Python Flask Cookie Session with Firebase - problem in setting cookies - python

I'm trying to follow this tutorial to create a Flask Application that authenticate a user registered in Firebase and manage his session through the token id.
The problem is that the /sessionLogin route seems to work only when is invoked with a GET request (and not POST as in the tutorial), otherwise it doesn't set the cookies on the browser (I'm using Chrome 90.0).
Any idea why it doesn't work? Thanks


Microsoft MSAL React SPA, and RESTful Django API

I don't know why I can't find confirmation in the docs, maybe I am not navigating them correctly, although MSAL seems to have options to fit it into any application. This is my first time integrating a SAML sso procedure into any of my web-apps. I am just looking for some clarity on the correct, and secure way to verify the person attempting to login, is actually logged in with the IDP.
I am confused at the part after confirmation of login is given to my redirect API, I currently have it all happening on the front-end, then submitting the response to my back-end. Which is a RESTful API built with Django, and postgres database. At this point, I am thinking I need to verify my accessToken for authenticity, but I am unsure if I should be creating another PublicClient instance in python, and then sending the same commands to the IDP.
To guess at this point, I'm thinking this is wrong, as I need to verify the token, rather than get another Access and Refresh token. I'm thinking I just need to verify there is a session open with the IDP, and that the Access Token matches. Can anyone shed some light on this, possibly provide even just some direction.
The client Python Django Web App uses the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to sign-in and obtain an Access Token from Azure AD.
The access token is used as a bearer token to authorize the user to call the Python Flask Web API protected by Azure AD.
The Python Flask Web API then receives a token for Azure Resource Management API using the On-Behalf-Of flow.
To learn more about handing access token validation at the API layer, look into this sample walkthrough:

Django - Spotify API authorisation

I have developed a simple Django app, using Spotify API and Spotipy Authorisation (authorisation flow). This runs a localhost server where I click a simple button which creates a playlist in Spotify.
My issue however is in setting this up for an alternative user to login via their credentials and gain authorisation.
Atm, I have set this app up using a hardcoded cid and client secret within the module (in the backend). This uses the following code to gain auth.
token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username, scope, client_id= cid, client_secret= secret, redirect_uri=r_uri)
My index.html file then links a button to this script so that when clicked, the playlist is created. I expect this index.html needs to be updated to allow the user to login to their own spotify account and to authorise their token. However I am unsure on how to update this or if I am on the right track.
Alternatively, I think I may need to restart the project using java to gain authorisation for another user or using Implicit Grant Auth method, if spotipy authorisation cannot be used.
You won't be able to use prompt_for_user_token for this because it is a helper meant to be used locally by a single user and will block the app if the signin process is not completed.
Have a look at this Flask python app and adapt it to make it work in Django.
It does everything you need:
uses python and spotipy
allows user to login using a link
allows user to do any action by clicking another link
keeps client id and secret on the backend
Have fun!
I am not very familiar with Spottily API , but what i would try to do it to get the user id as describe below:
from the client to the server using Ajax ,and then in the client
use the the Playlist API:
Can’t respond to above comment directly but the flask cache handler can be changed to django cache handler with

Authentication using Firebase for Flask Application running in appengine

Hi I have our website running on appengine with flask as backend framework and we have built our authentication and session management using libraries Flask-OAuth, Flask-Login.
But now I have a requirement to use firebase for authentication.
I am able create sample applications following firebase tutorials but I do no how to integrate with existing application.
In Firenotes samples provided by firebase team they are using two separate services frontend and backend.
I thought of using firebase code in login.html page and once client authenticated pass the info to /profile url -> log the user_id in database and login-user using Flask-Login.
I am not sure whether the above flow is correct and I am not to ensure that it is correct one without any problems in future.
Please help with any ideas as I need to implement it very soon!!
Flask-Login uses session based authentication. Clients login using an authentication scheme. Since you are using Flask-OAuth, it's the oauth flow. If the user successfully authenticates, Flask-Login sends a response during the token exchange step setting an HTTP only cookie (meaning javascript can't access it) with a token unique to the user session. The client then authenticates future requests for the duration of the session with that token. The server can invalidate the session at any time, forcing the client to log in again.
Meanwhile, firebase authentication is JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication scheme. After completing the login flow, the firebase API retrieves a JWT from google's application servers.
To authenticate requests, you need to transmit that JWT on EVERY request. Your server MUST also validate the JWT to ensure that it is both valid and unexpired.
You'll note that the manner by which the JWT arrives at the server is unspecified by the firebase SDK and libraries. I recommend using a Authentication: JWT <google's jwt> header.
One way to resolve your question would be to use the JWT to complete the initial login flow, and then rely on session based auth from there. You'd set up a login endpoint that expects and validates a JWT, and responds with the set cookie header. From that point forward you continue using your flask-login provided session based auth.
Google actually has an example of this in their documentation:

Completing Spotify Authorization Code Flow via desktop application without using browser

Working on a small app that takes a Spotify track URL submitted by a user in a messaging application and adds it to a public Spotify playlist. The app is running with the help of spotipy python on a Heroku site (so I have a valid /callback) and listens for the user posting a track URL.
When I run the app through command line, I use util.prompt_for_user_token. A browser opens, I move through the auth flow successfully, and I copy-paste the provided callback URL back into terminal.
When I run this app and attempt to add a track on the messaging application, it does not open a browser for the user to authenticate, so the auth flow never completes.
Any advice on how to handle this? Can I auth once via terminal, capture the code/token and then handle the refreshing process so that the end-user never has to authenticate?
P.S. can't add the tag "spotipy" yet but surprised it was not already available
Unfortunately, the spotipy util function only returns the access_token, not the all-important refresh_token. The access_token will expire after a limited amount of time. At that point, you'll need to create a new access_token using a refresh_token.
I did not see any public functions in spotipy that allow you to grab the refresh_token. However, you can always create a new access_token with the following components:
Your Spotify client id (found on your app page)
Your Spotify client secret (found on your app page)
Your Spotify refresh token - See here for a way to get that ONCE -
Word to the wise, when debugging I requested a new access_token using POSTMAN to POST to - it only worked after specifying in the headers
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
I once ran into a similar issue with Google's Calendar API. The app was pretty low-importance so I botched a solution together by running through the auth locally in my browser, finding the response token, and manually copying it over into an environment variable on Heroku. The downside of course was that tokens are set to auto-expire (I believe Google Calendar's was set to 30 days), so periodically the app stopped working and I had to run through the auth flow and copy the key over again. There might be a way to automate that.
Good luck!

How do I login to a GAE app using the User API from a non-browser client?

I've built a GAE app using the User API.
I've built some Selenium test apps that login by manipulating the browser to type in the username and password, that works fine.
I'd like to build a command line python app (most likely using the Requests library) to do more performance/scalability testing of some APIs that are behind the login. How do I login with a custom, non-browser client?
Is it simply a matter of submitting a form to while keeping track of all the cookies?
You can use the HttpRpcServer class provided in to make authenticated requests against your AppEngine app. It keeps track of the cookies for you.

