What is the API contract for OAuth2Session update_token callback? - python

The OAuth 2 client documentation on refresh & autoupdate token is unclear on the semantics for the various parameters.
When are refresh_token & access_token passed in?
What are their values supposed to be?
The example provided is also unclear.
def update_token(token, refresh_token=None, access_token=None):
if refresh_token:
item = OAuth2Token.find(name=name, refresh_token=refresh_token)
elif access_token:
item = OAuth2Token.find(name=name, access_token=access_token)
# update old token
item.access_token = token['access_token']
item.refresh_token = token.get('refresh_token')
item.expires_at = token['expires_at']
Though I wouldn't think so, OAuth2Token looks like a reference to the authlib.oauth2.rfc6749.OAuth2Token class.
Despite the similar name, are we supposed to imagine it's a custom ORM class that the library user would write themselves?
This is left unstated.

Yes, that OAuth2Token is a fake model class. In Django, it could be:
OAuth2Token.objects.get(name=name, refresh_token=refresh_token)
With SQLAlchemy, it could be:
OAuth2Token.query.filter_by(name=name, refresh_token=refresh_token).first()
This update_token is a hook function, it will be called when there is a token updating. In the token updating process, client/session will pass the refresh token or access token automatically.


How to delete a django JWT token?

I am using the Django rest framework JSON Web token API that is found here on github (https://github.com/GetBlimp/django-rest-framework-jwt/tree/master/).
I can successfully create tokens and use them to call protected REST APis. However, there are certain cases where I would like to delete a specific token before its expiry time. So I thought to do this with a view like:
class Logout(APIView):
permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated, )
authentication_classes = (JSONWebTokenAuthentication, )
def post(self, request):
# simply delete the token to force a login
request.auth.delete() # This will not work
return Response(status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
The request.auth is simply a string object. So, this is of course, not going to work but I was not sure how I can clear the underlying token.
Reading more about this, it seems that I do not need to do anything as nothing is ever stored on the server side with JWT. So just closing the application and regenerating the token on the next login is enough. Is that correct?
The biggest disadvantage of JWT is that because the server does not save the session state, it is not possible to abolish a token or change the token's permissions during use. That is, once the JWT is signed, it will remain in effect until it expires, unless the server deploys additional logic.
So, you cannot invalidate the token even you create a new token or refresh it. Simply way to logout is remove the token from the client.
Yes, it's correct to say that JWT tokens are not stored in the database. What you want, though, is to invalidate a token based on user activity, which doesn't seem to be possible ATM.
So, you can do what you suggested in your question, or redirect the user to some token refreshing endpoint, or even manually create a new token.
Add this in Admin.py
class OutstandingTokenAdmin(token_blacklist.admin.OutstandingTokenAdmin):
def has_delete_permission(self, *args, **kwargs):
return True # or whatever logic you want
admin.site.register(token_blacklist.models.OutstandingToken, OutstandingTokenAdmin)
from rest_framework_simplejwt.token_blacklist.admin import OutstandingTokenAdmin
from rest_framework_simplejwt.token_blacklist.models import OutstandingToken
class OutstandingTokenAdmin(OutstandingTokenAdmin):
def has_delete_permission(self, *args, **kwargs):
return True # or whatever logic you want
def get_actions(self, request):
actions = super(OutstandingTokenAdmin, self).get_actions(request)
if 'delete_selected' in actions:
del actions['delete_selected']
return actions
admin.site.register(OutstandingToken, OutstandingTokenAdmin)

Include authenticated user in dictionary for all views

I am working through the Pyramid authorization tutorial and I have noticed the pattern where
logged_in = request.authenticated_userid
is added to each view dictionary. Can it be avoided? I.e. is there a configuration which automatically ads user id to each view. Or is there a way to create a base, abstract view with the user id and inherit from it?
Part of the code from the tutorial:
#view_config(context='.models.Page', renderer='templates/view.pt', permission='view')
def view_page(context, request):
# not relevant code
return dict(page = context, content = content, edit_url = edit_url,
logged_in = request.authenticated_userid)
#view_config(name='add_page', context='.models.Wiki', renderer='templates/edit.pt',
def add_page(context, request):
# not relevant code
return dict(page=page, save_url=save_url,
It's been awhile since I last looked, but I think logged_in in the samples is just an example to use to conditionally check if there is a logged on user or not. You could probably just as easily refer to request.authenticated_userid within any of your views or templates, too, and get the same behavior and not have to explicitly add a status to the response dict. The request object should be available to be referenced in your view templates, too.
Alternatively, I've used their cookbook to add a user object to the request to make a friendly request.user object that I can use to both check for logged in status where needed, plus get at my other user object details if I need to as well.

In Django, is request.META[] the right place to add specific information for a request?

I'm using Django, and want to store data that is relevant only for the duration of a request, and not on the session.
Is it correct to add something to request.META, like:
request.META['acl'] = acl
In my situation, I am using Tastypie, with a custom authorization class, and need a way to pass data between functions... it seems like storing something on the request would be the right thing to do... I just don't know where to store such information. My class looks something like:
class MyAuthorization(Authorization):
def is_authorized(self, request, object=None):
acl = getMyAccessControlList(request.method,request.session['username'])
for permission in acl:
if permission in self.permissions[request.method]:
request.META['acl'] = acl
return True
return False
def apply_limits(self, request, object_class, rs):
if 'HAS_ALL_ACCESS' in request.META['acl']:
return rs
else if 'HAS_USER_ACCESS' in request.META['acl']:
rs = rs.filter(object_class.user==request.session['username'])
return rs
Futher, Tastypie creates a single REST resource object, with a single authorization class used by all threads, so it's not thread-safe to just put it on the authorization class.
As per Chris Pratt's feedback, no, it doesn't make sense to modify the request. Exploring further, it appears to be appropriate to modify the request initially through custom middleware, and then keep it constant for the rest of the request: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/topics/http/middleware
In this case, the middleware will look something like:
class AccessControlListMiddleware(object):
def process_view(self,request,view_func,view_args,view_kwargs):
permissions = set()
for role in request.session['permissions']:
for permission in PERMISSION_LIST[request.method][role]:
request.acl = list(permissions)
No. Don't mess with the request object. Especially since these are methods on the same class, you should simply assign data to self:
self.acl = getMyAccessControlList(request.method,request.session['username'])
if 'HAS_ALL_ACCESS' in self.acl:

Google App Engine (Python) : use UserProperty with Webapp2 User Model

i have an application where we allow users to use Oauth2 for authentication and even Custom User Registrations. All the Users are saved into the default User entity in the datastore. If the user is logging in using Oauth2 for the first time a new record in the default User entity is created like this:
"""Check if user is already logged in"""
if self.logged_in:
logging.info('User Already Logged In. Updating User Login Information')
u = self.current_user
u.populate(**self._to_user_model_attrs(data, self.USER_ATTRS[provider]))
"""Create a New User"""
logging.info('Creating a New User')
ok, user = self.auth.store.user_model.create_user(auth_id, **self._to_user_model_attrs(data, self.USER_ATTRS[provider]))
if ok:
for custom registrations records are inserted through the following handler.
class RegistrationHandler(TemplateHandler, SimpleAuthHandler):
def get(self):
def post(self):
"""Process registration form."""
user = 'appname:%s' % self.request.get('email')
name = '%s %s' % (self.request.get('first_name'), self.request.get('last_name'))
password = self.request.get('password')
avatar = self.request.get('avatar')
act_url = user_activation.Activate(self.request.get('first_name'), self.request.get('email'))
ok, user = User.create_user(auth_id=user, name=name, password_raw=password, email=self.request.get('email'))
if ok:
acc = models.Account(display_name=self.request.get('first_name'), act_url=act_url, act_key=act_url.split('activate/')[1], user=users.User(User.get_by_auth_id(self.current_user.auth_ids[0]).email))
if avatar:
avt = models.Picture(is_avatar=True, is_approved=True, image=avatar, user=users.User(User.get_by_auth_id(self.current_user.auth_ids[0]).email))
Now we are using webapp2_extras.sessions for session handling. We have different models like, Comments, Images, Reviews etc in which we want to use db.UserProperty() as the author field. However, the author field shows blank or None whenever we enter a record into any of these models using 'users.get_current_user()'. I think this is because we are handling the sessions through webapp2 sessions.
What we want to achieve is to be able to use the db.UserProperty field in various models and link appropriately to the current user using webapp2 sessions ?
the UserProperty() has to be passed with a User Object in order for it to properly insert the records. Even though we are able to enter the records using the following code :
user = users.User(User.get_by_auth_id(self.current_user.auth_ids[0]).email)
user = users.User(User.get_by_auth_id(self.current_user.auth_ids[0]).name)
but then we are not able to get the whole user object by referencing to model.author
Any ideas how we should achieve this ?
OAuth 2.0 is not currently supported by Users service. Supported options are
Google Accounts
OAuth 1.0
I don't frankly understand what you're trying to accomplish with introducing db.User in to the codebase. Given there's self.current_user, I assume you're already handling authentication process.
When you do self.auth.store.user_model.create_user - that already gives you a webapp2's user object/entity (it has nothing to do with db.User though). I believe that's what you'll have to use as your author field given OAuth 2.0 constraint.
users.get_current_user() relies on a special cookie (App Engine internal). In fact, it has nothing to do with webapp2's session (or any other "custom" session for that matter). You could hack it by setting the cookie to a value that App Engine internals can understand and be tricked as if a user were logged in with one of the methods I mentioned, but I wouldn't recommend this approach. It is not documented (cookie name, format, etc.) and might be changed at any time.
Instead of using UserProperty to store references to the webapp2 user objects, you should instead store the auth_id as a StringProperty and add a convenience method for fetching the corresponding webapp2 user entity.
Something like this
from webapp2_extras.appengine.auth.models import User
class Comment(db.model):
text = db.StringProperty()
author = db.StringProperty()
def get_author(self):
return User.get_by_auth_id(self.author)

Django sessions with Oauth - cannot pass variables thru request.session

I am building an app for making API calls to websites like (FB, LinkedIn, etc.) I need to use OAuth to authorize my application to request data on behalf of the user. I am stuck with a problem of storing the instance of my website interface library (LinkedIn) across views. I used request.session - with file back end.
Below is the code http://pastebin.com/QTgqSr7W
Am I doing something wrong? can see the value being set in login() but I cannot see the same value in token(). Is this wrong to expect? Any workaround for passing the value of the api instance?
Thanks and Regards,
hmm, i think its because you are saving the entire api python instance, i dont think that sessions support that kind of data, why not just redirect user to auth url without saving something in session, then in callback view, you instantiate the linkedin.LinkedIn class like so
from django.conf import settings
key = settings.KEY
secret = settings.SECRET
return_url = settings.CALLBACK
# You make the api connection here, so its not tied to any function
api = linkedin.LinkedIn(key, secret, return_url)
def login(request):
if api.request_token():
auth_url = api.get_authorize_url()
return HttpResponseRedirect(auth_url)
#below is the view that will get called with the oauth oken.
def token(request, param):
#do stuff with the api.

