When adding SpaCy output to existing dataframe, columns do not align - python

I have a csv with a column of article titles from which I've used SpaCy to extract any people's names that appear in the titles. When trying to add a new column to the csv with the names extracted by SpaCy, they do not align with the rows from which they were extracted.
I believe this is because the SpaCy results have their own index which is independent of the original data's index.
I've tried adding , index=df.index) to the new column line but I get "ValueError: Length of passed values is 2, index implies 10."
How do I align the SpaCy output to the rows from which they originated?
Here's my code:
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
df = (pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\itsnicethat (5).csv", nrows=10,
article = [_ for _ in df['article_title']]
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')
doc = nlp(str(article))
ents = list(doc.ents)
people = []
for ent in ents:
if ent.label_ == "PERSON":
import numpy as np
df['artist_names'] = pd.Series(people)
This is the resulting dataframe:
article_title artist_names
0 “They’re like, is that? Oh it’s!” – ... (Hannah, Ward)
1 Billed as London’s biggest public festival of ... (Dylan, Mulvaney)
2 Transport yourself back to the dusky skies and... NaN
3 Turning to art at the beginning of quarantine ... NaN
4 Dylan Mulvaney, head of design at Gretel, expl... NaN
This is what I'm expecting:
article_title artist_names
0 “They’re like, is that? Oh it’s!” – ... (Hannah, Ward)
1 Billed as London’s biggest public festival of ... NaN
2 Transport yourself back to the dusky skies and... NaN
3 Turning to art at the beginning of quarantine ... NaN
4 Dylan Mulvaney, head of design at Gretel, expl... (Dylan, Mulvaney)
You can see the 5th value in artist_names column is related to the 5th article title. How can I get them to align?
Thank you for your help.

I would iterate through the articles, detect entities from each article separately, and put the detected entities in a list with one element per article:
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')
article = [_ for _ in df['article_title']]
entities_by_article = []
for doc in nlp.pipe(article):
people = []
for ent in doc.ents:
if ent.label_ == "PERSON":
df['artist_names'] = pd.Series(entities_by_article)
Note: for doc in nlp.pipe(article) is spaCy's more efficient way of looping through a list of texts and could be replaced by:
for a in article:
doc = nlp(a)
## rest of code within loop

if ent.label_ == "PERSON":
people.append(np.nan) # if ent.label_ is not a PERSON
include an else statement so if label_ is not PERSON it will be consider as NaN.


Splitting column by multiple custom delimiters in Python

I need to split a column called Creative where each cell contains samples such as:
Where each two-letter code preceding each bubbled section ( ) is the title of the desired column, and are the same in every row. The only data that changes is what is inside the bubbles. I want the data to look like:
I tried
df[['Creative', 'Creative Size']] = df['Creative'].str.split('cs(',expand=True)
df['Creative Size'] = df['Creative Size'].str.replace(')','')
but got an error, error: missing ), unterminated subpattern at position 2, assuming it has something to do with regular expressions.
Is there an easy way to split these ? Thanks.
Use extract with named capturing groups (see here):
import pandas as pd
# toy example
df = pd.DataFrame(data=[["pn(2021)io(302)ta(Yes)pt(Blue)cn(John)cs(Doe)"]], columns=["Creative"])
# extract with a named capturing group
res = df["Creative"].str.extract(
pn io ta pt cn cs
0 2021 302 Yes Blue John Doe
I'd use regex to generate a list of dictionaries via comprehensions. The idea is to create a list of dictionaries that each represent rows of the desired dataframe, then constructing a dataframe out of it. I can build it in one nested comprehension:
import re
rows = [{r[0]:r[1] for r in re.findall(r'(\w{2})\((.+)\)', c)} for c in df['Creative']]
subtable = pd.DataFrame(rows)
for col in subtable.columns:
df[col] = subtable[col].values
Basically, I regex search for instances of ab(*) and capture the two-letter prefix and the contents of the parenthesis and store them in a list of tuples. Then I create a dictionary out of the list of tuples, each of which is essentially a row like the one you display in your question. Then, I put them into a data frame and insert each of those columns into the original data frame. Let me know if this is confusing in any way!
Try with extractall:
names = df["Creative"].str.extractall("(.*?)\(.*?\)").loc[0][0].tolist()
output = df["Creative"].str.extractall("\((.*?)\)").unstack()[0].set_axis(names, axis=1)
>>> output
pn io ta pt cn cs
0 2021 302 Yes Blue John Doe
1 2020 301 No Red Jane Doe
Input df:
df = pd.DataFrame({"Creative": ["pn(2021)io(302)ta(Yes)pt(Blue)cn(John)cs(Doe)",
We can use str.findall to extract matching column name-value pairs
pd.DataFrame(map(dict, df['Creative'].str.findall(r'(\w+)\((\w+)')))
pn io ta pt cn cs
0 2021 302 Yes Blue John Doe
Using regular expressions, different way of packaging final DataFrame:
import re
import pandas as pd
txt = 'pn(2021)io(302)ta(Yes)pt(Blue)cn(John)cs(Doe)'
data = list(zip(*re.findall('([^\(]+)\(([^\)]+)\)', txt))
df = pd.DataFrame([data[1]], columns=data[0])

Argument 'string' has incorrect type (expected str, got list) Spacy NLP

I want to calculate cosine similarity, but I got an error message after converting the dataframe column to its list: Argument 'string' has incorrect type (expected str, got list).
import pandas as pd
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
df= [['24, Single, Consultant, Canada, I am interested in visiting Isreal again'], ['18, Single, Student, I want to go back Costa Rica again'], ['45,Married, Unemployed, I want to take my family to Florida for the summer vacation']]
df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns = ['Free Text'])
df["N_Application"]=range(0, len(df))
# convert datafram to list
data=df['Free Text'].tolist()
I appreciate someone help me fix it, Thank you.
The way you get a function to operate across an entire pd.Series is to use .apply(). And you can chain .apply() calls.
# changing to strings instead of nested list
l = ['24, Single, Consultant, Canada, I am interested in visiting Isreal again',
'18, Single, Student, I want to go back Costa Rica again',
'45,Married, Unemployed, I want to take my family to Florida for the summer vacation']
# remove stop words and punctuation for later similarity calculations
df_spacy = df['Free Text'].apply(nlp)\
.apply(lambda doc: nlp(' '.join(str(t)
for t in doc
if not t.is_stop
and not t.is_punct)))
Edit: per your comment, here is a similarity calculation between each row and all other rows:
df_spacy.apply(lambda row: df_spacy\
.apply(lambda doc: row.similarity(doc) if row != doc else None))
Resulting similarity matrix:
0 1 2
0 NaN 0.776098 0.716560
1 0.776098 NaN 0.705024
2 0.716560 0.705024 NaN

spacy stemming on pandas df column not working

How to apply stemming on Pandas Dataframe column
am using this function for stemming which is working perfect on string
xx='kenichan dived times ball managed save 50 rest'
def make_to_base(x):
x_list = []
doc = nlp(x)
for token in doc:
if lemma=='-PRON-' or lemma=='be':
print(" ".join(x_list))
But when i am applying this function on my pandas dataframe column it is not working neither giving any error
x = list(df['text']) #my df column
x = str(x)#converting into string otherwise it is giving error
i've tried different thing but nothing working. like this
df["texts"] = df.text.apply(lambda x: make_to_base(x))
my dataset looks like this:
0 Hope you are having a good week. Just checking in
1 K..give back my thanks.
2 Am also doing in cbe only. But have to pay.
3 complimentary 4 STAR Ibiza Holiday or £10,000 ...
4 okmail: Dear Dave this is your final notice to...
Name: text, dtype: object
You need to actually return the value you got inside the make_to_base method, use
def make_to_base(x):
x_list = []
for token in nlp(x):
if lemma=='-PRON-' or lemma=='be':
return " ".join(x_list)
Then, use
df['texts'] = df['text'].apply(lambda x: make_to_base(x))

Match the Exact substring from string of pandas series object

I am trying to match the exact substring from the string of pandas data frame series but somehow str.contains don't seem to be working here. I saw the documentation and it's saying to apply regex = False which is also not working. Can anyone suggest a solution?
Creative Name Revised Targeting Type
0 ff~tg~conbhv contextual
1 ff~tg~conbhv contextual
2 ff~tg~con contextual
Expected Output:
Creative Name Revised Targeting Type
0 ff~tg~conbhv contextual + behavioral
1 ff~tg~conbhv contextual + behavioral
2 ff~tg~con contextual
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
column = {'col_name': ['Revised Targeting Type']}
data = {"Creative Name":["ff~pd~q4-smartphones-note10-pdp-iphone7_mk~gb_ch~social_md~h_ad~ss1x1_dt~cross_fm~spost_pb~fcbk_sz~1x1_rt~cpm_tg~conbhv_sa~lo_vv~ia_it~soc_ts~lo-iphone7_ff~ukp q4 smartphones ukc q4 - smartphones - static ukt lo-iphone7 ukcdj buy_ct~fb_cs~1x1_lg~engb_cv~ge_ce~loc_mg~oth_ta~lrn_cw~na",
"ff~tg~con"], "Revised Targeting Type":["ABC", "NA", "NA"]}
mapping = {"Code": ['con', 'conbhv'], "Actual": ['contextual', 'contextual + behavioral'], "OtherPV": [np.nan, np.nan],
"SheetName": ['tg', 'tg']}
# Creating a dataFrame
dataframe_data = pd.DataFrame(data)
mapping_data = pd.DataFrame(mapping)
column_data = pd.DataFrame(column)
# loop through Dataframe column avilable in (column_data) dataframe
for i in column_data.iloc[:,0]:
# loop through mapping dataframe (mapping_data)
for k, l, m in zip(mapping_data.iloc[:, 0], mapping_data.iloc[:, 1], mapping_data.iloc[:, 3]):
# mask the dataframe (dataframe_date)
mask_null_revised_new_col = (dataframe_data['{}'.format(i)].isin(['NA']))
#apply dataframe values in main dataframe (dataframe_data)
dataframe_data['{}'.format(i)] = np.select([mask_null_revised_new_col &
dataframe_data['Creative Name'].str.contains('{}~{}'.format(m, k))],
[l], default=dataframe_data['{}'.format(i)])
Creative Name Revised Targeting Type
0 ff~tg~conbhv contextual
1 ff~tg~conbhv contextual
2 ff~tg~con contextual
To be honest, I'm a little confused by your question, but is this what your looking for?
dataframe_data['Revised Targeting Type'] = np.where(dataframe_data['Creative Name'].str.contains('.*conbhv*', regex = True), 'contextual + behavioral', 'contextual')

Creating a term frequency matrix from a Python Dataframe

I am doing some natural language processing on some twitter data. So I managed to successfully load and clean up some tweets and placed it into a data frame below.
id text
1104159474368024599 repmiketurner the only time that michael cohen told the truth is when he pled that he is guilty also when he said no collusion and i did not tell him to lie
1104155456019357703 rt msnbc president trump and first lady melania trump view memorial crosses for the 23 people killed in the alabama tornadoes t
The problem is that I am trying to construct a term frequency matrix where each row is a tweet and each column is the value that said word occurs in for a particular row. My only problem is that other post mentioning term frequency distribution text files. Here is the code I used to generate the data frame above
import nltk.classify
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.tokenize import wordpunct_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.probability import FreqDist
df_tweetText = df_tweet
#Makes a dataframe of just the text and ID to make it easier to tokenize
df_tweetText = pd.DataFrame(df_tweetText['text'].str.replace(r'[^\w\s]+', '').str.lower())
#Removing Stop words
stop = stopwords.words('english')
#df_tweetText['text'] = df_tweetText.apply(lambda x: [item for item in x if item not in stop])
#Remove the https linkes
df_tweetText['text'] = df_tweetText['text'].replace("[https]+[a-zA-Z0-9]{14}",'',regex=True, inplace=False)
#Tokenize the words
At first I tried to use the function word_dist = nltk.FreqDist(df_tweetText['text']) but It would end up counting the value of the entire sentence instead of each word in the row.
Another thing I had tried was to tokenize each word using df_tweetText['text'] = df_tweetText['text'].apply(word_tokenize) then call FeqDist again but that gives me an error saying unhashable type: 'list'.
1104159474368024599 [repmiketurner, the, only, time, that, michael, cohen, told, the, truth, is, when, he, pled, that, he, is, guilty, also, when, he, said, no, collusion, and, i, did, not, tell, him, to, lie]
1104155456019357703 [rt, msnbc, president, trump, and, first, lady, melania, trump, view, memorial, crosses, for, the, 23, people, killed, in, the, alabama, tornadoes, t]
Is there some alternative way for trying to construct this term frequency matrix? Ideally, I want my data to look something like this
id |collusion | president |
1104159474368024599 | 1 | 0 |
1104155456019357703 | 0 | 2 |
EDIT 1: So I decided to take a look at the textmining library and recreated one of their examples. The only problem is that It creates the Term Document Matrix with one row of every single tweet.
import textmining
#Creates Term Matrix
tweetDocumentmatrix = textmining.TermDocumentMatrix()
for column in df_tweetText:
# print(df_tweetText['text'].to_string(index=False))
for row in tweetDocumentmatrix.rows(cutoff=1):
EDIT2: So I tried SKlearn but that sortof worked but the problem is that I'm finding chinese/japanese characters in my columns which does should not exist. Also my columns are showing up as numbers for some reason
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
corpus = df_tweetText['text'].tolist()
vec = CountVectorizer()
X = vec.fit_transform(corpus)
df = pd.DataFrame(X.toarray(), columns=vec.get_feature_names())
00 007cigarjoe 08 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 \
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Probably not optimal by iterating over each row, but works. Milage may vary based on how long tweets are and how many tweets are being processed.
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
# example df
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['tweets'] = [['test','xd'],['hehe','xd'],['sam','xd','xd']]
# result dataframe
df2 = pd.DataFrame()
for i, row in df.iterrows():
df2 = df2.append(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(Counter(row.tweets), orient='index').transpose())

