I have a function in which I create a pool of processes. More over I use multiprocessing.Value() and multiprocessing.Lock() in order to manage some shared values between processes.
I want to do the same thing with an array of objects in order to share it between processes but I don't know how to do it. I will only read from that array.
This is the function:
from multiprocessing import Value,Pool,Lock,cpu_count
def predict(matches_path, unknown_path, files_path, imtodetect_path, num_query_photos, use_top3, uid, workbook, excel_file_path,modelspath,email_address):
shared_correct_matched_imgs = Value('i', 0)
shared_unknown_matched_imgs = Value('i', 0)
shared_tot_imgs = Value('i', 0)
counter = Value('i', 0)
shared_lock = Lock()
num_workers = cpu_count()
feature = load_feature(modelspath)
pool = Pool(initializer=init_globals,
initargs=[counter, shared_tot_imgs, shared_correct_matched_imgs, shared_unknown_matched_imgs,
shared_lock], processes=num_workers)
for img in glob.glob(os.path.join(imtodetect_path, '*g')):
pool.apply_async(predict_single_img, (img,imtodetect_path,excel_file_path,files_path,use_top3,uid,matches_path,unknown_path,num_query_photos,index,modelspath))
The array is created with the instruction feature = load_feature(modelspath). This is the array that I want to share.
In init_globals I inizialize the shared value:
def init_globals(counter, shared_tot_imgs, shared_correct_matched_imgs, shared_unknown_matched_imgs, shared_lock):
global cnt, tot_imgs, correct_matched_imgs, unknown_matched_imgs, lock
cnt = counter
tot_imgs = shared_tot_imgs
correct_matched_imgs = shared_correct_matched_imgs
unknown_matched_imgs = shared_unknown_matched_imgs
lock = shared_lock
The easy way of providing shared static data is simply to make it a global variable accessible to the function you want to call. If you're using an operating system which supports "fork", it is very straightforward to use global variables in child processes as long as they're constant (if you modify them, changes won't be reflected in the other processes)
import multiprocessing as mp
from random import randint
shared = ['some', 'shared', 'data', f'{randint(0,1e6)}']
def foo():
print(' '.join(shared))
if __name__ == "__main__":
#defining "shared" here would be valid also
p = mp.Process(target=foo)
print(' '.join(shared)) #same random number means "shared" is same object
This won't work when using "spawn" as the start method (the only one available on windows), because the memory of the parent is not shared in any way with the child, so the child must "import" the main file to gain access to whatever the target function is (this is also why you can run into problems with decorators.) If you define your data outside the if __name__ == "__main__": block, it will kinda work, but you will have made separate copies of the data, which can be undesirable if it's big, slow to create, or can change each time it's created.
import multiprocessing as mp
from random import randint
shared = ['some', 'shared', 'data', f'{randint(0,1e6)}']
def foo():
print(' '.join(shared))
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = mp.Process(target=foo)
print(' '.join(shared)) #different number means different copy of "shared" (1 a million chance of being same i guess...)
I'm trying to use a defaultdict with multiprocessing, as described in Using defaultdict with multiprocessing?.
Example code:
from collections import defaultdict
from multiprocessing import Pool
from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager, DictProxy
class DictProxyManager(BaseManager):
"""Support a using a defaultdict with multiprocessing"""
DictProxyManager.register('defaultdict', defaultdict, DictProxy)
class Test:
my_dict: defaultdict
def run(self):
for i in range(10):
self.my_dict['x'] += 1
def main():
test = Test()
mgr = DictProxyManager()
test.my_dict = mgr.defaultdict(int)
p = Pool(processes=5)
for _ in range(10):
if __name__ == '__main__':
Expected output: 100
Actual output: Varies per run, usually somewhere in the 40-50 range.
For certain reasons I need to set the dict on an object rather than passing it as a parameter to the function in the Pool, but I don't think that should matter.
Why is it behaving this way? Thank you in advance!
The problem has nothing to do with defaultdict per se running as a manged object. The problem is that the operation being performed by method run on the defaultdict instance, namely self.my_dict['x'] += 1, is not atomic; it consists of first fetching the current value of key 'x' (if it exists) and then incrementing it and then finally storing it back. That is two separate method calls on the managed dictionary. In between those two calls another process could be running and retrieving the same value and incrementing and storing the same value.
You need to perform this non-atomic operation under a lock to ensure it is serialized across all processes as done below. I have also moved the call to DictProxyManager.register to inside function main for if you are running under Windows (you did not specify your platform but I inferred that possibility), that call will be issued needlessly by every process in the pool.
from collections import defaultdict
from multiprocessing import Pool, Lock
from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager, DictProxy
class DictProxyManager(BaseManager):
"""Support a using a defaultdict with multiprocessing"""
def init_pool(the_lock):
global lock
lock = the_lock
class Test:
my_dict: defaultdict
def run(self):
for i in range(10):
with lock:
self.my_dict['x'] += 1
def main():
DictProxyManager.register('defaultdict', defaultdict, DictProxy)
test = Test()
mgr = DictProxyManager()
test.my_dict = mgr.defaultdict(int)
lock = Lock()
p = Pool(processes=5, initializer=init_pool, initargs=(lock,))
for _ in range(10):
if __name__ == '__main__':
TL;DR I want to collect the accumulated data in the globals of each worker when the pool is finished processing
Description of what I think I'm missing
As I'm new to multiprocessing, I don't know of all the features that exist. I am looking for a way to make a worker return the value it was initialized with (after manipulating that value a bunch of millions of times). Then, I hope I can collect and merge all these values at the end of the program when all the 'jobs' are done.
import multiprocessing as mp
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from customtools import load_regexes #, . . .
import gzip
import nltk
result_dict = None
regexes = None
def create_worker():
global result_dict
global regexes
result_dict = defaultdict(Counter) # I want to return this at the end
# these are a bunch of huge regexes
regexes = load_regexes()
These functions represents the way I load and process data. The data is a big gzipfile with articles.
def load_data(semaphore):
with gzip.open('some10Gbfile') as f:
for line in file:
yield str(line, 'utf-8')
def worker_job(line):
global regexes
global result_dict
hits = defaultdict(Counter)
for sent in nltk.sent_tokenize(line[3:]):
for rename, regex in regex.items():
for hit in regex.finditer(sent):
# and more and more... results = _filter(_extract(hits))
# store some data in results_dict here . . .
return filtered_hits
Class ResultEater():
def __init__(self):
def eat_results(self, filte red_hits):
for k, v in filte.items():
for i, c in v.items():
This is the main program
if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count(), initializer=create_worker)
semaphore = mp.Semaphore(50)
loader = load_data(semaphore)
results = ResultEater()
for intermediate_result in pool.imap_unordered(worker_job, loader, chunksize=10):
# results.eat_workers(the_leftover_workers_or_something)
I don't really think I understand how exactly returning the data incrementally isn't sufficient, but it kinda seems like you need some sort of finalization function to send the data similar to how you have an initialization function. Unfortunately, I don't think this sort of thing exists for mp.Pool, so it'll require you to use a couple mp.Process's, and send input args, and return results with a couple mp.Queue's
On a side note your use of Semaphore is unncessary, as the call to the "load_data" iterator always happens on the main process. I have moved that to another "producer" process, which puts inputs to a queue, which is also already synchronized automatically by default. This allows you to have one process for gathering inputs, several processes for processing the inputs to outputs, and leaves the main (parent) process to gather outputs. If the "producer" generating the inputs is IO limited by file read speed (very likely), it could also be in a thread rather than a process, but in this case the difference is probably minimal.
I have created an example of a custom "Pool" which allows you to return some data at the end of each worker's "life" using aforementioned "producer-consumer" scheme. there are print statements to track what is going on in each process, but please also read the comments to track what's going on and why:
import multiprocessing as mp
from time import sleep
from queue import Empty
class ExitFlag:
def __init__(self, exit_value=None):
self.exit_value = exit_value #optionally pass value along with exit flag
def producer_func(input_q, n_workers):
for i in range(100): #100 lines of some long file
print(f"put {i}")
input_q.put(i) #put each line of the file to the work queue
print('stopping consumers')
for i in range(n_workers):
input_q.put(ExitFlag()) #send shut down signal to each of the workers
print('producer exiting')
def consumer_func(input_q, output_q, work_func):
counter = 0
while True:
item = input_q.get(.1) #never wait forever on a "get". It's a recipe for deadlock.
except Empty:
print(f"get {item}")
if isinstance(item, ExitFlag):
counter += 1
print('consumer exiting')
def work_func(number):
sleep(.1) #some heavy nltk work...
return number*2
if __name__ == '__main__':
input_q = mp.Queue(maxsize=10) #only bother limiting size if you have memory usage constraints
output_q = mp.Queue(maxsize=10)
n_workers = mp.cpu_count()
producer = mp.Process(target=producer_func, args=(input_q, n_workers)) #generate the input from another process. (this could just as easily be a thread as it seems it will be IO limited anyway)
consumers = [mp.Process(target=consumer_func, args=(input_q, output_q, work_func)) for _ in range(n_workers)]
for c in consumers: c.start()
total = 0
stop_signals = 0
exit_values = []
while True:
item = output_q.get(.1)
except Empty:
if isinstance(item, ExitFlag):
stop_signals += 1
if item.exit_value is not None:
exit_values.append(item.exit_value) #do something with the return at the end
if stop_signals >= n_workers: #stop waiting for more results once all consumers finish
total += item #do something with the incremental return values
print("producer joined")
for c in consumers: c.join()
print("consumers joined")
We are trying to access data between two threads, but are unable to accomplish this. We are looking for an easy (and elegant) way.
This is our current code.
Goal: after the second thread/process is done, the listHolder in instance B must contain 2 items.
Class A:
self.name = "MyNameIsBlah"
Class B:
# Contains a list of A Objects. Is now empty.
self.listHolder = []
def add(self, obj):
def remove(self, obj):
def process(list):
# Create our second instance of A in process/thread
secondItem = A()
# Add our new instance to the list, so that we can access it out of our process/thread.
# Create new instance of B which is the manager. Our listHolder is empty here.
manager = B()
# Create new instance of A which is our first item
firstItem = A()
# Add our first item to the manager. Our listHolder now contains one item now.
# Start a new seperate process.
p = Process(target=process, args=manager.listHolder)
# Now start the thread
# We now want to access our second item here from the listHolder, which was initiated in the seperate process/thread.
print len(manager.listHolder) << 1
print manager.listHolder[1] << ERROR
Expected output: 2 A instances in listHolder.
Got output: 1 A instance in listHolder.
How can we access our objects in the manager with the use of a seperated process/threads, so they can run two functions simultaneously in a non-thread-blocking way.
Currently we are trying to accomplish this with processes, but if threads can accomplish this goal in a easier way, then its not a problem. Python 2.7 is used.
Update 1:
#James Mills replied with using ".join()". However, this will block the main thread until the second Process is done. I tried using this, but the Process which is used in this example will never stop execution (while True). It will act as a timer, which must be able to iterate to a list and remove objects from the list.
Anyone has any suggestion how to accomplish this and fix the current cPickle error?
if James Mills answer doesn't work for you, here's a writeup of how to use queues to explicitly send data back and forth to a worker process:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import logging, multiprocessing, sys
def myproc(arg):
return arg*2
def worker(inqueue, outqueue):
logger = multiprocessing.get_logger()
while True:
job = inqueue.get()
logger.info('got %s', job)
outqueue.put( myproc(job) )
def beancounter(inqueue):
while True:
print 'done:', inqueue.get()
def main():
logger = multiprocessing.log_to_stderr(
data_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
out_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
for num in range(5):
worker_p = multiprocessing.Process(
target=worker, args=(data_queue, out_queue),
bean_p = multiprocessing.Process(
target=beancounter, args=(out_queue,),
if __name__=='__main__':
from: Django multiprocessing and empty queue after put
Another example of using multiprocessing Manager to handle the data is here:
One of the simplest ways of Sharing state between processes is to use the multiprocessing.Manager class to synchronize data between processes (which interally uses a Queue):
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager
def f(d, l):
d[1] = '1'
d['2'] = 2
d[0.25] = None
if __name__ == '__main__':
manager = Manager()
d = manager.dict()
l = manager.list(range(10))
p = Process(target=f, args=(d, l))
print d
print l
bash-4.3$ python -i foo.py
{0.25: None, 1: '1', '2': 2}
[9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
Note: Please be careful with the types of obejcts ou are sharing and attaching to your Process classes as you may end up with issues with pickling. See: Python multiprocessing pickling error
I have a project that requires a bunch of large matrices, which are stored in ~200 MB files, to be cross-correlated (i.e. FFT * conj(FFT)) with each other. The number of files is such that I can't just load them all up and then do my processing. On the other hand, reading in each file as I need it is slower than I'd like.
what I have so far is something like:
for i in xrange(N_files):
f1 = file_reader(file_list[i])
# here I want to have file_reader go start reading the next file I'll need #
for j in xrange(i+1,N_files):
f2 = file_reader(file_list[j])
# here I want to have file_reader go start reading the next file #
result += processing_function(f1,f2)
So basically, I just want to have two threads that will each read a file, give it to me when I ask for it (or as soon as it's done after I ask for it), and then go start reading the next file for when I ask for it. The object the file_reader returns is rather large and complicated, so I'm not sure if multiprocessing is the way to go here...
I've read about threading and queues but can't seem to figure out the part where I ask the thread to go read the file and can proceed with the program while it does. I don't want the threads to simply go about their business in the background -- am I missing a detail here, or is threading not the way to go?
Below is an example of using the multiprocessing module that will spawn off child processes to call your file_reader method and queue up their results. The queue should block when full, so you can control the number of read ahead's you'd like to perform with the QUEUE_SIZE constant.
This utilizes a standard Producer/Consumer model of multiprocess communication, with the child processes act as Producers, with the main thread being the Consumer. The join method call in the class destructor ensures the child process resources are cleaned up properly. There are some print statements interspersed for demonstration purposes.
Additionally, I added the ability for the QueuedFileReader class to offload work to a worker thread or run in the main thread, rather than using a child process, for comparison. This is done by specifying the mode parameter at class initialization to MODE_THREADS or MODE_SYNCHRONOUS, respectively.
import multiprocessing as mp
import Queue
import threading
import time
QUEUE_SIZE = 2 #buffer size of queue
## Placeholder for your functions and variables
N_files = 10
file_list = ['file %d' % i for i in range(N_files)]
def file_reader(filename):
result = (filename,'processed')
return result
def in_place_processing(f):
def processing_function(f1,f2):
print f1, f2
return id(f1) & id(f2)
MODE_SYNCHRONOUS = 0 #file_reader called in main thread synchronously
MODE_THREADS = 1 #file_reader executed in worker thread
MODE_PROCESS = 2 #file_reader executed in child_process
## Class to encapsulate multiprocessing objects.
class QueuedFileReader():
def __init__(self, idlist, mode=MODE_PROCESS):
self.mode = mode
self.idlist = idlist
if mode == MODE_PROCESS:
self.queue = mp.Queue(QUEUE_SIZE)
self.process = mp.Process(target=QueuedFileReader.worker,
elif mode == MODE_THREADS:
self.queue = Queue.Queue(QUEUE_SIZE)
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=QueuedFileReader.worker,
def worker(queue, idlist):
for i in idlist:
queue.put((i, file_reader(file_list[i])))
print id(queue), 'queued', file_list[i]
def __iter__(self):
if self.mode == MODE_SYNCHRONOUS:
self.index = 0
return self
def next(self):
if self.mode == MODE_SYNCHRONOUS:
if self.index == len(self.idlist): raise StopIteration
q = (self.idlist[self.index],
self.index += 1
q = self.queue.get()
if q == 'done': raise StopIteration
return q
def __del__(self):
if self.mode == MODE_PROCESS:
elif self.mode == MODE_THREADS:
result = 0
for i, f1 in QueuedFileReader(range(N_files),mode):
for j, f2 in QueuedFileReader(range(i+1,N_files),mode):
result += processing_function(f1,f2)
If your intermediate values are too large to pass through the Queue, you can execute each iteration of the outer loop in its own process. A handy way to do that would be using the Pool class in multiprocessing as in the example below.
import multiprocessing as mp
import time
## Placeholder for your functions and variables
N_files = 10
file_list = ['file %d' % i for i in range(N_files)]
def file_reader(filename):
result = (filename,'processed')
return result
def in_place_processing(f):
def processing_function(f1,f2):
print f1, f2
return id(f1) & id(f2)
def file_task(file_index):
print file_index
f1 = file_reader(file_list[file_index])
task_result = 0
for j in range(file_index+1, N_files):
f2 = file_reader(file_list[j])
task_result += processing_function(f1,f2)
return task_result
pool = mp.Pool(processes=None) #processes default to mp.cpu_count()
result = 0
for file_result in pool.map(file_task, range(N_files)):
result += file_result
print 'result', result
#or simply
#result = sum(pool.map(file_task, range(N_files)))
I think I should use Lock object to protect custom class when using multiple threads, however, because Python use GIL to ensure that only one thread is running at any given time, does it mean that there's no need to use Lock to protect built-in type like list? example,
num_list = []
def consumer():
while True:
if len(num_list) > 0:
num = num_list.pop()
print num
def producer():
consumer_thread = threading.Thread(target = consumer)
producer_thread = threading.Thread(target = producer)
The GIL protects the interpreter state, not yours. There are some operations that are effectively atomic - they require a single bytecode and thus effectively do not require locking. (see is python variable assignment atomic? for an answer from a very reputable Python contributor).
There isn't really any good documentation on this though so I wouldn't rely on that in general unless if you plan on disassembling bytecode to test your assumptions. If you plan on modifying state from multiple contexts (or modifying and accessing complex state) then you should plan on using some sort of locking/synchronization mechanism.
If you're interested in approaching this class of problem from a different angle you should look into the Queue module. A common pattern in Python code is to use a synchronized queue to communicate among thread contexts rather than working with shared state.
#jeremy-brown explains with words(see below)... but if you want a counter example:
The lock isn't protecting your state. The following example doesn't use locks, and as a result if the xrange value is high enough it will result in failures: IndexError: pop from empty list.
import threading
import time
con1_list =[]
con2_list =[]
stop = 10000
total = 500000
num_list = []
def consumer(name, doneFlag):
while True:
if len(num_list) > 0:
if name == 'nix':
if len(con2_list) == stop:
print 'done b'
if len(con1_list) == stop:
print 'done a'
def producer():
for x in xrange(total):
def test():
while not (len(con2_list) >=stop and len(con1_list) >=stop):
print set(con1_list).intersection( set(con2_list))
consumer_thread = threading.Thread(target = consumer, args=('nick',done1))
consumer_thread2 = threading.Thread(target = consumer, args=('nix',done2))
producer_thread = threading.Thread(target = producer)
watcher = threading.Thread(target = test)