A model that I am working on should be predicting quite a lot of variables simultaneously (>1000). Therefore I would like to have a small neural network at the end of the network for each output.
In order to do this compactly, I would like to find a way to create a sparse trainable connection between two layers in the neural network within the Tensorflow framework.
Only a small portion of the connection matrix should be trainable: It is only the parameters that are part of the block-diagonal.
For example:
The connection matrix is the following:
The trainable parameters should be in the place of the 1's.
I have written exactly such a layer:
It takes a sparse matrix as an input and lets you decide how to connect between layers. The layer uses sparse tensors and matrix multiplications.
so the comment was Is this a trainable object though?
The answer: No. You cannot use sparse matrix currently and make it trainable. Instead you can use a mask matrix (see at the end)
But if you need to use sparse matrix, you just have to use tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul() or tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense() where your sparse interacts with a dense matrix. I have taken a simple XOR example from here and replaced dense with a sparse matrix:
#Declaring necessary modules
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
A simple numpy implementation of a XOR gate to understand the backpropagation
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,shape = [4,2],name = "x")
#declaring a place holder for input x
y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,shape = [4,1],name = "y")
#declaring a place holder for desired output y
m = np.shape(x)[0]#number of training examples
n = np.shape(x)[1]#number of features
hidden_s = 2 #number of nodes in the hidden layer
l_r = 1#learning rate initialization
theta1 = tf.SparseTensor(indices=[[0, 0],[0, 1], [1, 1]], values=[0.1, 0.2, 0.1], dense_shape=[3, 2])
#theta1 = tf.cast(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3,hidden_s]),name = "theta1"),tf.float64)
theta2 = tf.cast(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([hidden_s+1,1]),name = "theta2"),tf.float32)
#conducting forward propagation
a1 = tf.concat([np.c_[np.ones(x.shape[0])],x],1)
#the weights of the first layer are multiplied by the input of the first layer
#z1 = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(theta1, a1)
z1 = tf.matmul(a1,tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(theta1))
#the input of the second layer is the output of the first layer, passed through the
a2 = tf.concat([np.c_[np.ones(x.shape[0])],tf.sigmoid(z1)],1)
#the input of the second layer is multiplied by the weights
z3 = tf.matmul(a2,theta2)
#the output is passed through the activation function to obtain the final probability
h3 = tf.sigmoid(z3)
cost_func = -tf.reduce_sum(y*tf.log(h3)+(1-y)*tf.log(1-h3),axis = 1)
#built in tensorflow optimizer that conducts gradient descent using specified
optimiser = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate = l_r).minimize(cost_func)
#setting required X and Y values to perform XOR operation
X = [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]]
Y = [[0],[1],[1],[0]]
#initializing all variables, creating a session and running a tensorflow session
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
sess = tf.Session()
#running gradient descent for each iterati
for i in range(200):, feed_dict = {x:X,y:Y})#setting place holder values using feed_dict
if i%100==0:
and the output is:
Epoch: 0
SparseTensorValue(indices=array([[0, 0],
[0, 1],
[1, 1]]), values=array([0.1, 0.2, 0.1], dtype=float32), dense_shape=array([3, 2]))
Epoch: 100
SparseTensorValue(indices=array([[0, 0],
[0, 1],
[1, 1]]), values=array([0.1, 0.2, 0.1], dtype=float32), dense_shape=array([3, 2]))
So the only way is to use a mask matrix. You can use it by multiplication or tf.where
1) Multiplication: You can create mask matrix of the desired shape and multiply it with your weight matrix:
mask = tf.Variable([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]],name ='mask', trainable=False)
weight = tf.cast(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3,3])),tf.float32)
desired_tensor = tf.matmul(weight, mask)
2) tf.where
mask = tf.Variable([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]],name ='mask', trainable=False)
weight = tf.cast(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3,3])),tf.float32)
desired_tensor = tf.where(mask > 0, tf.ones_like(weight), weight)
Hope it helps
You can do that by using sparse tensors like so:
SparseTensor(indices=[[0, 0], [1, 2]], values=[1, 2], dense_shape=[3, 4])
and the output is:
[[1, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 2, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0]]
you can look up more on the documentation of sparse tensor here:
Hope it helps!
I am trying to build a simple neural network class from scratch using numpy, and test it using the XOR problem. But the backpropagation function (backprop) does not seem to be working correctly.
In the class, I construct instances by passing in the size of each layer, and the activation functions to use at each layer. I assume that the final activation function is softmax, so that I can calculate the derivative of cross-entropy loss wrt to Z of the last layer. I also do not have a separate set of bias matrices in my class. I just include them in the weight matrices as an extra column at the end.
I know that my backprop function is not working correctly, because the neural network does not ever converge on a somewhat correct output. I also created a numerical gradient function, and when comparing the results of both. I get drastically different numbers.
My understanding from what I have read is that the delta values of each layer (with L being the last layer, and i representing any other layer) should be:
And the respective gradients/weight-update of those layers should be:
Where * is the hardamard product, a represents the activation of some layer, and z represents the nonactivated output of some layer.
The sample data that I am using to test this is at the bottom of the file.
This is my first time trying to implement the backpropagation algorithm from scratch. So I am a bit lost on where to go from here.
import numpy as np
def sigmoid(n, deriv=False):
if deriv:
return np.multiply(n, np.subtract(1, n))
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-n))
def softmax(X, deriv=False):
if not deriv:
exps = np.exp(X - np.max(X))
return exps / np.sum(exps)
raise Error('Unimplemented')
def cross_entropy(y, p, deriv=False):
when deriv = True, returns deriv of cost wrt z
if deriv:
ret = p - y
return ret
p = np.clip(p, 1e-12, 1. - 1e-12)
N = p.shape[0]
return -np.sum(y*np.log(p))/(N)
class NN:
def __init__(self, layers, activations):
"""random initialization of weights/biases
NOTE - biases are built into the standard weight matrices by adding an extra column
and multiplying it by one in every layer"""
self.activate_fns = activations
self.weights = [np.random.rand(layers[1], layers[0]+1)]
for i in range(1, len(layers)):
if i != len(layers)-1:
self.weights.append(np.random.rand(layers[i+1], layers[i]+1))
for j in range(layers[i+1]):
for k in range(layers[i]+1):
if np.random.rand(1,1)[0,0] > .5:
self.weights[-1][j,k] = -self.weights[-1][j,k]
def ff(self, X, get_activations=False):
activations, zs = [], []
for activate, w in zip(self.activate_fns, self.weights):
X = np.vstack([X, np.ones((1, 1))]) # adding bias
z =
X = activate(z)
if get_activations:
return (activations, zs) if get_activations else X
def grad_descent(self, data, epochs, learning_rate):
"""gradient descent
data - list of 2 item tuples, the first item being an input, and the second being its label"""
grad_w = [np.zeros_like(w) for w in self.weights]
for _ in range(epochs):
for x, y in data:
grad_w = [n+o for n, o in zip(self.backprop(x, y), grad_w)]
self.weights = [w-(learning_rate/len(data))*gw for w, gw in zip(self.weights, grad_w)]
def backprop(self, X, y):
"""perfoms backprop for one layer of a NN with softmax/cross_entropy output layer"""
(activations, zs) = self.ff(X, True)
activations.insert(0, X)
deltas = [0 for _ in range(len(self.weights))]
grad_w = [0 for _ in range(len(self.weights))]
deltas[-1] = cross_entropy(y, activations[-1], True) # assumes output activation is softmax
grad_w[-1] =[-1], np.vstack([activations[-2], np.ones((1, 1))]).transpose())
for i in range(len(self.weights)-2, -1, -1):
deltas[i] =[i+1][:, :-1].transpose(), deltas[i+1]) * self.activate_fns[i](zs[i], True)
grad_w[i] = np.hstack(([i], activations[max(0, i-1)].transpose()), deltas[i]))
# check gradient
num_gw = self.gradient_check(X, y, i)
print('numerical:', num_gw, '\nanalytic:', grad_w)
return grad_w
def gradient_check(self, x, y, i, epsilon=1e-4):
"""Numerically calculate the gradient in order to check analytical correctness"""
grad_w = [np.zeros_like(w) for w in self.weights]
for w, gw in zip(self.weights, grad_w):
for j in range(w.shape[0]):
for k in range(w.shape[1]):
w[j,k] += epsilon
out1 = cross_entropy(self.ff(x), y)
w[j,k] -= 2*epsilon
out2 = cross_entropy(self.ff(x), y)
gw[j,k] = np.float64(out1 - out2) / (2*epsilon)
w[j,k] += epsilon # return weight to original value
return grad_w
##### TESTING #####
X = [np.array([[0],[0]]), np.array([[0],[1]]), np.array([[1],[0]]), np.array([[1],[1]])]
y = [np.array([[1], [0]]), np.array([[0], [1]]), np.array([[0], [1]]), np.array([[1], [0]])]
data = []
for x, t in zip(X, y):
data.append((x, t))
def nn_test():
c = NN([2, 2, 2], [sigmoid, sigmoid, softmax])
c.grad_descent(data, 100, .01)
for x in X:
UPDATE: I found one small bug in the code, but it still does not converge correctly. I calculated/derived the gradients for both matrices by hand and found no errors in my implementation, so I still do not know what is wrong with it.
UPDATE #2: I created a procedural version of what I was using above with the following code. Upon testing I discovered that the NN was able to learn the correct weights for classifying each of the 4 cases in XOR separately, but when I try to train using all the training examples at once (as shown), the resultant weights almost always output something around .5 for both output nodes. Could someone please tell me why this is occurring?
X = [np.array([[0],[0]]), np.array([[0],[1]]), np.array([[1],[0]]), np.array([[1],[1]])]
y = [np.array([[1], [0]]), np.array([[0], [1]]), np.array([[0], [1]]), np.array([[1], [0]])]
weights = [np.random.rand(2, 3) for _ in range(2)]
for _ in range(1000):
for i in range(4):
a0 = X[i]
z0 = weights[0].dot(np.vstack([a0, np.ones((1, 1))]))
a1 = sigmoid(z0)
z1 = weights[1].dot(np.vstack([a1, np.ones((1, 1))]))
a2 = softmax(z1)
# print('output:', a2, '\ncost:', cross_entropy(y[i], a2))
del1 = cross_entropy(y[i], a2, True)
dcdw1 =[a1, np.ones((1, 1))]).T)
del0 = weights[1][:, :-1]*sigmoid(z0, True)
dcdw0 =[a0, np.ones((1, 1))]).T)
weights[0] -= .03*weights[0]*dcdw0
weights[1] -= .03*weights[1]*dcdw1
i = 0
a0 = X[i]
z0 = weights[0].dot(np.vstack([a0, np.ones((1, 1))]))
a1 = sigmoid(z0)
z1 = weights[1].dot(np.vstack([a1, np.ones((1, 1))]))
a2 = softmax(z1)
Softmax doesn't look right
Using cross entropy loss, the derivative for softmax is really nice (assuming you are using a 1 hot vector, where "1 hot" essentially means an array of all 0's except for a single 1, ie: [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0])
For node y_n it ends up being y_n-t_n. So for a softmax with output:
And desired output:
The gradient at each of the softmax nodes is:
It looks as if you are subtracting 1 from the entire array. The variable names aren't very clear, so if you could possibly rename them from L to what L represents, such as output_layer I'd be able to help more.
Also, for the other layers just to clear things up. When you say a^(L-1) as an example, do you mean "a to the power of (l-1)" or do you mean "a xor (l-1)"? Because in python ^ means xor.
I used this code and found the strange matrix dimensions (modified at line 69 in the function backprop)
deltas = [0 for _ in range(len(self.weights))]
grad_w = [0 for _ in range(len(self.weights))]
deltas[-1] = cross_entropy(y, activations[-1], True) # assumes output activation is softmax
grad_w[-1] =[-1], np.vstack([activations[-2], np.ones((1, 1))]).transpose())
I want to classify
if input data is under 200 than output is (0, 1)
and if input data is over 200 than output is (1, 0)
input value is sequential integer value and layer is 5.
hidden layer use sigmoid and last hidden layer use softmax function
loss function is reduce_mean and training with gradient descendent
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
def set_x_data():
x_data = np.array([[50]
, [60]
, [70]
, [80]
, [90]
, [110]
, [120]
, [130]
, [140]
, [150]
, [160]
, [170]
, [180]
, [190]
, [200]
, [210]
, [220]
, [230]
, [240]
, [250]
, [260]
, [270]
, [280]
, [290]
, [300]
, [310]
, [320]
, [330]
, [340]
, [350]
, [360]
, [370]
, [380]
, [390]])
return x_data
def set_y_data(x):
y_data = np.array([[0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [0, 1]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]
, [1, 0]])
return y_data
def set_bias(efficiency):
arr = np.array([efficiency])
return arr
W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, 5]), name='weight1')
W2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([5, 5]), name='weight2')
W3 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([5, 5]), name='weight3')
W4 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([5, 5]), name='weight4')
W5 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([5, 2]), name='weight5')
def inference(input, b):
hidden_layer1 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(input, W1) + b)
hidden_layer2 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(hidden_layer1, W2) + b)
hidden_layer3 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(hidden_layer2, W3) + b)
hidden_layer4 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(hidden_layer3, W4) + b)
out_layer = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(hidden_layer4, W5) + b)
return out_layer
def loss(hypothesis, y):
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y * tf.log(hypothesis), reduction_indices=[1]))
return cross_entropy
def train(loss):
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1)
train = optimizer.minimize(loss)
return train
x_data = set_x_data(1)
y_data = set_y_data(0)
b_data = set_bias(0.8)
x= tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 1])
y= tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 2])
b = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None])
hypothesis = inference(x, b)
loss = loss(hypothesis, y)
train = train(loss)
sess = tf.Session()
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
for step in range(2000):, feed_dict={x:x_data, y:y_data, b:b_data})
print(, feed_dict={x:np.array([[1000]]), b:b_data}))
when I print W1 before training and after training, value doesn't change specially and testing when input = 1000, that value doesn't currect what I expect. I think value nearly close to (1, 0), but result is almost (0.5, 0.5)
I guess that mistakes come from loss function because it was copied from here and there, but I can't be sure about it
upper code is just simplified of my code but I think I have to show my real code
the code is too long so I create new post
classifying data by tensorflow but accuracy value didn't change
There are a few issues in the training of the above network, but with a few changes you can achieve a network that gets this decision function
(The plot in the link shows the score of class 2, i.e. if x > 200)
The list of issues subject to improvement in this network:
The training data is very scarce (only 34 points!) This is typically too small, especially for a 5-layer network as in your case. You typically want many more input samples than parameters in the network. Try adding more input values and reducing the number of layers (as in the code below - I've used floats instead of integers to get more points, but I think it is still compatible).
The input ranges typically require scaling (below I've tried a super-simple scaling by dividing by a constant). This is because you typically want to avoid high ranges of variables (especially of you pass many layers with a soft-max non-linearity, this would destroy the information contained in the very high or very low values). In more advanced cases you might want to do Min-Max Scaling or z-scores.
Try more epochs (and try plotting the evolution of the loss function value). With the given number of epochs, the optimization of the loss function had not converged. Below I do 10x more epochs. See how the code below now almost converges in this plot (and see how 2000 epochs were not enough):
Something that helped was shuffling the (x,y) data. Though this is not crucial in this case, it converges faster (see the paper "Efficient Backprop" by Le Cun). And in more serious examples it is typically needed.
Importantly, I think you want b to be a parameter, not a constant, don't you? The bias of a network is typically also optimized together with the multiplicative weights. (Also, it is not common to use a single, shared bias for all the hidden layers. )
Below is the code. Note there might be further improvements but these few tricks end up with the desired decision function.
I've added some inline comments to indicate changes with respect to the original. I hope you find these pieces of advice insightful!
The code:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
# I've modified the functions set_x_data and set_y_data
# so as to generate a larger set of numbers.
# Generate a range of numbers from 50 to 390
def set_x_data():
x_data = np.arange(50, 390, 0.1)
return x_data[:,None]
# Assign labels depending on x_data
def set_y_data(x_data):
ydata1 = x_data >= 200
ydata2 = x_data < 200
return np.hstack((ydata1, ydata2))
def set_bias(efficiency):
arr = np.array([efficiency])
return arr
# Let's keep W1 and W5 (one hidden layer only)
# BTW, in this problem you could do with 0 hidden layers. But keeping
# 1 to show it works
W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, 5]), name='weight1')
W5 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([5, 2]), name='weight5')
# BTW, b should be a parameter, too.
b = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.0))
# Just keeping 1 hidden layer
def inference(input):
hidden_layer1 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(input, W1) + b)
out_layer = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(hidden_layer1, W5) + b)
return out_layer
# This is unchanged
def loss(hypothesis, y):
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y * tf.log(hypothesis), reduction_indices=[1]))
return cross_entropy
# This is unchanged
def train(loss):
optimizer =
train = optimizer.minimize(loss)
return train
# Using SCALE to normalize the input variables (range of inputs too big)
# This is a simple normalization in this case. Other examples are
# Min-Max normalization or z-scores.
SCALE = 1000
x_data = set_x_data()
y_data = set_y_data(x_data)
x_data /= SCALE
# Now only placeholders are x and y (b is a parameter)
x= tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 1])
y= tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 2])
hypothesis = inference(x)
loss = loss(hypothesis, y)
train = train(loss)
sess = tf.Session()
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
# Epochs x 10, it did not converge with fewer epochs
epochs = 20000
losses = np.zeros(epochs)
for step in range(epochs):
# Shuffle data
r = np.random.permutation(x_data.shape[0])
x_data = x_data[r]
y_data = y_data[r,:]
# Small modification here to capture the loss.
_, l =[train, loss], feed_dict={x:x_data, y:y_data})
losses[step] = l
The code to display the decision function above:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ystar = np.arange(50, 400, 10)[:,None]
plt.plot(ystar,, feed_dict={x:ystar/SCALE})[:,0])
I am trying to implement a simple MDN that predicts the parameters of a distribution over a target variable instead of a point value, and then assigns probabilities to discrete bins of the point value. Narrowing down the issue, the code from which the 'None' springs is:
import torch
# params
tte_bins = np.linspace(
).reshape(1, 1, -1)
bins = torch.tensor(tte_bins, dtype=torch.float32)
x_train = np.random.randn(1, 1024, 3)
y_labels = np.random.randint(low=0, high=399, size=(1, 1024))
y_train = np.eye(400)[y_labels]
# data
in_train = torch.tensor(x_train[0:1, :, :], dtype=torch.float)
in_train = (in_train - torch.mean(in_train)) / torch.std(in_train)
out_train = torch.tensor(y_train[0:1, :, :], dtype=torch.float)
# model
linear = torch.nn.Linear(in_features=3, out_features=2)
lin = linear(in_train)
preds = torch.exp(lin)
# intermediate values
alpha = torch.clamp(preds[0:1, :, 0:1], 0, 500)
beta = torch.clamp(preds[0:1, :, 1:2], 0, 100)
# probs
p1 = torch.exp(-torch.pow(bins / alpha, beta))
p2 = torch.exp(-torch.pow((bins + 1.0) / alpha, beta))
probs = p1 - p2
# loss
loss = torch.mean(torch.pow(out_train - probs, 2))
# gradients
for p in linear.parameters():
print(p.grad, 'gradient')
in_train has shape: [1, 1024, 3], out_train has shape: [1, 1024, 400], bins has shape: [1, 1, 400]. All the broadcasting etc.. appears find, the resulting matrices (like alpha/beta/loss) are the right shape and have the right values - there's simply no gradients
edit: added loss.backward() and x_train/y_train, now I have nans
You simply forgot to compute the gradients. While you calculate the loss, you never tell pytorch with respect to which function it should calculate the gradients.
Simply adding
to your code should fix the problem.
Additionally, in your code some intermediate results like alpha are sometimes zero but are in a denominator when computing the gradient. This will lead to the nan results you observed.
I'm trying to implement backpropagation to my simple neural network which looks like this: 2 inputs, 2 hidden(sigmoid), 1 output(sigmoid) . But it doesn't seem to work properly.
import numpy as np
# Set inputs and labels
X = np.array([ [0, 1],
[0, 1],
[1, 0],
[1, 0] ])
Y = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 1]]).T
# Make random always the same
# Initialize weights
w_0 = 2 * np.random.rand(2, 2) - 1
w_1 = 2 * np.random.rand(1, 2) - 1
# Learning Rate
lr = 0.1
# Sigmoid Function/Derivative of Sigmoid Function
def sigmoid(x, deriv=False):
return x * (1 - x)
return 1/(1 + np.exp(-x))
# Neural network
def network(x, y, w_0, w_1):
inputs = np.array(x, ndmin=2).T
label = np.array(y, ndmin=2).T
# Forward Pass
hidden = sigmoid(, inputs))
output = sigmoid(, hidden))
# Calculate error and delta
error = label - output
delta = error * sigmoid(output, True)
hidden_error =, error)
delta_hidden = error * sigmoid(hidden, True)
# Update weight
w_1 +=, hidden.T) * lr
w_0 +=, record.T) * lr
return error
# Train
for i in range(6000):
for j in range(X.shape[0]):
error = network(X[j], Y[j], w_0, w_1)
When I print out my error I get:
Which isn't right because it's not close to 0.
When I change delta to:
delta = error
It somehow works.
But why? Shouldn't we multiply an error by derivative of sigmoid function before we pass it further ?
I think, it should be
delta_hidden = hidden_error * sigmoid(hidden, True)