I am training my model with several images.
When training my model I realized that I could increase my accuracy by replacing the zero elements in my image array with other values and so I replaced them with the median value of my image as shown with the following code.
import cv2
import imutils
import numpy as np
r_val_all = np.zeros((2000,112,112))
for r in range(len(r_val)):
r_image_v = cv2.imread(r_val[r])
r_gray_v = cv2.cvtColor(r_image_v, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
r_gray_v = imutils.resize(r_gray_v, width=112, height=112)
n = np.median(r_gray_v[r_gray_v > 0])
r_gray_v[r_gray_v == 0] = n
r_val_all[r,:,:] = r_gray_v
The accuracy did improve however it is not quite there yet.
What I actually require is something where the zero elements are replaced with a continuation of the pre-existent array values.
However I was not sure how to tackle such a problem are there any tools that perform the operation I require?
I used the second answer from the link, tell me if this is close to what you want, because it appeared to be what you wanted.
Creating one sample image and center it, so it's somewhat close to your first example image.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
image = np.zeros((100, 100))
center_noise = np.random.normal(loc=10, size=(50, 50))
image[25:75, 25:75] = center_noise
plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')
Inspired by rr_gray = np.where(rr_gray==0, np.nan, rr_gray) #convert zero elements to nan in your code, I'm replacing the zeros with NaN.
image_centered = np.where(image == 0, np.nan, image)
plt.imshow(image_centered, cmap='gray')
Now I used the function in the second answer of the link, fill.
test = fill(image_centered)
plt.imshow(test, cmap='gray')
This is the result
I'm sorry I can't help you more. I wish I could, I'm just not very well versed in image processing. I looked at your code and couldn't figure out why it's not working, sorry.
I made a 3D array, which consists of numbers(0~4). What I want is to save 3D array as a stack of 2D images(if possible, save *.tiff file). What am I supposed to do?
import numpy as np
a = np.random.randint(0,5, size=(100,100,100))
a = a.astype('int8')
Actually, I made it. This is my code.
With this code, I don't need to stack a series of 2D image(array).
Make a 3D array, and save it. That is just what I did for this.
import numpy as np
from skimage.external import tifffile as tif
a = np.random.randint(0,5, size=(100,100,100))
a = a.astype('int8')
tif.imsave('a.tif', a, bigtiff=True)
This should work. I haven't tested it but I have separated color images into RGB slices using this method and it should work pretty much the same way here, assuming you don't want to do anything with those pixel values first. (They will be very close to the same color in an image).
import imageio
import numpy as np
a = np.random.randint(0,5, size=(100,100,100))
a = a.astype('int8')
for i in range(100):
newimage = a[:, :, i]
imageio.imwrite("path/to/image%d.tiff" %i, newimage)
What exactly do you mean by "stack"? As you refer to tiff as output format, I assume here you want your data in one file as a multiframe-tiff.
This can easily be done with imageio's mimwrite() function:
# import numpy as np
# a = np.random.randint(0,5, size=(100,100,100))
# a = a.astype('int8')
import imageio
imageio.mimwrite("image.tiff", a)
Note that this function relies on having the counter for your several frames as first parameter and x and y follw. See also its documentation.
However, if I'm wrong and you want to have n (e.g. 100) separate tif-files, you can also use the normal imwrite() function in a loop:
n = len(a)
for i in range(n):
imageio.imwrite(f'image_{i:03}.tiff', a[i])
This forum thread from an active Kaggle competition mentions something the author calls a "reflective center pad". Basically this is a transformation that takes the edges of the image and reflects them outwards, causing mirroring on the edges of the image, which the author shows slightly but noticeably improves model performance.
For reference, here is the image they post demonstrating this technique:
My question is twofold:
Does this transformation have a canonical name? "Reflective center pad" sounds unofficial.
What's a simple way of expressing this transformation in code, perhaps using numpy and something like skimage?
Does this transformation have a canonical name? "Reflective center
pad" sounds unofficial.
"Symmetric padding" is a commonly used expression to refer to this transformation.
What's a simple way of expressing this transformation in code
I think the simplest way to achieve that would be using Numpy's pad with mode='symmetric'.
import numpy as np
from skimage import data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
img = data.astronaut()
padded = np.pad(img, pad_width=((100, 200), (100, 500), (0, 0)), mode='symmetric')
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1)
To answer your 2nd question:
import Image
import numpy as np
from scipy.misc import face
# example input
f = face()[200:500:2, 400:800:2]
# example output size
outy, outx = 480, 640
iny, inx, *_ = f.shape
iny -= 1; inx -= 1
yoffs, xoffs = (outy - iny) // 2, (outx - inx) // 2
Y, X = np.ogrid[:outy, :outx]
# transformation logic is essentially contained in line below
out = f[np.abs((Y - yoffs + iny) % (2*iny) - iny), np.abs((X - xoffs + inx) % (2*inx) - inx)]
I've constructed an image from some FITS files, and I want to save the resultant masked image as another FITS file. Here's my code:
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#from astropy.nddata import CCDData
from ccdproc import CCDData
hdulist1 = fits.open('wise_neowise_w1-MJpersr.fits')
hdulist2 = fits.open('wise_neowise_w2-MJpersr.fits')
data1_raw = hdulist1[0].data
data2_raw = hdulist2[0].data
# Hide negative values in order to take logs
# Where {condition}==True, return data_raw, else return np.nan
data1 = np.where(data1_raw >= 0, data1_raw, np.nan)
data2 = np.where(data2_raw >= 0, data2_raw, np.nan)
# Calculation and image subtraction
w1mag = -2.5 * (np.log10(data1) - 9.0)
w2mag = -2.5 * (np.log10(data2) - 9.0)
color = w1mag - w2mag
## Find upper and lower 5th %ile of pixels
mask_percent = 5
masked_value_lower = np.nanpercentile(color, mask_percent)
masked_value_upper = np.nanpercentile(color, (100 - mask_percent))
## Mask out the upper and lower 5% of pixels
## Need to hide values outside the range [lower, upper]
color_masked = np.ma.masked_outside(color, masked_value_lower, masked_value_upper)
color_masked = np.ma.masked_invalid(color_masked)
plt.savefig('color.png', overwrite = True)
plt.savefig('color_masked.png', overwrite = True)
overwrite = True)
ccd = CCDData(color_masked, unit = 'adu')
ccd.write('color_masked.fits', overwrite = True))
When I use matplotlib.pyplot to imshow the images color and color_masked, they look as I expect:
However, my two output files, color_masked.fits == color.fits. I think somehow I'm not quite understanding the masking process properly. Can anyone see where I've gone wrong?
astropy.io.fits only handles normal arrays and that means it just ignores/discards the mask of your MaskedArray.
Depending on your use-case you have different options:
Saving the file so other FITS programs recognize the mask
I actually don't think that's possible. But some programs like DS9 can handle NaNs, so you could just set the masked values to NaN for the purpose of displaying them:
data_naned = np.where(color_masked.mask, np.nan, color_masked)
fits.writeto(filename, data_naned, overwrite=True)
They do still show up as "bright white spots" but they don't affect the color-scale.
If you want to take this a step further you could replace the masked pixels using a convolution filter before writing them to a file. Not sure if there's one in astropy that only replaces masked pixels though.
Saving the mask as extension so you can read them back
You could use astropy.nddata.CCDData (available since astropy 2.0) to save it as FITS file with mask:
from astropy.nddata import CCDData
ccd = CCDData(color_masked, unit='adu')
ccd.write('color_masked.fits', overwrite=True)
Then the mask will be saved in an extension called 'MASK' and it can be read using CCDData as well:
ccd2 = CCDData.read('color_masked.fits')
The CCDData behaves like a masked array in normal NumPy operations but you could also convert it to a masked-array by hand:
import numpy as np
marr = np.asanyarray(ccd2)
I need to use Gaussian Mixture Models on an RGB image, and therefore the dataset is quite big. This needs to run on real time (from a webcam feed). I first coded this with Matlab and I was able to achieve a running time of 0.5 seconds for an image of 1729 × 866. The images for the final application will be smaller and therefore the timing will be faster.
However, I need to implement this with Python and OpenCV for the final application (I need it to run on an embedded board). I translated all my code and used sklearn.mixture.GMM to replace fitgmdist in Matlab. The line of code calculating the GMM model itself is performed in only 7.7e-05 seconds, but the one to fit the model takes 19 seconds. I have tried other types of covariance, such as 'diag' or 'spherical', and the time does reduce a little but the results are worse and the time is still not good enough, not even close.
I was wondering if there is any other library I can use, or if it would be worth it to translate the functions from Matlab to Python.
Here is my example:
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
from sklearn.mixture import GMM
im = cv2.imread('Boat.jpg');
h, w, _ = im.shape; # Height and width of the image
# Extract Blue, Green and Red
imB = im[:,:,0]; imG = im[:,:,1]; imR = im[:,:,2];
# Reshape Blue, Green and Red channels into single-row vectors
imB_V = np.reshape(imB, [1, h * w]);
imG_V = np.reshape(imG, [1, h * w]);
imR_V = np.reshape(imR, [1, h * w]);
# Combine the 3 single-row vectors into a 3-row matrix
im_V = np.vstack((imR_V, imG_V, imB_V));
# Calculate the bimodal GMM
nmodes = 2;
GMModel = GMM(n_components = nmodes, covariance_type = 'full', verbose = 0, tol = 1e-3)
GMModel = GMModel.fit(np.transpose(im_V))
Thank you very much for your help
You can try fit with the 'diagonal' or spherical covariance matrix instead of full.
I believe it will be much faster.
How to do histogram equalization for multiple grayscaled images stored in a NumPy array easily?
I have the 96x96 pixel NumPy data in this 4D format:
(1800, 1, 96,96)
Moose's comment which points to this blog entry does the job quite nicely.
For completeness, I give an example here using nicer variable names and a looped execution on 1000 96x96 images which are in a 4D array as in the question. It is fast (1-2 seconds on my computer) and only needs NumPy.
import numpy as np
def image_histogram_equalization(image, number_bins=256):
# from http://www.janeriksolem.net/histogram-equalization-with-python-and.html
# get image histogram
image_histogram, bins = np.histogram(image.flatten(), number_bins, density=True)
cdf = image_histogram.cumsum() # cumulative distribution function
cdf = (number_bins-1) * cdf / cdf[-1] # normalize
# use linear interpolation of cdf to find new pixel values
image_equalized = np.interp(image.flatten(), bins[:-1], cdf)
return image_equalized.reshape(image.shape), cdf
if __name__ == '__main__':
# generate some test data with shape 1000, 1, 96, 96
data = np.random.rand(1000, 1, 96, 96)
# loop over them
data_equalized = np.zeros(data.shape)
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
image = data[i, 0, :, :]
data_equalized[i, 0, :, :] = image_histogram_equalization(image)[0]
Very fast and easy way is to use the cumulative distribution function provided by the skimage module. Basically what you do mathematically to proof it.
from skimage import exposure
import numpy as np
def histogram_equalize(img):
img = rgb2gray(img)
img_cdf, bin_centers = exposure.cumulative_distribution(img)
return np.interp(img, bin_centers, img_cdf)
As of today janeriksolem's url is broken.
I found however this gist that links the same page and claims to perform histogram equalization without computing the histogram.
The code is:
img_eq = np.sort(img.ravel()).searchsorted(img)
Here's an alternate implementation for a single channel image that is fast. See skimage.exposure.histogram for reference. Using timeit, 'image_histogram_equalization' in Trilarion's answer has a mean execution time was 0.3696 seconds, while this function has a mean execution time of 0.0534 seconds. However this implementation also relies on skimage.
import numpy as np
from skimage import exposure
def hist_eq(image):
hist, bins = exposure.histogram(image, nbins=256, normalize=False)
# append any remaining 0 values to the histogram
hist = np.hstack((hist, np.zeros((255 - bins[-1]))))
cdf = 255*(hist/hist.sum()).cumsum()
equalized = cdf[image].astype(np.uint8)
return equalized