Word2vec on documents each one containing one sentence - python

I have some unsupervised data (100.000 files) and each file has a paragraph containing one sentence. The preprocessing went wrong and deleted all stop points (.).
I used word2vec on a small sample (2000 files) and it treated each document as one sentence.
Should I continue the process on all remaining files? Or this would result to a bad model ?
Thank you

Did you try it, and get bad results?
I'm not sure what you mean by "deleted all stop points". But, Gensim's Word2Vec is oblivious to what your tokens are, and doesn't really have any idea of 'sentences'.
All that matters is the lists-of-tokens you provide. (Sometimes people include puntuation like '.' as tokens, and sometimes it's stripped - and it doesn't make a very big different either way, and to the extent it does, whether it's good or bad may depend on your data & goals.)
Any lists-of-tokens that include neighboring related tokens, for the sort of context-window training that's central to the word2vec algorithm, should work well.
For example, it can't learn anything from one-word texts, where there are no neighboring words. But running togther sentences, paragraphs, and even full documents into long texts works fine.
Even concatenating wholly-unrelated texts doesn't hurt much: the bit of random noise from unrelated words now in-each-others' windows is outweighed, with enough training, by the meaningful relationships in the much-longer runs of truly-related text.
The main limit to consider is that each training text (list of tokens) shouldn't be more than 10,000 tokens long, as internal implementation limits up through Gensim 4.0 mean tokens past the 10,000th position will be ignored. (This limit might eventually be fixed - but until then, just splitting overlong texts into 10,000-token chunks is a fine workaround with negligible effects via the lost contexts at the break points.)


Use word2vec to expand a glossary in order to classify texts

I have a database containing about 3 million texts (tweets). I put clean texts (removing stop words, tags...) in a list of lists of tokens called sentences (so it contains a list of tokens for each text).
After these steps, if I write
model = Word2Vec(sentences, min_count=1)
I obtain a vocabulary of about 400,000 words.
I have also a list of words (belonging to the same topic, in this case: economics) called terms. I found that 7% of the texts contain at least one of these words (so we can say that 7% of total tweets talk about economics).
My goal is to expand the list terms in order to retrieve more texts belonging to the economic topic.
Then I use
results = model.most_similar(terms, topn=5000)
to find, within the list of lists of tokens sentences, the words most similar to those contained in terms.
Finally if I create the data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['key', 'similarity'])
I get something like that:
key similarity
word1 0.795432
word2 0.787954
word3 0.778942
... ...
Now I think I have two possibilities to define the expanded glossary:
I take the first N words (what should be the value of N?);
I look at the suggested words one by one and decide which one to include in the expanded glossary based on my knowledge (does this word really belong to the economic glossary?)
How should I proceed in a case like this?
There's no general answer for what the cutoff should be, or how much you should use your own manual judgement versus cruder (but fast/automatic) processes. Those are inherently decisions which will be heavily influenced by your data, model quality, & goals – so you have to try different approaches & see what works there.
If you had a goal for what percentage of the original corpus you want to take – say, 14% instead of 7% – you could go as deeply into the ranked candidate list of 'similar words' as necessary to hit that 14% target.
Note that when you retrieve model.most_similar(terms), you are asking the model to 1st average all words in terms together, then return words close to that one average point. To the extent your seed set of terms is tightly around the idea of economics, that might find words close to that generic average idea – but might not find other interesting words, such as close sysnonyms of your seed words that you just hadn't thought of. For that, you might want to get not 5000 neighbors for one generic average point, but (say) 3 neighbors for every individual term. To the extent the 'shape' of the topic isn't a perfect sphere around someplace in the word-vector-space, but rather some lumpy complex volume, that might better reflect your intent.
Instead of using your judgement of the candidate words standing alone to decide whether a word is economics-related, you could instead look at the texts that a word uniquely brings in. That is, for new word X, look at the N texts that contain that word. How many, when applying your full judgement to their full text, deserve to be in your 'economics' subset? Only if it's above some threshold T would you want to move X into your glossary.
But such an exercise may just highlight: using a simple glossary – "for any of these hand-picked N words, every text mentioning at least 1 word is in" – is a fairly crude way of assessing a text's topic. There are other ways to approach the goal of "pick a relevant subset" in an automated way.
For example, you could view your task as that of training a text binary classifier to classify texts as 'economics' or 'not-economics'.
In such a case, you'd start with some training data - a set of example documents that are already labeled 'economics' or 'not-economics', perhaps via individual manual review, or perhaps via some crude bootstrapping (like labeling all texts with some set of glossary words as 'economics', & all others 'not-economics'). Then you'd draw from the full range of potential text-preprocessing, text-feature-extracton, & classification options to train & evaluate classifiers that make that judgement for you. Then you'd evaluate/tune those – a process wich might also improve your training data, as you add new definitively 'economics' or 'not-economics' texts – & eventually settle on one that works well.
Alternatively, you could use some other richer topic-modeling methods (LDA, word2vec-derived Doc2Vec, deeper neural models etc) for modeling the whole dataset, then from some seed-set of definite-'economics' texts, expand outward from them – finding nearest-examples to known-good documents, either auto-including them or hand-reviewing them.
Separately: min_count=1 is almost always a mistake in word2vec & related algorihtms, which do better if you discard words so rare they lack the variety of multiple usage examples the algorithm needs to generate good word-vectors.

Keeping Numbers in Doc2Vec Tokenization

I’m in the process of trying to get document similarity values for a corpus of approximately 5,000 legal briefs with Doc2Vec (I recognize that the corpus may be a little bit small, but this is a proof-of-concept project for a larger corpus of approximately 15,000 briefs I’ll have to compile later).
Basically, every other component in the creation of the model is going relatively well so far – each brief I have is in a text file within a larger folder, so I compiled them in my script using glob.glob – but I’m running into a tokenization problem. The difficulty is, as these documents are legal briefs, they contain numbers that I’d like to keep, and many of the guides I’ve been using to help me write the code use Gensim’s simple preprocessing, which I believe eliminates digits from the corpus, in tandem with the TaggedDocument feature. However, I want to do as little preprocessing on the texts as possible.
Below is the code I’ve used, and I’ve tried swapping simple_preprocess for genism.utils.tokenize, but when I do that, I get generator objects that don’t appear workable in my final Doc2Vec model, and I can’t actually see how the corpus looks. When I’ve tried to use other tokenizers, like nltk, I don’t know how to fit that into the TaggedDocument component.
brief_corpus = []
for brief_filename in brief_filenames:
with codecs.open(brief_filename, "r", "utf-8") as brief_file:
["{}".format(brief_filename)])) #tagging each brief with its filename
I’d appreciate any advice that anyone can give that would help me combine a tokenizer that just separated on whitespace and didn’t eliminate any numbers with the TaggedDocument feature. Thank you!
Update: I was able to create a rudimentary code for some basic tokenization (I do plan on refining it further) without having to resort to Gensim's simple_preprocessing function. However, I'm having difficulty (again!) when using the TaggedDocument feature - but this time, the tags (which I want to be the file names of each brief) don't match the tokenized document. Basically, each document has a tag, but it's not the right one.
Can anyone possibly advise where I might have gone wrong with the new code below? Thanks!
briefs = []
BriefList = [p for p in os.listdir(FILEPATH) if p.endswith('.txt')]
for brief in BriefList:
str = open(FILEPATH + brief,'r').read()
tokens = re.findall(r"[\w']+|[.,!?;]", str)
tagged_data = [TaggedDocument(tokens, [brief]) for brief in BriefList]
You're likely going to want to write your own preprocessing/tokenization functions. But don't worry, it's not hard to outdo Gensim's simple_preprocess, even with very crude code.
The only thing Doc2Vec needs as the words of a TaggedDocument is a list of string tokens (typically words).
So first, you might be surprised how well it works to just do a default Python string .split() on your raw strings - which just breaks text on whitespace.
Sure, a bunch of the resulting tokens will then be mixes of words & adjoining punctuation, which may be nearly nonsense.
For example, the word 'lawsuit' at the end of the sentence might appear as 'lawsuit.', which then won't be recognized as the same token as 'lawsuit', and might not appear enough min_count times to even be considered, or otherwise barely rise above serving as noise.
But especially for both longer documents, and larger datasets, no one token, or even 1% of all tokens, has that much influence. This isn't exact-keyword-search, where failing to return a document with 'lawsuit.' for a query on 'lawsuit' would be a fatal failure. A bunch of words 'lost' to such cruft may have hadly any effect on the overall document, or model, performance.
As your datasets seem manageable enough to run lots of experiments, I'd suggest trying this dumbest-possible tokenization – only .split() – just as a baseline to become confident that the algorithm still mostly works as well as some more intrusive operation (like simple_preprocess()).
Then, as you notice, or suspect, or ideally measure with some repeatable evaluation, that some things you'd want to be meaningful tokens aren't treated right, gradually add extra steps of stripping/splitting/canonicalizing characters or tokens. But as much as possible: checking that the extra complexity of code, and runtime, is actually delivering benefits.
For example, further refinements could be some mix of:
For each token created by the simple split(), strip off any non-alphanumeric leading/trailing chars. (Advantages: eliminates that punctuation-fouling-words cruft. Disadvantages: might lose useful symbols, like the leading $ of monetary amounts.)
Before splitting, replace certain single-character punctuation-marks (like say ['.', '"', ',', '(', ')', '!', '?', ';', ':']) with the same character with spaces on both sides - so that they're never connected with nearby words, and instead survive a simple .split() as standalone tokens. (Advantages: also prevents words-plus-punctuation cruft. Disadvantages: breaks up numbers like 2,345.77 or some useful abbreviations.)
At some appropriate stage in tokenization, canonicalize many varied tokens into a smaller set of tokens that may be more meaningful than each of them as rare standalone tokens. For example, $0.01 through $0.99 might all be turned into $0_XX - which then has a better chance of influencting the model, & being associated with 'tiny amount' concepts, than the original standalone tokens. Or replacing all digits with #, so that numbers of similar magnitudes share influence, without diluting the model with a token for every single number.
The exact mix of heuristics, and order of operations, will depend on your goals. But with a corpus only in the thousands of docs (rather than hundreds-of-thousands or millions), even if you do these replacements in a fairly inefficient way (lots of individual string- or regex- replacements in serial), it'll likely be a manageable preprocessing cost.
But you can start simple & only add complexity that your domain-specific knowledge, and evaluations, justifies.

Gensim word2vec and large amount of texts

I need to put the texts contained in a column of a MySQL database (about 3 million rows) into a list of lists of tokens. These texts (which are tweets, therefore they are generally short) must be preprocessed before being included in the list (stop words, hashtags, tags etc. must be removed). This list should be passed later as a Word2Vec parameter. This is the part of the code involved
import mysql.connector
import re
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
import preprocessor as p
conn = mysql.connector.connect(...)
cursor = conn.cursor()
query = "SELECT text FROM tweet"
table = cursor.fetchall()
stopwords = open('stopwords.txt', encoding='utf-8').read().split('\n')
sentences = []
for row in table:
sentences = sentences + [[w for w in re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', ' ', p.clean(row[0])).lower().split() if w not in stopwords and len(w) > 2]]
model = Word2Vec(sentences)
Obviously it takes a lot of time and I know that my method is probably inefficient. Can anyone recommend a better one? I know it is not a question directly related to gensim and Word2Vec but perhaps those who use them have already faced the problem of working with a large amount of texts.
You haven't mentioned how long your code takes to run, but some potential sources of slowdown in your current technique might include:
the overhead of regex-based preprocessing, especially if a large number of independent regexes are each applied, separately, to the same texts
the inefficiency of expanding a Python list by appending one new item at a time - which as the list grows larger can sometimes be a factor
virtual-memory swapping, if the size of your data exceeds physical RAM
You can check the swapping issue by monitoring memory use using a platform-specific tool (like top on Linux systems) to view memory usage during the operation. If that's a contributor, using a machine with more RAM, or making other code changes to reduce RAM usage (see below), will help.
Your full prprocessing code isn't shown, but a common approach is a lot of independent steps, each of which involves one or more regular-expressions, but then returns a plain modified string (for future steps).
As appealingly simple & pluggable as that is, it often becomes a source of avoidable slowness in preprocessing large amounts of text. For example, each regex/step itself might have to repeat detecting token-boundaries, or splitting then re-concatenating a string. Or, the regexes might use complex match patterns, or techniques (like backtracking) that can be expensive on worst-case inputs.
Often this sort of preprocessing can be greatly improved by one or more of:
coalescing multiple regexes into a single step, so a string faces one front-to-back pass, rather than N
breaking into short tokens early, then leaving the text as a list-of-tokens for later steps - thus never redundantly splitting/joining, and letting later token-oriented steps to work on smaller strings and perhaps even simpler (non-regex) string-tests
Also, even if the preprocessing is still a bit time-consuming, a big process improvement is usually to be sure to only repeat it when the data changes. That is, if you're going to try a bunch of different downstream steps, like different Word2Vec parameters, make sure you're not doing the expensive preprocessing every time. Do it once, write the results aside to a file, then reuse the results file until it needs to be regenerated (because the data or preprocessing rules have changed).
Finally, if the append-one-more pattern is contributing to your slowness, you could pre-allocate your sentences (sentences = [Null,] * desired_length), then replace each row in your loop rather than append (sentences[row_num] = preprocessed_text). But that might not be a major factor, and in fact the suggestion above, about "reuse the results file", is a better way to minimize list-ops/RAM-usage, as well as enable reuse across alternate runs.
That is, open a new working file before your loop. Append each preprocessed text – with spaces between the tokens, and a newline at the end – as one new line to this file. Then, have your Word2Vec step work directly from that file. (In Gensim, you can do this by wrapping the file with a LineSentence utility object, which reads a file of that format back as a re-iterable sequence, with each item being a list-of-tokens, or by using the corpus_file parameter to feed the filename directly to Word2Vec.)
From that list of possible tactics, I'd try:
First, time your existing code for preprocessing (creating your sentences
Then, eliminate all fancy preprocessing, doing nothing more complicated than .split(), and re-time. If there's a big change, then yes, the preprocessing is the major slowdown, and concentrate on improving that.
If even that minimal preprocessing still seems slower-than-desired, then maybe the RAM/concatenation issues are a concern, and try writing to an interim file.
Separately: it's not strictly necessary to worry about removing stop-words in word2vec training - much published work doesn't bother with that step, and the algorithm already includes a sample parameter which causes it to skip a lot of the very-overrepresented words during training as less-interesting. Similarly, 2- and even 1- character tokens may still be interesting, especially in the domain of tweets, so you might not want to always discard them. (For example, lone emoji can be significant 'words'.)

Python3 - Doc2Vec: Get document by vector/ID

I've already built my Doc2Vec model, using around 20.000 files. I'm looking for a way to find the string representation of a given vector/ID, which might be similar to Word2Vec's index2entity. I'm able to get the vector itself, using model['n'], but now I'm wondering whether there's a way to get some sort of string representation of it as well.
If you want to look up your actual training text, for a given text+tag that was part of training, you should retain that mapping outside the Doc2Vec model. (The model doesn't store training texts – only looking at them, repeatedly, during training.)
If you want to generate a text from a Doc2Vec doc-vector, that's not an existing feature, nor do I know any published work describing a reliable technique for doing so.
There's a speculative/experimental bit of work-in-progress for gensim Doc2Vec that will forward-propagate a doc-vector through the model's neural-network, and report back the most-highly-predicted target words. (This is somewhat the opposite of the way infer_vector() works.)
That might, plausibly, give a sort-of summary text. For more details see this open issue & the attached PR-in-progress:
Whether this is truly useful or likely to become part of gensim is still unclear.
However, note that such a set-of-words wouldn't be grammatical. (It'll just be the ranked-list of most-predicted words. Perhaps some other subsystem could try to string those words together in a natural, grammatical way.)
Also, the subtleties of whether a concept has many potential associates words, or just one, could greatly affect the "top N" results of such a process. Contriving a possible example: there are many words for describing a 'cold' environment. As a result, a doc-vector for a text about something cold might have lots of near-synonyms for 'cold' in the 11th-20th ranked positions – such that the "total likelihood" of at least one cold-ish word is very high, maybe higher than any one other word. But just looking at the top-10 most-predicted words might instead list other "purer" words whose likelihood isn't so divided, and miss the (more-important-overall) sense of "coldness". So, this experimental pseudo-summarization method might benefit from a second-pass that somehow "coalesces" groups-of-related-words into their most-representative words, until some overall proportion (rather than fixed top-N) of the doc-vector's predicted-words are communicated. (This process might be vaguely like finding a set of M words whose "Word Mover's Distance" to the full set of predicted-words is minimized – though that could be a very expensive search.)

Hierarchical training for doc2vec: how would assigning same labels to sentences of the same document work?

What is the effect of assigning the same label to a bunch of sentences in doc2vec? I have a collection of documents that I want to learn vectors using gensim for a "file" classification task where file refers to a collection of documents for a given ID. I have several ways of labeling in mind and I want to know what would be the difference between them and which is the best -
Take a document d1, assign label doc1 to the tags and train. Repeat for others
Take a document d1, assign label doc1 to the tags. Then tokenize document into sentences and assign label doc1 to its tags and then train with both full document and individual sentences. Repeat for others
For example (ignore that the sentence isn't tokenized) -
Document - "It is small. It is rare"
TaggedDocument(words=["It is small. It is rare"], tags=['doc1'])
TaggedDocument(words=["It is small."], tags=['doc1'])
TaggedDocument(words=["It is rare."], tags=['doc1'])
Similar to above, but also assign a unique label for each sentence along with doc1. The full document has the all the sentence tags along with doc1.
Example -
Document - "It is small. It is rare"
TaggedDocument(words=["It is small. It is rare"], tags=['doc1', 'doc1_sentence1', 'doc1_sentence2'])
TaggedDocument(words=["It is small."], tags=['doc1', 'doc1_sentence1'])
TaggedDocument(words=["It is rare."], tags=['doc1', 'doc1_sentence2'])
I also have some additional categorical tags that I'd be assigning. So what would be the best approach?
You can do all this! Assigning the same tag to multiple texts has almost the same effect as would combining those texts into one larger text, and assigning it that tag. The slight differences would be for Doc2Vec modes where there's a context-window – PV-DM (dm=1). With separate texts, there'd never be contexts stretching across the end/beginning of sentences.
In fact, as gensim's optimized code paths have a 10,000-token limit to text sizes, splitting larger documents into subdocuments, but repeating their tags is sometimes necessary as a workaround.
What you've specifically proposed, training both the full-doc, and the doc-fragments, would work, but also have the effect of doubling the amount of text (and thus training-attention/individual-prediction-examples) for the 'doc1' tags, compared to the narrower per-sentence tags. You might want that, or not - it could affect the relative quality of each.
What's best is unclear - it depends on your corpus, and end goals, so should be determined through experimentation, with a clear end-evaluation so that you can automate/systematize a rigorous search for what's best.
A few relevant notes, though:
Doc2Vec tends to works better with docs of at least a dozen or more words per document.
The 'words' need to be tokenized - a list-of-strings, not a string.
It benefits from a lot of varied data, and in particular if you're training a larger model – more unique tags (including overlapping ones), and many-dimension vectors – you'll need more data to avoid overfitting.

