I'm new to the programming environments.
Last year, I had a course where we installed (without understanding what we were doing) miniconda with python 3.7 and jupyter notebook. This year I need anaconda so I installed it with the latest version of python. My question is: will there be a conflict between anaconda and miniconda if I use the shell commands? When I type "jupyter notebook" in the shell, will it open with miniconda which I installed first or anaconda?
Are you on a linux system?
You can try with
type jupyter-notebook
This will show you where the binary is located. For example ~/miniconda3/bin.
The path of the bin-folder of your anaconda/miniconda installation is usually added to your path-variable in the ~/.bashrc file.
You can find out which version of python/python3 you are using by typing
python --version
python3 --version
I factory reset my MacBook and set up everything new to get rid of the multiple python version chaos I had on my old laptop.
Only thing I have installed atm is Anaconda. I created a new conda environment with python 3.9 and activated it in my zsh Terminal.
Still when I type "which python" it shows "/usr/bin/python" containing the MacBook standard Python2.7 version.
How can I make environments use their own dedicated version?
Edit for Code:
conda activate myenvname
which python
Trying to access the folder where the anaconda python should be leads to
cd: no such file or directory: /Users/marcus/anaconda/bin
When you install anaconda through the terminal it provides an option to prepend anaconda to the system path. make sure to choose yes. If you don't, you'll need to provide the full path to your anaconda installation when activating an environment, as in:
source <path to conda>/bin/activate
conda init
You'll need to do this in each shell session. Alternatively, you can use the anaconda terminal.
To fix this, Anaconda does not recommend fixing your path manually. I think this is because there are a number of things anaconda does when setting up your shell if you choose "yes". Instead, the recommended fix is to uninstall and re-install anaconda (and pick yes this time ;)).
See the Anaconda docs for more information.
I'm a newbie programmer (little know about computer science BUT Love programming) using windows and have some problems with Python and VS Code in Anaconda. I have v. 3.8.2 as I run python in cmd and v.3.7.4 as I do that in VS Code Terminal (lunched from Anaconda) or in Anaconda prompt. My question is: How I can install the last version of python which becomes the interpreter of both my OS and VS Code in Anaconda? Do I need to uninstall any of them? Thanks a LOT
You need to update them separately.
You can launch Anaconda prompt and type : conda update python
It should by default update the python version in anaconda
Or you can try
To update anaconda type :conda update anaconda
To download Python 3.9 (from Anaconda Prompt)
conda create -c conda-forge python=3.9 -n py39-demo
To update python on your pc go to https://www.python.org/ and download the latest version
However end note for updating python in Anaconda use the top method
I've installed python 3.8.2 and now want to install Anaconda, but there are two versions for macOS: installer for python 3.7 and installer for python 2.7
Does that mean I need to downgrade from 3.8.2 to 3.7.0 for Anaconda? or is the Anaconda installer 3.7+?
A Python installation from python.org and an Anaconda installation are 2 completely different things and they can live side by side. You don't need to do anything with your existing installation. However, stick to the Anacoda default settings: Don't add Python to your PATH, as this will probably conflict with your other installation. And let conda intialize your command shells. This will add ../Anaconda3/condabin to your PATH and the only thing you need to do before using Anaconda Python is to activate Anaconda, either by using the Anaconda prompt or from your shell via
> conda activate
(base) > python
You can tell from the prefix (base) in the command prompt that Anaconda has been successfully activated.
I have installed anaconda latest version in my LINUX MINT and it's expected that the ANACONDA version of python to launched when I type python/python3 on the terminal but it only start the default ones. How to set it to launch the Anaconda version. conda is installed and is verified by writing conda on the terminal
This is probably because it can't find python in your anaconda folder. /home/username/anaconda3/condabin isn't a valid folder name (at least, not on any anaconda installation I've seen), so just rename condabin to bin. If you edit your $HOME/.bash_profile, it should look something like:
# added by Anaconda3 5.0.1 installer
export PATH="/home/username/anaconda3/bin:</rest/of/things/here>:$PATH"
Restart your terminal and try python again
Yesterday I uninstalled my Python 3.6 and installed Python 3.7. I simply ran the executable and followed the prompts. Here is a screen shot of my Programs and Features in my Control Panel.
However, when I check the version in the command prompt, it seems like version 3.6 is still running!
If you have an Anaconda Python installation, you can either upgrade it to your chosen version of Python or create a new conda environment with the version you want.
To see what environments you have set up, do conda env list
To upgrade Python in an environment myenv, do activate myenv then conda update python (to get the latest version) or conda install python=x.y.z (to install version x.y.z, assuming it's available from your conda channels)
You probably didn't completely uninstall your old python version and windows is still pointing to the old installation. Edit your PATH and point your new python 3.7 directory.
Go to My Computer/This PC --> right click --> properties --> advanced system settings --> environment variables --> PATH
You should see a path directory that looks something like this:
Change that directory and point to your python 3.7 installation.
If you want you can keep the old installation of python 3.6 on your computer, it's not necessary to uninstall it and you can work on projects using older python versions when needed.
It looks like you have a Python executable in your PATH from a Anaconda installation (hence the Anaconda Inc at the end of your version number).
You have a few options here:
You can either find the Anaconda installation and remove it (echo %path% into the command prompt may help).
Edit your PATH to make sure that your Python 3.7.3 installation is called first before the Anaconda install.
Upgrade your Anaconda installation to the latest version that uses Python 3.7.
When you install anaconda, a box is automatically checked to make your computer see the version of python installed with conda as the primary version, you could probably uninstall conda or change you system env path taking conda off it.