So i want to send this code : 01 00 14 00 58 over ModBus RTU utilizing minimalmodbus to my VIRTUAL COM Port (COM2).
So i do get the "code" but i also get other bytes before and after the code and i can seem to know where they come from and how i can resolve it.
Terminal Output Image
I did try to use another libary called pymodbus but i got the same result
PythonCode :
import serial
import minimalmodbus as mrtu
insmrt = mrtu.Instrument('COM2',1 ,mrtu.MODE_RTU,close_port_after_each_call= False,debug=True)
insmrt.precalculate_read_size= False
insmrt.clear_buffers_before_each_transaction= True
insmrt.serial.baudrate = 38400
insmrt.serial.bytesize = 8
insmrt.serial.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE
insmrt.serial.stopbits =1
insmrt.serial.timeout = 5
insmrt.handle_local_echo = None
def inscommmand():
#insmrt.write_string = "$0100140058"
while 1:
I don't really know what you are trying to do or what you mean exactly by send this code by Modbus but I'm afraid what the library (minimalModbus) is doing is exactly what it is supposed to.
If you call:
The library will build the following Modbus frame:
01 10 0000 0003 06 0001 0014 0058 9ABE
This is what each value on this frame means:
01: The Slave Address (default is address 1)
10: The Function Code 16 (Write Multiple Holding Registers, 16 = 10 hex)
0000: The address of the first register (0000 hex = 0, +40001 offset = register #40001).
0003: Number of registers to write since you are giving a 3-element list
06: Number of data bytes that follow (3 registers x 2 bytes each = 6 bytes).
0001: Value to write to register 40001
0014: Value to write to register 40002
0058: Value to write to register 40003
9ABE: The CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) for error checking.
The sequence 01 00 14 00 58 is not a valid Modbus frame because there is no function code 00(only values from 1 to 6, 15, and 16 are allowed).
Maybe what you want is just to send that sequence over the serial port? Otherwise, you should think about where those values are coming from.
minimalmodbus does not provide a way to set multiple coils at once. I cannot find a workaround.
The modbus protocol description in the datasheet of the SMC LEC 6 controller, see link.
I try to follow the directions from the example starting at page 7 by sending the listed modbus commands using the pyton library minimalmodbus.
I want to send the command 01 0F 00 10 00 08 01 02 BE 97 but do not find a way to do this with minimalmodbus. There is not implementation of function code 15 (OF).
What I tried to do:
I reasoned as follows:
I want to set multiple coils: 0F
Starting from position: 00 10
I want to set 8 coils: 00 08, or one byte 01
What I want to do is set this byte to value 2 (02), or in binary 00000010
I thought this could work by setting these positions all separately:
logging.debug('write step')
step_address = int('0010', 16)
bin_2 = [0] * 8
bin_2[6] = 1
for pos, val in zip(list(range(8)), bin_2):
contr.write_bit(step_address + pos, val)
contr.write_bit(flags['DRIVE'], 1); time.sleep(WAIT_TIME * 5)
The actuator does not move though...
I was able to send the command in question by going a bit deeper in the minimal modbus class and sending the raw payload to the device:
00 10 00 08 01 02
contr._performCommand(15, '\x00\x10\x00\x08\01\02')
contr.write_bit(flags['DRIVE'], 1)
time.sleep(WAIT_TIME * 3)
contr.write_bit(flags['DRIVE'], 0)
Now I have one 1024 * 1024 * 1024 array, whose dtype is float32. Firstly I save this array to one file in the format of '.bigfile'. And then I convert this bigfile to the Fortran unformatted file by running the code as below.
with bigfile.File('filename.bigfile') as bf:
shape = bf['Field'].attrs['ndarray.shape']
data = bf['Field'][:].reshape(shape)
Next for testing this binary file i.e. 'filename.dat', I read this file by Python and Fortran95 respectively. The Python code runs fine and the code snippet is shown below.
field = np.fromfile('filename.dat',
dtype='float32', count=1024*1024*1024)
density_field = field.reshape(1024, 1024, 1024)
However, Fortran runtime error occurred when I run Fortran reading code:
Program readout00
Implicit None
Integer, Parameter :: Ng = 1024
Real, Allocatable, Dimension(:,:,:) :: dens
Integer :: istat, ix, iy, iz
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Allocate the arrays for the original simulation data
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Allocate(dens(0:Ng-1, 0:Ng-1, 0:Ng-1), STAT=istat)
If( istat/=0 ) Stop "Wrong Allocation-1"
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Open(10, file="filename.dat", status="old", form="unformatted")
Read(10) dens
Write(*,*) "read-in finished"
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Do ix = 0, 1
Do iy = 0, 1
Do iz = 0, 1
Write(*,*) "ix, iy, iz, rho=", ix, iy, iz, dens(ix, iy, iz)
End Program readout00
The error message:
At line 13 of file readout00.f90 (unit = 10, file = 'filename.dat')
Fortran runtime error: I/O past end of record on unformatted file
Error termination. Backtrace:
#0 0x7f7d8aff8e3a
#1 0x7f7d8aff9985
#2 0x7f7d8affa13c
#3 0x7f7d8b0c96e0
#4 0x7f7d8b0c59a6
#5 0x400d24
#6 0x400fe1
#7 0x7f7d8a4db730
#8 0x400a58
#9 0xffffffffffffffff
I don't understand why those errors appear.
Note: the overall operation is processed in the LINUX remote server.
After repeatedly modified the read statement, I found that the Fortran code ran fine if ix<=632, iy<=632, iz<=632. If they are greater than 632, runtime error will appear. How should I do to correct this error so that dens can read all 1024^3 elements?
Read(10) (((dens(ix, iy, iz), ix=0,632), iy=0,632), iz=0,632)
Today I added one clause acccess=stream in the open statement, and read(10) header before the read(10) dens, i.e.
Integer :: header
Open(10, file="filename.dat", status="old", &
form="unformatted", access='stream')
Read(10) header
Read(10) dens
After modification, the Fortran code 'readout00.f95' read in 1024 * 1024 * 1024 array, i.e. dens successfully.
Why does the original 'readout00.f95' fail to read in dens?
#IanH has correctly answered your question in the comments, or more precisely pointed to the correct answer in a different question.
The 'unformatted' format just means that the file is not interpreted as human-readable, but the data in the file needs to be laid out in a specific way. While the specific format is not certain, and compiler- and system-dependent, usually each record has its own header and footer that displays the length of the data.
The numpy.asfortanarray does not impact the file layout at all, it only ensures that the layout of the array in memory is the same as Fortran (Column-Major, or first index changing most quickly), as opposed to the usual (Row-Major, or last index changing most quickly).
See this example:
I created the same data (type int16, values 0 through 11) in python and fortran, and stored it in two files, the python version with np.asfortranarray.tofile and in Fortran with unformatted write. These are the results:
With Python:
0000000 00 00 01 00 02 00 03 00 04 00 05 00 06 00 07 00
0000010 08 00 09 00 0a 00 0b 00
With Fortran:
0000000 18 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 03 00 04 00 05 00
0000010 06 00 07 00 08 00 09 00 0a 00 0b 00 18 00 00 00
In the python file, the 'data' starts immediately (00 00 for 0, then 01 00 for 1, and so forth, until 0b 00 for 11), but in Fortran, there's a 4-byte header: 18 00 00 00, or 24, which is the number of bytes of data, and this value is then repeated at the end.
When you try to read a file with Fortran using form='unformatted', that is the kind of data that the program expects to find, but that's not the data you have.
The solution is exactly what you have done: Use a stream. In a stream, the program expects the data to come in continuously without any headers or metadata.
I am trying to convert the hex dump obtained from a Cisco router via embedded packet capture feature to pcap file.
My input format is as listed below
0000: 70E42273 90D2003A 7D36A502 81000183 p."s...:}6......
0010: 080045C0 003BB1BF 40000106 8FA20A10 ..E..;..#.......
0020: 91BD0A10 91BEAC03 00B313C4 EE96E803 ................
0030: 1C875018 3D41832D 0000FFFF FFFFFFFF ..P.=A.-........
0040: FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFF0013 04 .............
0000: 003A7D36 A50270E4 227390D2 81000183 .:}6..p."s......
0010: 08004500 00281097 40000106 319E0A10 ..E..(..#...1...
0020: 91BE0A10 91BD00B3 AC03E803 1C8713C4 ................
0030: EEA95010 7B534936 0000 ..P.{SI6..
0000: 003A7D36 A50270E4 227390D2 81000183 .:}6..p."s......
0010: 08004500 003B1197 40000106 308B0A10 ..E..;..#...0...
0020: 91BE0A10 91BD00B3 AC03E803 1C8713C4 ................
0030: EEA95018 7B534508 0000FFFF FFFFFFFF ..P.{SE.........
0040: FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFF0013 04 .............
The above format is not accepted in text2pcap, as text2pcap is expecting
0000: 70 E4 22 73 90 D2 00 3A 7D 36 A5 02 81 00 01 83
0010: 08 00 45 C0 00 3B B1 BF 40 00 01 06 8F A2 0A 10
Is there any converter tools or scripts available for the same?
Is there any converter tools or scripts available for the same?
As you know, text2pcap doesn't currently support this data format; however, I have opened a Wireshark bug report so that one day text2pcap may natively support reading data in such a format. Feel free to follow Wireshark Bug 16193 - text2pcap could be enhanced to accept input in other formats for any updates to this enhancement request.
In the meantime, you will either have to write your own script/command(s), find someone to write one for you, or use/modify an existing script/command in order to convert the data into a format readable by text2pcap. To help get you going, I'm providing you with one method that seems to work in my testing. Assuming your output is saved in a file, you can run the following:
cat | sed 's/\([0-9A-F]\{2\}\)/\1 /g' | sed 's/\([0-9A-F]\{2\}\) \([0-9A-F]\{2\}\) : /\1\2 /g' > dump.out
Both cat and sed should be available on most platforms. I actually ran this command on Windows 10 under Cygwin.
NOTE: I am no sed expert, but there are almost certainly sed experts out there who can probably figure out how to get this to work in 1 pass; I couldn't in the time I was willing to spend on this.
Using the command provided, I was able to convert the data to a format that text2pcap could read and then ran text2pcap -a dump.out dump.pcap to generate a valid pcap file. Running tshark -r dump.pcap generates the following output:
1 387 2019-11-12 21:49:23.000000 0.000000 0.000000 → BGP 77 KEEPALIVE Message
2 387 2019-11-12 21:49:23.000001 0.000001 0.000001 → TCP 58 bgp(179) → 44035 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=20 Win=31571 Len=0
3 387 2019-11-12 21:49:23.000002 0.000002 0.000001 → BGP 77 KEEPALIVE Message
I assume that's the correct and expected output.
See also: How to convert hex dump from 4 hex digit groups to 2 hex digit groups
First of all, I know this might look like a duplicate of: ePassport reading with PN532, Keep Getting SW1 SW2 = 0x69 0x88 (Incorrect Secure Messaging Data Objects)
..but I'm one step further in the process.
I'm trying to read a MRTD (ePassport) using python and a PN7120 nfc reader. I used pyPassport 2.0 as a basis.
I know the reader is OK because I can read passports with the same device using a Android setup.
I followed the ICAO 9303 Part 11 documentation, and simulated the "worked example" (appendix D, same file).
The problem
When using a real passport, the steps "select applet", "get challenge", "do bac", and "select file" step work fine but read binary results in 69 88 (Incorrect Secure Messaging Data Objects).
When I simulate the "worked example" by injecting the ksmac/ssc I get to the exact same ProtectedAPDU outcome as stated on page 75 (AppD-7) point g.
Also, the step "select file" almost uses the exact same procedure (see def protect) with success (rAPDU 90 00).
I've compared everything in to extreme detail at least twice and really don't see where to look next. I hope someone can give some advice or insights.
The relevant log (error at the end)
Calculate Session Keys (KSenc and KSmac) using Appendix 5.1
KSenc: 3DE649F8AEA41C04FB6D4CD9043757AD
KSmac: 8C34AD61974F68CEBA3E0EAEA1456476
Calculate Send Sequence Counter
SSC: AB1D2F337FD997D6
Reading Common
Select File
APDU 00 A4 02 0C 02 [011E]
Mask class byte and pad command header
CmdHeader: 0CA4020C80000000
Pad data
Data: 011E800000000000
Encrypt data with KSenc 3DE649F8AEA41C04FB6D4CD9043757AD
EncryptedData: FF0E241E2F94B508
Build DO'87
DO87: 870901FF0E241E2F94B508
Concatenate CmdHeader and DO87
M: 0CA4020C80000000870901FF0E241E2F94B508
Compute MAC of M
Increment SSC with 1
SSC: AB1D2F337FD997D7
Concatenate SSC and M and add padding
N: AB1D2F337FD997D70CA4020C80000000870901FF0E241E2F94B5088000000000
Compute MAC over N with KSmac 8C34AD61974F68CEBA3E0EAEA1456476
CC: 22FF803EC3104336
Build DO'8E
DO8E: 8E0822FF803EC3104336
Construct and send protected APDU
ProtectedAPDU: 0CA4020C15870901FF0E241E2F94B5088E0822FF803EC310433600
[SM] - 0C A4 02 0C 15 [870901FF0E241E2F94B5088E0822FF803EC3104336] 00
[SM] - [990290008E08AAEA3B783FD6CA9D] 90 00
Receive response APDU of MRTD's chip
RAPDU: 990290008E08AAEA3B783FD6CA9DC29000
Read Binary
APDU 00 B0 00 00 [] 04
Mask class byte and pad command header
CmdHeader: 0CB0000080000000
Build DO'97
DO97: 970104
Concatenate CmdHeader and DO97
M: 0CB0000080000000970104
Compute MAC of M
Increment SSC with 1
SSC: AB1D2F337FD997D8
Concatenate SSC and M and add padding
N: AB1D2F337FD997D80CB00000800000009701048000000000
Compute MAC over N with KSmac 8C34AD61974F68CEBA3E0EAEA1456476
CC: 68DD9FD88472834A
Build DO'8E
DO8E: 8E0868DD9FD88472834A
Construct and send protected APDU
ProtectedAPDU: 0CB000000D9701048E0868DD9FD88472834A00
[SM] - 0C B0 00 00 0D [9701048E0868DD9FD88472834A] 00
[SM] - [] 69 88 //SM data objects incorrect
Figured it out:
Due to a binary/hex/string conversion error (here) the SM validation step for the SELECT FILE response was skipped and thus the SSC wasn't incremented correctly.