I am trying to detect objects in a picture. I am using my trained weights and configuration file. The code runs completely fine on my laptop but it shows
AttributeError: module 'cv2' has no attribute 'dnn'
when I run it on my Raspberry Pi 4B. I have python 3.7 and Open CV 4.5.1
I am unable to solve this.
what should I do.
Whenever I run the code:
The error is:
AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'lite'
I followed this guide beforehand.
I tried adding contrib
Didn't work
Also tried installing tflite_runtime but it says it doesn't support my platform
I am trying to generate VORONOI plot for my system.
I am very naive to python and I am using Freud analysis library for computing Voronoi.
For checking if the sample code is running on my machine, I tried running the sample code of the website for which following is the link:
When I am running the code it generates an error saying:
AttributeError: module 'freud' has no attribute 'voronoi'
I compiled the code both using terminal and jupyter notebook.
I updated from ubuntu 12.04 to ubuntu 12.10 and the python module I have written suddenly no longer works with the error message that the module scipy does not have the attribute 'misc'. This worked previously. I am still using python 2.7 after the update. Here is where the code crashes
it's very easy
u have to do this step
1-pip install imageio
2-import imageio
3-replace scipy.misc.imsave(image_name,data)
with this code
imageio.imwrite(image_name, data)
I'm using OpenCV3.1 with python27 on Windows 7 for face recognition. I compile the OpenCV 3.1 and the opencv_contrib modules using CMAKE and VS Express 2012 with all teh required stuff. Until I reach to the last part, which is for the collector to calculate the matching picture to the database or more specifically this line:
collector = cv2.face.MinDistancePredictCollector()
and outputting this error:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'MinDistancePredictCollector'
Refer to #DanMasek reply on my question. Which is to download the proper module tag 3.1.0 and recompile it. problem solved.
I was reading this tutorial and when I tried to run the attached face recognizer python code
it gave me the following error :
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'face'
I am on ubuntu 15.04, I have python 2.7, numpy, matplotlib and PIL installed and updated.
I pulled the latest sources of opencv from http://github.com/itseez/openc..., compiled according to the documentation.I added the latest source of opencv contrib from https://github.com/Itseez/open..., compiled according to the documentation.
To make sure:
I have the python bindings i typed the following in the python shell:
import cv2
it returned the following '3.0.0'
The face module folder already in the modules folder in the build directory
I modified the original code with my recent images database directory and haarcascade xml file and
recognizer = cv2.createLBPHFaceRecognizer()
to be
recognizer = cv2.face.createLBPHFaceRecognizer()
When i tried to run type
import cv2
it returned the following error AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'face'
When I tried to explore this file: build/modules/python2/pyopencv_generated_types.h I found that:
pyopencv_face_BasicFaceRecognizer_Type.tp_base = &pyopencv_face_FaceRecognizer_Type; pyopencv_face_LBPHFaceRecognizer_Type.tp_base = &pyopencv_face_FaceRecognizer_Type;
I googled extensively to find a solution and I tried all the available solutions but still stuck at the same point. AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'face'
The last activity about the similar questions was from 7 month ago so I re-ask this question to figure out if there are new answers about this issue.
What should I do?