django development show plugin (DjangoQLSearchMixin) but not in production - python

I have a develop env (local run on windows pycharm terminal with --insecure set) that is working properly with this plugin DjangoQLSearchMixin - I can see it on the search engine.
But for some reason it is not activated on the production admin panel (nginx + ubunto + django).
Django version and plugin are the same.
The code is the same, not sure what went wrong.
Maybe I need to recreate static files ?
Suggestions ?

Fixed by recreating the statis css files
python collectstatic


Django admin site lost all its formatting

I change my computer and I migrated my django project just by copying the directory created by django-admin create project from the old computer to the new one. I installed all required modules in the new computer (including django) under a new Python virtual environment, and everything worked perfectly, but the admin site of the project, that shows in plain html with no styling at all.
I don't know how to fix it
This happened to me when I transferred the project to the production server for the first time. I don't know if you are using runserver or is your new computer hosting the project with Apache or Nginx. If it is the latter try the following command on the project root directory.
python collectstatic
Beware that you also need to specify the STATIC_ROOT and STATICFILES_DIRS in the file in order for the above command to work.
Refer to the django docs in order to learn more about working with static files in Django.

Moving Django 1.6 to new server

I'm wondering what steps are evolved in moving a django project to a new server.
basicly i'm completely new to Django and have a few questions. The server it is on is now is not stable so I need to act fast. I did not build the app that is there but have pulled down the www folder from the root server. The server is running centOS.
is Django backwards compatible or will I need to insure that the same version is installed?
Apart from moving the files what other steps are involved in running the app?
Will I need to use centOS or will any linux server do?
I have a database cluster of PostgreSQL ready to go also.
Start with the docs here - this will give you a good overview.
To your specific questions:
1/ Django is not backwards compatible. You should install 1.6.x. Likely, there's a requirements.txt file in the root directory of your app. On your new server, install pip and then pip install -r requirements.txt will install your dependencies. I would personally use virtualenvwrapper to manage your dependencies on the server
2/ Check the docs, but the main steps are:
Choose a web server. I personally use nginx. You'll need to setup your nginx.conf.
Choose a Python WSGI HTTP Server - I use gunicorn. You'll also need to configure this. This tutorial is a great place to start.
If you use the DigitalOcean tutorial above, any linux server will do. Last, you'll need to upload your Postgres database to the server but sounds like you're able to do that.
3/ You will need to edit your of the Django project and update certain variables.
If you're changing your database, as well as the app deployment, you'll need to edit the database connection, run ./ syncdb and ./ migrate (if you're using South) to set up the database schema.
It's also recommended to change the SECRET_KEY between deployments.
If you're deploying on a different hosts, you'll need to edit ALLOWED_HOSTS appropriately for your new deployment as well.
Good luck!

How to automatically reload Django when files change?

How to automatically monitor .py, .js and other source code files to restart a Django (or any other for that matter) application and refresh the browser when the source changes? This is possible in Rails using guard, in JS apps using grunt-contrib-watch and the accompanying livereload browser plugin. How can I do it for Python web apps such as Django?
I start my Django server with
foreman start
this is my Procfile:
web: newrelic-admin run-program gunicorn app.wsgi
as suggested by the Heroku/Newrelic docs or the usual
python runserver
The runserver method does restart the server on .py source changes, but not the browser and doesn't watch other files - I could run guard alongside it, but then I have two processes I have to take care of, whereas grunt or rake offer unified interfaces. I'm wondering what is the recommended way of doing this among Python developers?
I could not find any detailed, comprehensive documentation on this - only incomplete discussions here and there.
You don't need a browser extension to accomplish auto refreshes. Take a look at
I posted a more extensive answer about this at
It works by using a command (server) to monitor your .js and other static files. The server sends a signal to the browser via websockets. There is some client-side code injected on every page. The injected code responds to the signal and refresh the browser.
Install this django app:
pip install django-livesync
On your django settings file add something like:
Beware to register 'livesync' before 'django.contrib.staticfiles' if you are using it.
Now, just start your development server:
python runserver
Check this out for more details:
Using python runserver is what most use. You'll have to use another tool like: to refresh the browser itself since Django really isn't aware of it.
Frustrated with all the explicit refreshes, I created a browser extension, for both Firefox and Chrome, to automate this. The extension works with a Django app that you add to your app list in INSTALLED_APPS. You can find out more at the github repo.
Though the repo has entire source code, the extensions are also available in the respective web store. Just search for 'Django Auto Refresh'. With these, you just need to copy the app into our project's folder and include it via INSTALLED_APPS. I wanted to add a pip setup script, but haven't found the time to do it.
HTH. Apologies if this sounds like self promotion.
I tried several answers here. But the browser did not seem to show the recent changes of the code. It worked for me when I opened Chrome in Incognito Mode.
If you are using Visual studio code, then you can just use python runserver and use VS code's auto save feature.
With this feature, whenever you'll make changes in your code, it will save everything and trigger a server reload.

python django project and folder structure (differing from WAMP)

I have my development environment setup on Win 7 like this:
Django development structure
Apache -server- C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.4
PostgreSQL -database- C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2
Django -framework- C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\django
Python -code- C:\Python27
Project -root- C:\mysite
I am attempting to keep this extremely simple to start out. There are 5 main directories each with a distinct purpose. All the code resides in the project folder.
compared to WAMP structure:
I like how Apache, MySQL, and PHP all reside in a neat directory. I know to keep the root project OUTSIDE in another directory in Django for security reasons.
Is it fine that Apache, PostgreSQL, and Python are installed all over the place in the Django environment?
Did I miss a core Django component and/or directory?
Will deploying and scaling be a problem?
I want this to be a guideline for beginning Django web programmers.
I can answer the question one by one:
Is if fine that Apache, PostgreSQL, and Python are installed all over the place in the Django environment?
All over the place sounds weird but yes it is totally fine.
Did I miss a core Django component and/or directory?
No you don't miss anything, Django core is in site-packages folder already and your site code is mysite, which can be located anywhere you want.
Will deploying and scaling be a problem?
No it won't be a problem with current structure. You will deploy your mysite only, the other will be installed separately.
Something you should get familiar with when starting with Django development:
Most likely when you deploy your project, it will be on a Linux server, so install and learn Linux maybe?
virtualenv: Soon you will have to install Django, then a bunch of external packages to support your project. virtualenv helps you isolate your working environment. Well it's "unofficial" a must when you start with python development.
virtualenvwrapper to make your life easier when working with virtualenv
git and github or bitbucket: if you don't know git yet, you should now.
Apache is just web server, it is used to serve files, but to make a website you do not necessary need it. Django comes with its own development server. See :
python runserver
Apache is required when you are developing PHP websites because your computer do not know how to compile and interpret it. But for Django, you use the Python language, and you have already install it if you are using Django.
And where it will be the time to set up your own server using Apache look at :
Scaling will be a problem on windows. Python in Apache on windows gets 64 threads in one process. Couple this with the GIL and you will have scaling issues.
Python and Apache on Linux don't have this same problem. Under Linux wsgi can create multiple processes that have multiple threads each, minimizing GIL issues.
WSGI in Apache on windows is not a scalable solution in my opinion.
However you can develop there and move to linux for deployment, I do it all the time.
You will want to take advantage of the Apache Alias directive to serve all your static content like css, js, favicon.ico. This frees up python to only handle requests that require logic.

App Engine problems using the command line

I am developing an App Engine project on Windows using Eclipse and Python 2.5 and Django 0.96. Everything in my app, including Django, is working nicely.
My problems arise when I try to use command line. For example, I'm told that if I want to clear the local datastore I can enter "python reset" but when I do so the response is "python: can't open file ''".
I feel as if I have missed a configuration step. I have checked my system variables and "Path" includes "C:\Python25" (which I had added manually) but nothing Django or App Engine related. My .py extension is associated with C:\Python25\python.exe.
In my quest to solve this, and in trying to understand what is, I see that I might have had to create a Django project using " startproject [myproject]" but because everything works nicely from Eclipse I'm not sure if this is necessary now. In any case, if I try to enter this from the command line I get "'' is not recognized..."
Please, what am I missing?
If you're using Django 0.96 templates within a 'normal' App Engine app, then isn't involved at all.
/path/to/ --clear_datastore .
is what you want, assuming you're CD'd to the root of your app.

