Is there a library for interpreting python code within a python program?
Sample usage might look like this..
code = """
def hello():
return 'hello'
output =
which then outputs
found this example from grepper
the_code = '''
a = 1
b = 2
return_me = a + b
loc = {}
exec(the_code, globals(), loc)
return_workaround = loc['return_me']
apparently you can pass global and local scope into exec. In your use case, you would just use a named variable instead of returning.
You can use the exec function. You can't get the return value from the code variable. Instead you can print it there itself.
code = """
def hello():
Can I add a prefix and suffix to the source code of functions?
I know about decorators and do not want to use them (the minimal example below doesn't make clear why, but I have my reasons).
def f():
g = patched(f,prefix='print("Hello, ");',suffix='print("!");')
g() # Hello, world!
Here is what I have so far:
import inspect
import ast
import copy
def patched(f,prefix,suffix):
source = inspect.getsource(f)
tree = ast.parse(source)
new_body = [
tree.body[0].body = new_body
g = copy.deepcopy(f)
g.__code__ = compile(tree,g.__code__.co_filename,'exec')
return g
Unfortunately, nothing happens if I use this and then call g() as above; neither world nor Hello, world! are printed.
Here is a rough version of what can be done:
import inspect
import ast
import copy
def patched(f,prefix,suffix):
source = inspect.getsource(f)
tree = ast.parse(source)
new_body = [
tree.body[0].body = new_body
code = compile(tree,filename=f.__code__.co_filename,mode='exec')
namespace = {}
g = namespace[f.__name__]
return g
def temp():
def f():
g = patched(f,prefix='print("Hello, ",end="")',suffix='print("!",end="")')
g() # Hello, world!
The call of compile compiles an entire module (represented by tree). This module is then executed in an empty namespace from which the desired function is finally extracted. (Warning: the namespace will need to be filled with some globals from where f comes from if f uses those.)
After some more work, here is a real example of what can be done with this. It uses some extended version of the principle above:
import numpy as np
from playground import graphexecute
def my_algorithm(x,y,z):
def SumFirstArguments(x,y)->sumxy:
sumxy = x+y
def SinOfThird(z)->sinz:
sinz = np.sin(z)
def FinalProduct(sumxy,sinz)->prod:
prod = sumxy*sinz
def Return(prod):
return prod
#>>Executing part SumFirstArguments
#>>Executing part SinOfThird
#>>Executing part FinalProduct
#>>Executing part Return
The clou is that I get the exact same output if I reshuffle the parts of my_algorithm, for example like this:
def my_algorithm2(x,y,z):
def FinalProduct(sumxy,sinz)->prod:
prod = sumxy*sinz
def SumFirstArguments(x,y)->sumxy:
sumxy = x+y
def SinOfThird(z)->sinz:
sinz = np.sin(z)
def Return(prod):
return prod
#>>Executing part SumFirstArguments
#>>Executing part SinOfThird
#>>Executing part FinalProduct
#>>Executing part Return
This works by (1) grabbing the source of my_algorithm and turning it into an ast (2) patching each function defined within my_algorithm (e.g. SumFirstArguments) to return locals (3) deciding based on the inputs and the outputs (as defined by the type hints) in which order the parts of my_algorithm should be executed. Furthermore, a possibility that I do not have implemented yet is to execute independent parts in parallel (such as SumFirstArguments and SinOfThird). Let me know if you want the sourcecode of graphexecute, I haven't included it here because it contains a lot of stuff that is not relevant to this question.
For your problem, you don't need to recompile your functions. Just define a list of functions, you inspect for arguments and return variable name:
def FinalProduct(sumxy, sinz) -> "prod":
return sumxy * sinz
def SumFirstArguments(x, y) -> "sumxy":
return x + y
def SinOfThird(z) -> "sinz":
return np.sin(z)
def execute(funcs, **args):
result = None
while funcs:
func = funcs.pop(0)
kw = {a: args[a]
for a in func.__code__.co_varnames[:func.__code__.co_argcount]
except KeyError:
# not all arguments found
result = func(**kw)
args[func.__annotations__['return']] = result
return result
print(execute([FinalProduct, SumFirstArguments, SinOfThird], x=1,y=2,z=3))
I have used the following script to run the script directly and just to make a bash command line for running it outside the script (e.g. job scheduler).
def qsubcommand(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('test', False):
cmdl = ' '.join(['', func.__name__, *map(str, args)])
return cmdl
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def calculate(value1, value2):
# do something
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
func, args = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:]
if func in locals().keys():
raise NotImplementedError
I have a lot of functions like 'calculate'.
I'm working with the script for running and testing a program.
# When I want to run directly:
>>> calculate(4, 5)
# When I want to just print command line:
>>> calculate(4, 5, test=True)
' calculate 4 5'
However, I want to use it in a context-dependent manner like below.
# When I want to run directly:
>>> test = False
>>> calculate(4, 5)
# When I want to just print command line:
>>> test = True
>>> calculate(4, 5)
' calculate 4 5'
How can I modify to let the function recognize the variable outside the scope.
Is it possible to access a variable outside the function?
Thank you for your kind answers in advance.
Just put this on the part of the function where you want to check the variable:
if 'test' in globals() and test:
# do test
# do normal
Functions can always access variables which are outside the function scope, they just can't edit them if you don't use the global keyword.
I am trying to learn decorators by following the 'python decorators in 12 steps'.
I tried replicating one of the In one of the code examples:
def outer(some_func):
def inner():
print ("before some_func")
ret = some_func()
return ret + 1
return inner
def foo():
return 1
def main():
decorated = outer(foo)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
This results in :
before some_func
In the example under Decorators!
>>> def outer(some_func):
... def inner():
... print ("before some_func")
... ret = some_func() # 1
... return ret + 1
... return inner
>>> def foo():
... return 1
>>> decorated = outer(foo) # 2
>>> decorated()
before some_func
The main difference is that in the example, they are using Python running directly from cmd and I am using the Sublime text with python build as well as using a main() function. In my mind, I feel like these are doing the exact same thing. Is there something different between running code in the cmd versus with sublime that I am not getting?
The interactive Python interpreter automatically prints the results of a line if it is not assigned to a variable. This is useful for debugging. For example, if you call foo(), it will automatically print 1. The call below would not result in any extra prints in the interactive interpreter.
>>> result = decorated()
I try:
def test(w,sli):
s = "'{0}'{1}".format(w,sli)
return s
print test("TEST12344","[:2]")
its return 'TEST12344'[:2]
How to return value from exec in function
Think of running the following code.
code = """
def func():
print("std out")
return "expr out"
On Python Console
If you run func() on the python console, the output would be something like:
>>> def func():
... print("std out")
... return "expr out"
>>> func()
std out
'expr out'
With exec
>>> exec(code)
std out
>>> print(exec(code))
std out
As you can see, the return is None.
With eval
>>> eval(code)
will produce Error.
So I Made My exec_with_return()
import ast
import copy
def convertExpr2Expression(Expr):
Expr.lineno = 0
Expr.col_offset = 0
result = ast.Expression(Expr.value, lineno=0, col_offset = 0)
return result
def exec_with_return(code):
code_ast = ast.parse(code)
init_ast = copy.deepcopy(code_ast)
init_ast.body = code_ast.body[:-1]
last_ast = copy.deepcopy(code_ast)
last_ast.body = code_ast.body[-1:]
exec(compile(init_ast, "<ast>", "exec"), globals())
if type(last_ast.body[0]) == ast.Expr:
return eval(compile(convertExpr2Expression(last_ast.body[0]), "<ast>", "eval"),globals())
exec(compile(last_ast, "<ast>", "exec"),globals())
exec() doesn't just evaluate expressions, it executes code. You would have to save a reference within the exec() call.
def test(w, sli):
exec('s = "{}"{}'.format(w, sli))
return s
If you just want to evaluate an expression, use eval(), and save a reference to the returned value:
def test(w,sli):
s = "'{0}'{1}".format(w,sli)
s = eval(s)
return s
However, I would recommend avoiding exec() and eval() in any real code whenever possible. If you use it, make sure you have a very good reason to do so.
My findings in Python 3.8 in 2020
in Eval Logic :
print(a) # output: 100
in exec logic
exec ("a=33+110")
print(a) #output 143
Is there a way to programatically get the line number and name of a function?
For example, I want to pass a list of strings to a function :
s = [calling_module, calling_function, line_number]
Currently I just put it all in manually :
s = ["module abc", "func()", "line 22", "notes"]
But I would like to know if there is an automatic way for python to fill in the module name (I think __name__ does that), function name and line number for me. Is there a way?
Use inspect module functions. For example,
import inspect
def b():
f = inspect.currentframe()
current = inspect.getframeinfo(f)
caller = inspect.getframeinfo(f.f_back)
#caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.getouterframes(f)[1][0])
print(__name__, current.filename, current.function, current.lineno, caller.function)
def a():
You may want something along the lines of traceback.extract_stack():
>>> def test():
... print "In Function"
... print traceback.extract_stack()
>>> test()
In Function
[('<stdin>', 1, '<module>', None), ('<stdin>', 3, 'test', None)]
Though the results would need to be parsed.
from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo, getmodulename
def report():
f = getframeinfo(currentframe().f_back)
print getmodulename(f.filename), f.lineno, f.function
Note that using
will return the name of the module containing report, while the code above will show the name of the module that called report.