Trouble filling MySQL table using Python - python

I'm am trying to convert a database I had as a txt file into a MySQL database. I found this tutorial and tried to follow it, but every time I run I get the error:
mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'Pdf' in 'field list'
Here is the code I wrote
import shutil
import os
import mysql.connector
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
mycursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Books (name VARCHAR(255), address VARCHAR(255))")
if os.path.exists("/home/Me/Desktop/Books/INFO.txt"):
#Extract the data from the txt file
f= open("/home/Me/Desktop/Books/INFO.txt","r")
Lines = f.readlines()
for line in Lines:
#Extracted the data from the txt file
sql = "INSERT INTO Books (Name, Pdf, Image, DegradedImage, Tags, Extra) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
val = Items
mycursor.executemany(sql, val)
print(mycursor.rowcount, "was inserted.")
print("no file")
An example for the values (val) I want to put in the table is:
[('geekychefcookbook', '/home/Me/Desktop/Books/Food/Quarto Cookbooks/geekychefcookbook/PDF/PDF.pdf', 'None', '/home/Me/Desktop/Books/Food/Quarto Cookbooks/geekychefcookbook/IMAGE/IMAGE_RE.jpg', 'None', 'None'),('wickedgoodburgers', '/home/piotr/Desktop/Books/Food/Quarto Cookbooks/wickedgoodburgers/PDF/PDF.pdf', 'None', '/home/piotr/Desktop/Books/Food/Quarto Cookbooks/wickedgoodburgers/IMAGE/IMAGE_RE.jpg', 'None', 'None')]
Thanks in advance!

The MYSQL table does not have columns named Pdf, Image, DegradedImage, Tags, Extra as you are trying to insert.
The only columns you have are name and address, as defined in this line:
mycursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Books (name VARCHAR(255), address VARCHAR(255))")
Add all the columns in this line (by separating them with commas after address VARCHAR(255) with their specific data types and then try to insert your rows from the text file.


Mysql table name getting unwanted quotes resulting table does not exist error

import mysql.connector
def add_features_to_db(stockname, timeframe, date, feature):
conn = mysql.connector.connect(
user='root', password='', host='localhost', database='fx003')
cursor = conn.cursor()
dbtable = stockname + timeframe
mySql_insert_query = """INSERT INTO `%s` (date, trend) VALUES ( `%s`, `%s` )"""
record = (dbtable, date, feature)
cursor.execute(mySql_insert_query, record)
print("Record inserted successfully")
except mysql.connector.Error as error:
print("Failed to insert into MySQL table {}".format(error))
if conn.is_connected():
print("MySQL connection is closed")
add_features_to_db("aud-cad", "_30mins", "2021-09-24 21:00:00", "Short")
I have the code above and giving me the below error:
Failed to insert into MySQL table 1146 (42S02): Table 'fx003.'aud-cad_30mins'' doesn't exist
aud-cad_30mins table does exist and an insert query like below doing its job:
mySql_insert_query = """INSERT INTO aud-cad_30mins (date, trend) VALUES ( "2021-09-24 21:00:00","Short" )"""
So when I try to use variables in the query, it gives the error. Why the table name getting unwanted quotes? Checked several tutorials but couldn't find a solution, any ideas?
The table name should be hardcoded in the query string instead of having it there as a placeholder %s, which is meant for the values to be inserted. So if you have the table name in the variable, you can replace it via format() before calling cursor.execute()
dbtable = stockname + timeframe
mySql_insert_query = """INSERT INTO {} (date, trend) VALUES ( %s, %s )""".format(dbtable)
see the examples in the docs
edit: as Bill mentioned in the comment, dont add the backticks around the %s placeholders.

Unable to fetch results from SQL to Python using mysql.connector

I am trying to query a table stored in SQL using python. I am using mysql.connector package to perform the task.
import mysql.connector
#Creating a connection
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
##Creating a table called customers
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
mycursor.execute("CREATE TABLE customers (name VARCHAR(255), address VARCHAR(255))")
#Inserting records to the table
sql = "INSERT INTO customers (name, address) VALUES (%s, %s)"
val = [
('Peter', 'Lowstreet 4'),
('Amy', 'Apple st 652'),
('Hannah', 'Mountain 21'),
('Michael', 'Valley 345')]
mycursor.executemany(sql, val)
print(mycursor.rowcount, "record inserted.")
The problem is when I query the database, there is no output displayed.
query=("SELECT name, address FROM customers")
for (name, address) in mycursor:
print("{} {}".format(name, address))
Here is a link to what I tried and where I got the code from.
Here is the confirmation that the query is storing rows in the database.
The code is running fine. The issue seems to be in the line mycursor.executemany(sql, oval) as the variable is defined as val above. Fixing that should give you the expected output.

How to export text file data to mysql database

I want to export the text file data into MySQL database
import MySQLdb
import re
conn = MySQLdb.connect (host = "", user = "root", passwd = "123456")
mycursor =conn.cursor()
mycursor.execute("USE EMP")
mycursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS emp_details (Id VARCHAR(255) , Firstname VARCHAR(255),Lastname VARCHAR(255),department VARCHAR(255),salary VARCHAR(255)) ")
f = open("new.txt", "rb")
print (
for x in f:
mycursor.execute("INSERT INTO emp_details VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)",x)
print(mycursor.rowcount, "record inserted.")
I am getting an error
query = query % args
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
this is what my text file data looks like
Split your line on comma as you must provide 5 arguments to that execute string. Also, you should explicitly name those columns:
mycursor.execute("INSERT INTO emp_details (Id, Firstname, Lastname, department, salary) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", x.split(","))

Insert Python string or dictionary into MySQL

I have a Python string (or potentially a Python dictionary) that I'd like to insert to MySql table.
My String is the following:
{'ticker': 'BTC', 'avail_supply': 16479075.0, 'prices': 2750.99, 'name': 'Bitcoin', '24hvol': 678995000.0}
I have the same kind of error if I want to insert the Dict format.
I really don't understand this kind of error (i.e. the '\' in-between the components of the string).
How can I deal with this error? Any why to properly insert a whole string to a particular TEXT cell in SQL?
Many thanks !!
Here is how to connect, make a table, and insert in the table.
import MySQLdb as mdb
import sys
con = mdb.connect('localhost', 'testuser', 'test623', 'testdb');
with con:
#need the cursor object so you can pass sql commands, also there is a dictionary cursor
cur = con.cursor()
#create example table
#insert what you want
cur.execute("INSERT INTO Writers(Name) VALUES('Jack London')")
cur.execute("INSERT INTO Writers(Name) VALUES('Honore de Balzac')")
cur.execute("INSERT INTO Writers(Name) VALUES('Lion Feuchtwanger')")
cur.execute("INSERT INTO Writers(Name) VALUES('Emile Zola')")
cur.execute("INSERT INTO Writers(Name) VALUES('Truman Capote')")
Example above will make a table with 2 cols, one ID and one name
look here on an example on how to insert stuff from dictionary with keys and list as value to sql, basically you need place holders
sql = "INSERT INTO mytable (a,b,c) VALUES (%(qwe)s, %(asd)s, %(zxc)s);"
data = {'qwe':1, 'asd':2, 'zxc':None}
conn = MySQLdb.connect(**params)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, data)
or you can go with this as an example for a simple straight forward dict
placeholders = ', '.join(['%s'] * len(myDict))
columns = ', '.join(myDict.keys())
sql = "INSERT INTO %s ( %s ) VALUES ( %s )" % (table, columns, placeholders)
cursor.execute(sql, myDict.values())

Postgresql insert data error when using python

I am trying to insert data to the table that was created earlier using python script. Here is the code I am trying to execute. I want to insert data into table with date as well.
date_today =
conn = psycopg2.connect(host = serverip, port = port, database = database, user = uid, password = pwd)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO My_TABLE (Date, Class, Total_students, failed_students, Percent_passed_students) VALUES (date_today, 'Class Name', int1, int2, int3)")
print "Data Inserted successfully"
Here is the error I see from my job. what am i missing here?
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: column "date_today" does not exist
I created the table using different job with the following query:
cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE MY_TABL(Date date, Lob varchar(30), Total_Students int, failed_students int, Percent_passed_students int)""")
And the table is created with above five columns.
This line:
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO My_TABLE (Date, Class, Total_students, failed_students, Percent_passed_students) VALUES (date_today, 'Class Name', int1, int2, int3)")
Is the incorrect way to dynamically insert values into a database.
Here's a functional and correct example:
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (var1, var2, var3))
And applying it in your case...
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO My_TABLE VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (date_today, 'Class Name', int1, int2, int3))

