How to bind multiple keyboard buttons to a widget in Tkinter Python - python

I am trying to make a simplest calculator and I want to operate it with the keyboard. This is the file.
I want that whenever I press any number button or a sign button it insert to Entry widget and it does nothing if any button other than number button or sign button is pressed. I want to put all the code in the keyboardbutton function.
Sorry for less comments in the code. And thanks in advance for any help.

First, I made a list in __init__ that matched your self.lst but where all characters are strings:
self.STR_LIST = list(map(str, self.lst))
Next, I bound keypresses to your tkinter window, so that the keyboardbutton mehtod will be called whenever a key is pressed (also in __init__):
self.window.bind("<Key>", self.keyboardbutton)
Then this should work for your keyboardbutton method:
def keyboardbutton(self, event):
if event.char in self.STR_LIST:
When a key is pressed, an event is sent to this method and we just simply check if it is a valid character for entry, then call your insert method.
Let me know if this works for you.


How to run a method on keypress in tkinter

I have an entry field, and as I type into the data field, I want a method, that updates a treeview widget to be ran. Currently, I can type in a search parameter, then press a 'search' button and it will run the method to search through the treeview to find specified clients, but I want to the treeview to be updating whilst typing into the entry, not by a button press
I am unsure as to weather this is possible, if it should be doing by binding keys or if there is a way using the event loop to achieve this?
See this SO post:
TkInter keypress, keyrelease events
from Tkinter import *
def keyup(e):
# e.char contains the pressed key if you need that info
# use your search function here
Edit (Sorry I forgot this):
You'll need to bind the keyup function to your widget with something like:
frame.bind("<KeyRelease>", keyup) # you can also bind to a search widget

How can I bind command to Entry box when it is in focus?
Working with the class above. As of right now, a drop down list only appears when you start typing in into the entry box, auto completing the word you're typing in.
How can i create a method that makes the full list appear when the entry box is in focus?
You can bind to the <FocusIn> event to call a function when the widget gains focus.
def do_something(event):
entry = tk.Entry(...)
entry.bind('<FocusIn>', do_something)

How to bring keyboard focus to QTextEdit in PyQt?

I've inserted a simple QTextEdit widget into my PyQt user interface. When the user wants to type text into that widget, he has to click on it. My program should be able to make this happen automatically at certain occasions, such that the user can start typing text into that QTextEdit widget without the need for clicking on it.
I already got somewhere, but the issue is still not solved completely. When my program calls the focus() function, the cursor will start blinking at the end of the last line. But typing on your keyboard doesn't insert any text.
class myTextField(QPlainTextEdit):
def __init__(self):
super(myTextField, self).__init__()
def focus(self):
self.focusInEvent(QFocusEvent( QEvent.FocusIn ))
# Now the cursor blinks at the end of the last line.
# But typing on your keyboard doesn't insert any text.
# You still got to click explicitly onto the widget..
Any help is greatly appreciated :-)
Use setFocus() method.
def focus(self):

Tkinter Initial Cursor position and Enter to press button

I am making a box that is similar to the tkMessageBox. There are two simple behaviors that I want to the box to have. First I want the button to be selected automatically when the window opens, and second I want to be able to press enter to push the button. Sounds simple and I realize that I could use the tkinterMessageBox to do this same thing, but this is a stepping stone, and I would like to know how to do this in the future for other things.
The current behavior of the window below is that it opens, and if I press tab it will select the button, but then i can only press the button with the mouse. Again the desired functionality is to have the button selected right away and be able to press the button with the enter key.
import Tkinter, tkMessageBox
from Tkinter import *
def closewindow():
l3=Label( Messagebox, text="This is your preview! Align camera then press ESC")
b3=Button(Messagebox, text="Okay", command=closewindow)
You can actually do this with just two lines of code:
b3.bind('<Return>', lambda _: closewindow())
The first binds the button to the Enter key and the second sets the application's focus on the button.
Note that I had to use a lambda with the binding to handle the event object that will be sent to the callback. You could however change the definition of closewindow to handle this:
def closewindow(event=None):
Now you can just do:
b3.bind('<Return>', closewindow)
For more information on bindings in Tkinter, see Events and Bindings over on Effbot.

Python Tkinter: Changing other button's text from event handler of one button

I have the following problem when using tkinter to create a very simple window containing a matrix of buttons: When one of the buttons is clicked, the event handler changes the text of that button using the configure method on the button widget. This works. But I also want to change the text in one of the other buttons, which does not work. The method I use is that on creating the button, I store the object returned by the Button method before I use the grid geometry manager to place it. This object looks like ".123456789L" when printed and seems to be a pointer to the widget. I also use configure on this to change the button text. But somehow it seems to be wrong, because it works sometimes, and most of the times not. There's unfortunately no error message, just nothing happens when calling configure. I checked and it seems to be the correct pointer to the widget. Do I have to use a special way to affect a widget other that the one that called the event handler? These are the relevant parts of the code:
buttons={} # global
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
button = Tkinter.Button(self,text='foo')
button.bind( "<Button-1>", self.OnButtonClick )
def find_button(i,j):
"""Return the pointer to the other button to be changed when a button has been clicked."""
for button,key in buttons.items():
if key==(i,j): return button
def OnButtonClick(self,event):
print "You clicked the button",buttons[event.widget]
old_button=find_button(i,j) # This is simplified, I don't actually pass i,j, but other values. But I checked this and it returns the reference to the correct button. But this simplified version works the same way, just assume a different button that the one pressed would be returned.
old_button.configure(text = 'blabla') # THIS DOES NOT WORK
event.widget.configure(text = 'something') # THIS WORKS
I have the same problem and i solve it with:
and in the function OnButtonClicK:
old_button.configure(text = 'blabla') # THIS DOES NOT WORK

