I am developing a Flask web application with Python and mysql where one page has a table with data from the MySQL Database. There is a form on the page with search parameters. Some parameters have the option to insert a numerical range (max and minimum). However when I make both the maximum and minimum 0 it returns every single query.
Below is the code from the routing file
if(Value_Min and Value_Max):
sql = sql + ' AND Value BETWEEN %s AND %s'
sql = 'SELECT * FROM database t1 inner join database_table2 t2 on t1.Factor = t2.Factor WHERE t1.Value BETWEEN %s AND %s'
How can I fix this? It seems to work fine for other values so I am not sure what makes 0 any different.
Thank you for your time and help!
"if(Value_Min and Value_Max):" is evaluating to "if(0 and 0)", which is not going to execute the if block. So your SQL "AND Value BETWEEN %s AND %s" is not being added to your sql query at all.
Maybe a better way of doing this is
if (Value_Min is not None) and (Value_Max is not None) :
sql = sql + ' AND Value BETWEEN %s AND %s'
sql = 'SELECT * FROM database t1 inner join database_table2 t2 on t1.Factor = t2.Factor WHERE t1.Value BETWEEN %s AND %s'
I have one offset date to be stored in Postgres table -
latest_mod_date = max(data['last_modified'])
latest mod_date = 2022-04-16 05:50:00
Want this date to be updated in postgres -
Used this query -
The postgres table data_offset is like this -
_id offset_type offset_value
1 C [NULL]
2 P [NULL]
# # query to update - global is the schema and data_offset is the data table in postgres
sql = '''update global.data_offset set {offset_value=latest_mod_date} where {offset_type='C'}; '''
# # execute the query
print("Table updated..")
print('Table after updation...')
# query to display table
sql2 = 'select * from global.data_offset;'
# execute query
# fetching all details
This query is giving error -
psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError: syntax error at or near "{"
LINE 1: update global.data_offset set {offset_value=latest_mo...
I want the latest_mod_date to be stored in the offset value where the offset_stypr is 'C'.
Any place you have seem {} is probably because people have been doing something like sql_str.format() which is the wrong thing to do. See Parameter passing for the correct way to pass variables in.
In your case what you need is:
sql = "update global.data_offset set offset_value = %s where offset_type='C'"
cursor.execute(sql, [latest_mod_date])
# Commit the changes.
I want to search a mysql table for rows where the specified column has a particular value. For example, given the input string memory=2048 it will search for the rows that have "2048" as the value of memory column and it will print them.
This is code that I have tried but it print outs nothing.
input = input()
tag = input.split("=")
desc = tag[1]
tag = tag[0]
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
sql = "(SELECT * FROM comp WHERE %s LIKE %s)"
val = (tag, desc)
mycursor.execute(sql, val)
res = mycursor.fetchall()
for x in res:
Secondly I tried this code to see where is the problem :
input = input()
tag = input.split("=")
desc = tag[1]
tag = tag[0]
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
sql = "(SELECT * FROM comp WHERE memory LIKE '2048')"
res = mycursor.fetchall()
for x in res:
It gives the desired output. So my problem is when I am trying to get the column name with %s it comes as 'memory' and It couldn't finds it, since the name of the column is memory. Is there a way to get rid of the '' chars ?
confirmation of inputs
Looking at the mysql.connector's execute() documentation it appears to use %s as placeholders for bind parameters.
So your execute("SELECT * FROM comp WHERE %s LIKE %s", ("memory", "2048")) call ends up running like the following SQL:
SELECT * FROM comp WHERE 'memory' LIKE '2048'
obviously returning 0 rows.
You need to put the literal column name into the query text before invoking execute():
sql = "SELECT * FROM comp WHERE %s LIKE %s" % (tag, "%s")
# => "SELECT * FROM comp WHERE memory LIKE %s"
mycursor.execute(sql, (desc, ))
I am fairly new to python and the only SQL I know is from this project so forgive the lack of technical knowledge:
def importFolder(self):
user = getuser()
filename = askopenfilename(title = "Choose an image from the folder to import", initialdir='C:/Users/%s' % user)
for i in range (0,len(filename) - 1):
if filename[-i] == "/":
folderLocation = filename[:len(filename) - i]
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=C:\Users\Public\dbsDetectorBookingSystem.accdb')
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM tblRuns")
cursor.execute("insert into tblRuns(RunID,RunFilePath,TotalAlphaCount,TotalBetaCount,TotalGammaCount) values (%s,%s,0,0,0)" %(str(self.runsCount + 1), folderLocation))
self.runsCount = cursor.rowcount
rowString = str(self.runsCount) + " " + folderLocation + " " + str(0) + " " + str(0) + " " + str(0) + " " + str(0)
self.runsTreeView.insert("","end", text = "", values = (rowString))
That is one routine from my current program meant to create a new record which is mostly empty apart from an index and a file location. This location needs to be saved as a string however when it is passed as a paramenter to the SQL string the following error occurs:
cursor.execute("insert into tblRuns(RunID,RunFilePath,TotalAlphaCount,TotalBetaCount,TotalGammaCount) values (%s,%s,0,0,0)" %(str(self.runsCount + 1), folderLocation))
ProgrammingError: ('42000', "[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'C:/Users/Jacob/Documents/USB backup'. (-3100) (SQLExecDirectW)") I assume this is because the SQL recognises a file path and wantsto user it. Does anybody know how to fix this?
You're not using the db-api correctly. Instead of using string formatting to pass your query params - which is error-prone (as you just noticed) AND a security issue, you want to pass them as arguments to cursor.execute(), ie:
sql = "insert into tblRuns(RunID, RunFilePath, TotalAlphaCount, TotalBetaCount, TotalGammaCount) values (%s, %s, 0, 0, 0)"
cursor.execute(sql, (self.runsCount + 1, folderLocation))
Note that we DONT use string formatting here (no "%" between sql and the params)
NB : note that the placeholder for parameterized queries depends on your db connector. python-MySQLdb uses % but your one may use a ? or anything else.
wrt/ your exact problem: since you didn't put quotes around your placeholders, the sql query you send looks something like:
"insert into tblRuns(
RunID, RunFilePath,
TotalAlphaCount, TotalBetaCount, TotalGammaCount
values (1,/path/to/folder,0,0,0)"
Which cannot work, obviously (it needs quotes around /path/to/folder to be valid SQL).
By passing query parameters the right way, your db connector will take care of all the quoting and escaping.
I scripted in Python SQL calls to my MonetDB server (which I verify is running, of course). When I print the calls instead of calling them, the commands look OK, but if I run the original script, it does not crash, it does use the CPU and memory, but nothing is changed in the database, not even the first line is executed. Why?
The Python script looks like this:
# script to merge tables in MonetDB
import re
from monetdb import mapi
server = mapi.Server()
server.connect(hostname="localhost", port=50000, username="monetdb", password="monetdb", database="dbfarm", language="sql")
def tablemerge(stub,yearlist):
for year in yearlist:
# server.cmd('ALTER TABLE %s_%d ADD COLUMN "year" INTEGER DEFAULT %d;' % (stub,year,year))
print 'ALTER TABLE %s_%d ADD COLUMN "year" INTEGER DEFAULT %d;' % (stub,year,year)
newstub = re.sub(r'sys.ds_chocker_lev_', r'', stub)
if year == yearlist[0]:
unioncall = 'CREATE TABLE %s AS SELECT * FROM %s_%d ' % (newstub,stub,year)
unioncall += 'UNION ALL SELECT * FROM %s_%d ' % (stub,year)
unioncall += ';'
# print unioncall
for year in yearlist:
server.cmd('DROP TABLE %s_%d;' % (stub,year))
# print 'DROP TABLE %s_%d;' % (stub,year)
print '%s done.' % stub
for stub in ['civandr']:
tablemerge('sys.ds_chocker_lev_%s' % stub,xrange(1998,2013))
E.g. the first call would be:
ALTER TABLE sys.ds_chocker_lev_civandr_1998 ADD COLUMN "year" INTEGER DEFAULT 1998;
But not even this happens. There is no year column in the table.
Or could I run the script in the console with more output than what I print myself?
Do commit! By default, the autocommit parameter is set to False. You can either do:
server.connect(hostname="localhost", port=50000, username="monetdb", password="monetdb", database="dbfarm", language="sql", autocommit=True)
or simply run:
connection = monetdb.sql.connect(username=username,password=password,hostname=hostname,port=port,database=database)
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('create table test (id int, name varchar(50));')
I get the error when running this code:
import sqlite3
user_name = raw_input("Please enter the name: ")
user_email = raw_input("Please enter the email: ")
db = sqlite3.connect("customer")
sql = """INSERT INTO customer
(name, email) VALUES (?,?);,
(user_name, user_email)"""
Why is this happening?
While the other posters are correct about your statement formatting you are receiving this particular error because you are attempting to perform multiple statements in one query (notice the ; in your query which separates statements).
From Python sqlite3 docs:
"execute() will only execute a single SQL statement. If you try to execute more than one
statement with it, it will raise a Warning. Use executescript() if you want to execute
multiple SQL statements with one call."
Now your statement will not execute properly even if you use executescript() because there are other issues with the way it is formatted (see other posted answers). But the error you are receiving is specifically because of your multiple statements. I am posting this answer for others that may have wandered here after searching for that error.
Use executescript instead of execute
execute() will only execute a single SQL statement. If you try to execute more than one statement with it, it will raise a Warning. Use executescript() if you want to execute multiple SQL statements with one call.
You have a ;, in the middle of the query string - that is an invalid syntax. Pass a dictionary as a second argument to execute if you want to use a named parameter binding.
sql = "INSERT INTO customer (name, email) VALUES (:name, :email)"
cursor.execute(sql, {'name':user_name, 'email':user_email})
Try this:
sql = """INSERT INTO customer
(name, email) VALUES (?,?)"""
cursor.execute(sql, (user_name, user_email))
import sqlite3
def DB():
List = {"Name":"Omar", "Age":"33"}
columns = ', '.join("" + str(x).replace('/', '_') + "" for x in List.keys())
values = ', '.join("'" + str(x).replace('/', '_') + "'" for x in List.values())
sql_qry = "INSERT INTO %s ( %s ) values (?,?) ; ( %s )" % ('Table Name', columns, values)
conn = sqlite3.connect("DBname.db")
curr = conn.cursor()
# curr.execute("""create table if not exists TestTable(
# Name text,
# Age text
# )""")
# print columns
# print values
# print sql
# sql = 'INSERT INTO yell (Name , Age) values (%s, %s)'