How to optimise the numerical evaluation of a SymPy integral? - python

I'm somewhat of a newbie to SymPy and was hoping someone could point out ways to optimise my code.
I need to numerically evaluate a somewhat involved expression with very high decimal places (150–300), and it is taking 30 seconds or longer per parameter set – which is very long given the parameter space to be calculated.
I have used lambdify with the mpmath backend and meijerg=True in the integral handling and it brought down run-times significantly. Are there any other methods that could be used? Ideally it would be great to push evaluation times below 1 second. My code is:
import mpmath
from mpmath import mpf, mp
mp.dps = 150 # ideally would like to have this set to 300
import numpy as np
from sympy import besselj, symbols, hankel2, legendre, sin, cos, tan, summation, I
from sympy import lambdify, expand, Integral
import time
x, alpha, k, m,n, r1, R, theta = symbols('x alpha k m n r1 R theta')
r1 = (R*cos(alpha))/cos(theta) #
Imn_part1 = (n*hankel2(n-1,k*r1)-(n+1)*hankel2(n+1,k*r1))*legendre(n, cos(theta))*cos(theta)
Imn_part2 = n*(n+1)*hankel2(n, k*r1)*(legendre(n-1, cos(theta)-legendre(n+1, cos(theta))))/k*r1
Imn_parts = expand(Imn_part1+Imn_part2)
Imn_expr = expand(Imn_parts*legendre(m,cos(theta))*(r1**2/R**2)*tan(theta))
Imn = Integral(Imn_expr, (theta, 0, alpha)).doit(meijerg=True)
# the lambdified expression
Imn_lambdify = lambdify([m,n,k,R,alpha], Imn,'mpmath')
When giving numerical inputs to the function – it takes a long time (30 s – 40 s).
substitute_dict = {'alpha':mpf(np.radians(10)), 'k':5,'R':mpf(0.1), 'm':20,'n':10}
print('starting calculation...')
start = time.time()
output = Imn_lambdify(substitute_dict['m'],
OS/package versions used:
Linux Mint 19.2
Python 3.8.5
SymPy 1.7.1
MPMath 1.2.1

Setting meijerg=True has just caused SymPy to not try as hard in evaluating the integral. It still can't evaluate it, but it has split it into 5 sub-integrals, which you can see if you print Imn. You might as well just leave it as one integral (leave off the doit()):
Imn = Integral(Imn_expr, (theta, 0, alpha))
For me, the split integral evaluates a little faster, but this is also about the same speed
Imn = Integral(simplify(Imn_expr), (theta, 0, alpha))
Ultimately, the thing that makes things slow is the number of digits that you are using. If you don't actually need these many digits, you shouldn't use them. Note that mpmath will automatically increase the precision internally to avoid cancellation, so it is unnecessary to do so yourself. I get the same value (with fewer digits) with the default dps of 15 as 150.
You can try substituting your values directly into your expression, if they do not change, and seeing if SymPy can simplify Imn_expr further with them.
As an aside, you are using np.radians(10), which a machine float, since that is what NumPy uses. This completely defeats the purpose of computing the final answer to 150 digits, since this input parameter is only accurate to 15. Consider using mpmath.pi/18 instead to get a value that is correct to the number of digits you specified.


How to deal with numerical integration in python with small results?

I am running into an issue with integration in Python returning incorrect values for an integral with a known analytical solution. The integral in question is
LaTex expression for the integral (can't post photos yet)
For the value of sigma I am using (1e-15),the solution to this integral has a value of ~ 1.25e-45. However when I use the scipy integrate package to calculate this I get zero, which I believe has to do with the precision required from the calculation.
#scipy method
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
sigma = 1e-15
f = lambda x: (x**2) * np.exp(-x**2/(2*sigma**2))
#perform the integral and print the result
solution = quad(f,0,np.inf)[0]
And since precision was an issue I tried to also use another recommended package mpmath, which did not return 0, but was off by ~7 orders of magnitude from the correct answer. Testing larger values of sigma result in the solution being very close to the corresponding exact solution, but it seems to get increasingly incorrect as sigma gets smaller.
#mpmath method
import mpmath as mp
sigma = 1e-15
f = lambda x: (x**2) * mp.exp(-x**2/(2*sigma**2))
#perform the integral and print the result
solution = mp.quad(f,[0,np.inf])
From here I could use some advice on getting a more accurate answer, as I would like to have some confidence applying python integration methods to integrals that cannot be solved analytically.
you should add extra points for the function as 'mid points', i added 100 points from 1e-100 to 1 to increase accuracy.
#mpmath method
import numpy as np
import mpmath as mp
sigma = 1e-15
f = lambda x: (x**2) * mp.exp(-x**2/(2*sigma**2))
#perform the integral and print the result
solution = mp.quad(f,[0,*np.logspace(-100,0,100),np.inf])
Edit: turns out you need 10000 points instead of 100 points to get a more accurate result, of 1.25331413731554e-45, but it takes a few seconds to calculate.
Most numerical integrators will run into issues with numbers that small due to floating point precision. One solution is to scale the integral before calculating. Letting q -> x/sigma, the integral becomes:
f = lambda q: sigma**3*(q**2) * np.exp(-q**2/2)
solution = quad(f, 0, np.inf)[0]
# solution: 1.2533156529417088e-45

Double antiderivative computation in python

I have the following problem. I have a function f defined in python using numpy functions. The function is smooth and integrable on positive reals. I want to construct the double antiderivative of the function (assuming that both the value and the slope of the antiderivative at 0 are 0) so that I can evaluate it on any positive real smaller than 100.
Definition of antiderivative of f at x:
integrate f(s) with s from 0 to x
Definition of double antiderivative of f at x:
integrate (integrate f(t) with t from 0 to s) with s from 0 to x
The actual form of f is not important, so I will use a simple one for convenience. But please note that even though my example has a known closed form, my actual function does not.
import numpy as np
f = lambda x: np.exp(-x)*x
My solution is to construct the antiderivative as an array using naive numerical integration:
N = 10000
delta = 100/N
xs = np.linspace(0,100,N+1)
vs = f(xs)
avs = np.cumsum(vs)*delta
aavs = np.cumsum(avs)*delta
This of course works but it gives me arrays instead of functions. But this is not a big problem as I can interpolate aavs using a spline to get a function and get rid of the arrays.
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
aaf = UnivariateSpline(xs, aavs)
The function aaf is approximately the double antiderivative of f.
The problem is that even though it works, there is quite a bit of overhead before I can get my function and precision is expensive.
My other idea was to interpolate f by a spline and take the antiderivative of that, however this introduces numerical errors that are too big for what I want to use the function.
Is there any better way to do that? By better I mean faster without sacrificing accuracy.
Edit: What I hope is possible is to use some kind of Fourier transform to avoid integrating twice. I hope that there is some convenient transform of vs that allows to multiply the values component-wise with xs and transform back to get the double antiderivative. I played with this a bit, but I got lost.
Edit: I figured out that by using the trapezoidal rule instead of a naive sum, increases the accuracy quite a bit. Using Simpson's rule should increase the accuracy further, but it's somewhat fiddly to do with numpy arrays.
Edit: As #user202729 rightfully complains, this seems off. The reason it seems off is because I have skipped some details. I explain here why what I say makes sense, but it does not affect my question.
My actual goal is not to find the double antiderivative of f, but to find a transformation of this. I have skipped that because I think it only confuses the matter.
The function f decays exponentially as x approaches 0 or infinity. I am minimizing the numerical error in the integration by starting the sum from 0 and going up to approximately the peak of f. This ensure that the relative error is approximately constant. Then I start from the opposite direction from some very big x and go back to the peak. Then I do the same for the antiderivative values.
Then I transform the aavs by another function which is sensitive to numerical errors. Then I find the region where the errors are big (the values oscillate violently) and drop these values. Finally I approximate what I believe are good values by a spline.
Now if I use spline to approximate f, it introduces an absolute error which is the dominant term in a rather large interval. This gets "integrated" twice and it ends up being a rather large relative error in aavs. Then once I transform aavs, I find that the 'good region' has shrunk considerably.
EDIT: The actual form of f is something I'm still looking into. However, it is going to be a generalisation of the lognormal distribution. Right now I am playing with the following family.
I start by defining a generalization of the normal distribution:
def pdf_n(params, center=0.0, slope=8):
scale, min, diff = params
if diff > 0:
r = min
l = min + diff
r = min - diff
l = min
def retfun(m):
x = (m - center)/scale
E = special.expit(slope*x)*(r - l) + l
return np.exp( -np.power(1 + x*x, E)/2 )
return np.vectorize(retfun)
It may not be obvious what is happening here, but the result is quite simple. The function decays as exp(-x^(2l)) on the left and as exp(-x^(2r)) on the right. For min=1 and diff=0, this is the normal distribution. Note that this is not normalized. Then I define
g = pdf(params)
f = np.vectorize(lambda x:g(np.log(x))/x/area)
where area is the normalization constant.
Note that this is not the actual code I use. I stripped it down to the bare minimum.
You can compute the two np.cumsum (and the divisions) at once more efficiently using Numba. This is significantly faster since there is no need for several temporary arrays to be allocated, filled, read again and freed. Here is a naive implementation:
import numba as nb
#nb.njit('float64[::1](float64[::1], float64)') # Assume vs is contiguous
def doubleAntiderivative_naive(vs, delta):
res = np.empty(vs.size, dtype=np.float64)
sum1, sum2 = 0.0, 0.0
for i in range(vs.size):
sum1 += vs[i] * delta
sum2 += sum1 * delta
res[i] = sum2
return res
However, the sum is not very good in term of numerical stability. A Kahan summation is needed to improve the accuracy (or possibly the alternative Kahan–Babuška-Klein algorithm if you are paranoid about the accuracy and performance do not matter so much). Note that Numpy use a pair-wise algorithm which is quite good but far from being prefect in term of accuracy (this is a good compromise for both performance and accuracy).
Moreover, delta can be factorized during in the summation (ie. the result just need to be premultiplied by delta**2).
Here is an implementation using the more accurate Kahan summation:
#nb.njit('float64[::1](float64[::1], float64)')
def doubleAntiderivative_accurate(vs, delta):
res = np.empty(vs.size, dtype=np.float64)
delta2 = delta * delta
sum1, sum2 = 0.0, 0.0
c1, c2 = 0.0, 0.0
for i in range(vs.size):
# Kahan summation of the antiderivative of vs
y1 = vs[i] - c1
t1 = sum1 + y1
c1 = (t1 - sum1) - y1
sum1 = t1
# Kahan summation of the double antiderivative of vs
y2 = sum1 - c2
t2 = sum2 + y2
c2 = (t2 - sum2) - y2
sum2 = t2
res[i] = sum2 * delta2
return res
Here is the performance of the approaches on my machine (with an i5-9600KF processor):
Numpy cumsum: 51.3 us
Naive Numba: 11.6 us
Accutate Numba: 37.2 us
Here is the relative error of the approaches (based on the provided input function):
Numpy cumsum: 1e-13
Naive Numba: 5e-14
Accutate Numba: 2e-16
Perfect precision: 1e-16 (assuming 64-bit numbers are used)
If f can be easily computed using Numba (this is the case here), then vs[i] can be replaced by calls to f (inlined by Numba). This helps to reduce the memory consumption of the computation (N can be huge without saturating your RAM).
As for the interpolation, the splines often gives good numerical result but they are quite expensive to compute and AFAIK they require the whole array to be computed (each item of the array impact all the spline although some items may have a negligible impact alone). Regarding your needs, you could consider using Lagrange polynomials. You should be careful when using Lagrange polynomials on the edges. In your case, you can easily solve the numerical divergence issue on the edges by extending the array size with the border values (since you know the derivative on each edges of vs is 0). You can apply the interpolation on the fly with this method which can be good for both performance (typically if the computation is parallelized) and memory usage.
First, I created a version of the code I found more intuitive. Here I multiply cumulative sum values by bin widths. I believe there is a small error in the original version of the code related to the bin width issue.
import numpy as np
f = lambda x: np.exp(-x)*x
N = 1000
xs = np.linspace(0,100,N+1)
domainwidth = ( np.max(xs) - np.min(xs) )
binwidth = domainwidth / N
vs = f(xs)
avs = np.cumsum(vs)*binwidth
aavs = np.cumsum(avs)*binwidth
Next, for visualization here is some very simple plotting code:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter( xs, vs )
plt.scatter( xs, avs )
plt.scatter( xs, aavs )
The first integral matches the known result of the example expression and can be seen on wolfram
Below is a simple function that extracts an element from the second derivative. Note that int is a bad rounding function. I assume this is what you have implemented already.
def extract_double_antideriv_value(x):
return aavs[int(x/binwidth)]
singleresult = extract_double_antideriv_value(50.24)
print('singleresult', singleresult)
Whatever full computation steps are required, we need to know them before we can start optimizing. Do you have a million different functions to integrate? If you only need to query a single double anti-derivative many times, your original solution should be fairly ideal.
Symbolic Approximation:
Have you considered approximations to the original function f, which can have closed form integration solutions? You have a limited domain on which the function lives. Perhaps approximate f with a Taylor series (which can be constructed with known maximum error) then integrate exactly? (consider Pade, Taylor, Fourier, Cheby, Lagrange(as suggested by another answer), etc...)
Log Tricks:
Another alternative to dealing with spiky errors, would be to take the log of your original function. Is f always positive? Is the integration error caused because the neighborhood around the max is very small? If so, you can study ln(f) or even ln(ln(f)) instead. It would really help to understand what f looks like more.
Approximation Integration Tricks
There exist countless integration tricks in general, which can make approximate closed form solutions to undo-able integrals. A very common one when exponetnial functions are involved (I think yours is expoential?) is to use Laplace's Method. But which trick to pull out of the bag is highly dependent upon the conditions which f satisfies.

Are there any inherent limitations to the scipy.integrate.quad function?

I am currently attempting to perform a definite integral of a gaussian function and I am receiving an answer of 0 when I am convinced that is not the case.
This leads me to ask, are there limitations on what exactly the quad function can do when performing definite integral? Am I using quad in the correct application? How exactly does quad find an integral anyway?
import math
from scipy.integrate import quad
def g(λ,a,u,o):
return a*math.exp((λ-u)**2/(-2*o**2))
exc = quad(g, 4000, 8000, args=(1,6700,2.125))[0]
I have plotted this gaussian so I know that it is not zero within the range I have set. I have also plugged the integral in my scientific calculator and it spits out the answer of 5.33. So now I am at the conclusion that I have either made some mistake that I could not find or I am utilising quad in the wrong situation.
Any and all help is appreciated :)
Your function is basically 0 everywhere bar a small range, relative to the area you are trying to integrate over
You can add some points to help the function break the integration into smaller parts
points(sequence of floats,ints), optional A sequence of break points
in the bounded integration interval where local difficulties of the
integrand may occur (e.g., singularities, discontinuities). The
sequence does not have to be sorted. Note that this option cannot be
used in conjunction with weight.
import math
from scipy.integrate import quad
def g(λ,a,u,o):
return a*math.exp((λ-u)**2/(-2*o**2))
exc = quad(g, 4000, 8000, args=(1,6700,2.125), full_output=1, points=[6500, 7000])[0]
There seems to be no way around this problem
As mentioned by Tom, the region where your function is significantly greater than 0 is too far out to be detected by the integration process. Theoretically, your u could also be 1e12, but it's asked a bit much by an integration scheme to find that.
One easy remedy is to increase the quadrature domain to [-inf, +inf], and shift the function such that the "interesting" part is around 0.
import math
from scipy.integrate import quad
import numpy as np
a = 1.0
u = 0.0
o = 2.125
def g(x):
return a * math.exp(-(x - u) ** 2 / (2 * o ** 2))
exc = quad(g, -np.inf, +np.inf)[0]

Integrating a gaussian over a very long interval

I want to integrate a Gaussian function over a very large interval. I chose spicy.integrate.quad function for the integration. The function seems to work only when I select a small enough interval. When I use the codes below,
from scipy.integrate import quad
from math import pi, exp, sqrt
def func(x, mean, sigma):
return 1/(sqrt(2*pi)*sigma) * exp(-1/2*((x-mean)/sigma)**2)
print(quad(func, 0, 1e+31, args=(1e+29, 1e+28))[0]) # case 1
print(quad(func, 0, 1e+32, args=(1e+29, 1e+28))[0]) # case 2
print(quad(func, 0, 1e+33, args=(1e+29, 1e+28))[0]) # case 3
print(quad(func, 1e+25, 1e+33, args=(1e+29, 1e+28))[0]) # case 4
then the followings are printed.
To obtain a reasonable result, I had to try and change the lower/upper bounds of the integral several times and empirically determine it to [0, 1e+32]. This seems risky to me, as when the mean and sigma of the gaussian function changes, then I always have to try different bounds.
Is there a clear way to integrate the function from 0 to 1e+50 without bothering with bounds? If not, how do you expect from beginning which bounds would give non-zero value?
In short, you can't.
On this long interval, the region where the gaussian is non-zero is tiny, and the adaptive procedure which works under the hood of integrate.quad fails to see it. And so would pretty much any adaptive routine, unless by chance.
and the CDF of a normal random variable is known as ϕ(x) as it can not be expressed by an elementary function. So take ϕ((b-m)/s) - ϕ((a-m)/s). Also note that ϕ(x) = 1/2(1 + erf(x/sqrt(2))) so you need not call .quad to actually perform an integration and may have better luck with erf from scipy.
from scipy.special import erf
def prob(mu, sigma, a, b):
phi = lambda x: 1/2*(1 + erf((x - mu)/(sigma*np.sqrt(2))))
return phi(b) - phi(a)
This may give more accurate results (it does than the above)
>>> print(prob(0, 1e+31, 0, 1e+50))
>>> print(prob(0, 1e+32, 1e+28, 1e+29))
>>> print(prob(0, 1e+33, 1e+28, 1e+29))
>>> print(prob(1e+25, 1e+33, 1e+28, 1e+29))
and avoid the intense floating point error you are experiencing. However, the regions you integrate are so small in area that you may still see 0.

Calculating 1/r*d/dr(r*f) numerically in python when r=0. f is a function of r

Usually when you do this by hand there's no problem as the 1/r usually gets cancelled with another r. But doing this numerically with scipy.misc.derivative works like a charm for r different from zero. But of course, as soon as I ask for r = 0, I get division by zero, which I expected. So how else could you calculate this numerically. I insist on the fact that everything has to be done numerically as my function are now so complicated that I won't be able to find a derivative manually. Thank you!
My code:
rAtheta = lambda _r: _r*Atheta(_r,theta,z,t)
if r != 0:
return derivative(rAtheta,r,dx=1e-10,order=3)/r
#What should go here so that it doesn't blow up when calculating the gradient?
tl;dr: use symbolic differentiation, or complex step differentiation if that fails
If you insist on using numerical methods, you really have to approximate the limit of the derivative as r->0 one way or the other.
I suggest trying complex step differentiation. The idea is to use complex arguments inside the function you're trying to differentiate, but it usually gets rid of the numerical instability that is imposed by standard finite difference schemes. The result is a procedure that needs complex arithmetic (hooray numpy, and python in general!) but in turn can be much more stable at small dx values.
Here's another point: complex step differentiation uses
F′(x0) = Im(F(x0+ih))/h + O(h^2)
Let's apply this to your r=0 case:
F′(0) = Im(F(ih))/h + O(h^2)
There are no singularities even for r=0! Choose a small h, possibly the same dx you're passing to your function, and use that:
def rAtheta(_r):
# note that named lambdas are usually frowned upon
return _r*Atheta(_r,theta,z,t)
tol = 1e-10
dr = 1e-12
if np.abs(r) > tol: # or math.abs or your favourite other abs
return derivative(rAtheta,r,dx=dr,order=3)/r
return rAtheta(r + 1j*dr).imag/dr/r
Here is the above in action for f = r*ln(r):
The result is straightforwardly smooth, even though the points below r=1e-10 were computed with complex step differentiation.
Very important note: notice the separation between tol and dr in the code. The former is used to determine when to switch between methods, and the latter is used as a step in complex step differentiation. Look what happens when tol=dr=1e-10:
the result is a smoothly wrong function below r=1e-10! That's why you always have to be careful with numerical differentiation. And I wouldn't advise going too much below that in dr, as machine precision will bite you sooner or later.
But why stop here? I'm fairly certain that your functions could be written in a vectorized way, i.e. they could accept an array of radial points. Using complex step differentiation you don't have to loop over the radial points (which you would have to resort to using scipy.misc.derivative). Example:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def Atheta(r,*args):
return r*np.log(r) # <-- vectorized expression
def rAtheta(r):
return r*Atheta(r) #,theta,z,t) # <-- vectorized as much as Atheta is
def vectorized_difffun(rlist):
r = np.asarray(rlist)
dr = 1e-12
return (rAtheta(r + 1j*dr)).imag/dr/r
rarr = np.logspace(-12,-2,20)
darr = vectorized_difffun(rarr)
plt.ylabel(r'$|\frac{1}{r} \frac{d}{dr}(r^2 \ln r)|$')
The result should be familiar:
Having cleared the fun weirdness that is complex step differentiation, I should note that you should strongly consider using symbolic math. In cases like this when 1/r factors disappear exactly, it wouldn't hurt if you reached this conclusion exactly. After all double precision is still just double precision.
For this you'll need the sympy module, define your function symbolically once, differentiate it symbolically once, turn your simplified result into a numpy function using sympy.lambdify, and use this numerical function as much as you need (assuming that this whole process runs in finite time and the resulting function is not too slow to use). Example:
import sympy as sym
# only needed for the example:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
r = sym.symbols('r')
f = r*sym.ln(r)
df = sym.diff(r*f,r)
res_sym = sym.simplify(df/r)
res_num = sym.lambdify(r,res_sym,'numpy')
rarr = np.logspace(-12,-2,20)
darr = res_num(rarr)
plt.ylabel(r'$|\frac{1}{r} \frac{d}{dr}(r^2 \ln r)|$')
resulting in
As you see, the resulting function was vectorized thanks to lambdify using numpy during the conversion from symbolic to numeric function. Obviously, the best solution is the symbolic one as long as the resulting function is not so complicated to make its practical use impossible. I urge you to first try the symbolic version, and if for some reason it's not applicable, switch to complex step differentiation, with due caution.

