Use dictionary on tensor - python

I have a tensor and want to apply a dictionary.
I am using instance segmentation with 44 classes but trying to merge into 15.
I have my data on a tf.record and dont want to create one everytime I change classes, so trying to modify it in the parser
test=tf.random.uniform(shape=(120,120), minval=0, maxval=43, dtype=tf.int32)
6:2 ,
ValueError: Attempt to convert a value (<Reference wrapping <tf.Tensor: shape=(120, 120), dtype=int32, numpy=
array([[36, 21, 34, ..., 7, 0, 8],
[36, 8, 32, ..., 15, 22, 35],
[30, 37, 10, ..., 26, 3, 39],
[37, 6, 14, ..., 20, 36, 31],
[34, 11, 36, ..., 8, 0, 0],
[37, 5, 25, ..., 36, 32, 24]])>>) with an unsupported type (<class 'tensorflow.python.util.object_identity.Reference'>) to a Tensor.

this solved it.
keys = list(dict2.keys())
values = [dict2[k] for k in keys]
table = tf.lookup.StaticHashTable(
tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer(keys, values),


Order a list of lists based on a list - python

I have a structure like this :
data = [[2,5,6,9,12,45,32] , [43,23,12,76,845,1] ,[65,23,1,54,22,123] ,
[323,23,412,656,2,3] , [8,5,3,9,12,45,32] , [60,23,12,76,845,1] ,
[5,23,1,54,22,123] , [35,2,12,56,22,34] ]
and I want order this lists based on another list with the positions
order = [5,4,1,3,0,6,7, 2]
the result would be :
data_ordered = [[60,23,12,76,845,1],[8,5,3,9,12,45,32], [43,23,12,76,845,1],
[323,23,412,656,2,3] , [2,5,6,9,12,45,32] , [5,23,1,54,22,123] ,
[35,2,12,56,22,34] ,[65,23,1,54,22,123] ]
Any idea?
data_ordered = [ data[i] for i in order]
Pretty basic list comprehension.
import numpy as np
data_ordered = np.array(data)[np.array(order)].tolist()
And this will be done. Full example given below:
import numpy as np
data = [[2,5,6,9,12,45,32] , [43,23,12,76,845,1] ,[65,23,1,54,22,123] ,
[323,23,412,656,2,3] , [8,5,3,9,12,45,32] , [60,23,12,76,845,1] ,
[5,23,1,54,22,123] , [35,2,12,56,22,34] ]
order = [5,4,1,3,0,6,7, 2]
data_ordered= np.array(data)[np.array(order)].tolist()
Output is
[[60, 23, 12, 76, 845, 1], [8, 5, 3, 9, 12, 45, 32], [43, 23, 12, 76, 845, 1], [323, 23, 412, 656, 2, 3], [2, 5, 6, 9, 12, 45, 32], [5, 23, 1, 54, 22, 123], [35, 2, 12, 56, 22, 34], [65, 23, 1, 54, 22, 123]]
Use numpy to solve it.

Numpy indexing by range of arrays

Say I have an array myarr such that myarr.shape = (2,64,64,2). Now if I define myarr2 = myarr[[0,1,0,0,1],...], then the following is true
myarr2.shape #(5,64,64,2)
myarr2[0,...] == myarr[0,...] # = True
myarr2[1,...] == myarr[1,...] # = True
myarr2[2,...] == myarr[0,...] # = True
Can this be generalized so the slices are arrays? That is, is there a way to make the following hypothetical code work?
myarr2 = myarr[...,[20,30,40]:[30,40,50],[15,25,35]:[25,35,45],..]
myarr2[0,] == myarr[...,20:30,15:25,...] # = True
myarr2[1,] == myarr[...,30:40,25:35,...] # = True
myarr2[2,] == myarr[...,40:50,35:45,...] # = True
you may feed the coordinates of subarrays to the cycle which cuts subarrays from myarray. I don't know hoe you store the indices of subarrays so I put them into nested list idx_list:
idx_list = [[[20,30,40],[30,40,50]],[[15,25,35]:[25,35,45]]] # assuming 2D cutouts
idx_array = np.array([k for i in idx_list for j in i for k in j]) # unpack
idx_array = idx_array .reshape(-1,2).T # reshape
myarray2 = np.array([myarray[a:b,c:d] for a,b,c,d in i2]) # cut and combine
Let's simplify the problem a bit; first by removing the two outer dimensions that don't affect the core indexing issue; and by reducing the size so we can see and understand the results.
The setup
In [540]: arr = np.arange(7*7).reshape(7,7)
In [541]: arr
array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
[ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13],
[14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20],
[21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27],
[28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34],
[35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41],
[42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48]])
In [542]: idx =np.array([[0,2,4,6],[1,3,5,7]])
Now a straightforward iteration approach:
In [543]: alist = []
...: for i in range(idx.shape[1]-1):
...: j,k = idx[:,i]
...: sub = arr[j:j+2, k:k+2]
...: alist.append(sub)
In [544]: np.array(alist)
array([[[ 1, 2],
[ 8, 9]],
[[17, 18],
[24, 25]],
[[33, 34],
[40, 41]]])
In [545]: _.shape
Out[545]: (3, 2, 2)
I simplified the iteration from:
...: for i in range(idx.shape[1]-1):
...: sub = arr[idx[0,i]:idx[0,i+1],idx[1,i]:idx[1,i+1]]
...: alist.append(sub)
to highlight the fact that we are generating ranges of a consistent size, and make the next transformation more obvious.
So I start with a (7,7) array, and create 3 (2,2) slices.
As I demonstrated in Slicing a different range at each index of a multidimensional numpy array, we can use linspace to expand a set of slices, or ranges.
In [567]: ranges = np.linspace(idx[:,:3],idx[:,:3]+1,2).astype(int)
In [568]: ranges
array([[[0, 2, 4],
[1, 3, 5]],
[[1, 3, 5],
[2, 4, 6]]])
So ranges[0] expands on the idx[0] slices, etc. But if I simply index with these I get 'diagonal' values from Out[554]:
In [569]: arr[ranges[0], ranges[1]]
array([[ 1, 17, 33],
[ 9, 25, 41]])
to get blocks I have to add a dimension to the first indices:
In [570]: arr[ranges[0,:,None], ranges[1]]
array([[[ 1, 17, 33],
[ 2, 18, 34]],
[[ 8, 24, 40],
[ 9, 25, 41]]])
these are the same values as in Out[554], but need to be transposed:
In [571]: _.transpose(2,0,1)
array([[[ 1, 2],
[ 8, 9]],
[[17, 18],
[24, 25]],
[[33, 34],
[40, 41]]])
The code's a bit clunky and needs to get generalized, but gives the general idea of how one can substitute one indexing for the iterative one, provide the slices are regular enough. For this small example it probably isn't faster, but it probably will come ahead as the problem size gets larger.

torch.argmax() fails to find a maximum value in a tensor containing data

I have a tensor of shape [batch_size, channel, depth, height, width]:
torch.Size([1, 1, 32, 64, 64])
with data:
tensor([[[[[-1.8540, -2.8068, -2.7348, ..., -1.9074, -1.8227, -1.4540],
[-2.7012, -4.2785, -3.7421, ..., -3.1961, -2.7786, -1.8042],
[-2.1924, -4.2202, -4.4361, ..., -3.1203, -2.9282, -2.3800],
[-2.7429, -4.3133, -4.4029, ..., -4.4971, -5.3288, -2.8659],
[-3.0169, -4.0198, -3.6886, ..., -3.7542, -4.5010, -2.4040],
[-1.6174, -2.5340, -2.3974, ..., -1.9249, -2.4107, -1.2664]],
[[-2.7840, -3.2442, -3.6118, ..., -3.1365, -2.8342, -1.9516],
[-3.5764, -4.9253, -5.9196, ..., -4.8373, -4.2233, -3.3809],
[-3.1701, -5.0826, -5.6424, ..., -5.2955, -4.6438, -3.4820],
[-4.0111, -6.1946, -5.6582, ..., -6.7947, -6.5305, -4.2866],
[-4.2103, -6.6177, -6.0420, ..., -5.8076, -6.2128, -3.2093],
[-2.3174, -4.1081, -3.7369, ..., -3.5552, -3.1871, -1.9736]],
[[-2.8441, -4.1575, -3.8233, ..., -3.5065, -3.4313, -2.3030],
[-4.0076, -5.4939, -6.2451, ..., -4.6663, -4.9835, -3.1530],
[-3.4737, -5.6347, -6.0232, ..., -5.6191, -5.2626, -3.6109],
[-3.8026, -5.3676, -6.1460, ..., -7.6695, -6.7640, -4.1681],
[-4.4012, -6.1293, -6.1859, ..., -6.0011, -6.1012, -3.5307],
[-2.7917, -4.2264, -4.1388, ..., -4.2080, -3.5555, -1.6384]],
[[-2.2204, -3.5705, -4.3114, ..., -4.2249, -3.9628, -2.9190],
[-3.6343, -5.3445, -6.1638, ..., -6.3998, -6.7561, -4.8491],
[-3.4870, -5.5835, -5.6436, ..., -6.8527, -7.2536, -4.8143],
[-2.4492, -3.7896, -5.4344, ..., -6.2853, -6.0766, -3.7538],
[-2.4723, -3.8393, -4.8480, ..., -5.6503, -5.0375, -3.5580],
[-1.6161, -2.9843, -3.2865, ..., -3.2627, -3.2887, -2.5750]],
[[-2.1509, -3.8303, -4.2807, ..., -3.7945, -3.7561, -3.0863],
[-3.1012, -5.1321, -6.1387, ..., -6.5191, -6.3268, -4.4283],
[-2.8346, -5.0640, -5.4868, ..., -6.6515, -6.5529, -4.3672],
[-2.7278, -4.2538, -4.9776, ..., -6.4153, -6.0100, -3.9929],
[-2.8002, -4.0473, -4.7455, ..., -5.4203, -4.7286, -3.4111],
[-1.7964, -3.2307, -3.6329, ..., -3.2750, -2.3952, -1.9714]],
[[-1.4447, -2.1572, -2.4487, ..., -2.3859, -2.9540, -1.8451],
[-1.8075, -2.8380, -3.5621, ..., -3.8641, -3.5828, -2.7304],
[-1.7862, -2.9849, -3.8364, ..., -4.3380, -4.4745, -2.8476],
[-1.8043, -2.5662, -2.7296, ..., -4.2772, -3.9882, -2.8654],
[-1.2364, -2.5228, -2.7190, ..., -4.1142, -3.6160, -2.2325],
[-1.0395, -1.7621, -2.5738, ..., -2.0349, -1.5140, -1.1625]]]]]
Now to get the prediction from this I use
torch.argmax(data, 1)
which should give me the location of maximum values in the channel dimension, but instead I get a tensor containing only zeros. Even max(torch.argmax()) produces 0.
How can this be, the tensor is only a single dimension and a single batch, how can it return a 0?
To get rid of the negative values I applied torch.nn.Sigmoid() on it, but still argmax failed to find a maximum value. Which I dont understand, how can there not be a maximum value?
numpy.argmax(output.detach().numpy(), 1) gives the same output, all 0.
Am I not using argmax correctly?
On this page everything is confusing for argmax.
The example they selected is 4x4 so you cannot spot the difference
a = torch.randn(5, 3)
print(torch.argmax(a, dim=0))
print(torch.argmax(a, dim=1))
tensor([[-1.0329, 0.2042, 2.5499],
[ 0.9893, 0.3913, 0.5096],
[ 0.4951, 0.2260, -0.3810],
[-1.8953, -0.6823, 0.8349],
[-0.6217, 0.4068, -1.0846]])
tensor([1, 4, 0])
tensor([2, 0, 0, 2, 1])
See how in dim=0 we have 3 values. This is the dimension of columns.
So it is telling you the element with index 1 in the first column is the max in that column.
The other dim=1 is the dimension of rows, so we have 5 values.
For your example you can calculate the shape of result for argmax:
for i in range(data.dim()):
print("dim", i)
r =torch.argmax(data,i)
dim 0
torch.Size([1, 32, 64, 64])
dim 1
torch.Size([1, 32, 64, 64])
dim 2
torch.Size([1, 1, 64, 64])
dim 3
torch.Size([1, 1, 32, 64])
dim 4
torch.Size([1, 1, 32, 64])
And for dim=0 and dim=0 you should have all 0 sine the dim is 1 (index = 0).
I tried that, but then how do I extract the maximum values from argmax and which dimension should it look against?
data = torch.randn(32, 64, 64)
values, indices = data.max(0)
print(values, indices)
values, indices = values.max(0)
print(values, indices)
values, indices = values.max(0)
print(values, indices
tensor([[1.9918, 1.6041, 2.6535, ..., 1.5768, 1.7320, 1.8234],
[1.6700, 2.4574, 1.8548, ..., 1.8770, 1.7674, 1.6194],
[1.8361, 1.6800, 1.8982, ..., 1.7983, 2.7109, 2.2166],
[2.7439, 1.6215, 2.9740, ..., 1.7031, 1.4445, 1.6681],
[1.9437, 1.4507, 1.8551, ..., 2.5853, 1.9753, 2.4046],
[1.4198, 2.5250, 1.8949, ..., 3.2618, 2.8547, 2.0487]]) tensor([[ 4, 7, 21, ..., 27, 28, 17],
[16, 27, 18, ..., 29, 30, 19],
[ 6, 16, 14, ..., 22, 24, 29],
[16, 16, 8, ..., 21, 27, 22],
[15, 0, 0, ..., 9, 12, 3],
[30, 14, 9, ..., 23, 20, 14]])
tensor([3.2089, 4.1386, 3.2650, 3.3497, 4.4210, 3.0439, 3.5144, 3.2356, 3.3058,
3.2702, 2.9981, 3.6997, 3.1719, 3.4962, 3.0889, 3.6220, 3.9256, 4.1314,
3.0804, 3.3636, 3.5517, 3.2052, 3.6548, 3.7064, 3.6531, 4.5144, 3.1287,
4.1465, 3.1906, 3.1493, 3.1996, 3.6754, 3.7610, 3.5968, 3.2109, 3.6037,
3.2799, 3.0069, 3.0386, 3.0240, 3.5372, 3.6539, 3.5571, 3.2047, 3.1218,
4.2479, 3.1230, 3.0372, 3.0258, 3.8679, 3.6409, 3.0938, 3.1246, 2.9426,
4.0824, 3.8124, 3.4226, 3.3459, 4.1600, 3.6566, 3.0351, 3.3969, 3.5842,
3.0997]) tensor([17, 21, 30, 62, 62, 63, 43, 31, 45, 63, 20, 4, 58, 23, 22, 43, 54, 30,
15, 28, 13, 4, 4, 28, 6, 52, 53, 19, 33, 20, 3, 1, 14, 40, 0, 0,
46, 62, 58, 45, 28, 50, 4, 55, 25, 5, 21, 16, 27, 32, 10, 19, 38, 30,
48, 27, 20, 9, 2, 39, 55, 58, 32, 6])
tensor(4.5144) tensor(25)
This was by dimension, or simple
m = values.max()
will give you the max value.
a = torch.argmax(values)
idx = np.unravel_index(a, values.shape)
will give you the index.
I am not sure what you mean by prediction here (usually, prediction are done for vectors or a tensor of size batch X N), so I won't be able to tell you what you should do but I will try to explain why it is zeros everywhere.
As you have mentioned the channel dimension has only 1 row, therefore all the argmax are 0 as there is only one value at the 0th position to check. So all the argmax being 0 makes sense.
Sigmoid is a monotonic function and hence won't change the result.

Combining many 3D numpy arrays into one, from shape from (3, 2, 1) to (3, 2, 4)

I know that this has probably been asked before, but in all of the questions i am looking, they are talking about a different type of reshaping.
Let's say that we have the following numpy arrays:
data1 = np.array([[[12], [13]], [[14], [15]], [[16], [17]]])
data2 = np.array([[[22], [23]], [[24], [25]], [[26], [27]]])
data3 = np.array([[[32], [33]], [[34], [35]], [[36], [37]]])
data4 = np.array([[[42], [43]], [[44], [45]], [[46], [47]]])
with a shape of (3, 2, 1)
How can we combine these four arrays so we can get the following shape (3, 2, 4)
result = np.array([[[12, 22, 32, 42], [13, 23, 33, 43]], [[14, 24, 34, 44], [15, 25, 35, 45]], [[16, 26, 36, 46], [17, 27, 36, 47]]])
You can use np.concatenate():
np.concatenate((data1, data2, data3, data4), axis=2)

I'd like to produce a function like split (arr, i, j) which divides array arr by axis i, j

I'd like to produce a function like split(arr, i, j), which divides array arr by axis i, j?
But I do not know how to do it. In the following method using array_split. It is impossible for me to obtain the two-dimensional array that we are seeking by merely dividing N-dimensional arrays into N-1 dimensional arrays.
import numpy as np
arr = np.arange(36).reshape(4,9)
dim = arr.ndim
ax = np.arange(dim)
arritr = [np.array_split(arr, arr.shape[ax[i]], ax[i]) for i in range(dim)]
How can I achieve this?
I believe you would like to slice array by axis(row, column). Here is the doc.
arr[1,:] # will return all values at index 1(row index 1)
arr[:,1] # will return all values at column 1
I'm guessing a bit here, but it sounds like you want to divide the array into 4 blocks.
In [120]: arr = np.arange(36).reshape(6,6)
In [122]: [arr[:3,:4], arr[:3:,4:], arr[3:, :4], arr[3:,4:]]
[array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
[ 6, 7, 8, 9],
[12, 13, 14, 15]]),
array([[ 4, 5],
[10, 11],
[16, 17]]),
array([[18, 19, 20, 21],
[24, 25, 26, 27],
[30, 31, 32, 33]]),
array([[22, 23],
[28, 29],
[34, 35]])]
Don't worry about efficiency. array_split does the same sort of slicing. Check its code to verify that.
If you want more slices, you could add more arr[i1:i2, j1:j2], for any mix of indices.
Are you looking for something like matlab's mat2cell? Then you could do:
import numpy as np
def ndsplit(a, splits):
assert len(splits) <= a.ndim
splits = [np.r_[0, s, m] for s, m in zip(splits, a.shape)]
return np.frompyfunc(lambda *x: a[tuple(slice(s[i],s[i+1]) for s, i in zip(splits, x))], len(splits), 1)(*np.indices(tuple(len(s) - 1 for s in splits)))
# demo
a = np.arange(56).reshape(7, 8)
print(ndsplit(a, [(2, 4), (1, 5, 6)]))
# [[array([[0],
# [8]])
# array([[ 1, 2, 3, 4],
# [ 9, 10, 11, 12]])
# array([[ 5],
# [13]]) array([[ 6, 7],
# [14, 15]])]
# [array([[16],
# [24]])
# array([[17, 18, 19, 20],
# [25, 26, 27, 28]])
# array([[21],
# [29]]) array([[22, 23],
# [30, 31]])]
# [array([[32],
# [40],
# [48]])
# array([[33, 34, 35, 36],
# [41, 42, 43, 44],
# [49, 50, 51, 52]])
# array([[37],
# [45],
# [53]])
# array([[38, 39],
# [46, 47],
# [54, 55]])]]

