Accessing key value in JSON response in python while loop - python

I'm trying to cancel an order on binance if another order has been filled.
The connection is websocket with unicorn library
In the while loop the listener waits for the response of a filled order
I'm trying to check for the order type which was filled and then cancel the opposed order.
The cancelling itself works, but I can't access the value 'STOP' in key 'c' for the condition
def print_stream_data_from_stream_buffer(binance_websocket_api_manager):
while True:
if binance_websocket_api_manager.is_manager_stopping():
oldest_stream_data_from_stream_buffer = binance_websocket_api_manager.pop_stream_data_from_stream_buffer()
if oldest_stream_data_from_stream_buffer is False:
if oldest_stream_data_from_stream_buffer['o']['c'] == 'STOP':
exchange.cancel_order(orders[1]['id'], 'BCH/USDT')
This is the JSON response from the filled order:
{'E': 1617807091189,
'T': 1617807091187,
'o': {'L': '0',
'R': False,
'S': 'BUY',
'T': 1617807091187,
'X': 'NEW',
'a': '0',
'ap': '0',
'b': '0',
'c': 'STOP',
'cp': False,
'f': 'GTC',
'i': 471573385,
'l': '0',
'm': False,
'o': 'MARKET',
'ot': 'STOP_MARKET',
'p': '0',
'pP': False,
'ps': 'BOTH',
'q': '1',
'rp': '0',
's': 'BCHUSDT',
'si': 0,
'sp': '629.68',
'ss': 0,
't': 0,
'x': 'NEW',
'z': '0'}}
I get a KeyError: 'o'
What am I doing wrong?


Websocket data converted into dictionary in python

i have two(n) websocket messages input like this, separated by "==new msg=="
(don't know why but some of the messages are longer..)
++Rcv raw: b'\x81~\x02\xff{"data":[{"c":null,"p":20926.99,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217026,"v":0.0008},{"c":null,"p":20927.45,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217056,"v":0.0005},{"c":null,"p":20930.51,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217079,"v":0.001},{"c":null,"p":20930.51,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217079,"v":0.00061},{"c":null,"p":20930.52,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217079,"v":0.1},{"c":null,"p":20931.18,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217079,"v":0.05098},{"c":null,"p":20930.5,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217201,"v":0.03},{"c":null,"p":20930.5,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217201,"v":0.03654},{"c":null,"p":20927.9,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217649,"v":0.03},{"c":null,"p":20927.9,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217649,"v":0.01882}],"type":"trade"}'
++Rcv decoded: fin=1 opcode=1 data=b'{"data":[{"c":null,"p":20926.99,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217026,"v":0.0008},{"c":null,"p":20927.45,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217056,"v":0.0005},{"c":null,"p":20930.51,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217079,"v":0.001},{"c":null,"p":20930.51,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217079,"v":0.00061},{"c":null,"p":20930.52,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217079,"v":0.1},{"c":null,"p":20931.18,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217079,"v":0.05098},{"c":null,"p":20930.5,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217201,"v":0.03},{"c":null,"p":20930.5,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217201,"v":0.03654},{"c":null,"p":20927.9,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217649,"v":0.03},{"c":null,"p":20927.9,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217649,"v":0.01882}],"type":"trade"}'
==new msg==
++Rcv raw: b'\x81~\x03\x03{"data":[{"c":null,"p":20927.9,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217649,"v":0.08477},{"c":null,"p":20927.89,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217678,"v":0.1},{"c":null,"p":20927.89,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217678,"v":0.25},{"c":null,"p":20927.89,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217678,"v":0.07053},{"c":null,"p":20927.89,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217694,"v":0.08207},{"c":null,"p":20926.98,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217698,"v":0.05098},{"c":null,"p":20926.31,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217698,"v":0.1},{"c":null,"p":20925.5,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217698,"v":0.16424},{"c":null,"p":20927.87,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217711,"v":0.00052},{"c":null,"p":20923.16,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217927,"v":0.0155}],"type":"trade"}'
++Rcv decoded: fin=1 opcode=1 data=b'{"data":[{"c":null,"p":20927.9,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217649,"v":0.08477},{"c":null,"p":20927.89,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217678,"v":0.1},{"c":null,"p":20927.89,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217678,"v":0.25},{"c":null,"p":20927.89,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217678,"v":0.07053},{"c":null,"p":20927.89,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217694,"v":0.08207},{"c":null,"p":20926.98,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217698,"v":0.05098},{"c":null,"p":20926.31,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217698,"v":0.1},{"c":null,"p":20925.5,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217698,"v":0.16424},{"c":null,"p":20927.87,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217711,"v":0.00052},{"c":null,"p":20923.16,"s":"BINANCE:BTCUSDT","t":1656017217927,"v":0.0155}],"type":"trade"}'
==new msg==
and i have some code so far
import websocket
import json
from collections import ChainMap
y = []
c = []
def on_message(ws, message):
print("==new msg==")
def on_error(ws, error):
def on_close(ws,close_status_code, close_reason):
c = dict(ChainMap(*y))
def on_open(ws):
if __name__ == "__main__":
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp("wss://****ps2ad3iahju47mdg",
on_message = on_message,
on_error = on_error,
on_close = on_close)
ws.on_open = on_open
the output is:
{'data': [{'c': None, 'p': 20926.99, 's': 'BINANCE:BTCUSDT', 't': 1656017217026, 'v': 0.0008}, {'c': None, 'p': 20927.45, 's': 'BINANCE:BTCUSDT', 't': 1656017217056, 'v': 0.0005}, {'c': None, 'p': 20930.51, 's': 'BINANCE:BTCUSDT', 't': 1656017217079, 'v': 0.001}, {'c': None, 'p': 20930.51, 's': 'BINANCE:BTCUSDT', 't': 1656017217079, 'v': 0.00061}, {'c': None, 'p': 20930.52, 's': 'BINANCE:BTCUSDT', 't': 1656017217079, 'v': 0.1}, {'c': None, 'p': 20931.18, 's': 'BINANCE:BTCUSDT', 't': 1656017217079, 'v': 0.05098}, {'c': None, 'p': 20930.5, 's': 'BINANCE:BTCUSDT', 't': 1656017217201, 'v': 0.03}, {'c': None, 'p': 20930.5, 's': 'BINANCE:BTCUSDT', 't': 1656017217201, 'v': 0.03654}, {'c': None, 'p': 20927.9, 's': 'BINANCE:BTCUSDT', 't': 1656017217649, 'v': 0.03}, {'c': None, 'p': 20927.9, 's': 'BINANCE:BTCUSDT', 't': 1656017217649, 'v': 0.01882}], 'type': 'trade'}
only from the first message..?
The goal is to calculate the volume-weighted average price of trades made during a 1 min interval
output should look like this:
2022-05-04 12:22:33 price:20926.99 volume:0.0008
2022-05-04 12:23:43 price:20926.99 volume:0.0058
2022-05-04 12:24:53 price:20927.99 volume:0.0608

Get a value of key from JSON response in Python

I am accessing an API through a get request from which I get a response.
This is my code:
import requests
import json
symbol = "AAPL"
print(r) returned:
{'request_id': '2735c0be51de7719fd99460fe8696080', 'status': 'OK', 'ticker': {'day': {'c': 172.93, 'h': 175.48, 'l': 172.37, 'o': 174.14, 'v': 65575561, 'vw': 174.0984}, 'lastQuote': {'P': 172.83, 'S': 3, 'p': 172.82, 's': 1, 't': 1644524332922450142}, 'lastTrade': {'c': None, 'i': '139592', 'p': 172.8199, 's': 2014, 't': 1644524331573573011, 'x': 4}, 'min': {'av': 65559987, 'c': 172.9, 'h': 173.14, 'l': 172.89, 'o': 173.09, 'v': 107429, 'vw': 173.0138}, 'prevDay': {'c': 176.28, 'h': 176.65, 'l': 174.9, 'o': 176.05, 'v': 71204538, 'vw': 175.8287}, 'ticker': 'AAPL', 'todaysChange': -3.46, 'todaysChangePerc': -1.963, 'updated': 1644524331573573011}}
but when I try to access the key "min", I get key error:
KeyError: 'min'
This is super-simple. What am I doing wrong?
Please try:
the key min is inside ticker. Do this:

Manipulate a List in Python that Contains Other Lists

I am trying to extract information from a list within a list within a list to end up with something like this from the information below: ('h': '0.77584', 'l': '0.77292'), ('h': '0.77521', 'l': '0.77206')
[{'complete': True, 'volume': 2290, 'time': '2021-01-15', 'mid': {'o': '0.77540', 'h': '0.77584', 'l': '0.77292', 'c': '0.77440'}}, {'complete': True, 'volume': 2312, 'time': '2021-01-15', 'mid': {'o': '0.77436', 'h': '0.77521', 'l': '0.77206', 'c': '0.77206'}}]
Not sure how to go about it. I tried
something = list(list(dict.items())[0].items())[3][1]
However, this returned {'o': '0.77540', 'h': '0.77584', 'l': '0.77292', 'c': '0.77440'}
How to get the requested data?
You can use the following list and dict comprehension
dict = [{'complete': True, 'volume': 2290, 'time': '2021-01-15', 'mid': {'o': '0.77540', 'h': '0.77584', 'l': '0.77292', 'c': '0.77440'}}, {'complete': True, 'volume': 2312, 'time': '2021-01-15', 'mid': {'o': '0.77436', 'h': '0.77521', 'l': '0.77206', 'c': '0.77206'}}]
res = [{k:v for k, v in i['mid'].items() if k in 'hl'} for i in dict]
[{'h': '0.77584', 'l': '0.77292'}, {'h': '0.77521', 'l': '0.77206'}]
First you can take the mid child from each parent dictionary in the list.
dict = [{'complete': True, 'volume': 2290, 'time': '2021-01-15', 'mid': {'o': '0.77540', 'h': '0.77584', 'l': '0.77292', 'c': '0.77440'}}, {'complete': True, 'volume': 2312, 'time': '2021-01-15', 'mid': {'o': '0.77436', 'h': '0.77521', 'l': '0.77206', 'c': '0.77206'}}]
old_dict = [dict[0]['mid'],dict[1]['mid']]
Then loop through those entries and filter based off the keys (i.e. remove o and c):
list_you_want = []
for i in [0,1]:
list_you_want.append({ your_key: old_dict[i][your_key] for your_key in ['h','l'] })
Which gives you:
[{'h': '0.77584', 'l': '0.77292'}, {'h': '0.77521', 'l': '0.77206'}]

Print returns 'None' [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Why does the print function return None?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am all new to programming and have to develop a simple script that converts a word into NATO-language. I have figured out (through Google) how to convert the word to NATO, but it also returns 'None'? Why does it do that?
def textToNato(plainText):
d = {
'A': 'Alpha', 'B': 'Bravo', 'C': 'Charlie',
'D': 'Delta', 'E': 'Echo', 'F': 'Foxtrot',
'G': 'Golf', 'H': 'Hotel', 'I': 'India',
'J': 'Juliett','K': 'Kilo', 'L': 'Lima',
'M': 'Mike', 'N': 'November','O': 'Oscar',
'P': 'Papa', 'Q': 'Quebec', 'R': 'Romeo',
'S': 'Sierra', 'T': 'Tango', 'U': 'Uniform',
'V': 'Victor', 'W': 'Whiskey', 'X': 'X-ray',
'Y': 'Yankee', 'Z': 'Zulu'}
natoText = print('-'.join([d[x] for x in [*plainText.upper()]]))
return natoText
natoText = print(...)
Print returns None, that's the reason behind the issue. What you should do is
natoText = '-'.join([d[x] for x in plainText.upper()])
print (natoText) #if you need to print here
return natoText

How can i make a dictionary from txt file in python

I have get this txt file
A:{A:0, B:6, C:4, D:3, E:0, F:0, G:0}
B:{A:6, B:0, C:2, D:0, E:4, F:0, G:0}
C:{A:4, B:2, C:0, D:2, E:0, F:8, G:0}
D:{A:3, B:0, C:2, D:0, E:3, F:0, G:0}
E:{A:0, B:4, C:0, D:3, E:0, F:7, G:6}
F:{A:0, B:0, C:8, D:0, E:7, F:0, G:6}
G:{A:0, B:0, C:0, D:0, E:6, F:6, G:0}
titles = []
with open("graph.txt", "r") as file:
for line in file:
i need to make dictionaries for each title which i got like A,B,C
Format each line properly and you can use ast.literal_eval. I used regex to find each key and replace it with the same key surrounded by quotes.
import ast
import re
KEY_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(\w+?):')
dics = []
with open('graph.txt') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line:
dic_str = "{" + KEY_PATTERN.sub(r'"\g<1>":', line) + "}"
Can be shorter (though harder to read):
import ast
import re
KEY_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(\w+?):')
with open('graph.txt') as f:
dics = [ast.literal_eval("{" + KEY_PATTERN.sub(r'"\g<1>":', line) + "}") for line in f if line.strip()]
[{'A': {'A': 0, 'B': 6, 'C': 4, 'D': 3, 'E': 0, 'F': 0, 'G': 0}}, {'B': {'A': 6, 'B': 0, 'C': 2, 'D': 0, 'E': 4, 'F': 0, 'G': 0}}, {'C': {'A': 4, 'B': 2, 'C': 0, 'D': 2, 'E': 0, 'F': 8, 'G': 0}}, {'D': {'A': 3, 'B': 0, 'C': 2, 'D': 0, 'E':3, 'F': 0, 'G': 0}}, {'E': {'A': 0, 'B': 4, 'C': 0, 'D': 3, 'E': 0, 'F': 7, 'G': 6}}, {'F': {'A': 0, 'B': 0, 'C': 8, 'D': 0, 'E': 7, 'F': 0, 'G': 6}}, {'G': {'A': 0, 'B': 0, 'C': 0, 'D': 0, 'E': 6, 'F': 6, 'G': 0}}]
If you want the result to be just one dict than change:
dics = []
# and
dics = {}
# and
This can be achieved with the following sample:
import re
titles = []
with open("graph.txt", "r") as file:
for line in file:
if ':' in line:
title=re.match(r"^(.*?):", line).groups()[0]
dict_str= re.match("^.*?\{(.*?)\}", line).groups()[0]
dictionary = {key:value for (key,value) in (item.strip().split(':') for item in dict_str.split(','))}
titles.append({title: dictionary})
for item in titles:
This will produce output like:
{'A': {'A': '0', 'C': '4', 'B': '6', 'E': '0', 'D': '3', 'G': '0', 'F': '0'}}
{'B': {'A': '6', 'C': '2', 'B': '0', 'E': '4', 'D': '0', 'G': '0', 'F': '0'}}
{'C': {'A': '4', 'C': '0', 'B': '2', 'E': '0', 'D': '2', 'G': '0', 'F': '8'}}
{'D': {'A': '3', 'C': '2', 'B': '0', 'E': '3', 'D': '0', 'G': '0', 'F': '0'}}
{'E': {'A': '0', 'C': '0', 'B': '4', 'E': '0', 'D': '3', 'G': '6', 'F': '7'}}
{'F': {'A': '0', 'C': '8', 'B': '0', 'E': '7', 'D': '0', 'G': '6', 'F': '0'}}
{'G': {'A': '0', 'C': '0', 'B': '0', 'E': '6', 'D': '0', 'G': '0', 'F': '6'}}

