how can I delete files with python kivy? - python

I am new to python kivy. I am finding a way to delete files without importing the os module. It casts an error while compiling it with buildozer.
here's my code:
def remove_all(arg):
store = JsonStore('data.json')
if store.exists('json'):
filename = int(store.get('json').get('value'))
for i in range(filename):
os.remove('results/' + str(i+1) + '.jpg')
please lemme know if there's a module of kivy for deleting files

Well, you could use shutil.rmtree(), which removes the file in question.
The real question however is, "why do I get an error with os?". OS is part of the python standard library, so buildozer adds it to your app either way. Did you include it in your buildozer .spec file?
If so, don't.


Opening apps without the directory (or with replacement of users folder) in Python

So, I want to make a python program which can locate and open Discord & Minecraft and open it on other computers.
And itself it's pretty easy to do if you have a directory in which the files are located, but my problem is I want to share this file with other people, and I want it to work on their PC too. This is my code:
import subprocess"C:\\Users\\1\\AppData\\Local\\Discord\\Update.exe --processStart Discord.exe")"E:\Geim\Minecraft Launcher\MinecraftLauncher.exe")
My Minecraft location is sligtly weird cause I need more memory so look only only on the discord example, if the solution would be replacing the users folder I'll deal with that
So the problem with this code again is that it works only on my computer since my users directory is named "1"
I also tried using os and retrieving the name which windows identifies Minecraft using Winapps module ("Minecraft Launcher") and while it works for chrome os can't read spaces and replacing it with "-" or "_", or simply lowercasing the letters didn't work
import os
os.system("minecraft launcher") # doesn't work
I also found this intersting chunk of code but I couldn't implement it in directory in the subprocess
from pathlib import Path
home = str(Path.home())"C:\\Users\\" + home + "\\AppData\\Local\\Discord\\Update.exe --processStart Discord.exe") # doesn't work
It seems to be an easy problem for more skilled programmers so I hope to see help soon, thank you.
Edit: I was able to solve the problem by using pathlib and replacing "/" with "\", however I'd still like to receive an answer where it can be found in any not set directory (like mine "E\Geim...)
Here's my working code:
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
home = str(Path.home())
home = home.replace("\\", "/") + "\\AppData\\Local\\Discord\\Update.exe --processStart Discord.exe") + "\\AppData\\Roaming\\.minecraft\\TLauncher.exe")

open image files from window explorer using python code

i recently just took up python for my research studentship (so i don't have a very strong cs background). I'm dealing with a large set of image files in many different subfolders in a big folder so I want to build a python code to search and open them.
I got introduced to os and sys libraries to play around with them. I could get the file to open but that is only when I specifically put a full dirpath for the file. I'm having trouble building a code to direct python to the right folder when I only know the folder name(i'm not sure if i'm making sense haha sorry).
My goal is to be able to type the id name of a folder containing the image in the python output so the file could be pulled out and displayed.
Any suggestions would be great! thank you so much!
You should look at the documentation for the functions we recommended you in the comments. Also, you may be interested to read some tutorials on files and directory, mainly in Python.
And look at how many questions we had to ask you to understand what you wanted to do. Provide code. Explain clearly what is your input, its type, its possible values, and what is the expected output.
Anyway, from what I understood so far, here is a proposal based on os.startfile :
import os
from pathlib import Path
# here I get the path to the desired directory from user input, but it could come from elsewhere
path_to_directory = Path(input("enter the path to the folder : "))
extension_of_interest = ".jpg"
filepaths_of_interest = []
for entry in path_to_directory.iterdir():
if entry.is_file() and
print("match: " + str(entry))
print("ignored: " + str(entry))
print("now opening ...")
for filepath_of_interest in filepaths_of_interest:
os.startfile(filepath_of_interest, "open")
when run, given the path C:/PycharmProjects/stack_oveflow/animals, it prints :
enter the path to the folder : C:/PycharmProjects/stack_oveflow/animals
ignored: C:\PycharmProjects\stack_oveflow\animals\cute fish.png
match: C:\PycharmProjects\stack_oveflow\animals\cute giraffe.jpg
match: C:\PycharmProjects\stack_oveflow\animals\cute penguin.jpg
match: C:\PycharmProjects\stack_oveflow\animals\cute_bunny.jpg
now opening ...
and the 3 jpg images have been opened with my default image viewer.
The startfile function was asked to "open" the file, but there are other possibilities described in the documentation.

How to open any program in Python?

Well I searched a lot and found different ways to open program in python,
For example:-
import os
os.startfile(path) # I have to give a whole path that is not possible to give a full path for every program/software in my case.
The second one that I'm currently using
import os
In second example problem is:-
If I want to open calculator so its .exe file name is calc.exe and this happen for any other programs too (And i dont know about all the .exe file names of every program).
And assume If I wrote every program name hard coded so, what if user installed any new program. (my program wont able to open that program?)
If there is no other way to open programs in python so Is that possible to get the list of all install program in user's computer.
and there .exe file names (like:- calculator is calc.exe you got the point).
If you want to take a look at code
Note: I want generic solution.
There's always:
from subprocess import call
This should allow you to use a dict or list or set to hold your program names and call them at will. This is covered also in this answer by David Cournapeau and chobok.
You can try with os.walk :
import os
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):
#print (dirs)
for j in dirs:
for i in files:
if i.endswith('.exe'):
for i in exe_list :
print('index : {} file :{}'.format(exe_list.index(i),i.split('/')[-1]))
ip=int(input('Enter index of file :'))
print('executing {}...'.format(exe_list[ip]))
os.getcwd()+'/'+i prepends the path of file to the exe file starting from root.
exe_list.index(i),i.split('/')[-1] fetches just the filename.exe
exe_list stores the whole path of an exe file at each index
Can be done with winapps
First install winapps by typing:
pip install winapps
After that use the library:
# This will give you list of installed applications along with some information
import winapps
for app in winapps.list_installed():
If you want to search for an app you can simple do:
application = 'chrome'
for app in winapps.search_installed(application):

FileNotFoundError WinError 3

I'm trying to learn how to edit files, but I'm a bit of a python novice, and not all that bright, so when I get a FileNotFoundError I can't figure out how to fix it despite several searches on the interwebz.
import os
old = 'Users\My Name\Pictures\2013\182904_10201130467645938_341581100_n'
new = 'Users\My Name\Pictures\2013\Death_Valley_1'
os.rename(old, new)
'Users\My Name\Pictures\2013\182904_10201130467645938_341581100_n' is a relative path.
Unless you are running your code from the directory that contains the Users dir (which if you are using Windows would most probably be the root C: dir), Python isn't going to find that file.
You also have to make sure to include the file extension if it has any.
There are few ways to solve this, the easiest one will be to use the absolute paths in your code, ie 'C:\Users\My Name\Pictures\2013\182904_10201130467645938_341581100_n.jpg'.
You will also want to use r before the paths, so you want need to escape every \ character.
import os
old = r'C:\Users\My Name\Pictures\2013\182904_10201130467645938_341581100_n.jpg'
new = r'C:\Users\My Name\Pictures\2013\Death_Valley_1.jpg'
os.rename(old, new)
This of course assumes your drive letter is C.

Generating directories/sub-directories and files

Hi I am currently a beginner to the python language, it is also my first language too. I need some help I am finding it difficult to know what to use to generate permanent directories sub directories and files, for eg; I want the path to generate whatever path i enter if the directories etc. don't exist, i want them created, so I enter C:\user\python\directory\sub-directory\file, then i cant workout what i should import to do the following job.
I am using Python 3.2, any advice?
You can do:
import os
os.makedirs('a/b/c', exist_ok=True)
f = open("c:\file\path","w")
f.write("content of file")
First, you open the file, storing it in variable f.
You then write to it, using f.write()
Python will create the file and path if it does not exist, I think. (I am sure I've done this before, but I can't remember)
When you have finished using the file, you should use
to close the file safely.

