Pygame: How to shoot objects in random directions? - python

Objects all go off in the same line (45 degrees to the left)...
When I extract the random_direction function to test it by itself, it gives the same vectors just flipped 180 or the x is the same and y is the same but negative... stuff like that.
import pygame
import os
import math
import random
from pygame.math import Vector2
def random_direction():
vector = Vector2(random.uniform(-max_speed, max_speed), random.uniform(-max_speed, max_speed))
if vector.length() == 0:
return vector
return Vector2.normalize(vector)
def scaled(vector, scale):
if vector.length() == 0:
return vector
return Vector2.normalize(vector) * scale
def clamped(vector, limit):
if vector.length() <= limit or vector.length() == 0:
return vector
return Vector2.normalize(vector) * limit
def shoot():
for i in range(len(boids)):
boids[i]['velocity'] = boids[i]['desired_direction'] * max_speed
boids[i]['boid'].x += boids[i]['velocity'].x
boids[i]['boid'].y += boids[i]['velocity'].x
# if boids[i]['boid'].x >= WIDTH:
# boids[i]['boid'].x = 0
# elif boids[i]['boid'].x <= 0:
# boids[i]['boid'].x = WIDTH
# elif boids[i]['boid'].y >= HEIGHT:
# boids[i]['boid'].y = 0
# elif boids[i]['boid'].y <= 0:
# boids[i]['boid'].y = HEIGHT
def draw_window():
WIN.fill((0, 0, 0))
# for i in range(n):
# rot_image = pygame.transform.rotate(image_scaled, math.degrees(math.atan2(boids[i]['velocity'].x, boids[i]['velocity'].y)) +180)
# WIN.blit(rot_image, (boids[i]['boid'].x - int(rot_image.get_width()/2), boids[i]['boid'].y - int(rot_image.get_height()/2))) #########
for i in range(len(boids)):
WIN.blit(image_scaled, (boids[i]['boid'].x, boids[i]['boid'].y))
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 1440, 720 #1680, 990
WIN = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
FPS = 60
image = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Assets', 'long_fish.png'))
image_width, image_height = 40, 40
image_scaled = pygame.transform.scale(image, (image_width, image_height))
#boid = pygame.Rect(WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, image_width, image_height)
max_speed = 10 #2
steer_strength = 0.04 #2
wander_strength = 0.4 #0.2
# desired_direction = Vector2(0, 0)
# velocity = Vector2(0, 0)
# shoot_direction = random_direction()
n = 30
boids = []
for i in range(n):
boids.append({'boid': pygame.Rect(WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, image_width, image_height),
'desired_direction': random_direction(),
'velocity': Vector2(0,0)})
def main():
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
run = True
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
if __name__ == '__main__':
I've made things like this before on pygame and they work but I'm not sure why they do and this doesn't.

Your vector generator generates with bounds of a square:
because of the way you set it up. You then normalize the vector, putting whatever it raised into the bounding circle. Because of this method, values nearer to the corners are more likely to be chosen. From the origin to the edge, there is a distance of one. From the origin to the corner, there is a distance of 1.41 . Thus, values that normalize to a corner are more likely to be chosen
This can give you the impression of not having truly random values, as some values pop up more frequently than others.
The way around this is to generate an already normalized vector, py choosing a point from a circle.
The best way to do this is to generate an angle, in radians. Ex:
>>> angle = math.radians(random.randint(0, 360))
Then, use some basic trigonometry to turn that angle into a point
>>> x = math.cos(angle)
>>> y = math.sin(angle)
The tuple (x, y) should be an unbiased value, that is as random as your pseudorandom (how computers do random, it's actually a big complex equation that generates a value really close to random, but it actually isn't) generator will get.
Implementing this into your code:
def random_direction():
a = math.radians(random.randint(0, 360))
return pygame.Vector2(math.cos(a), math.sin(a))


Conway Game Of Life - How to detect Evolution has stopped

I've gotten the Conway Game of Life in Python 3.9 from git-hub (there's also a great video on youtube here, made by the author)
All works fine.
Now I'd like to auto-detect when the evolution gets stuck, that is when the cell and cell group shapes are all static or regular oscillators (see pics attached at the end of this post).
My first idea was to compare the next generation grid backwards to 4 generations, that is: if the next generation grid is equal to ny of the previous four generation then it's safe to assume that the evolution has stopped.
So I first thought to make copies of the last 4 grids in 4x2D indipendent arrays and compare at each passage the next generation with each of them.
What would be the most efficient (in terms of time lag) way to compare two bidimentional arrays with say 400 columns and 200 rows?
The scripts use pygame.
here is a copy of what I am using (my plan is to use the check_if_over function in the module to return True if the evolution has stopped).
modules = ["pygame", "numpy", "ctypes"]
import sys
import importlib
import subprocess
def install(package):
# install packages if needed
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package])
# check for needed pacjakes/modules
for needed_module in modules:
i = importlib.import_module(needed_module)
print(f"{needed_module} successfully imported")
except ImportError as e:
i = importlib.import_module(needed_module)
"Something went wrong"
import pygame
import os
import grid
import ctypes
from pygame.locals import *
reduction_factor = 2 # reduces the width/height of the window vs screen size
fps = 60 # max frames per second
scaler = 5 # scales down, the smaller the scaler the greater the number of cells
offset = 1 # thickness of grid separator, must be < scaler
black = (0, 0, 0)
white = (255, 255, 255)
blue = (0, 14, 71)
os.environ["SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED"] = '1'
user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
screensize = user32.GetSystemMetrics(0), user32.GetSystemMetrics(1)
width, height = int(screensize[0]/reduction_factor), int(screensize[1]/reduction_factor)
size = (width, height)
pygame.display.set_caption("Conway Game of Life")
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
Grid = grid.Grid(width, height, scaler, offset)
run = True
# game loop
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
run = False
Grid.Conway(off_color=white, on_color=blue, surface=screen)
import pygame
import numpy as np
import random
class Grid:
def __init__(self, width, height, scale, offset):
self.scale = scale
self.columns = int(height / scale)
self.rows = int(width / scale)
self.size = (self.rows, self.columns)
self.grid_array = np.ndarray(shape=(self.size))
# next 3 lines defines the set of array copies to save
# the past 4 generations
self.grid_array_copies = []
for i in range(0, 4):
self.offset = offset
self.alive = 0
self.evolution_stopped = False
def random2d_array(self):
for x in range(self.rows):
for y in range(self.columns):
self.grid_array[x][y] = random.randint(0, 1)
def Conway(self, off_color, on_color, surface):
for x in range(self.rows):
for y in range(self.columns):
y_pos = y * self.scale
x_pos = x * self.scale
if self.grid_array[x][y] == 1:
pygame.draw.rect(surface, on_color, [x_pos, y_pos, self.scale - self.offset, self.scale - self.offset])
pygame.draw.rect(surface, off_color, [x_pos, y_pos, self.scale - self.offset, self.scale - self.offset])
next = np.ndarray(shape=(self.size))
self.alive = 0
for x in range(self.rows):
for y in range(self.columns):
state = self.grid_array[x][y]
neighbours = self.get_neighbours(x, y)
if state == 0 and neighbours == 3:
next[x][y] = 1
self.alive += 1
elif state == 1 and (neighbours < 2 or neighbours > 3):
next[x][y] = 0
next[x][y] = state
self.alive += state
self.grid_array = next
with open("survivors.txt", "w") as f:
def get_neighbours(self, x, y):
total = 0
for n in range(-1, 2):
for m in range(-1, 2):
x_edge = (x + n + self.rows) % self.rows
y_edge = (y + m + self.columns) % self.columns
total += self.grid_array[x_edge][y_edge]
total -= self.grid_array[x][y]
return total
def check_if_over(self, next):
Thanx for the patience.
Initial conditions:
Evolution stopped:
I forgot to mention something that may be not that straightforward.
Unlike Golly (another open source for the Conway's Game of Life), the environment where this Game of Life plays is a finite one (see pictures above), that is it's kinda rendering of a spherical suface into a rectangle, so the cells colonies evolving past the right edge of the window re-enter at the left edge, those at the bottom edge re-enter at the top. While in Golly, for example the plan environment is theoretically infinite.
Golly starting conditions, zoomed in:
Golly starting conditions partially zoomed out (could go futher out until cells invisibility and further). The black surface is the environment, the white squares the cells

Python treating all instances of an object as the same

I'm making a game with pygame and pymunk as a physics engine. I'm trying to kill a bullet whenever it hits a player or goes past its lifetime.
When I tried to space.remove(self.shape) and the second bullet hits the player, it gives me an "AssertionError: shape not in space, already removed. I simply changed it to teleport the bullets away, and then learned of the real error.
When I have more than one bullet in the space and a bullet hits the enemy player, all the current bullets teleport away, which means that when I tried to remove one bullet, it called the remove on all the bullets and thats why I had the initial error.
However the problem still remains that one bullet is being treated as every bullet.
Why is something that should be a non-static variable being called as a static variable?
I even tried to use deepcopy to see if that fixed it, but to no avail
This is my chunk of code, apologies since I don't know what is needed to understand it.
The key parts are most likely the Bullet class, the shoot() function in the Player class, and the drawBulletCollision() function
# PyGame template.
# Import modules.
import sys, random, math, time, copy
from typing import List
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from pygame import mixer
import pymunk
import pymunk.pygame_util
from pymunk.shapes import Segment
from pymunk.vec2d import Vec2d
pygame.mixer.pre_init(44110, -16, 2, 512)
# Set up the window.
width, height = 1440, 640
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
bg = pygame.image.load("space.png")
def draw_bg():
screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))
#load sounds
#death_fx = pygame.mixer.Sound("")
shoot_fx = mixer.Sound("shot.wav")
#gun_mode_fx = pygame.mixer.Sound("")
#thrust_mode_fx = pygame.mixer.Sound("")
collision_fx = mixer.Sound("thump.wav")
ship_group = pygame.sprite.Group()
space = pymunk.Space()
space.gravity = 0, 0
space.damping = 0.6
draw_options = pymunk.pygame_util.DrawOptions(screen)
bulletList = []
playerList = []
environmentList = []
arbiterList = []
b0 = space.static_body
segmentBot = pymunk.Segment(b0, (0,height), (width, height), 4)
segmentTop = pymunk.Segment(b0, (0,0), (width, 0), 4)
segmentLef = pymunk.Segment(b0, (width,0), (width, height), 4)
segmentRit = pymunk.Segment(b0, (0,0), (0, height), 4)
walls = [segmentBot,segmentLef,segmentRit,segmentTop]
for i in walls:
i.elasticity = 1
i.friction = 0.5
i.color = (255,255,255,255)
class Player(object):
radius = 30
def __init__(self, position, space, color):
self.body = pymunk.Body(mass=5,moment=10)
self.mode = 0 # 0 is gun, 1 is thrust, ? 2 is shield
self.body.position = position
self.shape = pymunk.Circle(self.body, radius = self.radius)
#self.shape.friction = 0.9
self.shape.elasticity= 0.2
self.angleGun = 0
self.angleThrust = 0 = 100
self.speed = 500
self.gearAngle = 0
self.turningSpeed = 5
self.shape.body.damping = 1000
self.cooldown = 0
self.fireRate = 30
self.shape.collision_type = 1
self.shape.color = color
def force(self,force):
def rocketForce(self):
radians = self.angleThrust * math.pi/180
self.shape.body.apply_force_at_local_point((-self.speed * math.cos(radians),-self.speed * math.sin(radians)),(0,0))
def draw(self):
gear = pygame.image.load("gear.png")
gearBox = gear.get_rect(center=self.shape.body.position)
gearRotated = pygame.transform.rotate(gear, self.gearAngle)
x,y = self.shape.body.position
radianGun = self.angleGun * math.pi/180
radianThrust = self.angleThrust * math.pi/180
radiyus = 30 *(
self.gearAngle += 1
if radiyus == 30:
radiyus = 32,self.shape.color,self.shape.body.position,radiyus,0),(0,0,0),self.shape.body.position,radiyus,0)
(self.radius * math.cos(radianGun) * 1.5 + x,self.radius * math.sin(radianGun) * 1.5 + y),
(x,y), 5
(self.radius * math.cos(radianThrust) * 1.5 + x,self.radius * math.sin(radianThrust) * 1.5 + y),
(x,y), 5
def targetAngleGun(self,tAngle):
tempTAngle = tAngle - self.angleGun
tempTAngle = tempTAngle % 360
if(tempTAngle < 180 and not tempTAngle == 0):
self.angleGun -= self.turningSpeed
elif(tempTAngle >= 180 and not tempTAngle == 0):
self.angleGun += self.turningSpeed
self.angleGun = self.angleGun % 360
#print(tAngle, "target Angle")
#print(self.angleGun, "selfangleGun")
#print(tempTAngle, "tempTAngle")
def targetAngleThrust(self,tAngle):
tempTAngle = tAngle - self.angleThrust
tempTAngle = tempTAngle % 360
if(tempTAngle < 180 and not tempTAngle == 0):
self.angleThrust -= self.turningSpeed
elif(tempTAngle >= 180 and not tempTAngle == 0):
self.angleThrust += self.turningSpeed
self.angleThrust = self.angleThrust % 360
#print(tAngle, "target Angle")
#print(self.angleThrust, "selfangleGun")
#print(tempTAngle, "tempTAngle")
def targetAngle(self,tAngle):
if(self.mode == 0):
elif(self.mode == 1):
def shoot(self):
if(self.cooldown == self.fireRate):
x,y = self.shape.body.position
radianGun = self.angleGun * math.pi/180
spawnSpot = (self.radius * math.cos(radianGun) * 1.5 + x,self.radius * math.sin(radianGun)*1.5+y)
self.shape.body.apply_impulse_at_local_point((-20 * math.cos(radianGun),-20 * math.sin(radianGun)),(0,0))
bT = Bullet(spawnSpot, 5, 50,self.shape.color)
b = copy.deepcopy(bT)
self.cooldown = 0
def tick(self):
if(self.cooldown < self.fireRate):
self.cooldown += 1
#for o in playerList:
# c = self.shape.shapes_collide(o.shape)
# if(len(c.points)>0):
# self.damage(c.points[0].distance/10)
for o in bulletList:
c = self.shape.shapes_collide(o.shape)
for o in walls:
c = self.shape.shapes_collide(o)
self.damage(c.points[0].distance * 3)
def damage(self, damage): -= abs(damage)
if < 0: = 0
#maybe make it part of the player class
def drawWallCollision(arbiter, space, data):
for c in arbiter.contact_point_set.points:
r = max(3, abs(c.distance * 5))
r = int(r)
p = tuple(map(int, c.point_a))["surface"], pygame.Color("red"), p, r, 0)
print('magnitude', math.sqrt(arbiter.total_impulse[0]**2 + arbiter.total_impulse[1]**2))
#print('position', p)
print("its all arbitrary")
s1, s2 = arbiter.shapes
def drawBulletCollision(arbiter, space, data):
s1, s2 = arbiter.shapes
for c in arbiter.contact_point_set.points:
magnitude = math.sqrt(arbiter.total_impulse[0]**2 + arbiter.total_impulse[1]**2)
for p in playerList:
avr = ((c.point_a[0] + c.point_b[0])/2, (c.point_a[1] + c.point_b[1])/2)
distance = (math.sqrt((avr[0] - p.shape.body.position[0]) **2 + (avr[1] - p.shape.body.position[1]) **2 ))
if(distance < Bullet.explosionRadius + Player.radius):
if not(s1.color == s2.color):
for b in bulletList:
avr = ((c.point_a[0] + c.point_b[0])/2, (c.point_a[1] + c.point_b[1])/2)
distance = (math.sqrt((avr[0] - p.shape.body.position[0]) **2 + (avr[1] - p.shape.body.position[1]) **2 ))
if(distance < Bullet.explosionRadius + Player.radius):
if not(s1.color == s2.color):
b.damage(magnitude)["surface"], pygame.Color("red"), tuple(map(int, c.point_a)), 10, 0)
print('magnitude', magnitude)
#print('position', p)
print("its all arbitrary")
def drawArbitraryCollision(arbiter, space, data):
class Ship(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.image = pygame.image.load("gear.png")
self.rect = self.image.get_rect() = [x, y]
def rotate(self):
self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.image,1)
class Bullet(object):
damage = 2
explosionRadius = 5
def __init__(self, position, size, speed,color):
pts = [(-size, -size), (size, -size), (size, size), (-size, size)]
self.body = copy.deepcopy(pymunk.Body(mass=0.1,moment=1))
self.shape = copy.deepcopy(pymunk.Poly(self.body, pts))
self.shape.body.position = position
self.shape.friction = 0.5
self.shape.elasticity = 1
self.shape.color = color
self.speed = speed
self.size = size
self.shape.collision_type = 2
self.lifetime = 0
def getShot(self,angle):
radians = angle * math.pi/180
self.shape.body.apply_impulse_at_local_point((self.speed * math.cos(radians),self.speed * math.sin(radians)),(0,0))
def tick(self):
self.lifetime += 1
if(self.lifetime > 300):
self.shape.body.position = (10000,30)
def damage(self, damage):
self.lifetime = 300
#error on purpose so you notice this
def runPyGame():
# Initialise PyGame.
# Set up the clock. This will tick every frame and thus maintain a relatively constant framerate. Hopefully.
fps = 60.0
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()
running = True
font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 16)
p1 = Player((240,240),space,(132, 66, 245,255))
p2 = Player((1200,400),space,(47, 247, 184,255))
# Main game loop.
ch = space.add_collision_handler(1, 0)["surface"] = screen
ch.post_solve = drawWallCollision
ch = space.add_collision_handler(1, 2)["surface"] = screen
ch.post_solve = drawBulletCollision
ch = space.add_collision_handler(0, 2)["surface"] = screen
ch.post_solve = drawArbitraryCollision
dt = 1/fps # dt is the time since last frame.
while True: # Loop forever!
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
for event in pygame.event.get():
# We need to handle these events. Initially the only one you'll want to care
# about is the QUIT event, because if you don't handle it, your game will crash
# whenever someone tries to exit.
if event.type == QUIT:
pygame.quit() # Opposite of pygame.init
sys.exit() # Not including this line crashes the script on Windows.
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_s:
p1.mode = -(p1.mode - 0.5) + 0.5
if (event.key == pygame.K_k and p1.mode == 0):
if event.key == pygame.K_KP_5:
p2.mode = -(p2.mode - 0.5) + 0.5
if (event.key == pygame.K_m and p2.mode == 0):
#b = Bullet((200,200),51,51)
if(keys[K_k] and p1.mode == 1):
if(keys[K_m] and p2.mode == 1):
# Handle other events as you wish.
screen.fill((250, 250, 250)) # Fill the screen with black.
# Redraw screen here.
### Draw stuff
for i in playerList:
font.render("P1 Health: " + str(, True, pygame.Color("white")),
(50, 10),
font.render("P2 Health: " + str(, True, pygame.Color("white")),
(50, 30),
for i in bulletList:
# Flip the display so that the things we drew actually show up.
dt = fpsClock.tick(fps)
I cant point to the exact error since the code is quite long and depends on files I dont have. But here is a general advice for troubleshooting:
Try to give a name to each shape when you create them, and then print it out. Also print out the name of each shape that you add or remove from the space. This should show which shape you are actually removing and will probably make it easy to understand whats wrong.
For example:
self.shape = pymunk.Circle(self.body, radius = self.radius) = "circle 1"
(Note that you need to reset the name of shapes you copy, since otherwise the copy will have the same name.)

How can I reduce the lag and CPU usage in pygame? (pytmx is used for loading the map)

I have a problem with massive lag in my game. My game has a map that is quite large. The map is 250x250 tiles. Each tile is 32x32. Note that I'm using an older laptop. When I open a task manager it says that my CPU usage is up to 50%, but the memory usage is only 30-40 MB. I'm a beginner so I would appreciate any help.
I'm using the code that I got from some YouTube tutorial. I did some modifying for it to work with my project.
import pygame as pg, time, random
from pygame.locals import *
from pytmx.util_pygame import load_pygame
def blit_all_tiles(screen, tmxdata, world_offset):
for layer in tmxdata:
for tile in layer.tiles():
# tile[0] = x coordinate
# tile[1] = y coordinate
# tile[2] = image data
x_pixel = tile[0] * 32 + world_offset[0]
y_pixel = tile[1] * 32 + world_offset[1]
screen.blit(tile[2], (x_pixel, y_pixel))
# Game Variables
def main():
tmxdata = load_pygame("assets/Chris' adventure.tmx")
# Standing
player_stand = pg.image.load("CharAssets/Cris 01.png")
player_stand = pg.transform.scale(player_stand, (32, 32))
# Moving Right
player_left = [
pg.image.load("CharAssets/Cris 04.png"),
pg.image.load("CharAssets/Cris 05.png"),
pg.image.load("CharAssets/Cris 06.png"),
player_up = [
pg.image.load("CharAssets/Cris 07.png"),
pg.image.load("CharAssets/Cris 08.png"),
pg.image.load("CharAssets/Cris 09.png"),
player_down = [
pg.image.load("CharAssets/Cris 01.png"),
pg.image.load("CharAssets/Cris 02.png"),
pg.image.load("CharAssets/Cris 03.png"),
# Resize
player_left = [pg.transform.scale(image, (32, 32)) for image in player_left]
player_left_f = 0
player_up = [pg.transform.scale(image, (32, 32)) for image in player_up]
player_up_f = 0
player_down = [pg.transform.scale(image, (32, 32)) for image in player_down]
player_down_f = 0
# Flipping
player_right = [pg.transform.flip(image, True, False) for image in player_left]
player_right_f = 0
direction = "stand"
world_offset = [0, 0]
quit = False
x = 400
y = 200 + 128
# Game Loop
while not quit:
screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
blit_all_tiles(screen, tmxdata, world_offset)
# Events
keypressed = pg.key.get_pressed()
for event in pg.event.get():
# print(event)
if event.type == QUIT:
quit = True
if keypressed[ord("a")]:
x = x - 20
world_offset[0] += 40
direction = "left"
if sum(keypressed) == 0:
direction = "stand"
if keypressed[ord("d")]:
x = x + 20
world_offset[0] -= 40
direction = "right"
if keypressed[ord("w")]:
y = y - 20
world_offset[1] += 40
direction = "up"
if keypressed[ord("s")]:
y = y + 20
world_offset[1] -= 40
direction = "down"
if y < 204:
y = 204
if y >= screen.get_height() - 204 - 32:
y = screen.get_height() - 204 - 32
if x < 204:
x = 204
# world_offset[0] += 10
if x >= screen.get_width() - 204 - 32:
x = screen.get_width() - 204 - 32
# Game Logic
# player = Rect(x, y, 32, 32)
# pg.draw.rect(screen, (225, 0, 120), player)
if direction == "stand":
screen.blit(player_stand, (x, y))
elif direction == "left":
screen.blit(player_left[player_left_f], (x, y))
player_left_f = (player_left_f + 1) % len(player_left)
elif direction == "right":
screen.blit(player_right[player_right_f], (x, y))
player_right_f = (player_right_f + 1) % len(player_right)
elif direction == "up":
screen.blit(player_up[player_up_f], (x, y))
player_up_f = (player_up_f + 1) % len(player_up)
elif direction == "down":
screen.blit(player_down[player_down_f], (x, y))
player_down_f = (player_down_f + 1) % len(player_down)
# Screen Update
# Game Initialization
if __name__ == "__main__":
width, height = 800, 600
screen = pg.display.set_mode((width, height))
pg.display.set_caption("Chris' quest")
clock = pg.time.Clock()
I successfully imported the map, and it works for now but the lag is extreme. I'm confused and i don't know how to solve this problem. I would appreciate help. Thanks in advance.
Ensure that the image Surface has the same format as the display Surface. Use convert() (or convert_alpha()) to create a Surface that has the same pixel format. This improves performance when the image is blit on the display, because the formats are compatible and blit does not need to perform an implicit transformation.
For example:
player_stand = pg.image.load("CharAssets/Cris 01.png")
player_stand = pg.image.load("CharAssets/Cris 01.png").convert_alpha()
Another option is to create a single large map of the game.
Create a pygame.Surface the size of the entire map by drawing all the tiles on it:
def create_map():
game_map = pygame.Surface((250 * 32, 250 * 32))
for layer in tmxdata:
for tile in layer.tiles():
# tile[0] = x coordinate
# tile[1] = y coordinate
# tile[2] = image data
x_pixel = tile[0] * 32
y_pixel = tile[1] * 32
game_map.blit(tile[2], (x_pixel, y_pixel))
return game_map
game_map = create_map()
In the application, you draw only a subsection of the map on the screen, using the optional area argument of the blit method:
while not quit:
# [...]
sub_area = screen.get_rect(topleft = world_offset)
screen.blit(game_map, (0, 0), sub_area)
# [...]
This solution improves performance. However, you pay with memory usage.

Problem with animating a sprite in pygame

i have a problem with this code, i am a new person with programming and been using the book "how to think like a computer scientist 3rd edition" and he did not solve exercise 2 of chapter 17 this given: "he deliberately left a mistake in the code to animate Duke. If you click on one of the checkerboard squares to the right of Duke, he salutes anyway. Why? Find a one-line solution to the error ", I've tried many forms but I have not succeeded, I leave you all the code and the images that I have used
PS: images must have the name: ball.png and duke_spritesheet.png
import pygame
gravity = 0.025
my_clock = pygame.time.Clock()
class QueenSprite:
def __init__(self, img, target_posn):
self.image = img
self.target_posn = target_posn
(x, y) = target_posn
self.posn = (x, 0) # Start ball at top of its column
self.y_velocity = 0 # with zero initial velocity
def update(self):
self.y_velocity += gravity
(x, y) = self.posn
new_y_pos = y + self.y_velocity
(target_x, target_y) = self.target_posn # Unpack the position
dist_to_go = target_y - new_y_pos # How far to our floor?
if dist_to_go < 0: # Are we under floor?
self.y_velocity = -0.65 * self.y_velocity # Bounce
new_y_pos = target_y + dist_to_go # Move back above floor
self.posn = (x, new_y_pos) # Set our new position.
def draw(self, target_surface): # Same as before.
target_surface.blit(self.image, self.posn)
def contains_point(self, pt):
""" Return True if my sprite rectangle contains point pt """
(my_x, my_y) = self.posn
my_width = self.image.get_width()
my_height = self.image.get_height()
(x, y) = pt
return ( x >= my_x and x < my_x + my_width and
y >= my_y and y < my_y + my_height)
def handle_click(self):
self.y_velocity += -2 # Kick it up
class DukeSprite:
def __init__(self, img, target_posn):
self.image = img
self.posn = target_posn
self.anim_frame_count = 0
self.curr_patch_num = 0
def update(self):
if self.anim_frame_count > 0:
self.anim_frame_count = (self.anim_frame_count + 1 ) % 60
self.curr_patch_num = self.anim_frame_count // 6
def draw(self, target_surface):
patch_rect = (self.curr_patch_num * 50, 0,
50, self.image.get_width())
target_surface.blit(self.image, self.posn, patch_rect)
def contains_point(self, pt):
""" Return True if my sprite rectangle contains pt """
(my_x, my_y) = self.posn
my_width = self.image.get_width()
my_height = self.image.get_height()
(x, y) = pt
return ( x >= my_x and x < my_x + my_width and
y >= my_y and y < my_y + my_height)
def handle_click(self):
if self.anim_frame_count == 0:
self.anim_frame_count = 5
def draw_board(the_board):
""" Draw a chess board with queens, as determined by the the_board. """
colors = [(255,0,0), (0,0,0)] # Set up colors [red, black]
n = len(the_board) # This is an NxN chess board.
surface_sz = 480 # Proposed physical surface size.
sq_sz = surface_sz // n # sq_sz is length of a square.
surface_sz = n * sq_sz # Adjust to exactly fit n squares.
# Create the surface of (width, height), and its window.
surface = pygame.display.set_mode((surface_sz, surface_sz))
ball = pygame.image.load("ball.png")
# Use an extra offset to centre the ball in its square.
# If the square is too small, offset becomes negative,
# but it will still be centered :-)
ball_offset = (sq_sz-ball.get_width()) // 2
all_sprites = [] # Keep a list of all sprites in the game
# Create a sprite object for each queen, and populate our list.
for (col, row) in enumerate(the_board):
a_queen = QueenSprite(ball,
(col*sq_sz+ball_offset, row*sq_sz+ball_offset))
# Load the sprite sheet
duke_sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load("duke_spritesheet.png")
# Instantiate two duke instances, put them on the chessboard
duke1 = DukeSprite(duke_sprite_sheet,(sq_sz*2, 0))
duke2 = DukeSprite(duke_sprite_sheet,(sq_sz*5, sq_sz))
# Add them to the list of sprites which our game loop manages
while True:
# Look for an event from keyboard, mouse, etc.
ev = pygame.event.poll()
if ev.type == pygame.QUIT:
if ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
key = ev.dict["key"]
if key == 27: # On Escape key ...
break # leave the game loop.
if key == ord("r"):
colors[0] = (255, 0, 0) # Change to red + black.
elif key == ord("g"):
colors[0] = (0, 255, 0) # Change to green + black.
elif key == ord("b"):
colors[0] = (0, 0, 255) # Change to blue + black.
if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # Mouse gone down?
posn_of_click = ev.dict["pos"] # Get the coordinates.
for sprite in all_sprites:
if sprite.contains_point(posn_of_click):
for sprite in all_sprites:
# Draw a fresh background (a blank chess board)
for row in range(n): # Draw each row of the board.
c_indx = row % 2 # Alternate starting color
for col in range(n): # Run through cols drawing squares
the_square = (col*sq_sz, row*sq_sz, sq_sz, sq_sz)
surface.fill(colors[c_indx], the_square)
# Now flip the color index for the next square
c_indx = (c_indx + 1) % 2
# Ask every sprite to draw itself.
for sprite in all_sprites:
my_clock.tick(60) # Waste time so that frame rate becomes 60 fps
if __name__ == "__main__":
draw_board([0, 5, 3, 1, 6, 4, 2]) # 7 x 7 to test window size
PS: I think the error is here but it did not succeed
return ( x >= my_x and x + my_width and y >= my_y and y < my_y + my_height)
The issue is caused by the face, that "duke_spritesheet.png" is a sprite sheet. When you define the rectangular region which is covered by the object, then you have to use the width of a single image, rather than the width of the entire sprite sheet:
my_width = self.image.get_width()
my_width = 50
Change this in the method contains_point of the class DukeSprite:
class DukeSprite:
# [...]
def contains_point(self, pt):
""" Return True if my sprite rectangle contains pt """
(my_x, my_y) = self.posn
my_width = 50
my_height = self.image.get_height()
(x, y) = pt
return ( x >= my_x and x < my_x + my_width and
y >= my_y and y < my_y + my_height)

How to make an object move in a circular path by constantly adding a rate of chage to its rect.x and rect.y?

Below is the code I wrote.
The object moves along a circular path when I constantly calculate its position and give the coordinates to the obj.rect.x and object.rect.y.
What I need to know is how to rotate the object by something like below.
obj.rect.x += incrementx
obj.rect.y += incrementy
I implemented this in my code bu then the motion becomes anything but circluar.
Please help.
The two images used are here.
import sys, os, pygame
from math import sin,cos,pi, radians
from pygame.locals import *
from standard_object_creator import *
BLUE = (0, 50, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
PURPLE = (145, 0, 100)
YELLOW = (220,220, 0)
FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock()
FONT1= "data\Cookie-Regular.ttf"
if sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'win64':
#os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '2'# center of screen
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "%d,%d" % (10,30)#top left corner
SCREEN = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREENW, SCREENH))
## self, imagelist, posx, posy, speedx = 0, speedy = 0, value = 0
plat = pygame.image.load("grfx\plt0.png").convert_alpha()
box = pygame.image.load("grfx\crateB.png").convert_alpha()
FPS = 160 # frames per second
platforms = pygame.sprite.Group()
boxes = pygame.sprite.Group()
def maketext(msg,fontsize, colour = YELLOW, font = FONT1):
mafont = pygame.font.Font(font, fontsize)
matext = mafont.render(msg, True, colour)
matext = matext.convert_alpha()
return matext
box = object_factory ([box], 340, 50, 0, 1)
center_x = 450 # x pos in relation to screen width
center_y = 400 # y pos in relation to screen height
radius = 200
angle = -90 #pi / 4 # starting angle 45 degrees
omega = .001 #Angular velocity
for x in xrange(6):
xpos = radius * cos(angle) #+ center_x #Starting position x
ypos = radius * sin(angle) #+ center_x #Startinh position y
obj = object_factory([plat], xpos, ypos)
obj.angle = angle = omega #angula velocity
obj.radius = radius
angle += 60
mouseposlist = []
all2gether = [platforms, boxes]
while True:
## MOVE THE SPRITE IN A CIRCLE. Each object is placed by varying the step)
for obj in platforms:
obj.angle = obj.angle +
obj.rect.x = center_x + (cos(obj.angle) * obj.radius)
obj.rect.y = center_y + (sin(obj.angle) * obj.radius)
## How can I get the same thing to work in this way? by adding the rate of change to the box objects rect.x and rec.t? Why does this not work?
#obj.rect.x += obj.radius * * cos(obj.angle)
#obj.rect.y -= obj.radius * * sin(obj.angle)
pygame.draw.line(SCREEN, BLUE, (center_x, center_y), (obj.rect.x, obj.rect.y), 2)
for hp in boxes:
hp.rect.x += hp.speedx
hp.rect.y += hp.speedy
for thing in all2gether:
pygame.draw.line(SCREEN, BLUE, (0, SCREENH / 2), (SCREENW, SCREENH / 2), 2)
pygame.draw.line(SCREEN, BLUE, (SCREENW / 2, 0), (SCREENW / 2, SCREENH), 2)
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if event.button == 1:
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
val = [pos[0], pos[1], 0, 0]
print val
elif event.button == 3 and mouseposlist != []:
if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE:
print mouseposlist
Your solution for moving the sprite in a circle is the time evaluation of the positional equation. You need to calculate the angle as a function of time. x = r * cos (omega * time). your first solution is a loop on time, incrementing omega by the fractional angle that is provided by the angular velocity. To evaluate a position take the amount of time multiplied by the angular velocity....
I manged to solve my problem and would like to share it. The new code is given below.
This works with Python / Pygame
center_of_rotation_x = SCREENW/2
center_of_rotation_y = SCREENH/2
radius = 200
angle = radians(45) #pi/4 # starting angle 45 degrees
omega = 0.1 #Angular velocity
x = center_of_rotation_x + radius * cos(angle) #Starting position x
y = center_of_rotation_y - radius * sin(angle) #Starting position y
SCREEN.blit(star, (x, y)) # Draw current x,y
angle = angle + omega # New angle, we add angular velocity
x = x + radius * omega * cos(angle + pi / 2) # New x
y = y - radius * omega * sin(angle + pi / 2) # New y
The above code works as it is. But when applied as a class it works differently. I will ask that in another question

