Selenium Python Authenticating issue - python

To open in Selenium a page where authentication is needed the code below is appropriate.
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
But the above works when a page should be open directly from Selenium as the initial page.
In my project, I click a link that opens a page where an authentication as above is required.
How to resolve it? I can not use directly driver.get(...) because I can not open directly this page...


How to avoid login page and access the website using session/selenium access existing browser history using selenium python

google reacptcha issue faced when accessed the website using selenium python in automation.using session to avoid the login page with web driver ,is there any chance in selenium python?
Easiest way is to load a user profile where you are already logged in. With this method when you run driver.get(url) you will be already logged in, because it uses the cookies of the user profile. This is the code in python
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
options.add_argument("user-data-dir=C:\\Users\\username\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data")
options.add_argument("profile-directory=Profile 2")
driver = webdriver.Chrome(..., options=options)
# now you are already logged in
and here you find a step by step tutorial on how to create a user profile in Chrome and load it in chromedriver.

Python: Selenium ChromeDriver opens blank page ('data:,')

I'm trying to use Selenium (3.141.0) with ChromeDriver (87.0.4280) to access a page. When accessed manually, it brings me to a policy page (different URL) where you have to hit 'Ok' before continuing to the site. Edit This is using Win 10 and I have the folder with the chromedriver on PATH.
When using the following code, I'm able to get to the policy page with the ("--headless") option but without it I get a blank page with 'data:,' in the URL and nothing else loads. I've tried accessing straight from the policy page and the site URL but they both get stuck when the webdriver is created. Am I missing something? I'm open to any suggestions, thanks!
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
chrome_options = Options()
driver_path = 'D:\....\chromedriver.exe'
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path= driver_path, options= chrome_options)
driver.get(...) # left out the url
This is the output page I get without using ("--headless")
Funny enough, I realized it was because my Chrome Developer tools had become disabled. Not sure how but when I re-enabled them, it worked perfectly again. Weird.

Selenium is not loading TikTok pages

I'm implementing a TikTok crawler using selenium and scrapy
start_urls = ['']
def parse(self, response):
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
ua = UserAgent()
user_agent = ua.random
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options)
The crawler open Chrome but it does not load videos.
Image loading
The same problem happens also using Firefox
No loading page using Firefox
The same problem using a simple script using Selenium
from selenium import webdriver
import time
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
Did u try to navigate further within the selenium browser window? If an error 404 appears on following sites, I have a solution that worked for me:
I simply changed my User-Agent to "Naverbot" which is "allowed" by the robots.txt file from Tik Tok
After changing that all sites and videos loaded properly.
Other user-agents that are listed under the "allow" segment should work too, if you want to add a rotation.
You can use Windows IE. Instead of chrome or firefox
Videos will load in IE but IE's Layout of showing feed is somehow different from chrome and firefox.
Reasons, why your page, is not loading.
Few advance web apps check your browser history, profile data and cached to check the authentication of the user.
One other thing you can do is run your default profile within your selenium It would be helpfull.

Python selenium how to load the browser's data(cookies or bookmarks)

When using selenium to open a web page, it automatically deletes all cookies u had saved in browser which is inconvenient.
Find solution in this page java solution
but don't know how to solve the problem using Python.
Point the browser to a profile file (that's what the java example in the given link is doing)
from selenium import webdriver
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
chrome_options.add_argument('user-data-dir=<path to chrome profile>')
browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options)
On Linux the <path to chrome profile> is /home/<user>/.config/google-chrome.

Can I read the browser url using selenium webdriver?

I am using python2.7 with beautiful Soup4 and Selenium webdriver. Now in my webautomation script i will open the link or URL and get into the home page. Now I need to click onto some anchor Labels to navigate through other pages.I did till now. now when i will be going to a new page, I need to get the new URL from the browser as I need to pass it Beautiful Soup4 for webpage scraping. So now my concern is how to get such URLs dynamic way?
Please advice if any!
You get current_url attribute on the driver:
from selenium import webdriver
browser = webdriver.Firefox()

