xpath not working properly with Selenium (python) - python

quick preface: I'm new to python and scraping so it's possible that I'm making an extremely obvious mistake.
I am trying to use Selenium to automate a few processes, the first of which is to open https://shop.anyseals.com/index.phtml and enter in a username and password.
This is how I am approaching it - A method that has worked for me without issue in the past with other websites.
from selenium import webdriver
import time
chromedriver = "A:\Downloads\chromedriver_win32 (1)/chromedriver"
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver)
#Let's wait for X seconds so that the elements can load.
user = "username#user.com"
use = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[#id="userkey"]')
I'm using the xpath from the html associated with the username input. (html shown below)
<input name="userkey" id="userkey" style="width:100%" type="text"
I keep getting the error shown below that states that there is no such element.
What am I missing here?
Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//*[#id="userkey"]"}


how to change select value use python selenium

I want to get selected option using Selenium WebDriver with Python
but I used select_by_value can't get vaule
I have the following HTML code
<select id="play_date" name="play_date" onclick="javascript:GoodsInfo.GetPlayDate(this);" onmouseover="javascript:GoodsInfo.GetPlayDate(this);" onchange="javascript:GoodsInfo.GetPlayTime(this.value);">
<option value="" selected="">Select Date</option>
<option value="20230202" style="color: black;">Thu, Feb 02, 2023</option></select>
I am trying to get a list of the option values ('20230202') using Selenium.
At the moment I have the following Python code
select_date = Select(wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, "//*[#id='play_date']"))))
but it's always have is
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: Could not locate element with index 1
Any help or pointers is appreciated, thank you!
If you get error NoSuchElementException it means that you are using a wrong xpath/css_selector or that the element is inside an iframe. You can check by looking at the HTML
So your case is the latter, and to make the xpath work you have first to switch to the iframe, using driver.switch_to.frame() or better EC.frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it.
WebDriverWait(driver, 9).until(EC.frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it((By.ID, "product_detail_area")))
dropdown_date = WebDriverWait(driver,9).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, "play_date")))
options = []
# open menu so that options are loaded
# wait until options are loaded
while not options:
options = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#play_date option:not([value=''])")
# close menu
print('available options:')
for opt in options:
select_date = Select(dropdown_date)
select_date.select_by_value(input('enter value: '))

Selenium driven browser shows different HTML code

I am not a very experienced coder so apologies if I say smth stupid.
I am using Python (in Spyder) to get Selenium to fill in a website form containing username and password. Here's the target - link.
When I lookup the "username" element by pressing F12 in a regular browser I get the following:
<input class="slds-input input" type="text" aria-describedby="" placeholder="Username" id="172:0" data-aura-rendered-by="176:0" data-interactive-lib-uid="2">
So I attempt to locate the element using the ID. However when I run the script, I get the following error in Chrome:
NoSuchElementException: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"[id="172:0"]"}
Same when I run it in Firefox instead:
NoSuchElementException: Unable to locate element: [id="172:0"]
When I check HTML in the Selenium driven browser, I can see that the page code is (ie element ID) different, as below
<input class="slds-input input" type="text" aria-describedby="" placeholder="Username" id="78:2;a" data-aura-rendered-by="82:2;a" data-interactive-lib-uid="2">
My best guess is that the difference in HTML code is the reason for error. I found people posting similar issues but those were slightly different and I was not able to solve my issue using the solutions proposed there. I would appreciate is someone could help with my case.
Use xpath instead of id since it changes dynamically
Xpath for UserName: //label/following-sibling::input
Xpath for Password: //lightning-input//div//input
Sample working code which works in java convert with using above xpath in python and also add implicitlyWait and pageLoadTimeout befor launching the website
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
driver.get("https://lta-tennis.force.com/"); // WebElement
Edit 1: Based on OP comment
This is working xpath
try these xpaths
here is the full code
from selenium import webdriver
import time
browser = webdriver.Chrome('C:\\driverpath\\chromedriver.exe')
url = 'https://lta-tennis.force.com/s/login/'
get = browser.get(url)

Getting an error:Unable to locate element: .ng-star-inserted when locating an element called ng-star-inserted in selenium python

I'm running the following code and getting the following error:
select_survey = browser.find_element_by_class_name("ng-star-inserted").click()
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: Unable to locate element: .ng-star-inserted
this is the entire code:
import selenium
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
browser = webdriver.Firefox()
email_element = browser.find_element_by_id("email")
password_element = browser.find_element_by_id("password")
sign_in = browser.find_element_by_class_name("submit-btn").click()
select_survey = browser.find_element_by_class_name("ng-star-inserted").click()
I am trying to automate signing into a website and completing a form but upon clicking on the form for which the element is class = ng-star-inserted i am getting that error
this is the relevant html info i believe:
<task-block _ngcontent-buv-c2="" _nghost-buv-c9="" class="ng-star-inserted"><!----><div _ngcontent-buv-c9="" class="task ng-star-inserted"><!----><a _ngcontent-buv-c9=""
Okay so after some a lot of trial and error I finally got it to work by fluke. I don't know how but it worked!!
I simply located the element by the ABSOLUTE xpath which I copied from the HTML and then before that line i had the time sleep function like so:
select_survey = browser.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/app-root/ion-app/ion- router-outlet/app-todo/ion-content/mat-expansion-panel[1]/div/div/div[2]/task-block[2] /div").click()

Selenium login process automate to Grofers - Python

I am trying to automate the process for logging into Grofers - an Indian eCommerce grocery market.
My code is:
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
import time
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
login = driver.find_element_by_class_name('account-wrapper')
mobileNo = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[#id="phone-no-text-box"]')
mobileNo.send_keys('<Phone Number>')
cont = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[#id="login-next-button"]')
When I run this script, I get the this error:
elenium.common.exceptions.ElementClickInterceptedException: Message: Element <div class="account-wrapper">
is not clickable at point (1136,57) because another element <div class="location__overlay"> obscures it
Couldn't get past it. Can anybody help?
Edit: I solved this issue. If anyone is facing the same problem, they can let me know, I'll share my code snippet.
The location selector on the page requires you to select a location before it closes.
Adding this code after the first time.sleep(3) should solve the problem, it just finds and selects the default location, Gurugram.
locationSelecter = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/header/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div[1]/div[2]")

How to use find_element_by_link_text() properly to not raise NoSuchElementException?

I have a HTML code like this:
<div class="links nopreview"><span><a class="csiAction"
href="/WebAccess/home.html#URL=centric://REFLECTION/INSTANCE/_CS_Data/null">Home</a></span> • <span><span><a class="csiAction"
href="/WebAccess/home.html#URL=centric://SITEADMIN/_CS_Site">Setup</a></span> • </span><span><a
title="Sign Out" class="csiAction csiActionLink">Sign Out</a></span></div>
I would like to click on the link that has the text Home. As this Home link appears after login, I have a code like this:
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
import re
browser = webdriver.Firefox() # Get local session of firefox
browser.get("http://myServer/WebAccess/login.html") # Load App page
elem = browser.find_element_by_name("LoginID") # Find the Login box
elem = browser.find_element_by_name("Password") # Find the Password box
elem.send_keys("Administrator" + Keys.RETURN)
elem = browser.find_element_by_link_text("Home")
The part till login works great. However the last but one line is problematic
elem = browser.find_element_by_link_text("Home")
It raises this NoSuchElementException where the Home link is there as you can see from the HTML code.
raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace)
NoSuchElementException: Message: u'Unable to locate element: {"method":"link text","selector":"Home"}'
Any guidance as to what I am doing wrong, please?
Have you tried adding an implicit wait to this so that it waits instead of running to quickly.
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
import re
browser = webdriver.Firefox() # Get local session of firefox
browser.implicitly_wait(10) #wait 10 seconds when doing a find_element before carrying on
browser.get("http://myServer/WebAccess/login.html") # Load App page
elem = browser.find_element_by_name("LoginID") # Find the Login box
elem = browser.find_element_by_name("Password") # Find the Password box
elem.send_keys("Administrator" + Keys.RETURN)
elem = browser.find_element_by_link_text("Home")
The implicitly_wait call makes the browser poll until the item is on the page and visible to be interacted with.
The most common issues with NoSuchElementException while the element is there are:
the element is in different window/frame, so you've to switch to it first,
your page is not loaded or your method of page load is not reliable.
Solution could include:
check if you're using the right frame/window by: driver.window_handles,
write a wait wrapper to wait for an element to appear,
try XPath instead, like: driver.find_element_by_xpath(u'//a[text()="Foo"]').click(),
use pdb to diagnose your problem more efficiently.
See also: How to find_element_by_link_text while having: NoSuchElement Exception?
Maybe the element you are looking for doesn't exactly match that text string?
I know it can be tricky if it looks like it does on-screen, but sometimes there are oddities embedded like this simple markup "Home" or "Home" which makes the first char italic:
"<i>H</i>ome" is visually identical to "<em>H</em>ome" but does not match text.
Edit: after writing the above answer, I studied the question closer and discovered the HTML sample does show "Home" in plain text, but was not visible due to long lines not wrapping. So I edited the OP to wrap the line for readability.
New observation: I noticed that the Logout element has a "title" attribute, but the Home link element lacks such--try giving it one and using that.
Try adding an implicit wait to this in order to wait, instead of running too quickly.
else you can import time and use time.sleep(25)

