers, markers1 = cv2.connectedComponents(np.uint8(sure_fg))
# filter small particles again! (bc of segmentation artifacts)
if remove_small_objects == True:
markers1 = sk.morphology.remove_small_objects(markers1, min_size = 1000)
# Make sure the background is 1 and not 0;
# and that borders are marked as 0
markers2 = markers1 + 1
markers2[borders == 255] = 0
# implement the watershed algorithm: connects markers with original image
# The label image will be modified and the marker in the border area will change to -1
im_out = im.copy()
markers3 = cv2.watershed(im_out, markers2)
# generate an extra image with color labels only for visuzalization
# color markers in BLUE (pixels = -1 after watershed algorithm)
im_out[markers3 == -1] = [0, 255, 255]
in case you want to try to reproduce my results you can find my .tif file here:
In the past, the best approach for me to apply the watershed algorithm is 'only when needed'. It is computationally intensive and not needed for the majority of cells in your image.
This is the code I have used with your image:
# Threshold your image
# This example worked very well with a threshold value of 1
tv, thresh = cv2.threshold(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
# Minimize the holes in the cells to facilitate finding contours
for i in range(5):
thresh = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, np.ones((3,3)))
thresh = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, np.ones((3,3)))
# Find contours and keep the ones big enough to be a cell
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours = [c for c in contours if cv2.contourArea(c) > 400]
output = np.zeros_like(thresh)
cv2.drawContours(output, contours, -1, 255, -1)
for i, contour in enumerate(contours):
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contour)
cv2.putText(output, f"{i}", (x, y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, 255, 2)
The output of this code is this image:
As you can see, only a pair of cells (contour #7) needs splitting using watershed algorithm.
Running the watershed algorithm on that cell is very fast (smaller image to work with) and this is the result:
Some of the cell morphology calculations that can be used to assess whether the watershed algorithm should be run on an object in the image:
# area
area = cv2.contourArea(contour)
# perimeter, with the minimum value = 0.01 to avoid division by zero in other calculations
perimeter = max(0.01, cv2.arcLength(contour, True))
# circularity
circularity = (4 * math.pi * area) / (perimeter ** 2)
# Check if the cell is convex (not smoothly elliptical)
hull = cv2.convexHull(contour)
convexity = cv2.arcLength(hull, True) / perimeter
approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, 0.1 * perimeter, True)
convex = cv2.isContourConvex(approx)
You will need to find the thresholds for each of the measurements in your project. In my project, cells were elliptic, and having a blob with a large area and convex usually means there are 2 or more cells lump together.

detect checkboxes from a form using opencv python

given a dental form as input, need to find all the checkboxes present in the form using image processing. I have answered my current approach below. Is there any better approach to find the checkboxes for low-quality docs as well?
sample input:
This is one approach in which we can solve the issue,
import cv2
import numpy as np
### binarising image
th1,img_bin = cv2.threshold(gray_scale,150,225,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
Defining vertical and horizontal kernels
lineWidth = 7
lineMinWidth = 55
kernal1 = np.ones((lineWidth,lineWidth), np.uint8)
kernal1h = np.ones((1,lineWidth), np.uint8)
kernal1v = np.ones((lineWidth,1), np.uint8)
kernal6 = np.ones((lineMinWidth,lineMinWidth), np.uint8)
kernal6h = np.ones((1,lineMinWidth), np.uint8)
kernal6v = np.ones((lineMinWidth,1), np.uint8)
Detect horizontal lines
img_bin_h = cv2.morphologyEx(~img_bin, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernal1h) # bridge small gap in horizonntal lines
img_bin_h = cv2.morphologyEx(img_bin_h, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernal6h) # kep ony horiz lines by eroding everything else in hor direction
finding vertical lines
## detect vert lines
img_bin_v = cv2.morphologyEx(~img_bin, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernal1v) # bridge small gap in vert lines
img_bin_v = cv2.morphologyEx(img_bin_v, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernal6v)# kep ony vert lines by eroding everything else in vert direction
merging vertical and horizontal lines to get blocks. Adding a layer of dilation to remove small gaps
### function to fix image as binary
def fix(img):
return img
img_bin_final = fix(fix(img_bin_h)|fix(img_bin_v))
finalKernel = np.ones((5,5), np.uint8)
Apply Connected component analysis on the binary image to get the blocks required.
ret, labels, stats,centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(~img_bin_final, connectivity=8, ltype=cv2.CV_32S)
### skipping first two stats as background
for x,y,w,h,area in stats[2:]:
You can also use contours for this problem.
# Reading the image in grayscale and thresholding it
Image = cv2.imread("findBox.jpg", 0)
ret, Thresh = cv2.threshold(Image, 100, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
Now perform dilation and erosion twice to join the dotted lines present inside the boxes.
kernel = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
Thresh = cv2.dilate(Thresh, kernel, iterations=2)
Thresh = cv2.erode(Thresh, kernel, iterations=2)
Find contours in the image with cv2.RETR_TREE flag to get all contours with parent-child relations. For more info on this.
Contours, Hierarchy = cv2.findContours(Thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
Now all the boxes along with all the alphabets in the image are detected. We have to eliminate the alphabets detected, very small contours(due to noise), and also those boxes which contain smaller boxes inside them.
For this, I am running a for loop iterating over all the contours detected, and using this loop I am saving 3 values for each contour in 3 different lists.
1st value: Area of contour(Number of pixels a contour encloses)
2nd value: Contour's bounding rectangle info.
3rd value: Ratio of area of contour to the area of its bounding rectangle.
Areas = []
Rects = []
Ratios = []
for Contour in Contours:
# Getting bounding rectangle
Rect = cv2.boundingRect(Contour)
# Drawing contour on new image and finding number of white pixels for contour area
C_Image = np.zeros(Thresh.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
cv2.drawContours(C_Image, [Contour], -1, 255, -1)
ContourArea = np.sum(C_Image == 255)
# Area of the bounding rectangle
Rect_Area = Rect[2]*Rect[3]
# Calculating ratio as explained above
Ratio = ContourArea / Rect_Area
# Storing data
Filtering out undesired contours:
Getting indices of those contours which have an area less than 3600(threshold value for this image) and which have Ratio >= 0.99.
The ratio defines the extent of overlap of contour to its bounding rectangle. As in this case, the desired contours are rectangle in shape, this ratio for them is expected to be "1.0" (0.99 for keeping a threshold of small noise).
BoxesIndices = [i for i in range(len(Contours)) if Ratios[i] >= 0.99 and Areas[i] > 3600]
Now final contours are those among contours at indices "BoxesIndices" which do not have a child contour(this will extract innermost contours) and if they have a child contour, then this child contour should not be one of the contours at indices "BoxesIndices".
FinalBoxes = [Rects[i] for i in BoxesIndices if Hierarchy[0][i][2] == -1 or BoxesIndices.count(Hierarchy[0][i][2]) == 0]
Final output image

How to use OpenCV to crop an image based on a certain criteria?

I would like to crop the images like the one below using python's OpenCV library. The area of interest is inside the squiggly lines on the top and bottom, and the lines on the side. The problem is that every image is slightly different. This means that I need some automated way of cropping for the area of interest. I guess the top and the sides would be easy since you could just crop it by 10 pixels or so. But how can I crop out the bottom half of the image where the line is not straight? I have included this example image. The image that follows highlights in pink the area of the image that I am interested in keeping.
Here is one way using Python/OpenCV.
Read input
Get center point (assume it is inside the desired region)
Convert image to grayscale
Floodfill the gray image and set background to black
Get the largest contour and its bounding box
Draw the largest contour as filled on black background as mask
Apply the mask to the input image
Crop the masked input image
import cv2
import numpy as np
# load image and get dimensions
img = cv2.imread("odd_region.png")
hh, ww, cc = img.shape
# compute center of image (as integer)
wc = ww//2
hc = hh//2
# create grayscale copy of input as basis of mask
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# create zeros mask 2 pixels larger in each dimension
zeros = np.zeros([hh + 2, ww + 2], np.uint8)
# do floodfill at center of image as seed point
ffimg = cv2.floodFill(gray, zeros, (wc,hc), (255), (0), (0), flags=8)[1]
# set rest of ffimg to black
ffimg[ffimg!=255] = 0
# get contours, find largest and its bounding box
contours = cv2.findContours(ffimg, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours = contours[0] if len(contours) == 2 else contours[1]
area_thresh = 0
for cntr in contours:
area = cv2.contourArea(cntr)
if area > area_thresh:
area = area_thresh
outer_contour = cntr
x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(outer_contour)
# draw the filled contour on a black image
mask = np.full([hh,ww,cc], (0,0,0), np.uint8)
# mask the input
masked_img = img.copy()
masked_img[mask == 0] = 0
#masked_img[mask != 0] = img[mask != 0]
# crop the bounding box region of the masked img
result = masked_img[y:y+h, x:x+w]
# draw the contour outline on a copy of result
result_outline = result.copy()
# display it
cv2.imshow("img", img)
cv2.imshow("ffimg", ffimg)
cv2.imshow("mask", mask)
cv2.imshow("masked_img", masked_img)
cv2.imshow("result", result)
cv2.imshow("result_outline", result_outline)
# write result to disk
cv2.imwrite("odd_region_cropped.png", result)
cv2.imwrite("odd_region_cropped_outline.png", result_outline)
Result With Contour Drawn:

