How to include multiple priors in bayesian - python

I'm trying to do a Bayesian regression in Python. I have included multiple priors for the same outcome (y) variable but the posterior mean doesn't seem to change. Could someone comment on my implementation?
import pymc3 as pm
formula = schooling_y_r5 ~ xvariable
with pm.Model() as normal_model:
my_priors= {
'Intercept': pm.Normal.dist(mu=0., sigma=100.),
'schooling_y_r5': pm.Normal.dist(mu=14, sigma=3.8) ,
'schooling_y_r5': pm.Normal.dist(mu=17, sigma=3.8) ,
'schooling_y_r5': pm.Normal.dist(mu=7.8, sigma=3.8) ,
'schooling_y_r5': pm.Normal.dist(mu=7.6, sigma=3.8)
# Creating the model requires a formula and data (and optionally a family)
pm.GLM.from_formula(formula, data = X_train, priors=my_priors)
# Perform Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling letting PyMC3 choose the algorithm
normal_trace = pm.sample(draws=3000, chains = 2, tune = 4000)


Lasso Regression: The continuous heavy step function

From many documents, I have learned the recipe of Ridge regression that is:
loss_Ridge = loss_function + lambda x L2 norm of slope
and the recipe of Lasso regression that is:
loss_Lasso = loss_function + lambda x L1 norm of slope
When I have read topic "Implementing Lasso and Ridge Regression" in "TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook", its author explained that:
"...we will use a continuous approximation to a step function, called
the continuous heavy step function..."
and its author also provided lines of code here.
I don't understand about which is called 'the continuous heavy step function' in this context. Please help me.
From the link that you provided,
if regression_type == 'LASSO':
# Declare Lasso loss function
# Lasso Loss = L2_Loss + heavyside_step,
# Where heavyside_step ~ 0 if A < constant, otherwise ~ 99
lasso_param = tf.constant(0.9)
heavyside_step = tf.truediv(1., tf.add(1., tf.exp(tf.multiply(-50., tf.subtract(A, lasso_param)))))
regularization_param = tf.multiply(heavyside_step, 99.)
loss = tf.add(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y_target - model_output)), regularization_param)
This heavyside_step function is very close to a logistic function which in turn can be a continuous approximation for a step function.
You use continuous approximation because the loss function needs to be differentiable with respect to the parameters of your model.
To get an intuition about read the constrained formulation section 1.6 in
You can see that in your code if A < 0.9 then regularization_param vanishes, so optimization will constrain A in that range.
If you want to normalize features using Lasso Regression here you have one example:
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
estimator = Lasso()
featureSelection = SelectFromModel(estimator), target)
selectedFeatures = featureSelection.transform(features_vector)

Difficulty Running Bayesian Gamma Regression with PyMC3

PyMC3 has excellent functionality for dealing with Bayesian regressions, so I've been trying to leverage that to run a Bayesian Gamma Regression using PyMC3 where the likelihood would be Gamma.
From what I understand, running any sort of Bayesian Regression in PyMC3 requires the pymc3.glm.GLM() function, which takes in a model formula in Patsy form (e.g. y ~ x_1 + x_2 + ... + x_m), the dataframe, and a distribution.
However, the issue is that the pymc3.glm.GLM() function requires a pymc3..families object ( for the distribution. But the Gamma distribution doesn't show up as one of the families built into the package so I'm stuck. Or is the Gamma function family hidden somewhere? Would appreciate any help in this matter!
For context:
I have a dataframe of features [x_1, x_2, ..., x_m] (call it X) and a target variable (call it y). This is the code I have prepared so far, but just need to figure out how to get the Gamma distribution in as my likelihood.
import pymc3 as pm
# Combine X and y into a single dataframe
patsy_DF = X
patsy_DF['y'] = y
# Get Patsy Formula
all_columns = "+".join(X.columns)
patsy_formula = "y~" + all_columns
# Instantiate model
model = pm.Model()
# Construct Model
with model:
# Fit Bayesian Gamma Regression
pm.glm.GLM(patsy_formula, df_dummied, family=pm.families.Gamma())
# !!! ... but pm.families.Gamma() doesn't exist ... !!!
# Get MAP Estimate and Trace
map_estimate = pm.find_MAP(model=model)
trace = pm.sample(draws=2000, chains=3, start = map_estimate)
# Get regression results summary (coefficient estimates,

How do we predict on new unseen groups in a hierarchical model in PyMC3?

If we have a hierarchical model with data from different sites as different groups in the model, how do we predict on new groups (new sites that we haven't seen before)?
e.g. using the following logistic regression model:
from pymc3 import Model, sample, Normal, HalfCauchy,Bernoulli
import theano.tensor as tt
with Model() as varying_slope:
mu_beta = Normal('mu_beta', mu=0., sd=1e5)
sigma_beta = HalfCauchy('sigma_beta', 5)
a = Normal('a', mu=0., sd=1e5)
betas = Normal('b',mu=mu_beta,sd=sigma_beta,shape=(n_features,n_site))
y_hat = a +,betas[:,site_shared])
y_like = Bernoulli('y_like', logit_p=y_hat, observed=train_y)
After we fit this model, we can predict on new data (i.e. sample from the posterior predictive) from a specific site using:
site_to_predict = 1
samples = 500
x = tt.matrix('X',dtype='float64')
new_site = tt.vector('new_site',dtype='int32')
n_samples = tt.iscalar('n_samples')
x.tag.test_value = np.empty(shape=(1,X.shape[1]))
new_site.tag.test_value = np.empty(shape=(1,1))
_sample_proba = approx.sample_node(varying_slope.y_like.distribution.p,
more_replacements={X_shared: x,site_shared:new_site})
sample_proba = theano.function([x,new_site,n_samples], _sample_proba)
pred_test = sample_proba(test_X.reshape(1,-1),np.array(site_to_predict).reshape(-1),samples)
but what is the correct way to sample from the posterior predictive distribution if we have a new unseen site ?
I'm just copying my answer from the pymc discourse thread if someone by chance runs into this question or another one like it here.
First of all, beware of the centered hierarchical parametrization 1 you are using, it may lead to divergences and difficulties while fitting.
That being said, your model looks more or less like a GLM with shared prior random variates mu_beta and sigma_beta across features and sites. Once you get a posterior distribution over those two, your predictions should look something like
y_hat = a + dot(X_shared, Normal(mu=mu_beta, sigma=sigma_beta))
y_like = Bernoulli('y_like', logit_p=y_hat)
So, we will aim to get that.
The way in which we always recommend out of sample posterior predictive checks is to use theano.shared's. I’ll use a different approach, inspired in the functional API that is being the core design idea for pymc4. The are many differences I wont go into between pymc3 and the skeleton of pymc4, but one thing that I started to use more were factory functions to get the Model instances. Instead of trying to define things inside the model with theano.shared's, I just create a new model with the new data and draw posterior predictive samples from it. I just recently posted about this here.
The idea is to create the model with the training data and sample from it to get a trace. Then you use have to extract from the trace the hierarchical part which is shared with the unseen site: mu_beta, sigma_beta and a. Finally, you create a new model using the new data of the test site, and sample from the posterior predictive using a list of dictionaries that hold the mu_beta, sigma_beta and a part of the training trace. Here’s a self-contained example
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm
from theano import tensor as tt
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def model_factory(X, y, site_shared, n_site, n_features=None):
if n_features is None:
n_features = X.shape[-1]
with pm.Model() as model:
mu_beta = pm.Normal('mu_beta', mu=0., sd=1)
sigma_beta = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_beta', 5)
a = pm.Normal('a', mu=0., sd=1)
b = pm.Normal('b', mu=0, sd=1, shape=(n_features, n_site))
betas = mu_beta + sigma_beta * b
y_hat = a +, betas[:, site_shared])
pm.Bernoulli('y_like', logit_p=y_hat, observed=y)
return model
# First I generate some training X data
n_features = 10
ntrain_site = 5
ntrain_obs = 100
ntest_site = 1
ntest_obs = 1
train_X = np.random.randn(ntrain_obs, n_features)
train_site_shared = np.random.randint(ntrain_site, size=ntrain_obs)
new_site_X = np.random.randn(ntest_obs, n_features)
test_site_shared = np.zeros(ntest_obs, dtype=np.int32)
# Now I generate the training and test y data with a sample from the prior
with model_factory(X=train_X,
y=np.empty(ntrain_obs, dtype=np.int32),
n_site=ntrain_site) as train_y_generator:
train_Y = pm.sample_prior_predictive(1, vars=['y_like'])['y_like'][0]
with model_factory(X=new_site_X,
y=np.empty(ntest_obs, dtype=np.int32),
n_site=ntest_site) as test_y_generator:
new_site_Y = pm.sample_prior_predictive(1, vars=['y_like'])['y_like'][0]
# The previous part is just to get some toy data to fit
# Now comes the important parts. First training
with model_factory(X=train_X,
n_site=ntrain_site) as train_model:
train_trace = pm.sample()
# Second comes the hold out data posterior predictive
with model_factory(X=new_site_X,
n_site=ntrain_site) as test_model:
# We first have to extract the learnt global effect from the train_trace
df = pm.trace_to_dataframe(train_trace,
varnames=['mu_beta', 'sigma_beta', 'a'],
# We have to supply the samples kwarg because it cannot be inferred if the
# input trace is not a MultiTrace instance
ppc = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace=df.to_dict('records'),
plt.hist(ppc['y_like'], 30)
plt.axvline(new_site_Y, linestyle='--', color='r')
The posterior predictive I get looks like this:
Of course, I don’t know what kind of data to concretely put as your X_shared, site_shared or train_y, so I just made up some nonsense toy data at the beginning of the code, you should replace that with your actual data.

Sklearn GaussianMixture

I have been learning for myself for several months artificial intelligence through a project of character recognition and transcription of handwriting. Until now I have successfully used Keras, Theano and Tensorflow by implementing CNN, CTC neural networks.
Today, I try to use Gaussian mixture models, the first step towards hidden markov models with Gaussian emission. To do so, I used the sklearn mixture with pca reduction to select the best model with Akaike and Bayesian information criterion. With type of covariance Full for Aic which provides a nice U-curve and Tied for Bic, because with Full covariance Bic gives just a linear curve. With 12.000 samples, I get the best model at 60 n-components for Aic and 120 n-components for Bic.
My input images have 64 pixels aside which represent only the capital letters of the English alphabet, 26 categories numbered from 0 to 25.
The fit method of Sklearn GaussianMixture ignore labels and the predict method returns the position of the component (0 to 59 or 0 to 119) into the n-components regarding the probabilities.
How to retrieve the original label the position of the character in a list using sklearn GaussianMixture ?
So, you want to use GaussianMixture in a generative classifier. You need to compute P(Y|X) for each label and estimate label according to these probabilities. To do so, you need to keep a GMM for each label and train with data from corresponding label. Then score method will give you likelihood, P(X|Y), of given data (or log-likelihood, you may want to check that). If you multiple likelihood with prior, you get posterior, P(Y|X). For each label, you will get a posterior e.g. P(Y=0|X), P(Y=1|X), ... Label with the maximum posterior probability can be reported as estimated label.
You can get some hints from the code sample below. (Here it is assumed that prior probabilities are equal, you need to consider that in your implementation)
Y_predicted = clf.predict(X_test)
score = np.empty((Y_test.shape[0], 10))
predictor_list = []
for i in range(10):
predictor = GMM()[Y==i])
score[:, i] = predictor.score(X_test)
Y_predicted = np.argmax(score, axis=1)

how to use sklearn when target variable is a proportion

There are standard ways of predicting proportions such as logistic regression (without thresholding) and beta regression. There have already been discussions about this:
I cannot tell if there exists a work-around within the sklearn framework.
There exists a workaround, but it is not intrinsically within the sklearn framework.
If you have a proportional target variable (value range 0-1) you run into two basic difficulties with scikit-learn:
Classifiers (such as logistic regression) deal with class labels as target variables only. As a workaround you could simply threshold your probabilities to 0/1 and interpret them as class labels, but you would lose a lot of information.
Regression models (such as linear regression) do not restrict the target variable. You can train them on proportional data, but there is no guarantee that the output on unseen data will be restricted to the 0/1 range. However, in this situation, there is a powerful work-around (below).
There are different ways to mathematically formulate logistic regression. One of them is the generalized linear model, which basically defines the logistic regression as a normal linear regression on logit-transformed probabilities. Normally, this approach requires sophisticated mathematical optimization because the probabilities are unknown and need to be estimated along with the regression coefficients.
In your case, however, the probabilities are known. This means you can simply transform them with y = log(p / (1 - p)). Now they cover the full range from -oo to oo and can serve as the target variable for a LinearRegression model [*]. Of course, the model output then needs to be transformed again to result in probabilities p = 1 / (exp(-y) + 1).
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
class LogitRegression(LinearRegression):
def fit(self, x, p):
p = np.asarray(p)
y = np.log(p / (1 - p))
return super().fit(x, y)
def predict(self, x):
y = super().predict(x)
return 1 / (np.exp(-y) + 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# generate example data
n = 100
x = np.random.randn(n).reshape(-1, 1)
noise = 0.1 * np.random.randn(n).reshape(-1, 1)
p = np.tanh(x + noise) / 2 + 0.5
model = LogitRegression(), p)
print(model.predict([[-10], [0.0], [1]]))
# [[ 2.06115362e-09]
# [ 5.00000000e-01]
# [ 8.80797078e-01]]
There are also numerous other alternatives. Some non-linear regression models can work naturally in the 0-1 range. For example Random Forest Regressors will never exceed the target variables' range they were trained with. Simply put probabilities in and you will get probabilities out. Neural networks with appropriate output activation functions (tanh, I guess) will also work well with probabilities, but if you want to use those there are more specialized libraries than sklearn.
[*] You could in fact plug in any linear regression model which can make the method more powerful, but then it no longer is exactly equivalent to logistic regression.

