check if large number of directories exist in Python - python

Is there a trick to quickly check whether 10000 Windows directories exist in Python? I currently stored them in a list, I wonder how to do the check quickly.

You can iterate through the list and call os.path.exists() (for files and directories), os.path.isfile() (for files) or os.path.isdir() for directories in order to know whether or not these directories exist:
dir_list = [...]
for dir_entry in dir_list:
if not os.path.isdir(dir_entry):
# do something if the dir does not exist
# do something if the dir exists
If you want to just check the existence of the path without checking whether or not it actually is a directory, then there are additional options that may be faster, see Johnny's answer for details.
If simply iterating through the list is not fast enough, you can use a ThreadPoolExecutor in order to iterate over the list in parallel threads (assign chunks of that list (e.g. 1000 directories) to each worker) but I doubt that that would speed up much and handling the return values (if needed) would be complicated.
def process_dir_list(dir_list):
# implementation according to the snippet above
future_list = []
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=WORKER_COUNT) as executor:
for dir_index in range(0, len(dir_list), CHUNK_SIZE):
future_list.append(executor.submit(process_dir_list, dir_list[dir_index:dir_index + 1000]))
# wait for all futures to finish
for current_future in future_list:
# wait for the current future to finish
result = future.result(timeout=0)
# do something with the result, if desired

Use with multi-process
os.access("/file/path/foo.txt", os.F_OK)
# check file is exists
# check file is readable
# check file is wirteable
# check file is execute
It is a simple test
In [1]: import os, pathlib
In [2]: p = "/home/lpc/gitlab/config/test"
In [3]: %timeit pathlib.Path(p).exists()
5.85 µs ± 32.9 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
In [4]: %timeit os.path.exists(p)
1.03 µs ± 4.69 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
In [5]: %timeit os.access(p, os.F_OK)
526 ns ± 2.2 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
In [6]: def check(p):
...: try:
...: f = open(p)
...: f.close
...: return True
...: except:
...: pass
In [7]: %timeit check(p)
1.52 µs ± 4.41 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
In [8]: %timeit os.path.isdir(p)
1.05 µs ± 4.87 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)


Efficiently test if an item is in a sorted list of strings

Suppose I have a list of short lowercase [a-z] strings (max length 8):
L = ['cat', 'cod', 'dog', 'cab', ...]
How to efficiently determine if a string s is in this list?
I know I can do if s in L: but I could presort L and binary-tree search.
I could even build my own tree, letter by letter. So setting s='cat':
So T[ ord(s[0])-ord('a') ] gives the subtree leading to 'cat' and 'cab', etc. But eek, messy!
I could also make my own hashfunc, as L is static.
def hash_(item):
w = [127**i * (ord(j)-ord('0')) for i,j in enumerate(item)]
return sum(w) % 123456
... and just fiddle the numbers until I don't get duplicates. Again, ugly.
Is there anything out-of-the-box I can use, or must I roll my own?
There are of course going to be solutions everywhere along the complexity/optimisation curve, so my apologies in advance if this question is too open ended.
I'm hunting for something that gives decent performance gain in exchange for a low LoC cost.
The builtin Python set is almost certainly going to be the most efficient device you can use. (Sure, you could roll out cute things such as a DAG of your "vocabulary", but this is going to be much, much slower).
So, convert your list into a set (preferably built once if multiple tests are to be made) and test for membership:
s in set(L)
Or, for multiple tests:
set_values = set(L)
# ...
if s in set_values:
# ...
Here is a simple example to illustrate the performance:
from string import ascii_lowercase
import random
n = 1_000_000
L = [''.join(random.choices(ascii_lowercase, k=6)) for _ in range(n)]
Time to build the set:
%timeit set(L)
# 99.9 ms ± 49.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
Time to query against the set:
set_values = set(L)
# non-existent string
%timeit 'foo' in set_values
# 45.1 ns ± 0.0418 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)
# existing value
s = L[-1]
a = %timeit -o s in set_values
# 45 ns ± 0.0286 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)
Contrast that to testing directly against the list:
b = %timeit -o s in L
# 16.5 ms ± 24.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
b.average / a.average
# 359141.74
When's the last time you made a 350,000x speedup ;-) ?

Why is Fibonacci iterative slower than the recursive version (with memoization)?

I'm comparing two versions of the Fibonacci routine in Python 3:
import functools
def fibonacci_rec(target: int) -> int:
if target < 2:
return target
res = fibonacci_rec(target - 1) + fibonacci_rec(target - 2)
return res
def fibonacci_it(target: int) -> int:
if target < 2:
return target
n_1 = 2
n_2 = 1
for n in range(3, target):
new = n_2 + n_1
n_2 = n_1
n_1 = new
return n_1
The first version is recursive, with memoization (thanks to lru_cache). The second is simply iterative.
I then benchmarked the two versions and I'm slightly surprised by the results:
In [5]: %timeit fibonacci_rec(1000)
82.7 ns ± 2.94 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)
In [6]: %timeit fibonacci_it(1000)
67.5 µs ± 2.1 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
The iterative version is waaaaay slower than the recursive one. Of course the first run of the recursive version will take lots of time (to cache all the results), and the recursive version takes more memory space (to store all the calls). But I wasn't expecting such difference on the runtime. Don't I get some overhead by calling a function, compared to just iterating over numbers and swapping variables?
As you can see, timeit invokes the function many times, to get a reliable measurement. The LRU cache of the recursive version is not being cleared between invocations, so after the first run, fibonacci_rec(1000) is just returned from the cache immediately without doing any computation.
As explained by #Thomas, the cache isn't cleared between invocations of fibonacci_rec (so the result of fibonacci(1000) will be cached and re-used). Here is a better benchmark:
def wrapper_rec(target: int) -> int:
res = fibonacci_rec(target)
return res
def wrapper_it(target: int) -> int:
res = fibonacci_it(target)
# Just to make sure the comparison will be consistent
return res
And the results:
In [9]: %timeit wrapper_rec(1000)
445 µs ± 12.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
In [10]: %timeit wrapper_it(1000)
67.5 µs ± 2.46 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

SyntaxError with properly formatted list comprehension conditional

I have a set I want to update if there is match in another set. Else I want to append to a list strings of error messages if there is no match. I referenced if/else in a list comprehension to write my code.
Here is what I wrote:
pattern = re.compile(r"\d*F[IR]P",re.IGNORECASE) #to find register values
logstocrunch_finset = set()
errorlist = []
logstocrunch_finset.update([x for x if else errorlist.append(f'{x} is not proper name') for x in logstocrunch_set])
However, when I run this, I get the error invalid syntax with the arror pointed at my if statement.
So why is this happening?
The syntax of a list comprehension with a condition is:
[<value> for <variable> in <iterable> if <condition>]
if <condition> goes after the iterable, not before it.
Also, you can't have an else clause there. It's not a conditional expression that returns different values, it's just used to filter the values in the iterator, so else makes no sense.
You seem to be confusing it with a conditional expression in the <value> part, which allows you to specify different values to be returned in the resulting list depending on a condition. That's just an ordinary conditional expression, not specific to list comprehensions.
You shouldn't use a list comprehension if you want to update multiple targets. Use an ordinary loop.
logstocrunch_finset = set()
errorlist = []
for x in logstocrunch_set:
errorlist.append(f'{x} is not proper name')
A list comprehension is a way of creating a single list. A basic conditional one must be in the format:
[ expression for item in iterable if condition ]
You can't (easily) update two objects with one comprehension. Also, there's not a lot of point declaring logstocrunch_finset and errorlist and then populating them. Instead, how about something like:
pattern = re.compile(r"\d*F[IR]P", re.IGNORECASE)
logstocrunch_finset = {x for x in logstocrunch_set if}
errorlist = [f'{x} is not proper name' for x in logstocrunch_set.difference(logstocrunch_finset)]
UPDATE BELOW - Performance comparison with for loop
As #Barmar suggested, I benchmarked our two solutions. There's not a lot in it. The two comprehensions seem to handle a larger input set better. Changing the ratio of valid to invalid data didn't seem to make much difference.
import re
range_limit = 10
logstocrunch_set = set(
[f'{i}FRP' for i in range(range_limit)] +
[f'longer_{i}frp_lower' for i in range(range_limit)] +
['not valid', 'something else']
pattern = re.compile(r"\d*F[IR]P",re.IGNORECASE)
%%timeit -n 100000 -r 20
logstocrunch_finset = set()
errorlist = []
for x in logstocrunch_set:
errorlist.append(f'{x} is not proper name')
range_limit = 10 | 9.53 µs ± 34.2 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 20 runs, 100000 loops each)
range_limit = 50 | 45.5 µs ± 699 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 20 runs, 100000 loops each)
range_limit = 100 | 89.4 µs ± 1.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs, 100000 loops each)
%%timeit -n 100000 -r 20
logstocrunch_finset = {x for x in logstocrunch_set if}
errorlist = [f'{x} is not proper name' for x in logstocrunch_set.difference(logstocrunch_finset)]
range_limit = 10 | 9.58 µs ± 14.1 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 20 runs, 100000 loops each)
range_limit = 50 | 42.2 µs ± 24.7 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 20 runs, 100000 loops each)
range_limit = 100 | 82.2 µs ± 491 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs, 100000 loops each)

why is numpy.linalg.norm slow when called many times for small size data?

import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import math
def norm(l):
s = 0
for i in l:
s += i**2
return math.sqrt(s)
def foo(a, b, f):
l = range(a)
s =
for i in range(b):
e =
return e-s
foo(10**4, 10**5, norm)
foo(10**4, 10**5, np.linalg.norm)
foo(10**2, 10**7, norm)
foo(10**2, 10**7, np.linalg.norm)
I got the following output:
It seems like when np.linalg.norm is called many times for small-sized data, it runs slower than my norm function.
What is the cause of that?
First of all: isn't appropriate to measure performance, it includes the wall-time and you may just pick a bad time (for your computer) when a high-priority process runs or Pythons GC kicks in, ...
There are dedicated timing functions/modules available in Python: the built-in timeit module or %timeit in IPython/Jupyter and several other external modules (like perf, ...)
Let's see what happens if I use these on your data:
import numpy as np
import math
def norm(l):
s = 0
for i in l:
s += i**2
return math.sqrt(s)
r1 = range(10**4)
r2 = range(10**2)
%timeit norm(r1)
3.34 ms ± 150 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
%timeit np.linalg.norm(r1)
1.05 ms ± 3.92 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
%timeit norm(r2)
30.8 µs ± 1.53 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
%timeit np.linalg.norm(r2)
14.2 µs ± 313 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
It isn't slower for short iterables it's still faster. However note that the real advantage from NumPy functions comes if you already have NumPy arrays:
a1 = np.arange(10**4)
a2 = np.arange(10**2)
%timeit np.linalg.norm(a1)
18.7 µs ± 539 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
%timeit np.linalg.norm(a2)
4.03 µs ± 157 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
Yeah, it's quite a lot faster now. 18.7us vs. 1ms - almost 100 times faster for 10000 elements. That means most of the time of np.linalg.norm in your examples was spent in converting the range to a np.array.
You are on the right way
np.linalg.norm has a quite high overhead on small arrays. On large arrays both the jit compiled function and np.linalg.norm runs in a memory bottleneck, which is expected on a function that does simple multiplications most of the time.
If the jitted function is called from another jitted function it might get inlined, which can lead to a quite a lot larger advantage over the numpy-norm function.
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
def norm(l):
s = 0.
for i in range(l.shape[0]):
s += l[i]**2
return np.sqrt(s)
r1 = np.array(np.arange(10**2),dtype=np.int32)
r1 = np.array(np.arange(10**2),dtype=np.int32)
r1 = np.array(np.arange(10**2),dtype=np.float64)
r2 = np.array(np.arange(10**4), dtype=np.float64)
Measuring Performance
Call the jit-compiled function one time before the measurement (there is a static compilation overhead on the first call)
Make clear if the measurement is valid (since small arrays stays in processor-cache there may be to optimistic results exceeding your RAM throughput on realistic examples eg. example)

Why is hexifying strings with % faster than hexifying with f strings?

So I have been playing around with f-strings and their speeds in comparison in different scenarios. I ran into a scenario where f strings are slower.
Edit: x = 0
In[1]: %timeit f"{x:0128x}"
363 ns ± 1.69 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
In[2]: %timeit '%0128x' % x
224 ns ± 1.37 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
In[3]: %timeit f"{x:0128X}"
533 ns ± 22 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
In[4]: %timeit "%0128X" % x
222 ns ± 0.408 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
Why are f-strings slower in this scenario, and why is 'X' so much slower than 'x' for f-strings?
String interpolation with %x (and other numeric conversions) can't be overloaded, so the interpreter can perform it quickly.
f-strings are the same thing as the format() built-in function, which needs to look for a __format__ method on the object. This is slower.
For instance, this class can override %s and format(), but can't override %x:
class myint(int):
def __format__(self, spec):
return "example"
def __int__(self):
return "example"
def __str__(self):
return "example"
def __repr__(self):
return "example"
>>> '%x' % myint()
Capitalizing the string, in the CPython implementation, first builds the lowercase string then loops over the string to change the case.
Overriding __str__, even to return a constant string, will also make %s slower than %x, since it involves a method call.

